

Taking the file from Reese Katie thumbs through it for a moment looking to see what information was in there. Is was the normal papers what not that had when bring someone in they though might be with the Agency. Once again it was something to do so at least Katie was getting that and not just sitting, thinking and doing paperwork.

   "Yeah, ok I'll see what I can get out of him."

Grabbing a pen and take the folder Katie heads to the holding cell. She now wondered herself if Hunter was the key or even new anything about what happened at the tack. It could just be a goose chase but one worth checking out.

Passing the break room on the way Katie remembered he might be hungry now. He'd only had coffee last night. Entering, grabbing a sandwich from the vending mashean and a bottle of water. It wasn't much but at least it was something. Continuing her rout to the holding cell she unlocks the door and enters closing it behind her.

   "Morning! Here something to eat and drink. Don't want you to think we want to starve you or something. I've got a few things I want to talk to you about and as long as you comply you'll be out of here in not time."

Going over to the small table and pulling out the chair Katie sets the stuff down for Hunter before sitting down herself and opening the file. Giving a gesture for him to sit down with her. This could be long, this could be short but it would all depend on Hunter.

   "So you race outside town with Ryan McKade dont you?"

The smile remains on Stacy's face as she sits and just lets her legs swing a little bit. She felt almost like a kind again hanging out at the bridge, or sitting on the old tree branch and just letting her legs dangle. It was a sense of melloncolle but at the same time it was really nice to share this moment with Eric. New memories were good memories along with the old.

   "I didn't know you raced horses..."

Drawing quiet for a moment Stacy gives a chuckle before looking at Eric over her shoulder her eyes twinkling.

   "...Guess thats where your love for going fast came from huh? How come you don't anymore?"

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