
Half Hour

Katie shakes her head and doesn't turn around. She new she was being cold, she new she was pushing people away and she new she was being rude to people who really didn't deserve it. Even if Hunter had been taken into custody for being a royal pain he didn't deserve the attitude she was giving him but yet it seemed so hard to just shut it off when she was feeling so low. Maybe taking her own confusion out on someone.

   "I'll let him know that you don't have the information we are looking for. More than likely you will be released in a half hour or so."

Continuing tword the door Katie lets out a long sigh opening it and partly turning to look over her shoulder at Hunter again. Just eyeing him for a long moment. There was something in his eye that maybe Katie new, something maybe she understood. There was bitterness for a situation that couldn't be changed, and a yearning for find where one fit in now. 

   "You were right by the way I'm Katie. It was nice meeting you considering the circumstances. If I am right in assuming your Hunter Kyle talked a lot about you."

 Hearing Eric said she had done a good job raising Ashlee make Stacy feel very good. She had never had anyone say that to her before and though she could tell by the way her daughter acted it was just nice to hear someone else say it. Maybe a confirmation but it was a good one.

   "Thank you, that really does mean a lot hearing you say that."

Shifting a little Stacy leans back on her arms stretching her legs out in front of her to just keep looking up at the heavens and think about Eric's comment about the opportunity passing him by. Maybe it had, maybe it hadn't but if God had it in the cards than it would.

   "So, do we get to see the sun rise again today?"

Great Job

Hunter rolls his eyes and sighs, seeing that he was getting nowhere with his flirting. She said some other time, but what she really meant was for him to bug off for good. He knew the type. And yet... as he stares back at her, there's an odd sort of spark in her eye. She seemed rather cold on the outside - almost depressed somehow. But there was definitely something else in her eye that caught his attention. And it only served to make him a bit curious in the least. But she'd shut him off for now, and that was that.

Still eating, his eyes follow her as he stands, and he throws up a hand in irritation, talking with his mouth partially full. "I do too know what happened! I just told you! Oy!"

He shakes his head. "Thick-headed...." He stops there, figuring it was best. "Thanks for getting my bike back though. At least I've got some way to get home if I'm ever released - although maybe your boss wants to ask me about some other things, of which I apparently know nothing."

Eric finally looks up, only to find that Stacy was trying to catch his eye again. He lets her, only because he knew she couldn't see how red his face was.

He believed what she said about God, and a new smile emerges. Seeing her faith was... refreshing. They could have been sent any number of people to be the security around here. But it had wound up not only being the mother of a daughter who needed a place like this, but a godly woman who could relate to everyone else here who had strong faith.

Stacy's final comment only proves to bring back the heat in Eric's face, and his eyebrows automatically rise. That was coming from her... not Ashlee. Did Stacy...really respect him that much?

He clears his throat and tries to laugh it off. "Well, thanks, but I think my opportunities have all passed me up as far as that goes."

Getting stiff from where he'd been sitting, he stretches his arms, wincing as his shoulders cramp. He'd lifted a bit too much today, apparently. Sliding his feet out, he rolls onto his stomach, using his folded arms as a rest for his chin. He couldn't see the stars this way, but it felt better on his sore shoulders and he sighs deeply.

"For the record..." His voice was a little quieter and just a little muffled as he spoke against his arm. "I think you've done a great job with Ashlee. She's a fine young woman."


Hearing Hunter's comment about the explosion Katie searches his face for a long moment. His answer seemed truthful and it did seem like there wasn't anything more to his answer. Writing a few more things down Katie finally looks up at Hunter and his comment. Even though he wasn't tipsy anymore he was still pretty smooth.

   "I arrested you for being drunk and disorderly, along with damaging property and assaulting someone. The rest of these questions happen to be right place right time for us. So, you can sit and answer my questions now and leave the flirting for...some other time. Right now I am trying to work."

Looking back down at the folder again though her though she brushed off Hunters comments she could feel her cheeks get a little red. He wasn't drunk anymore and he still wanted to have lunch with her. Closing the case book and standing Kaite just stands there for a moment before looking at Hunter again.

   "It would seem you really don't know anything about what happened at the race. I'll let Reese know and see when you can get out of here. Your bike also...was unharmed I had someone go get it from the parking lot last night and bring it here."

Eric's comment about always wanting a daughter makes Stacy's smile grow. Maybe thats why he was so good with Ash and like she had said it was something she needed and Stacy was thankful it was being offered to her. Seeing Eric was a little embarrassed Stacy tilts her  head a little bit to try and catch his eye.

   "You don't need to be embarrassed, I understood what you meant. I always believe God has a reason for everything and I think this was just one of the many he had planned in our life and I am ever so thankful that Ash is getting what she needs before its to late."

