

Feeling her phone vibrating in her pocket, Rosalyn slowly opens her eyes. She was still lying on the bed with Chad's shirt still clutched in her hand. Swallowing hard and smacking her dry lips, she brings her surroundings into focus, finding it difficult to rouse her foggy brain. 

Finally rolling over, she digs out her phone and flips it open. Seeing a message from Chad, her heart immediately flutters, though she tries to make it stop. After reading what he had to say, her thumbs hover over the small buttons. Half of her wanted to just grab a truck now and go into town. And half of her wanted to tell him to quit trying - it was over. 

Glad to know u found a place.
Thank u for the bracelet- i love it.

She pauses as her mind races. 

Im sorry tho... its just not going 
to work between us. Its too much 
stress and it will tear us apart
eventually. I dont want to see u 
hurt. Im so sorry. Thank u for
everything. Goodbye.

Rosalyn stops before hitting "send." Tears welled up in her eyes as she reread her own message. She could imagine Chad's face and the disappointment in his gaze. She could imagine the hurt - that she would cause. And she pressed "delete" instead, before retyping.

Glad to know you found a place.
Thank u for the bracelet- i love it.
I dont know when i can get away. No
promises, but i will try tomorrow.
U've put up with so much already. I
dont want to make it harder on u.
Goodnight, Chad.

"I think... I like the first option." It wasn't that Cindy didn't want the others to see Wes, or that she didn't want her daughter around either. But she did want more time for just herself and her husband, if only for a few more hours until the reality of life had to return. And she knew no one would blame her. 

"But the others do need to know." She lifts her head, a little grin coming to her lips. "At least that way they won't have the shock of their life like I did." 

Letting her lips brush Wes', her voice softens. "But it was a good shock." 

Easing away from him, she doesn't want to get up, but she knows she had to. Prying herself from the couch, she runs as hand through her unruly hair and wanders to the kitchen phone. And it was Mick's cell phone she chooses to dial...

...The news spread like wildfire, as did the shock and joy. It was hard to believe that Wes was alive, let alone right here at home. Everyone wanted to see him, but all understood him spending time alone with Cindy until the next day. Of course, that also gave everyone enough time to plan a little party for supper tomorrow night. 

Jared breaks his gaze from Grace to keep eating, though his eyes did return to hers, as if drawn by magnets. "I dunno..." He gives her a little shrug. "I s'pose we could find out if we really wanted to."

Taking another sip of water, he lets a couple moments bring a silent pause, just prolonging the suspense. Finally though, he shifts a little on his side, keeping one hand on the floor for leverage. Lifting his other hand, he runs his fingers along the side of Grace's face. "At least... I don't think it would be hard." He leans a little closer. "I don't... anticipate this... being... too horrible." 

His lips brush hers just lightly. "Mm... yeah... not so bad..." Remaining an inch or so away, his eyes twinkle, challenging her to kiss him back."

Family Time

Not rushing back into town Chad drives slow just enjoying the view and the scenes. Being by water, the ocean, or a late was like home to him and where he would feel most comfortable but something about this place to it was just peaceful and he wanted to enjoy it while he could.

Finally getting into town though and finding a place to bunk down Chad pulls out his phone. Flopping down on the bed he holds it for a second before finally opening a message to Rosalyn. He said he'd text her and he planned on it. This was not the last she had seen of him.

   Rosalyn, Staying at the Western Inn, in town. I know tonight it might be kind of hard but tomorrow afternoon maybe we can meet for lunch or dinner. I hope you got my gifts ok.

Keeping his one arm tightly around Cindy Wes didn't mind just laying here, and falling asleep, in the comfort and safty of his own home just that short nap felt like he had been sleeping for days. Knowing Cindy was this close to him and just feeling her warm skin against his own. He was anxious to see Kaylee too but there was part of him that was a little scared too. 

   "Mmmm...than how about we see if Wendy will watch Kaylee the night I am sure she wont mind and than that will give use a chance to catch up a little more."

Leaning his head down against Cindy's Wes did know that everyone in the ranch needed to find out he was still alive but he couldn't help but what the quiet with his family first. So they could get use to him before everyone else deiced to have there time with him too.

   "Or I could wait here while you go get Kaylee and than we could just have a family night. So long as I am with you guys I am happy."

Seeing the smile spread across Scott's face it pleased Dalton. Even if it was for a small moment it was still there, and she was happy. A little was better than nothing and at this point Dalton would rather see Scott's face light up a small bit than not at all.

   "Mmm...I think Dani said she wanted a spring wedding, or maybe next year? I'm really not a hundred percent sure. I figured when she is sure on the date she will let me know since I need to be there and all."

 Giving a smile to Scott Dalton was happy to help him get his mind of things and have the topic be a little brighter. And the though that he got to share this moment with his best friend was even better. Scott was the closest thing Dalton ever new to a best friend and he'd though he had almost lost him once he wasn't going to let it happen again.

   "I guess at this point its just go with the flow till Dani has a few things figured out. Than I can try and work around that. I'll be happy your my wing man though. I'm gonna need a guy to just kick back and relax with once and a while."

Laughing at Jared Grace gives his foot one last push before leaving it be. Taking a bit of her own food she was happy they had done this today. The food tasted good, and the company was good what else could she ask for? Throwing a little grin to Jared her eyes give a little sparkle.

   "That wouldn't be such a horrible thing if you did...would it be?"


Good Riddance

Jim had just knelt to look at a horse's leg when his eyes catch sight of Chad entering the barn. Immediately bristling, he tries to stay calm, but only for the horse's sake. Its leg was bleeding enough the way it was.

Opting to just ignore the other man, he starts to clean the wound, his ears listening to Chad whether he liked it or not. He was leaving, huh? Good. Jim didn't care about the reason as long as he was gone. Words about Rosalyn didn't surprise him - she was his daughter after all, and he already knew what a fine young woman she was.

Gently wiping iodine over the deep cut in the horse's leg, his quiet demeanor was a contrast to what was going on inside of him. Chad needed to get out of here.

Purity was up for debate, and love? Seriously? It wasn't love and Jim knew it. All Chad wanted was to satisfy something else entirely. As far as taking anything out on Rosalyn, Jim figured she could use a good talking to with some reminders about family rules, and Chad would not interfere with that. How their family ran was none of Chad's concern and Jim would have none of anyone telling him how to handle things.

Prepping a bandage, Jim's eyes remain on his task, his mouth shut. Chad could be as sorry as he wanted to, but Jim had no intention of getting to know him. There was no point. This little romance would not last.

Jim pauses his work to finally turn his gaze and see Chad walk away. Good riddance. It had been a pitiful battle, but at least the guy was finally leaving.

