
But please...

Taken aback by Chuck's own shocked look, then coming to the realization of how wrong she had been, Susanne sucks in her breath and puts a hand over her mouth. She couldn't remember a time she'd given someone such an insult, unintentional or not.

Remaining in stunned silence as Chuck continues, Susanne can't believe he's still standing here asking her to go out. Any man with a brain would have tucked tail and run by now, after all she'd done.

A strange sound comes from her throat, almost as if she were choking. Turning her back on Chuck, she buries her face in her hands as the silent laughter causes her shoulders to shake. Drawing in her breath and attempting to compose herself, she turns back around, her face completely red all over again. Her eyes glimmer with moisture from her laughter and she shakes her head. "You, sir, are a unique individual, deserving far more than what I've given you today."

She sighs deeply and closes her eyes for a moment, speaking to herself. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Looking at Chuck once more, she takes a deep breath and finally reaches out to take his hand. It was such a warm hand... one that made her own hand seem so small, but so protected at the same time. And she couldn't help but wonder if she could see the invisible, what that touch would really look like.

Her eyes lock with his and she nods decisively. If she didn't take a few risks once in a while, what was the point? "I'll ride with you," she agrees, despite the fear behind her gaze. "On your motorcycle," she reemphasizes, biting her lip to keep from laughing again. "But please... don't tell my boss. Let's just go before someone else walks in and I have to explain this whole thing."

Alec listens to Misty's answer, perhaps not having expected there to be no malice in her tone. The whole thing seemed a little foreign to him. If he cheated on Ryan, he knew that would be it right there. But then... he would have thought the same thing about Misty, too.

Turning around and leaning back against the counter, he continues to play with the long kitchen knife, testing its sharpness with his thumb turning it in his palm. "When people are meant to be, huh?" Were he and Ryan meant to be? He wondered.

Seeing that supper was almost ready, he sets down the knife and sighs, not having retrieved what he'd wanted from that conversation. It wasn't as bothersome as he'd thought though. Not gaining the upper hand didn't seem so bad right now. He's about to say more when his stomach growls loudly. Giving Misty a sheepish grin, he shrugs. "My tastebuds might not work right but my nose does. I guess maybe I'm hungrier than I thought." He often ignored his hunger, not bothering to eat some meals that he should, but tonight, he really was hungry.

Watching Misty closely as she finishes preparing supper, he wonders if her and Carson being religious people had anything to do with the strange sense of peace in this house. It wasn't something he felt at Ryan and Eli's, and he hadn't felt it anywhere else before either. It was... calm... warm. The whole atmosphere was unlike what he'd expected.

Finally sitting down to wait just a few more minutes, he plays with a napkin, keeping his hands busy. "How come you give me a chance when Carson and Dani won't?" he finally asks. He's asked Dalton basically the same question earlier, but he wanted to see what Misty would say too.

Gage's eyes snap to Sapphire's as she rebukes his depressed statement. It was more of a look of awe that passed through his eyes this time. For how someone could love him really was beyond his understanding. He swallows as his look turns to one of apology again.

His fingers crawl over to her hand to hold it weakly, his strength not having returned yet. "I don't know if I'll ever know why you picked me," he responds softly. "The world is foreign to me. I make mistakes. The only skill I have is one that shouldn't be used. And yet... yet you won't let me go."

Though having little strength, he pulls Sapphire closer, forcing her to bed enough that his hand can reach to the back of her head and draw her face nearer his. Kissing her lips gently, his fingers run through her short hair. "I love you too," he whispers.

Reese sinks down in his chair, mirroring what his heart was doing on the inside. Putting his forehead in his free hand, all this work that needed to get done just didn't seem important anymore.

"I understand... thank you, and the prayers will keep coming."

He hated to ask, but he needed to. "If people ask... how much time do you think Hope has left? I know some might want to see her one last time, even if she can't respond." He was thinking mainly of Scott, whom he would see to it that he would make it back to the hospital if he wanted to.

Wide Eyed

Chuck's own eyes go a little wide as he gets the slap to the arm and his eyes go even wider as he hears her remark. He certainly in no way meant what she was thinking at all and he can't believe he had said it the way he did.

"No no...I...I ment...going for a ride, a real ride on my bike. Its outside and I have an extra helmet just for you."

His eyes still wide they slowly go down to normal as his mouth turns into a smile and finally a chuckle bursts free. He really couldn't believe this whole crazy thing and why he was so determined to go out with Susanne.

"So lets see, I got insalted by you, than you hide from me, and now you just slapped me for no reason all in one day. I do think thats a new record. Now I think you owe me that ride, and dinner."

