
Ready to wander

Having just arrived to work, Rick picks up the phone in the infirmary. Hearing Katie's voice and what was happening, he wastes no time. It could be nothing, but when it came to Jason and Katie both, he was always ready.

"I'll be right there, Katie. Just hang tight."

Ending the call, Rick turns right around again and goes back out of the building, carrying with him his bag that had in it more than what would be needed for the average person.

It doesn't take him long to get to the safe house and once there and entering, he finds Jason still on the couch, lethargic and barely awake. Rick rolls up his sleeves and nods to Katie. "I'm glad you called."

Kneeling beside the couch, he takes a pen light and shines it in Jason's eyes, first giving him a routine once-over. "Hey, Hotshot... what happened, buddy?"

Jason blinks slowly, not resisting Rick's poking and prodding. "Flashback," he mumbles. "Nothing new, just... flashback."


"Um..." Jason has a hard time remembering. "Last... last night."

"And you're still feeling bad?"

"Not... not the same just... um... tired."

"Mm-hmm..." Rick continues to check him over. "Still in a flashback?"

"No." Jason shakes his head. "Katie helped."

Rick nods slowly. After a short while, he gets up and motions for Katie to join him in the kitchen while Jason continued to rest. Rick sighs and leans back against one of the counters. "He's just completely worn out. I think he's dehydrated and his sugar's low, so I'll leave that to you - get some water in him and have him eat something - some fruit would be good. He probably won't feel like eating, but make him do it anyway."

Thinking for a moment, there was something else that was behind his gaze... something he wasn't saying. "That's all for now. I'd just leave him here for now... look after him until he's up and going again. Maybe Destiny can help too... she should probably just think he's sick though - anything else might be a bit much for her right now." He nods, still avoiding whatever it was he'd been thinking. "Call me if anything changes."

Quinn can't help laughing along with Anastasia, then smiling as he hears her singing along. Unable to help it, he joins right in, not caring if they were being incredibly silly or not. What could be better than singing along with Elvis?

The ride to the lake seemed to take no time at all and the CD was only half over. But it didn't matter... once they're parked in the lot, Quinn can just make out the lake by the light of the moon and it seemed to be quite the peaceful spot. It wasn't the biggest lake he'd seen, but it wasn't small either, and it looked like it had a pier and even a little beach.

Getting out and breathing in the night air, he sets his hands on his hips and scans the area. "Alright, you take the lead. My legs are ready to wander."

One for the money, Two for the show...

It had been a rough night and sleep did not come easy but Katie had gotten at least a little bit to funtion as normal as one could get though she still felt like a ton of bricks hit her. Getting up though and letting Jason's words register Katie was a little nervous herself but she gives a nod.

"Alright, I will call him."

Sliding off the couch Katie wonders to the kitchen for a moment and pulls out her phone dialing Rick's number. Waiting and than hearing his voice Katie looks out the back window quick making sure everything was ok still.

"Hey Rick its Kate. Can you come out to the safe house? Jason had an episode last night and this morning he's ok, but he is really out of it and tired. I'd really appreciate it if you would."

Once Quinn was in the car with her Anastaisa starts out to make the drive to the late. It would be a long one but she didn't mind. She loved driving, she loved the night time and being with Quinn brought a comfort never felt before.

Not saying much on the drive the quiet was welcomed like it had before. It was not akward or straining it was peaceful, and nice. Hearing Quinn's comment though and seeing him put a CD in out of the corner of her eye Anastaisa waits till she hears the music and a loud laugh comes from her lips that lasts a few moments. Looking at Quinn for a moment she lowers her head a little.

"Thank you...thank you very much."

Shaking her head and laughing again she found it so funny and at the same time gave that guy tonight props for at least trying. Not being able to help it Anastaisa tumps her fingers on the staring wheel with the rhythm of the music. Her voice coming out strong, and sounding halfway good. Not amazing, but good not bad either.