It would be quite a while before Rosalyn would wander away from the main building. Busying herself with supper preparations, cleaning and laundry, she kept her mind occupied and off of subjects that she didn't want to think about. Eventually though, she knew she needed to go clean and put fresh linens in the bunkhouse Chad had used. He'd been her guest after all, so she should be the one to tidy up. Not that it would be hard - for as little time spent with him, she could tell that, for a guy, he was pretty clean and organized.

Making her way quickly to the bunk, she avoids contact with anybody else. She knew he father was the only one who had a real problem with Chad, but she was quite embarrassed with how everything had turned out, and she'd just as soon not talk about it.

Upon entering, her eyes immediately see Chad had left something on the bed. Assuming it had been by mistake, she's ready to simply take it and keep it until she sees him again, but seeing the note and bracelet along with the shirt, she stops. Reading the note, new tears spring into her eyes. Didn't he know this wasn't going to work? Couldn't he tell that it would be too hard? It wasn't fair to him. He shouldn't have to put up with this. For his sake, he should have just left for good and forgotten the whole thing - including her. She had her phone in her pocket in case he did text her to say where he was staying, but part of her wondered if he actually would.

Easing down to sit on the bed, Rosalyn fingers the bracelet. It was simple but pretty, and even prettier to her, knowing who it had come from. Slipping it on her wrist, she just looks at it for a few minutes. Then slowly, she lies down on the bed, curling onto her side and pulling Chad's shirt close. Her head sinks into the pillow and she breathes deeply his scent that still lingered. 

Opening her eyes, Cindy gives a start. How long she'd been asleep on the couch, she wasn't sure. But after so many tears, talking, more tears, more talking and even more tears, she had been utterly exhausted. The dim light coming through the window suggested that evening was upon them, and she knew that reality must be faced. She couldn't stay here forever.

Sighing deeply, she nuzzles her head into Wes' chest. Lying half on top of him, she didn't want to leave his warmth and comfort. It all still felt like a dream, and she was still scared of waking up and finding him gone again.

Finding his hand, she curls her fingers around his. "We need to go to the ranch," she mumbles softly. "I'm just not so sure about sharing you yet."

"Yeah...okay." Scott wasn't all that sure about going out for lunch today, but he would. Lunchtime would be here shortly anyway since he'd gotten in to work so late. 

Hearing Dalton had finally popped the question, then being asked to be his best man, Scott looks over to him quickly. A smile spreads on his lips and he nods. "I'd be most honored." Work - and his problems - are forgotten, at least for a few minutes. "Do you guys have a date set yet?"

Glancing down and seeing Grace's foot gently rubbing against his own, Jared moves his eyes back to hers, a faint grin just barely emerging. After taking a sip of water, he concentrates for a moment before wriggling his toes against her foot. 

"Careful," he teases, "I might be tempted to give you another kiss." 

Sticking a forkful of salad in his mouth, he tosses her a flirtatious look before his smile finally pushes through. 

One more day

Making his way across the yard Chad takes in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. He could feel his hurt and anger rise. It was not something he often let surfs but seeing someone he cared about so very much have to choose between two things she cared deeply about pained his heart more than anything he had ever felt before.

Stopping for a second and glancing around movement at the barn catch his eye. Looking and seeing Jim slip inside Chad shakes his head. Starting forward again his bunk to pack was the way he wanted to go but his feet carried him in a different direction. Getting to the barn Chad figured he was leaving anyways so why not, though part of him new maybe it was really better if he didn't.

Finding Jim with one of the horses Chad stops in the door way. Standing tall and confidante he did  his best to not seem to arragent or disrespectful. He didn't mean either of those to Jim and he surly didn't want to giving him a reason to dislike him. But he felt like he needed to say his peace before he left.

   "Jim..I just wanted to let you know I am leaving the ranch and heading into town for now. Not because you asked me too but because its the best for Rosalyn so she doesn't have to deal with anymore stress of me being here this time around."

Stopping for a second Chad holds up his hand as to not let Jim talk. He didn't want a reply, or an argument, or anything else for that matter. This was just something he felt he needed to say for one reason or another.

   "Rosalyn is a very fine young woman, with a good head on her shoulders, and a pure heart. For everything she had told me she had been though I can see how strong she is. I never would of done anything to hurt her, or sin against God. My actions were pure, my intentions were pure, and my lover for your daughter was pure."

Chad searches Jim's face for a long moment. Much emotions was lacking from it witch made it hard to try and read him but Chad tried anyways. His own eye more sad than angry. This had to be one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do before.

   "So, now as I leave I guess I am just asking you to please don't take you anger for me out on Rosalyn. If you have to be mad at anyone than I ask you be mad at me, drive all your anger at me, and not at Rosalyn. She deserves better than that, and I am willing to taking that punishment for her because I care that much. If anything Jim...you should be very proud of her and the fine woman she had grown into be. and forever the reason is, I am sorry you never got to know me."

Not knowing what else to say Chad turns and heads out of the barn before anything can be said or at least he was far enough away that if something was said he might not hear it or be to far to stop and turn around going back to argue. Heading across the yard again he dosn't stopp till he gets to his bunk. I wouldn't take long before he had everything packed. Laying on the bed was one of his shirts a few buttons lose on it, a simple bracelet he'd found he likes for Rosalyn and a note witch read:

 "Beauty can not be measured by gifts or items bought, it is something we must see in our heart. Every time I look at you I see the good that is still left in this world and it brings me hope that all the good, and beauty is not good. This bracelet next to you looks nothing more than a trinket, and the buttons on this shirt will continue to fall if it means just one more day to spend with you." 

The items would remain there in hopes that Rosalyn was the one on cleaning duty and she would find them after he was gone.



Forced to look into Chad's eyes, Rosalyn fights to maintain the walls that could crumble so easily right now if she'd let them. But she wouldn't. This had gone far enough. This was reality. And she couldn't fall into his arms all the time. 

Chad's words sink down into places in her heart that only he had ever touched. No matter what happened, at least for a few moments, she had felt worth something... worth someone fighting for her... worth a man's attention. Whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not, she new that this could very well be the end. But at least she'd had those few moments. 

She doesn't resist his kiss, though she doesn't return it either... not this time. Swallowing hard, she watches him only out of the corner of her eye as he leaves. "Goodbye, Chad," were the only quiet words that found their way to the surface.

Turning back to the counter, she takes a washcloth and works on the same spot she'd given up on only minutes prior. But somehow it was harder to see any stains when her vision was so blurred.

"Yeah...okay." Scott wasn't all that sure about going out for lunch today, but he would. Lunchtime would be here shortly anyway since he'd gotten in to work so late. 

Hearing Dalton had finally popped the question, then being asked to be his best man, Scott looks over to him quickly. A smile spreads on his lips and he nods. "I'd be most honored." Work - and his problems - are forgotten, at least for a few minutes. "Do you guys have a date set yet?"

Glancing down and seeing Grace's foot gently rubbing against his own, Jared moves his eyes back to hers, a faint grin just barely emerging. After taking a sip of water, he concentrates for a moment before wriggling his toes against her foot. 

