
Dark Abyss

Gunner gave Bree's hand a squeeze, unable to express how grateful he was for her understanding. His other fingers fiddled with his straw as his eyes fell once more. What could bring him closure? "I don't know," he admitted. "I thought I could convince myself that it's just all not really real but that hasn't worked. Talking with Hope keeps me from falling off the edge...but I can't seem to let it go."

His head hurt. This whole thing was always stressful to him. "I... I just... I don't know how to find closure without answers. I don't know how to let go without knowing what really happened that day." Had it been his fault? Had it been just an accident? Had it been Agency? Had it been murder? The lack of answers and evidence was what had driven him to the brink of insanity to begin with.

"I feel like...like if I let go..." His voice had grown soft. "...like I'm letting my parents down. Everyone says it was an accident... But every fiber in my being says it wasn't."

His eyes rose to meet hers. "I'm good at my job because of my instincts. I know I've crossed the line a time or two, but my gut has never truly misled me. And it's my instincts telling me that my family's car wreck wasn't just a freak accident. Whether it was on purpose or whether I caused it, I don't know but... I just... I can't stop. Even if I knew for sure it was my fault, at least that would be an answer. But...but even that route felt like a wild goose chase, even with all JT found out."

He was starting to go in circles again, and he knew it. Clamping his mouth shut, he retreated to focus on his float and shrugged. "I'm sorry. I'll try not to obsesss."

Hearing Grace's voice, Jared pried open his eyes just wide enough that he could see. His mind was foggy, but he knew where he was and what was going on, for the most part.

He shifted his head slightly and tried to bring Grace's face into focus before his eyes fell shut again. "Great," he mumbled. "Feel free to not give up. I'm just...gonna stay here and watch." Miserable didn't even begin to describe how he felt. He hurt from head to toe, and mentally he felt as if he'd fallen into a dark abyss without hope of escape. No matter how often he took a step forward, he always ended up two steps back. He never should have survived the accident to begin with. This so-called second chance was doing nothing but making him suffer more.

Keeping his eyes closed, he turned his face away from Grace. He didn't want help. He didn't want sympathy. He just wanted to fall asleep and not wake up. 

Hannah scrunched her nose and laughed. She didn't mind being teased, even if it was about her cleaning habits.

Lizzie bent down and picked up a bowl that had a little bit of popcorn left, and munched on a couple kernels. "So, you sticking around?"

Rosalyn smirked at her friend's boldness. "Of course he is."

"Good. Does that mean you two are going out, or are we making pizza? I'm starving."

"How can you be starving?" Hannah threw up her hands. "You've been snacking all day! Why can't I eat that much and look like you?"

Lizzie looked down at her skinny frame and grinned. "I got my granddaddy's metabolism. Sorry."

Rosalyn remained at Chad's side, just resting against him. She wouldn't mind a quiet evening with just him, but she didn't want to just leave her friends hanging - although she knew neither would be offended. She glanced up at Chad with a little grin. "Wanna help make pizza? Then maybe later tonight you and I can go somewhere?"

Not Ready

Sitting across from Gunner Bree played with her straw for a long moment as she listened to him. She new something had been bothing him, but she didn't want to push. She hoped when he was ready he would talk to her. She was happy now that she had waited.

   "I think we all have shadows and things we run away from. As time comes on I think it just becomes easier to know whats real, and whats not."

Reaching across the table and taking Gunners hand Bree gives a smile. She new a lot of stuff still bothered him, and she new there really wasn't much that she could do to help no matter how hard she tried. She just wanted to be there for him when ever he needed her.

   "I love you Gunner, no matter the shadows. I always will...Thank you for telling me. So what do you think will help you find closure?"

  "Jared is strong. I've seen it first hand. Try not to worry to much about him ok? That's not good for you either. I'll stay with him for a while if you want to go get some rest or something to eat."

Giving Lydia's hand a gentile pat Grace smiles before heading into the room and sitting down at his bedside. She'd seem him in the hospital before. That was how they met, but this was different. There was more involved now and she couldn't help but take extra notice to how small he looked in the bed. 

  "You've got to get through this. You were doing so well, and I'm not ready to give up on that yet."

Chad can't help but laugh at the two girls as he looks back to Rosalyn. She did seem very happy with where she was at and the friendship she had formed. He was happy to see that, and happy to see that spark in her eye again. Her smile was amazing and he always wanted to see that.

   "I'm happy you found some good friends, and a good place to be. I can already tell how much fun all three of you together are."

Looking at Hannah Chad smiles and threw her a little wink.

   "Dust Bunny's and all."