"Well, it's one for the money, Two for the show, Three to get ready, Now go, cat, go. But don't you step on my blue suede shoes. You can do anything but lay off of my Blue suede shoes."

Rock 'n roll

Grinning, Quinn shakes his head and follows Anastasia out into the night air. Though he walks to his own car, he makes sure he sees which car is hers. Getting into the passenger side of his car, he rummages around until he finds what he's looking for, then locks up and joins Anastasia in her car.

"Okay." He grabs his seatbelt. "Ready to roll." He didn't even know why he was enjoying this so much. He didn't know Anastasia at all, but he'd already spent almost the entire evening with her and it wasn't over yet. What was he thinking? It just didn't feel strange.

Looking out the window as the sights go by, Quinn comments on a few things he noticed, or asked what was what. Once they're on the open road though, the stars and moon become visible and the drive was even more enjoyable.

He finally takes out his CD and slips it into the player without showing the case. Turning up the volume, he grins. "Sorry but... after hearing that guy earlier... I can't get it out of my head. I need the real thing."

No sooner had he spoken, but the old rock 'n roll music starts along with Elvis' voice.

Having Katie slide down and hold him on the couch, Jason tries to relax, but it was difficult. He'd been through this before and he always recovered. But it was always tiring... always exhausting. He'd been through worse... barely making it back to the living again, but usually that was when Katie wasn't available. He felt different this time... for some reason... but it wasn't worth bringing up now.

Sniffing, his tears slow and he nuzzles into Katie, managing to pull out some love through all the other negative emotions. She deserved a medal for her stamina and he made sure she could feel that emotion.

His fingers lock with hers and his eyes close, just wanting morning to come. And it would... but it would be after two bouts with severe nightmares, getting sick several times in the night, and then finally managing to be back on the couch with Katie when the sun rose...

The lights spills in through the living room window, spreading a warm glow over the couch. It was the first morning since Jason had been here that the scent of breakfast wasn't wafting through the air. Instead, he was still lying on the couch, even more exhausted than the evening before.

Stirring as the room is lit, Jason tries to think through the thick fog in his mind, but it takes him several minutes to recall everything. Apparently he'd finally gotten an hour or two of sleep, but it felt like he'd been awake for a month.

Trying to turn around, it seemed every muscle in his body hurt. His hand slips from Katie's and he squints in the light, his head throbbing. Something just didn't feel right. He'd never felt quite like this before after a "normal" bad spell. It was only after some freak evolving or incident that he'd felt so exhausted. He couldn't help it that worry was one of the first emotions to slip through.

Shifting around so he's facing Katie, he kisses her forehead to wake her. "Katie?" It hurt even to talk. "Call Rick... have him come... okay?" He swallows and licks his dry lips. "And just tell... tell Destiny I'm sick is all... okay?" His eyes fall shut again, his body feeling like a dead weight.

Moon Light

Leaning back on the couch Katie lets the emotions come to her as she soaks up Jason's emotions, his pain, and his energy. It had been a long time she needed to do this but for Jason she always would no matter what.

Once the emotions start to slow Katie looks down at Jason a smile forming on her face no matter how tired she felt now. Continuing to run her hand through Jason's hair Katie gives a nod.

"I won't leave. I'll stay till tomorrow."

Shifting a little on the couch Katie slids down so she was laying down behind Jason. Daping her arm over Jason and tucking it over the other side on him Katie holds him close. Giving his neck a little kiss.

"I'm here with you."

Standing up and leaving a tip on the table Anastaisa smiles and gives a nod. She was happy to spend a little more time with Quinn. He'd be leaving soon and so the new friend she had made would be gone so why not get all the time she could. It was nice being with Quinn and chatting.

"Oh yeah you can grab anything you want...thats in you car that is. I'll meet you at the car when your ready."

Anastaisa didn't know why she trusted Quinn when she has just met him but there was something about him. Her Uncle would probably pitch a fit if he found out saying she put to much trust in people, but Anastaisa just felt like it was safe around him.

"Day lights burning...well Moon light that is."