"Careful," he teases, "I might be tempted to give you another kiss." 

Sticking a forkful of salad in his mouth, he tosses her a flirtatious look before his smile finally pushes through. 


Will be...

Hearing what Rosalyn said Chad stood up a little taller. Was she really saying what he thought? He couldn't help the pain in his heart and the sick feeling in his stomach. Was she really saying this and did she really mean it? He's thought for sure that she would understand and at least try to fight for what they had.

   "You can say that all you want Rosalyn but your eyes tell me something different. I will head into town and I do still want to see you. As for a next time if you really dont want me coming around again than I'll respect that for now but I wont give up on us."

Stepping closer to her Chad places on hand on her shoulder and bring the other hand to the side of her face tilting it up to look at him. Looking deep into her eyes Chad searches for the truth, for how she really felt, and how to really handle this whole thing. What he found was a woman who yearned for what they had, someone who wanted to run away and get lost, to be her own person but was held back. It was something that struck his heart deeply more than anything else ever had. She was a caged bird who just wanted to be free but was to loyal to spread her wings.

   "I will be back Rosalyn, not for anyone else but you. You are special to me, and mean the world. I started this relationship for a reason and I am not going to give up on so quickly."

Leaning down Chad place a kiss on her lips before backing away. He needed to go pack his stuff up and head into town like he'd told Mick he would. At least he didn't want to cause anymore trouble today for Rosalyn. That would come another day if need be but for now he'd let everything calm down. He would be back though, and he would see Rosalyn again.

   "I'll send you a text and let you know where I am staying. See you later Rosalyn."

A next time

"Yeah...okay." Scott wasn't all that sure about going out for lunch today, but he would. Lunchtime would be here shortly anyway since he'd gotten in to work so late. 

Hearing Dalton had finally popped the question, then being asked to be his best man, Scott looks over to him quickly. A smile spreads on his lips and he nods. "I'd be most honored." Work - and his problems - are forgotten, at least for a few minutes. "Do you guys have a date set yet?"

Glancing down and seeing Grace's foot gently rubbing against his own, Jared moves his eyes back to hers, a faint grin just barely emerging. After taking a sip of water, he concentrates for a moment before wriggling his toes against her foot. 

"Careful," he teases, "I might be tempted to give you another kiss." 

Sticking a forkful of salad in his mouth, he tosses her a flirtatious look before his smile finally pushes through. 

Wiping off the counter with a towel, Rosalyn hears someone behind her, but doesn't turn. Feeling Chad's arms wrap around her, she doesn't jump - his touch was so warm and comforting that it simply didn't startle her. Leaning back into him, she accepts his kiss and just remains quiet until he moves away. 

Turning her attention back to the counter, she rubs a couple dirty spots as Chad talks. She pauses once when he mentions leaving, but still doesn't look up at him, even when he's finished. There are several moments of silence before she eventually replies while still cleaning the counter. 

"Next time won't be different," she states with quiet resentment. "Dad won't change." 

Finally giving up on a stain, she ceases her busywork. Leaning her hands on the counter, her eyes avoid Chad's completely. There were many thoughts that had been crammed into her mind during the short time alone in the kitchen, and some which she wasn't sure she should voice. 

"Maybe there shouldn't be a next time." Her voice had grown even quieter. "I really like you and I want to be with you but... not at the expense of everyone else here. It's not your fault and I'm sorry, but... maybe it's for the best." 


Continuing to look at Scott Dalton gives a little nod. He new that Scott sometimes had a hard time remembering things and he had no problem trying to help his friend out. Scott was one of his best friends after all and he wanted to make sure he was going to be ok.

   "I think I can do that. How about we go out to eat together. That way I remember to remind you to eat?"

Turning to his computer screen for a second Dalton is quiet waiting for Scott answer before turning to his friend again. He new he was down right now and he wanted to see him smile or at least feel good. He new as well that Scott didn't know he's asked Dani to marry him yet. So maybe that would help lighten his spirits.

   "So, I have been meaning to ask you before I got myself shot. I asked finally her, and she said yes. Now I want to ask you Scott if you will be my best man."

Grace can't help but laugh a little bit at Jared and him being tong tied. It was funny to see him like that a little bit. Shaking her head and taking a bit of macaroni salad in her mouth Grace chews it before leaning back a little bit.

   "Moonlight walks sound nice. I don't think I have ever taken one so enjoying it with you would be nice I think."

Moving her foot and placing it next to Jared's Grace rubs it slowly against his moving it slowly. She new Jared was her patient but something else had been happening here over the last few weeks too. She felt more and more close to him as the time went on. Why she wasn't sure but she did and it was a growing feeling that made her want to spend more and more time with him.

   "A wheelchair is not so bad but I think we can still strive twords walking again more."

Chad gives a small smile to Mick before standing tall again. He new Mick was just trying to do what was best for everyone and Chad couldn't hold that against him. Giving him a nod and a thanks Chad new now he needed to talk with Rosalyn and he only hoped it would go over well with her too.

Heading into the dinning hall and to the kitchen where he figured Rosalyn would be. Seeing her and smiling Chad walks up behind her and puts his arms around her wast leaning down to give her a kiss. Just standing there like that for a long moment Chad finally lets her go and leans against the counter looking at her. Searching her face he lets out a small sigh.

   "So, your dad talked to Mick and Mick doesn't want to throw me out but he suggested the rest of my say this time around should maybe spent else where. That way it might be a little easier on you."

Still searching Rosalyn's face Chad did his best to try and read her to see what she was thinking or feeling. He didn't want to upset her and hoped it wouldn't. At least he wouldn't be to to far away and could still see her. Mick said he could come back anytime too so that was good.

   "I agreed, and said I would head into town. I know its not as close as being here but its better than being banned from the ranch or causing you even more trouble. Maybe next time I come to visit I can stay here and your dad will be ok?!"



"I'm fine." The words came out of Scott's mouth too quickly, and he knew it. His eyes glue themselves to his monitor as he types in his password. "Had a rough night... again... that's all." 

The pause that follows sends heat up his neck and he finally slumps back in his seat. He didn't feel like being here today. The only reason was because Justin told him to. Otherwise, he'd still be in bed. Where nothing could go wrong. Where he could just sleep. Where he wouldn't have to try and get any work done. 

"Just, um..." His fingers run along his keyboard absentmindedly. "Make sure I eat something... today... will ya? I'm not doing so well in that department lately." He knew Dalton would sense it was more. He was his best friend, after all. But he didn't know how to voice what else was going on inside of him right now. Justin was right... it really was starting all over again.

A grin sneaks onto Jared's lips and he gives Grace another sidelong glance. They were sitting awfully close together, but... she was here to work today, right? He didn't want to take advantage of her visits. After all, it was her job half the time. Did... that mean she wouldn't want any affection though? 