Stacy really did believe that and was very thankful for the way God had planned everything out in her and her daughters life. It wasn't perfect in her own eyes but in God's eyes he new what he was doing and she had a great faith in that.

   "I think you'd make a great father!"


Eric hadn't expected the subject to turn to Ashley, but he was glad to know that Stacy still approved of him giving her daughter riding lessons. He really was looking forward to the girl's birthday so he could finally tell her. He'd noticed how Ashley had really become attached to the horse and he knew she had to be itching to learn how to ride.

He's about to comment, but stops as Stacy continues. And as she finishes about Ash respecting him, he suddenly finds his face turning just a bit hotter - and he's glad it's dark up here. Why he felt embarrassed, he wasn't sure. Maybe it was because he hadn't realized until now just what kind of role he'd begun to take on in Ashley's eyes. Or Stacy's, for that matter. She... apparently approved, though, of Eric being a male figure in her daughter's life. He thinks for a moment of the other men at the ranch, and it takes only a second or two to realize that Ashley didn't hang out with any of them. Not even Jeff - though his efforts had been obvious. Was Eric... really that important?

Realizing he hadn't said anything, his surprise and awkwardness suddenly surfaces as a light chuckle and he shakes his head sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I..." He looks at the floor, his fingers shredding a piece of hay. "You're welcome. I guess I just didn't, um..." His eyes weave their way back up to Stacy, though his body language made it obvious he felt undeserving of the thanks and, really, the compliment. "I didn't think what I was doing was that important I guess. I mean I understand, I just..."

He bites his lip. "...Maybe I always wanted a daughter."

As soon as he'd said it, his cheeks become ten times hotter. Finding the piece of hay in his hand very interesting, he stares at it intently, morbidly embarrassed. It wasn't that he was being dishonest about how he felt about Ashlee, but his words had implied much more than he'd intended about not only the relationship with the girl, but Stacy as well. All he could hope now was that he hadn't just offended Stacy with his comment.

"I... I'm sorry that... that didn't... come out right."

"What?" Hunter's confusion grows. He takes another bite of his sandwich, using it to give him time to gather his thoughts.

"Accident? There are accidents all the time, but if you're referring to that explosion, it was some dumb guy trying to hype up his engine and he didn't know what he was doing." He shrugs. "I was there. Right after a race."

He shakes his head, frustrated. "Look, is that why I'm here? Or are you guys just taking advantage of the opportunity that I was picked up last night?"

Finishing the first half of his sandwich, he smirks a little at Katie. "It wouldn't have been that hard to find me, and I would have been more than willing to answer any questions. I still am. But if that's what this is all about, for heaven's sake, release me from my original arrest charge, I'll pay my fine, and then you can ask me all the questions you want in a more comfortable room. Or lunch. Whichever is more fun for you."


Giving a nod of her head at least Katie new Hunter wasn't tipsy anymore. That was a good thing, means he would hopefully answer the questions honestly, and this could be done with quickly.

   "I guess you have a point she does race against you."

Looking down at her papers again Katie gives a small sigh and she jots a few things down. Her mind seemed to be slightly else where even though she was doing something different. She just couldn't help it. She hadn't hear from Jason today, and he was late coming into work. In a way it made her worried..but why hadn't she tried calling him.

   "Where you there the night of the accident with the one driver? Heard it was pretty bad. Some people day there was more behind it than a simple fluke. Do you have any thoughts on it?"

Listing to Eric Stacy leans her head back against and gives a nod as he talked. She liked listing to him no matter  how long or story the store was. His voice just had a nice tone to it. Continuing to listen a bit of sadness flowed over Stacy. She could tell just about how he talked that he had really enjoyed it.

   "I'm sorry that happened to you. I couldn't imagine something like that happening."

Looking up at the sky and just letting out a content sigh Stacy is silent again just letting it wash over them. It was a nice feeling not having to fish for something to say. Just sitting there in silence letting the breeze blow quietly over them.

   "I know though now, thats why I would feel the safest with you teaching Ash how to ride. I don't think you would ever let anything happen to her. Accidents happen yes but I know you would do what you could to keep her safe."

Turning her gaze back to Eric and giving a smile.

   "Thank you for being there for Ash. She's never had a father or a male figure in her life and I know thats important for a young woman. I know your not her dad, but she really respects you and I just...I thank you for that."


Hunter's back is turned when Katie enters the holding cell and he whirls around, a little surprised it was her and not somebody else. "Uh...morning."

Eying the sandwich and water, his stomach growls again. He wouldn't refuse food. At least it would satisfy his appetite and help his mouth taste better too. Wandering to the extra chair, he rolls his eyes at her comment about complying. Did she think he was some thug who would only talk while under Chinese torture? He swivels the chair around and straddles it backwards, going for the sandwich first. "Thanks for not wanting me to starve. I really didn't want to die that way."