Anastaisa gives a chuckle as she gets into her car and starts it up waiting for Quinn.


The corner of Quinn's mouth twitches as he sees the glint in Anastasia's eye again. "You'd take me in your car... and drive all the way to the lake?" He'd seen roadsigns - he knew it was at least a half hour drive. Anastasia was willing to take him alone in her car all the way out there and back again? "I don't know..." He cocks his head. "I might want to check your trunk for dead bodies first."

Why he wanted to say yes, he wasn't sure. I could be a creep and she was trusting him, but what about her? She could be someone he should be careful with too. But... for some reason he didn't think so. There was something different about her... the peace he'd felt wasn't his imagination. He was good at first impressions and he'd had more than that, spending almost the entire evening with her. And besides, he still didn't want to go back to the hotel.

Why not? He really couldn't think of a reason.

"Okay." Sliding from the booth, Quinn stands up and tosses his paper cup into the trash can. "As long as I can grab a CD from my car."

Even though Jason was so far away, somewhere he knew that Katie was close. With his head in his lap, he shakes, his muscles cramping and aching but he couldn't relax.

"Katie..." he mumbles, forcing the words out. "Katie..."

The images flash through his mind of Alex... the room... the torment. The emotions were the same as when he was that lost little boy, taken and beaten and starved. Everything was frightening. He was so alone. He hurt all over. He just wanted his mom again. Was she even out there? Was everything a dream? Was anyone looking for him? The grimy window was his only light... only hope... for for a little boy, the hope was dwindling. For a little boy, he wished for death, rather than the horror of hearing the lock turn in the door. Rather than trying to find scraps in the kitchen to eat and hearing Alex come home. Rather than being dragged and slapped and bashed and thrown into the room again.

Jason's heart races as he shakes, the sweat still pouring down. His fingers find her hand and their scars meet, the emotions surging from him to her along with all the pain and suffering he was experiencing all over again. It felt like a deep pit he could never escape. But Katie's voice and her gentle hand running through his hair was his lifeline.

To Jason, it felt like a lifetime had passed. In reality, it had been a full half hour. But finally his body begins to relax, his eyes slowly opening. The vice grip on Katie's hand is gradually released. Soaked with sweat and trembling, Jason was totally spent, but reality slowly, slowly comes back to him. He was in the safe house... where Destiny was... and Katie was here too...

"Katie?" His voice was raspy and whispered. His head was still in her lap and he remembers now that he'd called her to come... and she had. For him. Again.

Still shaking, tears sting his eyes and he buries his head further into her lap, a new emotion rising within him and one that made him weak and vulnerable, like the child he'd just relived. He hated it... hated it with a passion.

His fingers find hers again, but this time not out of desperation, but out of sorrow and a need for comfort. His energy was completely spent and his body weak. Drawing in a ragged breath, he tries to stop the tears that he wasn't even sure how they started. "Don't go," he begs quietly.

It's ok!

Giving a small chuckle again Quinn Anastasia thinks for a moment about a few nice places to go for a walk. There always was along the peer and at this time of night it always looked the best. The path was lite, the far that was across the way was lit up, and the quiet water that sung along with the cry of the night birds was so peaceful. Just thinking about it made Anastasia enter that state.

"If you only new how little sleep I got each night I think you'd be shocked. I'm a night owl by nature. My Uncle use to be in a band and I'd stay up all hours of the night in my room to just listen to them. I've grown up to be a night owl and just never kicked the habit."

Taking the last sip of her coffee and putting the cup down a mysterious twinkle forms in her eye. A grin starting to curl on her lips.

"If you don't mind having more company I do know I great place by the lake. I'll even drive and I promise I wont axe you up."

Getting out of her car Katie can feel Jason's emotions build anymore and soon she was hit with the mountain of emotions. Giving a muffled gasp Katie hurry's a little faster to the door and opens it before closing it again quietly behind her.