Caught staring, Jared quickly moves his concentration back to his food. "Yeah, that um..." He clears his throat. "That'd be nice. If I ever get back on these stubborn feet of mine, it would be even better. Squeaky wheelchair wheels tend to ruin moonlit walks." He stops. "Not that... moonlight has even been mentioned, although maybe we should try it sometime just to see what happens."

Mick chuckles. "You might not want to say you're a 'great guy' too loudly - somebody might think you've got a big head."

Reaching over he gives Chad's shoulder a pat. "As long as you don't do anything to break our trust, you're welcome here. I'm sorry that leaving is the best option right now. If Jim settles down, it would be nice for all of us to get to know you better." 

Putting all her effort into scrubbing a pan in the kitchen sink, Rosalyn barely feels the tear run down her cheek. Everything just seemed to be going wrong and despite a peaceful walk with Chad, she still felt torn and confused. Why couldn't something like this just be simple?


Whirling around, she accidentally splashes some water out of the sink. "Clint..." She turns quickly back to the dishes before swiping at her eyes. "What do you need?"

"Nothing." He wanders in closer to lean on the counter and just watch her for a few minutes. "You okay?"

More tears form. "I'm fine. Why?"

"I dunno. Figured if I was in your spot, I'd be feeling pretty crappy."

Rosalyn throws him a look. "Was that supposed to be an effort at empathy?"

Clint grins sheepishly. "Maybe. Look, I just wanted to say if you'd rather not go home tonight, you can come to Wendy's and my house if you want."

Rosalyn continues to scrub the pan. "What? Don't approve of me spending the night with Chad?"

Clint sighs. "I didn't mean that. I know you didn't do anything stupid - other than being there with him all night, which did look pretty bad. But I have a feeling you won't do that again so... I just wanted to give you another option, that's all."

Finally pausing her work, Rosalyn nods, her eyes remaining on the soapy bubbles. "Thanks... that means a lot."

"Sure." Clint gives his sister's arm a squeeze. "I'll see you later?"

"Mm... yeah." Left alone again, Rosalyn lets her tears spill over once more. Why couldn't her father possess the same understanding that her brother did? Clint could be a retard, but Rosalyn knew that this was the real him, underneath all his boyishness. Why, oh why couldn't her father be like that? She honestly wondered how long Chad would put up with all of this before he changed his mind about being with her.


Looking to Mick again as he talked Chad gives a thoughtful nod. He could tell Mick was not saying everything he was for the sake of himself or even Jim but for the sake of Rosalyn. He did have a point too and Chad understood it. Still it hurt though, and it felt like he was being punished for something he didn't even do.

   "Ok, I can move to being in town. As I still welcomed here though?"

Chad new it was a silly question and he felt like a high schooler asking it but it was one he wanted to know the answer. He wanted to make sure that if he did want to show up, or did come back he'd be able too. The freedom to know he could do so, sometime was nice and he hoped it was ok.

   " I really am a great guy, I just hope one day maybe Jim can get to know me for himself. I'd like that anyways. I guess I better pack my stuff up and let Rosalyn know whats going on. Thanks Mick for giving me a chance even if your brother didn't."

As Jared was a little hesitance to answer her question Grace new why  even if she didn't say anything about it she just let him take his time answering her. Hearing some of the things he liked to do she gives a smile. They sounded fun, and maybe something she would like to try with him some day, including spending more time together.

   "Mmmm...I think those sounds like fun. Maybe once your talking a little better we can go out and try to do a few other things we never have before to see if we like them. Than it would also help with the spending time with me part."

Grace gives a smile at the though of spending more time with Jared. She liked that thought doing more things with him and getting to know him better. Even if his past was clouded she liked thinking about what the future held and why God had let them meet. It was an exciting thought that she looked forward to finding out.

Looking up seeing someone come into the room Dalton couldn't help but smile seeing Scott. It was nice seeing his again and after feeling pretty crappy this morning knowing his friend would be helping him was a nice surprised.

   "Hey there Scott what a nice surprise to see you. Nothing to exciting at the moment, than again at the moment I think I kind of like it that way."

Giving a smile Dalton takes a closer look at Scott. There was something there he was trying to hide and he could tell. He couldn't help but wonder what it was that was bothering his friend today. He didn't want to put him on the spot or anything but he did want to make sure he was ok too.

   "How are you today? You look a little tired..I don't want to drain ya to much if you are."


Obvious Silence

Mick sighs deeply and shakes his head. He knew where Chad was coming from. He could see both sides. "I know you're not trying to disrespect anybody. I don't have any problems with you or you being here." His fingers pick at a chip in the fence rail. "I do think you're wrong about one thing though..."

His eyes return to Chad's. "I think you might find that Rosalyn wouldn't be too upset if you were to leave. I'm not saying she doesn't care - I can tell she does. But at this point, having you here is just causing a lot of unnecessary stress. She'd probably much rather drive into town to spend peaceful time with you, than have you stay here and always have to look over her shoulder."

He pauses, choosing his words carefully. "It's too early in the game to make her choose between you and her father. If you don't loosen your grip for a while, you risk her breaking things off just to end the tension and fighting. I know you two have a lot of fast-forming feelings for each other, but those can be the most dangerous. Don't rush it. If you decide to stay in town, Rosalyn's not going to blame you. Instead, I'd wager she'd be relieved."

Left alone again,  Eric eases back into his pillow, a smile on his lips. Not too long ago, he would have rolled his eyes at someone saying they'd check on him. He would have said he could take care of himself and didn't need a nursemaid. Today though... having Stacy care enough to want to come check on him... well, he couldn't deny that it made him feel good.

Now to get this silly leg to calm down, and he could actually enjoy the weekend.

"Those don't sound like kid things," Jared muses. The zoo and museums were just as interesting to adults as kids, at least in his mind. 

Grace's question brings about a strange sort of silence. He should have known better than to start this conversation, but he hadn't thought about it being turned around to him. Taking another bite of chicken, he stalls.

Eventually, he shrugs. "I dunno." His eyes remain on his food. There were a lot of things he used to like to do, but... none of them seemed to be very appropriate to mention now. They were things Grace wouldn't do, and probably wouldn't approve of, either. They were things he'd think twice about now, and most likely turn down. Otherwise though...what was there? 

A sidelong glance in Grace's direction gives his eyes the chance to betray him. Was the silence as obvious as it felt? 

"I like listening to music," he finally answers. "And... I like walks on the beach, and..." His voice softens. "I like being with you."

Scott slowly makes his way into TJY, taking the back route. It was late morning - late enough that probably anyone who might have noticed his absence would have guessed he was staying home again. But...he'd told Justin he'd come today, so he'd forced himself to get out of bed several hours late, even though he felt like he'd been run over by a truck. Despite being exhausted, the night had not been an easy one.

