
Just One!

Watching Susanne again Chuck couldn't help the smile on his face grow even more. He thought it was kind of cute she was getting so flustered and the shades of red looks very nice on her completion.

Hearing about the dustbunnys and marbles Chuck can't help the laugh that escapes his lips. Susanne's humor even if it was dry was good. That was a good quality in a woman specially one that would ever be with him.

"You have to becarful with those marbles. I'm told they like to run away with the dustbunnys sometimes."

About to say something else Chuck stops as her eyes grow. They were so pretty it was hard to take his own eyes off them but hearing her mumble something about the chef he can't help but start to turn around to look. Not given much time and being shoved into the courner is was a natural reaction for his arms to go around Susanne slightly to hold her close to him.

Catching a whif of her hair Chuck's smile grew even more. She smelled as good as she looked. It was just another thing to add on the perfect list. As Susanne backs away though Chuck lets his arms fall from around her.

"When you said dinner, this is not what I expected. Not that I am complaining."

Seeing Susanne continue to turn read and than head back to her desk Chuck followed slowly. Hearing her ask about the CD he thinks for a long moment before reaching out and placing his hand on top of her to close the purse pushing the money back in.

"Its not to early. Its five o'clock. The cd is the cost of one meal with me. If you hate it I'll never come around you again or even talk to you. Than you get the meal, to show me off to your friends, and a cd. but if your do enjoy yourself...well...than we both got some good company and maybe could do it again sometime, you got a meal, and a cd. Either way its a win for you. "

Chuck smiles down at Susanne his eyes giving a twinkle.

"After all you did just shove me into a corner. I think one meal is owed for that."

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