Not sure where Jason might be the rattling from the livingroom tells her all she needs to go and Katie hurry to the couch. Sliding onto it and laying a hand on Jason's arm. Touching him she can feel the emotions start to flow to her more stronger.

"I'm here J, your ok. Your safe J."

Shifting a little Katie leans back and slowly lifts Jason up to rest his head in her lap. Running her hand through his hair a soft hum comes from her lips keeping her own self calm from the pain as well.

Your ok J...I'm here and I'm not gonna leave ya.

Worst nightmare

Jason struggles to remain alert as his body begins to fight what was happening inside of him. It had been a long time, but he'd known it would come again eventually.

Feeling Katie start to draw out some of his emotions, he lets her, though it's like trying to hold back a raging river with just his hands. He had to wait... had to hang on... a little longer....

Sensing her nearing, his heart begins to race. He knew she was here, though his mind had already begun to swim in a dark haze. She was asking him something... something... he needed to reply...

Yeah... unlocked... just come...

Feeling Katie coming even closer, Jason's body curls into a tight ball, his arms wrapped around himself and his fists clenched tightly. His scarred palm begins to burn as the emotions continue their attack.

Unsure if Katie was inside yet or not, it didn't matter - Jason couldn't hold it any longer. His body begins to shake and his eyes roll back in his head, sweat pouring down his face and neck and soaking his t-shirt. And in an instant, he's back in the forbidden corners of his mind... back in the darkest crevices... back in that room that held a nightmare that would haunt him forever... that would forever feed the emotions that bound him.

Shooting pain surges through his body like an electrical shock and the images fly through his mind, one after the other, each tagged with such strong emotions that the coffee table begins to rattle. But Jason didn't know it. All he knew was that he was a child again being dragged across the floor, the carpet burning his skin as he's tossed into that room once more. And those were the emotions and images that were hurled in Katie's direction without control, forcing her to relive his worst nightmare right along with him.

Quinn laughs and nods in agreement. "I may sing in bars but I don't really care for hanging out in them. Too many idiots. I just sing, grab my pay and go."

Swallowing a swig of coffee, he realizes he's reached the bottom again and he sighs. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he also sees it's getting late. But he was far from tired - because of his occupied mind and now because of all the caffeine he'd just had.

"Well, Princess... I would feel quite unchivalrous if I kept you out any longer. Though my legs are asking me to take them for a walk. If you recommend a good spot to stretch them out, I shall leave thee in peace."


Getting ready for bed after checking the doors, and giving Thirteen a call so see if she should leave a light on Katie made her way to her bedroom. It was a quiet night but she has accomplished much around the house.

As Jason's message breaks through to her though Katie stops sinking down on her bed. She new he had been having a rough day. He'd sheared that with her already though he though he could controle it on his own this time so she let him be fore now. But not hearing he needed her Katie wasted little time.

I'll be on my way J, just hold on ok.

Getting up off her bed again Katie could feel there was little time to wast. So not even bothering to change out of her PJs she just throws on an oversize hoodie, some socks and her shoes. Taking her keys and leaving the house she locks the door behind her.

Keep breathing J..I'm no my way. Let some of your feelings out slowly and I should be ok while driving as long as they are slow and steady.

Pulling out of the driveway Katie pulls on some of Jason's emotions. Slowly, softly she pulls on the emotions and bring them to her. Knowing it would take much more to calm Jason down but at least this little bit would prevent what would happen till she got there.

Almost there sweety, if the security off already and the door unlocked for me so I don't wake Destiny?

Anastasia's smile grows every more hearing Quinn said thank you. He didn't need to thank her but it still made her feel good she could of helped and he had appreciated it. It felt good someone liked what she had to say.

"I was happy to help Quinn. It is nice to have someone who shares the same faith and wont get angry for slapping them in the face with it."

Taking another sip of her coffee Anastasia's eye keep looking into Quinn's her own twinkling still. It felt so nice to see the God working here today and she couldn't help a little of her own excitement in knowing how this would turn out.