Making it to the office without having to talk to anybody, he slips inside. And seeing Dalton, he could kick himself for having forgotten his friend would be back to work.

"Hey..." He forces a smile as he comes over to the desk and finds his chair. "Welcome back."

Turning on his monitor, he tries to mask his body language so Dalton wouldn't think anything was wrong. There was no point in worrying him. "So have I missed anything exciting today?"


Don't want too

Leaning against the fence Chad lets out a small sigh as he looks across the ranch. He new Mick wouldn't tell him to leave or even ask him but he wasn't surprised by what he said either. He's cause quite a commotion while he was here, and he felt bad about it all. For the people at the ranch like Mick, and for Rosalyn too.

   "I've thought about it. Going into town to keep the peace here for everyone. Only thing is if I did that I know it would make Rosalyn feel even worse."

Sucking in a breath again and pushing off the fence to turn to Mick a little bit Chad searches the older mans face. There was much in his eyes, wisdom, strength, the look of how much he hated having to do this. Mick's eyes ran deep and he had no doubt in his mind that was he was doing was for Rosalyn and no one else.

   "I'm not staying here because I want something to prove to Jim, or because I think it will make him get to know and like me. I am staying because of Rosalyn and what little time we have together before I have to head back to work. Maybe Jim will never like me, and maybe he will always judge me before he gets to really know me but even if I do stay in town that wont change his mind either."

Chad really didn't like the thought of leaving before he'd planned too. He wanted to spend all the time he could with Rosalyn. The thought of being driven away by someone who didn't want to get to know him, who judged him before knowing a lick about him just didn't settle right with Chad. He didn't want to disrespect anyone let alone Mick. This was his ranch after all.

   "I don't want to go Mick, I don't want to leave Rosalyn...not yet and at the same time...I don't want you to think I am disrespecting you."

Being bumped down to Eric again Stacy smiles bringing her lips. Every moment spent, talking, kissing, just cuddling was another moment Stacy loved. These feelings and everything else came out of no where. It surprised her but she liked it. 

Finally pulling away Stacy gives his nose a little kiss before standing a little straighter. If she could she would stay right here with Eric all day, but she had some work of her own that needed to get done and if she didn't do it than it never would.

  "Ok, I'll let her know and I am sure she will understand. I will be back in a little bit to check on you."

Getting situated and the food dished out Grace didn't mind listening to Jared talk. She rather liked hearing him talk his voice was in a way soothing. Taking a bit of her potato salad Grace holds up a finger to Jared's question. It never failed when she took a bit a question was always asked of her. Not that she minded at all she just found it kind of funny.

   "Well when I am not working I like to read, talk walks, and draw. Oh cooking if you couldn't help is a fun pass time as well. Aside from work I dont really get out of the house much because I don't have many friends."

Drawing silent again for a second and taking a little peace of her own chicken Grace chews it before taking a drink of water. Studying Jared for a moment before talking again.

   "I use to like to go to the zoo and museums as well. Might be seen as little kid stuff but sometimes its nice to be reminded of the little things that mattered. How about you?"

By your own choice

For just a moment, Mick doesn't respond as he studies Chad's face. Finally though, he nods. Leaning both arms on the fence, he looks out across the pasture. "I'm not going to tell you to leave, Chad. I might think it was dumb of you and Rosalyn to spend the night together - innocent or not - but that doesn't warrant me kicking you out, in my mind." 

He pauses, his eyes continuing to roam the field. When speaking again, his voice remains quiet and steady. "I do wonder though if you've considered leaving by your own choice, for Rosalyn's sake. Not to run away or break things off, but..." He shrugs and finally turns his gaze back to Chad, locking eyes with him. 

"I guess the way I figure it, if I didn't like seeing her torn in two like this, I might think it would be a good idea to swallow some pride and go grab a hotel in town instead. I don't agree with the way Jim's handling things. But I care a great deal about my niece, and I just want to make sure she doesn't get any more hurt for the sake of pride. Sticking around isn't going to show Jim anything other than you disrespecting him - true or not." 

He stops again, letting Chad consider his words. "I'm not going to try and force you to do anything. It's just something to think about. I can't control my brother and I don't want anybody to get any more hurt than they already have been."

Still grinning, Eric shakes his head. "Naw... I don't need nothin." He pauses in thought. "Well... another kiss might be nice..." 

Bringing his good leg up, it nudges Stacy back down on him. Slipping his hand behind her head, he coaxes her close enough to kiss her lips again, holding her for several long moments. They didn't often get time alone to be affectionate. On nightly walks, it was a job to do, and getting up to the hayloft didn't happen but once in a while. It was kind of nice to have just a few quiet moments now.

"Okay," he finally relents. "That should hold me over for a while." He smiles, running his hand down her cheek. "In the meantime, just tell Ash I can't ride with her today."

Getting situated on the floor and using the bed as a backrest, another smile creases Jared's lips. "Mm.... this really looks good." 

And it was. He really did like Grace's cooking... and her company. Despite the pain in his shoulder, he tried to be in a good mood. 

"So.... what do you do when you're not working?" Jared takes a bite of chicken, glancing over at her. He new a lot about her, but at the same time, there was a whole lot he didn't know. He really didn't know her much apart from her job and... if they were going to be... friends... he was curious.


Enjoying the walk Chad didn't mind the silence as long as Rosalyn was with him. They could not say anything at all and he'd feel like they talked away talking about everything. It was just one of the many affects she had on him. 

Coming back around to the ranch Chad's hand still in Rosalyn's he stands a little taller seeing Mick. He respected him a great deal, and the look that was in his eye now made him worry just a little. He didn't think Mick would tell him to leave but there was something that told him things might go a little more south than they already had.

   "Alright, I will meet up with you there as soon as I am done here."

Giving Rosalyn a smile and a reassure nod he was confidante for her. He didn't want her more upset than she had already been today. He really did want to see her like that anymore. It was still hurting his heart to think about the look that had been in her eye and he didn't like it.

Once she was gone Chad turns back to Mick. Searching his face for a long moment he was silent. He wasn't sure what Mick was going to say but he had a good guess. He was just happy that Mick was staying calm and being really good about this whole thing. At least for his nieces sake.

   "I am guessing Jim talked with you?"

Being pulled down to the same level as Eric Stacy can't help but laugh. Hearing he was going to be ok she was revealed but cringed at him staying off it. She new how hard it was for him to do that but maybe the intensive of going with them tomorrow would help with that.

   "Alright no roughhousing...at lease for now. But once your better I can't promise anything ok?"

Leaning in and giving Eric a kiss Stacy pulls away just smiling down at him. She was really happy he was ok and than tomorrow he would be able to come still. She was looking forward to it and new Ashlee was too.

   "Do you need me to get you anything?"

Grace can't help but laugh as she lays the blanket down and starts to pull out some of the food. Laying it down into a place setting for each of them Grace than helps Jared down to sit with her.