Unwrapping the food, he prepares for questions about last night - who his friends were, what they'd been up to, and if they'd done the same things at other places. As he takes a bite of sandwich though, Katie's question catches him off guard. His eyebrow quirks and he chews slowly, just staring across at her for several long moments.

"Ryan McKade, huh?" He'd been arrested by the Elite instead of the city cops. He'd been held much longer than expected. Now he was being questioned about something that had absolutely nothing to do with the night before. Was there something he didn't know?

Swallowing his bite, he nods. Picking out a little piece of ham that was ready to fall from the sandwich, he nibbles on it then looks at Katie again. His suspicions were rising, but his curiosity kept him from being belligerent. "Well, I would probably say I race against her." He flashes her a wry grin, his eyes no longer glazed over as they'd been the night before.

Unscrewing the cap on the bottle of water, he takes a long swig. "Quite honestly though... I have absolutely no idea why you're asking me about her. As far as I know, I was arrested for disturbing the peace last night. A few spots are foggy, but I don't remember Ryan being in the mix. What am I missing here?"

Eric chuckles at Stacy's comment about going fast. She was never going to let him live that down... not that he minded. It was rather funny now.

Her question slowly turns his smile into more of a pensive expression as his mind relives the past. "Hmm..." He sighs deeply, letting his eyes wander to the dark hayloft ceiling. "It was an accident during a race - my horse stumbled. Nobody ever figured out exactly what happened but my mount broke her leg and had to be put down. Me... I remember seeing the track, and it was like I was flying in slow motion towards the dirt."

He hadn't thought about this in quite a while, and only now realized that it was a little harder to talk about it than he would have guessed. His eyes remain on the rafters. "The only thing I remember after that is waking up in the hospital. I had a broken leg, fractured arm and neck... mostly though it was a bad hit to the head that took me down." He sighs again. "They figured I got hit in the head with a hoof. It was bad enough that I lost some memory, some motor skills, and I had to relearn things like how to read and write and do math. My balance was thrown way off kilter too, and there was no way I could race again. So... I started driving truck, and... I guess... I never stopped."

Finally letting his eyes come back down to Stacy, he turns his head, still resting back against the hay. He wasn't smiling now. "I miss racing... a lot. I'm too old now anyway, but it was fun while it lasted. Mick and I rode together most races. We were an unstoppable pair and were known for tying our races on purpose. We always had a bandanna that we'd hold between us right when we got to the finish line, so we were both winners. After my accident though... he raced for a while til life got rough but I never set foot on a track again."

He shrugs. "But... I managed to learn and function again... I was eventually able to get back in the saddle... and... here I am."

Maybe all that was more than Stacy had wanted to hear. But Eric wasn't embarrassed. On the contrary, he felt... peaceful. Talking to Stacy, he just didn't have to worry about what she might think or say, and he didn't feel awkward sharing about himself. A new grin emerges. "That's the short version."


Taking the file from Reese Katie thumbs through it for a moment looking to see what information was in there. Is was the normal papers what not that had when bring someone in they though might be with the Agency. Once again it was something to do so at least Katie was getting that and not just sitting, thinking and doing paperwork.

   "Yeah, ok I'll see what I can get out of him."

Grabbing a pen and take the folder Katie heads to the holding cell. She now wondered herself if Hunter was the key or even new anything about what happened at the tack. It could just be a goose chase but one worth checking out.

Passing the break room on the way Katie remembered he might be hungry now. He'd only had coffee last night. Entering, grabbing a sandwich from the vending mashean and a bottle of water. It wasn't much but at least it was something. Continuing her rout to the holding cell she unlocks the door and enters closing it behind her.

   "Morning! Here something to eat and drink. Don't want you to think we want to starve you or something. I've got a few things I want to talk to you about and as long as you comply you'll be out of here in not time."

Going over to the small table and pulling out the chair Katie sets the stuff down for Hunter before sitting down herself and opening the file. Giving a gesture for him to sit down with her. This could be long, this could be short but it would all depend on Hunter.

   "So you race outside town with Ryan McKade dont you?"

The smile remains on Stacy's face as she sits and just lets her legs swing a little bit. She felt almost like a kind again hanging out at the bridge, or sitting on the old tree branch and just letting her legs dangle. It was a sense of melloncolle but at the same time it was really nice to share this moment with Eric. New memories were good memories along with the old.

   "I didn't know you raced horses..."

Drawing quiet for a moment Stacy gives a chuckle before looking at Eric over her shoulder her eyes twinkling.

   "...Guess thats where your love for going fast came from huh? How come you don't anymore?"