"I'm happy God deiced you needed to listen one way or the other. I've enjoyed meeting you and sharing in our drinks today."

Giving a chuckle about working in a bar Anastasia couldn't help but think how funny that statement really was. Why maybe it was only her that would never know but it just hit the right spot.

"No, I never tended a bar though I might have a good ear to simply listen I never was a big fan or the bar scene. Now have me tend a coffee bar and I'd be in heaven...or pretty darn close."


Quinn sits back as he continues to listen, recognizing the peace and understanding with which Anastasia spoke. It had been a long time since he'd had such a conversation with anyone. It was more than surface - more than just gab and words off the top of someone's head. He was finally talking to someone on the same plane as he, who understood the correct belief system and ways in which a Christian should think and act. Refreshing as it was though, it didn't take away the sting.

"Ouch." Quinn half-smiles, but her words really were painful. They were reminding him not to judge. And even if necessary and gentle, it was still like a short kick upside the head.

Shifting to the side, he scoots back to lean against the wall and put both feet up on the booth. His one hand still wraps around his coffee cup as his eyes roam the coffee shop again. Oops, there were five paintings, not four. For a moment, he remembers when he and Axel used to see who could remember the most in twenty seconds. They usually had a tie.

"So... whether or not there's another side to the story... judgment doesn't belong to me, does it..."

He sighs and takes another sip of coffee. It wasn't as if that was a new concept. He'd known it all along. But sometimes it just took an extra reminder from someone different to actually have it sink in.

Words come without him thinking through them first. "Maybe finding out he's innocent is what's really the most scary. Then I'd feel the fool for having turned my back on him and then realizing that I was the guilty one."

Turning to look at Anastasia, it was apparent that whether he realized it or not, he himself was afraid of receiving that same rejection from his brother that he had dished out seven years ago.

His insides churned slightly and a chill runs down his spine. He looks back to the abstract painting on the far wall and sips his coffee again. There was a voice within him that he'd been trying to ignore all day, but it was only becoming louder. And he knew in his heart of hearts why he was here now.

Glancing down, then back to Anastasia, he studies her eyes for several quiet moments before he speaks again. "Every fiber of my being is telling me that Axel is the reason I stopped in town today. But God knew I wouldn't listen to a whisper so he had me forget where the hotel was so I'd end up at the Disco O Round." It was obvious now.

A wry grin comes to his mouth and he shakes his head, lifting his coffee cup. "To the Mastermind who's had me again, and to those who are willing to speak for him when a heart hasn't been listening... Thanks, Anastasia."

Taking another swig, his eyes regain their sparkle. "You ever tend bar or anything?" he teases. She'd been a good listener, that was for sure.

Katie... Babe, I need you...

Jason lies curled up at one end of the couch, emotions churning. The living room was dark, the house quiet - it was late. He knew Katie was probably trying to go to bed, but he also knew that she would be more upset if he didn't call on her.

Ever since earlier in the day, Jason had been struggling to keep a lid on his emotions. It all reverted back to his brief remembrance of Alex and his abduction. He wouldn't have changed what he said to Destiny... he wouldn't have done anything differently because what he had said had been true, and that was the one thing that had helped them connect this morning. Unfortunately, his emotions had latched on as soon as he'd opened that door only half an inch.

He'd tried to keep control over everything going on inside of him, and he'd been successful almost all day. He and Destiny had had an enjoyable time at the mall without incident, and he'd even seen her laugh once, even if it had been brief. The rest of the day had been quiet, and supper had been spent in front of the television until both had parted ways for the night. It was only afterward that Jason had begun to really struggle.

All day, he'd kept enough control not to alert Katie, other than telling her he was a bit agitated was all. When he'd thrown up his supper though, he'd had to tell her that he was struggling, but he'd assured her he would be fine - it was just a little flareup.