   "Well I am happy you like my cooking. It makes me feel good having someone who likes eating it."

Just giving a smile Grace really meant it. She did enjoy having someone to cook for and she liked being able to make him smile. It put a bright spot in her day even if he didn't know that. 

   "Alright...lets dig in."



Accepting and returning Chad's kiss, Rosalyn knew that he was not going to give up that easily, even if her dad was going to be that hard on him. It made her fearful of what might happen, but, in a way it also made her feel good... like she was worth the effort. 

Mustering up a smile, she nods. "A walk sounds nice... thank you." Turning to his side, she takes his hand, linking her fingers with his as they start to walk. The outdoors were peaceful today, beckoning a quietness to the scene. Rosalyn found little to say, but little reason to spoil the quiet. She knew so much about Chad, yet so little as well... but it didn't seem to matter. Today, the silence was nice. 

Eventually, they did have to return to the ranch. Rosalyn felt a bit better by now though - at least well enough to face the rest of the day. Still holding Chad's hand as they come up the path, she sees someone standing near the fence. It looks as though whoever it was, was waiting for them, and her stomach churns. Getting closer, she realizes that it's Mick. 

Seeing Chad and Rosalyn returning, Mick straightens, still leaning on the fence. He hadn't been waiting too long, but long enough to have hoped the couple would actually be seen again today. Not that he could blame them if they didn't return - news of that morning's incident had spread quickly. 

"Hey, guys." A thin smile is present on his lips, but his eyes tell a different story. 

As they approach, Rosalyn's grip on Chad's hand tightens. "Hi, Mick." 

Mick gives them a slow nod, the wheels in his mind turning. He glances at his niece. "Would you mind if I had a word with Chad alone?"

Rosalyn grows even more tense. "You're not gonna-"

"It's fine," Mick assures gently. "I just want to talk to him."

Rosalyn isn't so sure, but she finally lets go of Chad's hand. "Okay..." She looks up at Chad, hoping that he wasn't going to get raked over the coals again. "I'll be in the dining hall probably, so you can find me when you're done." 

Mick patiently waits, not wanting anyone to get upset all over again.

Eric smirks at Stacy's question before sighing. "It's okay. I'm gonna live. But I gotta stay off it today. I begged Angel for permission to go to town tomorrow though, and she said yes, as long as I take it easy, so..." His eyes gain a teasing glint, as he takes her arm and pulls her down on his chest, his face inches from hers. 

"No roughhousing," he concludes. "I ain't gonna be fast enough to go running after ya for a few days."

"You kidding?" Jared pulls himself up in bed a little more so he could sit straighter. "Everything you bring sounds good." He quirks an eyebrow. "Maybe some of your little taste testing sessions actually did me some good, even though now I remember stuff I like or don't like. I'm pretty sure you had me try things I never had before, and... regardless... whatever you do to the food just makes it better anyway." 

Thrown at us

As Rosalyn burying her head against his chest Chad he can't help but let his arms move around her and hold her just a little bit close. He could see how much this whole thing bothered her and it just made his heart hurt that much more. This whole thing was hard but it was not himself he was sad and upset for but for Rosalyn herself. 

   "If I thought this was to much trouble to go through, or that you weren't worth it I would have walked away by now. So don't feel bad, it is my choice to stay here so all in all I am doing it to myself...but I would like to think of it the prize at the bottom of the nasty box of cereal. It's worth taking it, to get to it."

Chad can't help the smile that spreads across his face as he pulls away from Rosalyn looking down into her eyes. Leaning down and bringing his one hand to the back of her head Chad brings his lips to hers and places a tender kiss to her lips before pulling away a little, turning his head in the other direction and than coming back for another kiss letting this one linger a little bit before pulling away again.

   "Want to take a walk before we go back and face what else is thrown at us?"

Finishing up her breakfast and taking the moment to walk her own plates into the kitchen. Here is was quiet enough to hear her phone beep. Ashlee was in the dinning area still so she new it wasn't her. She probley should check it just encase it was someone else and something was wrong. Pulling out her phone and seeing it was Eric Stacy gives a smile.

Ok, I'll be right there.

Putting her plate into the sink and than heading out of the dinning hall to Eric's bunk Stacy gives a knock on the door. Entering Stacy gives a smile seeing Eric in the bed. Coming over and sitting down on the edge she could guess Angel had told him to rest or he would be back on the horse again.

   "Hey you, hows your leg doing?"

Giving a laugh Grace stands again going over to the one bag that held the food in it. Picking it up and placing it on one of the chairs she slowly starts to open it. Stopping for a second at Jared's comment she was pleased with his answer. If his attitude stayed like that than it made her happy. 

Turning back to the bag she didn't want to bring to much attachen to it  and cause him to become embarrassed. She would just move on and keep the pleasure to herself.

   "Well I wanted something different than just subs but nothing to messy. So today I have potato salad, grilled chicken and salad. Sound good to you?"



Rosalyn searches Chad's gaze for the longest moment, trying to find the reassurance she heard in his voice. Trying to find it. To believe it. To cherish it. 

Reaching up her hand, she hesitates just once before gently brushing his cheek. He was so warm. So real. 

"See?" she whispers. "You're doing it to me again. I just can't say no to you, or tell you to walk away." Her finger runs lightly down his jawline then up to glide across his lips. "I feel like I've known you forever. Maybe that's the scariest part of all..."

Unable to withhold her emotions any longer, she falls into him, wrapping her arms around his waist, and burying her head against his chest. "I'm sorry for all this trouble." Her voice wavers as new tears form. "You shouldn't have to deal with my dad, or with me, being a mess like this. I just feel so bad."

Eric grins and nods. He'd learned the hard way not to ignore Angel's advice, and he had too much going on right now to risk going against her orders again. "Got it. Take it easy. I can do that." 

Standing, he winces a little. "Yeah... I'll have it out with Static once I can get back in the saddle." 

Turning to leave, he glances back over his shoulder. "Thanks, Angel..." 

Finally leaving, he makes his way gingerly to the barn where he finds Sparky to help him finish taking care of Static. Then he goes to his bunk. He didn't want to be cooped up all day, but he knew he better stick to his word. 

Once alone, propped up in bed and with an icepack on his leg, he reaches for his cell phone. Flipping it open, he goes to send Stacy a text. She was probably at breakfast by now, and he wanted to let her know what was happening.


"Oh, wait..."

g....e...l....... s...a...i....d....


Eric's fingers fumble with the small buttons. It was bad enough he couldn't spell worth a hoot to begin with, and now he was trying to text on this silly little phone. Eventually, he types out a much shorter message than planned.

Come c me My bunk

"Hey, I hadn't thought of that..." Jared grins. "If I need therapy on my shoulder, I'm gonna ask for you specifically." 