Chuck can't help but throw a wink at Susanne as he holds out his hand to her and gives a little bow.

"I'll even ask you boss if its ok you leave early on an important matter if you want."


Perhaps the look on Susanne's face was pure amazement. How anyone, any man, could want her in the state she was in was beyond her.

Looking up at Chuck, she blink, feeling for a moment a strange emotion. The attentions of a man were something she didn't think she'd ever have, let alone to this extent. Was he really for real? He seemed it. Susanne would hate to think she'd misjudged his character and he really was a sleezeball or something. But when she looked into those eyes... everything just... felt... right.

Bringing her mind back around in time to hear Chuck's suggestion to pass the time, her eyebrows rise and her eyes grow big again. She didn't mean for that kind of thought to enter her mind, but what else could he mean but... but that?

She would later blame pure instinct that caused the back of her hand to reach out and whack Chuck's arm with a good hearty slap. Surely she hadn't been that wrong about him.

"Are you kidding me?" she hisses. "I should call the whole thing off right now, just for that. But I'm still willing to meet you there at seven if you can convince me you'll behave yourself and not think such nonsense."


Looking at Susanne Chuck does what he can to keep from smiling. He found this those thing funny even if Susanne didn't think so. Maybe sometime later on she could look back and think it was funny too.

Thinking for a moment before replying Chuck takes a step back and looks Susanne up and down for a moment bringing a hand to his chin in a deep thinking manor. Finally holding his hand up a little he gives a smile.

"I think you look absolutely beautiful the way you are right now, and you don't need to change a thing. After all you didn't want me to change anything, I don't want you to change anything either."

Dropping his hand to his side Chuck can't help but chuckle his own face turning a little red. He enjoyed seeing Susanne's own face turning red a little bit the color was nice. But in turn he was feeling himself a little silly too.

"Hmmm...we could go for a ride for a few hours. I think you might like that, I know I would."

Just about anything

Chuck's teasing only proves to make Susanne more flustered, and she's about ready to pray that the floor would just open up and swallow her. Focusing on the money she was retrieving, she doesn't look up right away as Chuck nears, his hand moving to rest on hers. His mere touch sent her heart racing and she just stares at their hands for a moment. Swallowing hard, she finally lifts her eyes again.

"None of my friends will be at Mom and Pop's until seven," she reasons quietly. "I am a total mess unfit for public viewing, and if I don't file this report, my boss is gonna kill me."

Still looking into those eyes that went on forever, she dares to move her hand just a little, feeling his warm palm shift on her knuckles. It was a rough palm that held strength yet it was gentle to hold compassion.

"But... but if you meet me there later..." She hesitates, wondering what on earth she was doing. Was she actually going to say yes to him? Well, he was right that she'd win, no matter the outcome of the evening. If she wasn't careful, she'd just keep right on melting right here and say yes to just about anything. She couldn't leave work now... and she really was a sight. "I need to go home and clean up," she reasons weakly. "And... and find my marbles before I embarrass myself any more." Her gaze lowers again and her stomach does a little flip. "Besides, what's there to do for two hours?"

Just One!

Watching Susanne again Chuck couldn't help the smile on his face grow even more. He thought it was kind of cute she was getting so flustered and the shades of red looks very nice on her completion.

Hearing about the dustbunnys and marbles Chuck can't help the laugh that escapes his lips. Susanne's humor even if it was dry was good. That was a good quality in a woman specially one that would ever be with him.

"You have to becarful with those marbles. I'm told they like to run away with the dustbunnys sometimes."

About to say something else Chuck stops as her eyes grow. They were so pretty it was hard to take his own eyes off them but hearing her mumble something about the chef he can't help but start to turn around to look. Not given much time and being shoved into the courner is was a natural reaction for his arms to go around Susanne slightly to hold her close to him.

Catching a whif of her hair Chuck's smile grew even more. She smelled as good as she looked. It was just another thing to add on the perfect list. As Susanne backs away though Chuck lets his arms fall from around her.

"When you said dinner, this is not what I expected. Not that I am complaining."

Seeing Susanne continue to turn read and than head back to her desk Chuck followed slowly. Hearing her ask about the CD he thinks for a long moment before reaching out and placing his hand on top of her to close the purse pushing the money back in.

"Its not to early. Its five o'clock. The cd is the cost of one meal with me. If you hate it I'll never come around you again or even talk to you. Than you get the meal, to show me off to your friends, and a cd. but if your do enjoy yourself...well...than we both got some good company and maybe could do it again sometime, you got a meal, and a cd. Either way its a win for you. "

Chuck smiles down at Susanne his eyes giving a twinkle.

"After all you did just shove me into a corner. I think one meal is owed for that."