An hour later and it had only grown worse. Jason had tried to keep his emotions quiet enough not to disturb Katie, but it had only made things worse, and now he knew that he needed her here or things would turn into a mess. He didn't want to scare Destiny - that was his main concern. His second concern was Katie and the pain she would experience along with him. And his third concern was about himself. It had been a long time since he'd had an episode, but like Rick had told him just recently, no matter how often Jason let off steam, there would always be some amount of buildup that would eventually be set off and erupt - most likely he would deal with periodic flareups and flashbacks for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, today Jason had provided the conduit himself by purposely bringing up the past.

A bead of sweat trickles down the side of Jason's face and his hands tremble. Widening the flow just a little bit, he allows Katie to now feels a small portion of what he was going through so she would understand, but he couldn't open everything up now - she needed to get here first, and he needed to maintain control until she did, lest she have an accident on the way from the trauma.

It's my memories... Alex... it's been trying to come back all day. I thought I could get it to dissolve but it hasn't worked. My emotions are going haywire and I can't stop them.

He needed Katie near... needed her touch so he didn't cause damage around him. He could feel the first wave coming.

I'm slipping, Katie...

He fought the flashback with all his might. He couldn't slip before she got here... he couldn't. His emotions became desperate - a silent whimper for help.


Still get hung up

Listing to Quinn again Anastasia gives a nod that she was listing. She did understand what he was saying about the proof the courts it was hard to no believe something was true when all that was brought into play.

"No...proof doesn't lie, but the sinister people who want to rune someone else do lie. Its just food for through really. "

Taking another sip of her drink Anastasia's eyes search Quinn's face again. Just studying his expression, his eyes, how he talked she took in everything and just enjoyed listing to him again till he was done.

"I new God wanted me to forgive my mom and not judge her any longer for what she had done because that was not my job to do. It was hard, but with God's help and continued help I was able to let go and enjoy the time I now had. I still get caught up on it sometimes but thats part of growing. With God's help we can move past anything as long as we totally give it to him."

Giving a smile Anastasia was enjoying this conversation. It was deep and meaningful but it was nice. Talking with Quinn was like talking with a best friend you had known for years. Anything could be said and no hard feelings held.


Anastasia's words again hit a little too close to home for Quinn. They made him wonder if he'd been right... made him wonder if maybe he'd been wrong... made him wonder if maybe he'd burned a bridge that shouldn't have been burned. Axel had never tried to convince anyone that the girl had consented to anything - it seemed if that was the truth, he would have tried to use that in court. Right? At the time, Quinn would have sworn his brother would never go that far with a girl anyway - he knew better. Then to believe that same brother had raped a girl... why had Quinn believed it anyway?

Shaking out the cobwebs, he accepts refill on his coffee, glad that for now his time with Anastasia hadn't ended. Her starting statement makes him chuckle, though he could see that she had a different story under the surface too, and he listens intently.

Watching her as she speaks, Quinn keeps a close eye on her eyes, the way she moved and the tone of her voice. It still hurt her somewhere, but she was strong... she was moving past the hurt she'd had, and she was now seeing with more mature eyes... eyes that could see that there were two sides to the story, not just one. Two sides... two sides...

Quinn's gaze drifts down for a moment before bouncing back up again. "That's a tough break... I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Sounds like you got quite an uncle though." And she'd also kept her faith - that in itself was commendable.

But what about the two sides? She'd wrongly held anger against her mother all those years. Had Quinn been in the wrong too? But how could he have been? The courts had proof. Axel was guilty. "DNA doesn't lie..."

Quinn realizes he'd just thought aloud and he shakes his head. "I don't know how I could have been wrong about my brother... How can there be a second side to the story when the side I see has blatant proof? I'll admit... I didn't think Axel would do anything like that but... when there's proof..." He sighs. "I know what you're saying about you and your mom... but there was a whole lot of gray area there - details of why and how and when. But with my brother... I just don't see how there can be more, ya know?"

Taking a new swig of coffee, it's almost too hot, and he cringes a little but he swallows it down. "I'm all about forgiveness and all... I mean, one sin isn't greater than the next but... something like that, it's just... not easy to forget. Someone like that just can't ever be trusted again. I guess that's why part of me doesn't want to see Axel. I don't want to have to decide all over again whether I believe him or not. I made up my mind seven years ago... I don't want that war again."