Shifting around a little, he nods his agreement. "Picnic, then legs. I wanna work on it, regardless of my shoulder though. I..." He pauses, biting his lower lip. "I know even if I'm not doing real well in the mood department, I need to keep up with the therapy, so... yeah." 

Glancing around her, he quirks an eyebrow, changing the subject. "So what fine morsels have you brought today? You know food is my weakness..."

If you

   "Consequences because your dad is not willing to give me a chance when I have done nothing wrong? I don't need to say sorry well neither do you, you didn't and haven't done anything wrong."

Shifting a little and coming up behind Rosalyn Chad lays both his hands on her shoulders and looking around across the land with her. I totally got it from the first time being here why Katie had said it was so peaceful. Because I really was and everything about it seemed calm. Even in the mist of turmoil there was still a peace here.

   "I know how you feel Rosalyn, to feel wanted, loved, to feel like the most important person in the world to that one person. It's like nothing else really matters."

Coming around to the other side of Rosalyn Chad keeps his hands on her shoulder and cocks his head to look down into her eyes. He loved looking into them and getting lost. They held so many things at once that it was an adventure of emotion and he enjoyed the search. Though in his own eyes he felt a sadness. Would this be the end? He'd fight, he wouldn't let it but there was still that small fear that this happy ending out end.

   "I won't ever do anything to dishonor you, or to break that trust you have in me. Thats just not my style that I can promise you!"

Thinking for a second Angel could see the look in Eric's eye that told her if anything else he really did want to go tomorrow with Ashlee, Stacy, and Dylan. It was a look that Angel hadn't seen in Eric's eye for a very very long time. How could she say no to that look of happiness, the begging that he could sped at least one more day with the people he cared about before hitting the road.

   "If you promise me to take the rest of today easy, and tomorrow morning the same than yes. In the afternoon you can go out with them as long as you promise not to chase anyone down and just take it easy, ok?"

   "Oh goodness Jared. Next think you know your going to be coming to me for your shoulder."

Grace can't help the smile that spreads across her lips. She didn't mind teasing Jared just a little bit as long as he didn't mind her doing it. Giving a small smile to let him know she was joking Grace gives his leg a little pat.

   "Why dont we have a little picnic and than we can see how you are feeling to work on you leg. If your shoulder is hurting to bad we can skip it for today. It gives me and extra reason to come back this week. Not that I might not just come anyways."



At some point, Rosalyn had forced herself to get to her feet again, but she found herself wandering aimlessly only to return to the same tree again. She knew she'd need to face the music again, but never had she felt so unprepared. 

Suddenly hearing Chad's voice, she wasn't surprised. She'd known that sooner or later, he would probably come looking for her, if her dad hadn't killed him, that is. 

Chad's words send tingles down her spine, and his gentle touch makes her heart flutter. But no smile came to her lips. Silent, she leans her face into his hand before turning and lightly kissing his palm. At his apology, her eyes rise to meet his. Her own were dry now, but there was evidence of the hard crying she'd done. 

"There's nothing to forgive," she responds quietly. "You didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, you were quite a gentleman to have let me stay all night without trying anything." She shrugs lamely. "It was my fault for asking to stay in the first place. I knew I'd probably fall asleep... I just didn't care. I should have though. We didn't do anything wrong, but it wasn't right either, and it was because I came, not because you invited me." 

Pushing off the tree, she wanders a couple feet away, her back to Chad. "I've always trusted my dad. I've never had any reason to doubt him." Her eyes roam the land, her thoughts so very far away. "You know how I was raised not knowing he was my father. But he was always so kind... always caring for us, even if he was protecting us by staying away. Then when the truth was out, he was the dad I'd always wanted. I haven't had many years to be close to him, but they've been good years, and I have no doubt he loves me."

She pauses and swallows hard, still not facing Chad. "Then being with you is so easy. You make me feel so good... like for the first time I know what it feels like to be a woman." New tears form in her eyes, but she holds her voice steady. "But to be honest, I'm not sure I could say no to you for anything, no matter what you asked of me. And I'm scared I'm being blinded by my heart. My dad is someone I trust, and I'm completely ignoring him. What does that mean? Is being with you the right choice or just something I want, regardless of consequences?"

Tucking in his shirt and buckling his belt, Eric sighs at Angel's suggestions. He knew she was right. With this leg's history, he couldn't be too careful. It was a weak spot he'd just have to watch from now on. But tomorrow was when he was planning on going to town with Stacy, Ashlee and Dylan. After that was Sunday, then the next day he'd be on the road. He really didn't want to skip tomorrow, especially since Ashlee had seemed so disappointed he was going to be gone for a while. 

Sitting on the table, he gives Angel a weary look. "Well...  I guess Static won this one then." He shakes his head. "A few years ago, I woulda knocked Jim's block off, but now it seems rather pointless." 

He purses his lips and thinks for several moments before nodding in surrender. "I'll make sure Static's taken care of, then put my leg up for the rest of the day." He knew he'd be icing it on and off as well. "I was.... s'posed to have a day out with the girls and Dylan tomorrow... If I don't do anything today, then take it easy tomorrow, you think it's still a high risk for me?" 

As soon as Grace enters his room, Jared perks up a little bit, shutting off the television. Her hug was a little bit of a surprise but... he didn't mind it, and almost wished he could keep his arm around her for another few seconds or so. 

Giving her a crooked sort of grin, he rolls his eyes. "You can't help it, can you? Bringing in the sunshine on a gloomy day." He nods to the window. "Help yourself. Fair warning though, I'm not gonna be moving around too much. I know I promised I'd be ready for therapy today, but I sorta had an unexpected meeting with the floor the other day." 

He gives her a silly smirk. "The floor won. My shoulder lost. Surgery is this week." He gestures to his right shoulder. "So much for having a go at getting to the hallway without the wheelchair on my own." 

The kitchen table was deathly quiet. Two pairs of eyes remained locked together in challenging stares. Only one set glistened with tears. It was round eight. And no one had given up yet.

"Come on, Jason!" Mackenzie pushes the bottle of hot sauce closer towards him. "He's gonna win!"

"Hey, whose side are you on?" Alec complains, giving his niece a teasing thump on the arm.

Mackenzie giggles. "Anybody's?"

Alec grins, cocking his head at Jason. "Well? I had mine. You going again?"

Jason clears his throat and grabs another tortilla chip from the bowl. "Right. Sure. No problem." He blinks a tear from his eye and shakes the designated ten drops of sauce onto his chip before putting it in his mouth. Cringing, he swallows it down before coughing and looking at the glass of water that had not yet been touched.

Alec tries not to laugh. "Want a drink?"

"No, no.... I'm good." Jason clears his throat again and glances over at Misty with a smirk. "Why didn't you warn me he could handle spicy stuff?"

"She did," Mackenzie interrupts. "But you didn't listen." She turns back to Alec. "Another?"