Reaching over, he takes a packet of sugar to play with, though he doesn't add it to his coffee. "Even though you found out the reasons your mom left you... she still had left. So how did you reconcile that in your mind? How did you get over it? Whether my brother's guilty or not, I just... I don't know how to move past it."

Why on earth he was having this conversation and had taken it this far, Quinn didn't know. But all of a sudden it felt very easy talking to Anastasia. It was like there was no barrier between them. There was nothing to fear and the words just tumbled from his mouth as if he were talking to someone he'd known all his life. Maybe it didn't matter why.

My Story

"But what if he was framed? Or something else happened but he had consent and yet the girl said it was rap anyways? Sometimes it takes looking past fact to see deeper...do you, did you see your brother as that type of person? If the answer is no you didn't than your only betraying yourself."

Thinking again for a long moment and taking a sip of her drink Anastasia lets the liquid slide down her throat and warm her inside. Even when it was hot outside she liked it.

Trying to choose her words wisely she didn't want Quinn to think she was telling him he was wrong, or what he thought was not right only that she was seeing both sides.

"Burying things and forgetting never solved anything. Some how, some way it always come back to smack us in the face. I do hope things will turn out ok for you, God's hand will be with you, and your brother every step of the way. Just...remember to let him be the leader."

Giving a warm smile and linking eyes with Quinn it was nice to hear he did in fact believe in God too. To have someone who shared her faith it felt nice and to talk about it freely with the other person having them understand was like a breath of fresh air.

Looking down at her own cup after Quinn's comment another smile spreads on her face. It was her time to talk now huh? Well why not Quinn had shared his soul now she could do the same, they story's were much different but the feelings were still the same.

Glancing up and seeing the waitress wondering around around she waves her over giving a sweet smile and point to both glasses.

"Fill em up please, and keep it coming its a good night tonight."

Once the waitress had filled there glasses and was gone again Anastasia takes a sip of the drink before setting the glass down and looking into it for a moment remember about her past for a moment before looking up at Quinn again.

"A long time ago in a land far far away...."

Anastasia stops for a moment and gives a grin. Maybe it still hurt thinking about the past only a little, but joking around about it helps a little.

"Ok now for the real thing. When I was about three my mother abandoned me with my Uncle who runs the shop I work in. My Uncle never hid the fact that my mom left and he was always opened about it but he'd never tell me why she did."

Looking down at her cup for a moment Anastasia runs her finger along the tip of the cup for a moment collecting her thoughts before looking up again. She was confidant, and ok talking about it but her eyes still glittered though somewhere behind them there was still a tiny little ping even if she did understand now.

" I was angry at my mom for a long time for leaving my like that and never coming around. My Uncle Chuck would always tell me that I needed to stop being angry because sometimes there is more to something than just the outside situation."

Anastasia could hear her Uncles words still so clean in her head. The words would follow her always reminding her to let her anger go and never hold on to it. They also helped her see past the outside of someone and into there soul.

"Soon my mom came back around and she wanted to start getting to know me. I didn't know if I wanted to see her because I was so angry but finally I did. At first I was very leery but than my mom told me why she left me. She had been jobless for a long time after I had been born and she couldn't care for me properly. So my Uncle Chuck said he would take me and raise me because he could care for me better."

Looking up at Quinn again Anastasia's eyes held a lot of emotion in them but no anger anymore. Things still hurt, they always would. Some of her own chooses had hurt, but its how she had learned.

"For the longest time I was angry and hated my mother for love me so much she didn't want me to suffer for her mistakes. Yeah some things on her part could of been different, like coming to see me even a little, but in the end I felt pretty crappy for being angry all this time for something that wasn't even true. Live and learn so they say. So I guess in a way I understand how you feel more than someone else might. Very different, but very much the same."