"Of course!" Alec grabs a chip and the bottle, shaking on ten drops, pausing, then putting on several more. "Just for good measure."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Jason shakes his head as Alec easily eats the chip. "I'm so not gonna let you win this."

Alec snickers. And three rounds later, he was waiting on Jason to take his turn again. He pushes the water towards him.

Jason wipes sweat from his brow and finally relents, grabbing the water and taking several long swallows.

Mackenzie laughs and nibbles on a plain chip. "You look terrible."

"I feel like my insides are gonna blow up."

At that, she and Alec both crack up.

Jason rolls his eyes then wipes them with his sleeve. "You're not even the least bit affected! Do you have a mouth of iron?"

"Naw. It's just the..." Alec glances at Mackenzie, deciding not to mention Agency drugs. "Um...my taste buds aren't what they used to be."

"You mean to tell me that you just sat there and watched me burn my mouth out when you knew good and well it wasn't going to bother you?"

"Eh. It tingles a bit."

Mackenzie bursts into giggles and Jason nudges her shin under the table before taking another sip of water. "Good thing Katie can't feel me anymore."

Alec quirks an eyebrow. "How come?"

"'Cause she'd never forgive me for this. I used to either have to warn her when I was gonna eat something spicy, or shut her out for a while. Otherwise she'd be gulping down water right along with me."

Alec chuckles and grabs another chip with some more hot sauce. "I can just see her giving you a hard time."

"Mm..." Jason gets lost in thought for a moment before standing and wandering over to the stove, slinging his arms over Misty's shoulders. "So... are these tacos gonna be ready soon? 'Cause if not, Alec's gonna kill me with that hot sauce."

It had been a fun evening already. After work, Jason had come over to Misty's to join her and Alec and Mackenzie for supper. Tacos were on the menu, but the guys had started goofing off after one of them had mentioned hot sauce, and the competition had begun.

Back at the table, Mackenzie watches Jason and Misty interacting for a moment before catching Alec's eye. "Have you...seen my dad lately?"

Alec's eyebrows rise, and he carefully contemplates his answer. He knew this was a touchy subject, and Mackenzie hadn't talked about Carson for quite a while. What had triggered the question tonight? His eyes glance over to Jason and Misty too, and he wonders if that's what had started the young girl thinking. "Yeah, I have."

"Is he okay?"

"Well, sure. Why wouldn't he be?"

"I dunno." Mackenzie shrugs. "Justin said he was all alone and... I just hope he's okay."

Alec frowns, wishing he had an answer. At least Justin had told her that the other woman was no longer in the picture, and Alec trusted that he'd explained more than that to the girl so she wouldn't think her father had truly cheated on his wife. "He is," he assures. "I'm gonna see him tonight."

Mackenzie's eyes light up. "You are?"

"Yeah, I get to help him clean the kitchen at Mom and Pop's. Great job, huh?"

She giggles, but falls silent just as quickly. "I'd like it...so I'd get to see him."

Alec sighs. He wished he could just take her with him, but he knew her family's decision and would not risk his own contact with her by rebelling. "Anything you want me to tell him?"

"Just that I miss him."

"That I can do." Alec grabs another chip and puts one drop of hot sauce on it. "In the meantime..." He holds it out to her. "Prove to me you're a Banks."

Grinning, Mackenzie accepts the challenge.

Another Day

Stacy gives a smile to Eric and a nod. She new he didn't like being told what to do but she just wanted to make sure if was ok before he went off and started riding or doing anything else again. She new he had to take care of himself with his own health issues looming. It was just a chance she didn't want to take.

   "Alright, I will make sure someone keeps Static ready for you so if Angel clears you, you can teach him who is boss."

Giving a wave Stacy turns and heads to the barn. She was satisfied that he was going and she was sure that Angel would convince him not to do anything else if she really felt he shouldn't. That she was very sure of.

Working on some paper work at her desk Angel looks up seeing Chad and Eric come into the room. Standing she hurry over to them and motions for Chad to set Eric down. She had heard a commotion outside but wasn't sure what it was, did whatever was wrong with Eric have to do with it?

   "Thank you Chad for bringing him here."

Taking a few moments to look over Eric's leg and ask a few questions to get the whole picture Angel now whats he was looking for. It was pretty clear though looking at the welt and the start of a bruise what was going on. Poking a little and prodding Angel was finally done and able to asses correctly what was going on and how to help Eric.

   "Well the good news is nothing is broken and if taken care of it will heal. The bad news it though its a very deep tissue bruise. You're going to have stay off your feet for at least a day or to and let it heal before an infection sets in again. With you starting to drive again as well I think it would be a good idea to rest today and tomorrow and than let me check you over before you leave."

Hearing Eric would be semi ok and conformation from Eric that he would be ok Chad slowly makes his exit not wanting to cause any more problems than he had already. Chad really couldn't help but feel bad about what had happened with Eric.

Leaving the infirmary Chad makes his way back to his bunk. Breakfast was forgotten as he was more worried about Rosalyn now. First he needed to change into some real clothing though before he ran all over the ranch in his pajamas. 

It didn't take him long to shower and change before he was leaving the bunk again. He wasn't one hundred percent sure where Rosalyn would have gone but by the way he'd seen her head he had a good guess. It wouldn't take long to get to the place they called there tree and seeing her leaning against it he smiles a little to himself.

   "Even when your not smile, deep in thought your beauty is beyond compare."

Coming up to the tree next to Rosalyn Chad reaches out and runs a finger along her jaw line and over her cheekbone giving a soft smile. With everything that had happened the last thing he wanted her to think was that he was mad at her or that he was going to be scared away. However he did feel responsible for what had happened.

   "I'm really sorry I got you in trouble. Even if we didn't do anything wrong I should of known better than to let you stay the whole night. Will you forgive me?"

Grace couldn't help but be excited about coming over to see Jared today. It had been a little bit now as her calendar had filled up quick. She always tried to make time for him since he was one of her pashent to but he was becoming more than that slowly he was also becoming her friend and that meant doing what she could to see him. 

Knowing the door was open Grace enters poking her head into the kitchen and saying hello to Lyda before heading down the hall to Jared's room a brown paper bag in hand, and her duffel bag in the other. It was not bad out today but a little chilly. So maybe opening the windows and staying inside was in order. 

   "Hey Jared."

Knocking and entering Grace gives a big smile as she draws closer to the bed. The memorie of there kiss still locked in her head and thinking about put color on her cheeks but it wasn't something she wanted to shy away from and it didn't make her think any differently of Jared other than he really was a good kisser.

   "Hows it going? Sorry it's been a few days. Things have been crazy."

Setting the bag downs and coming around to the bed Grace reaches down and gives a hug to Jared. Pulling away and sitting down on the edge of the bed Grace's eyes give a small twinkle. She enjoyed coming over and standing time with Jared. He was fun to talk too, and it had become a bright spot to her. She only hoped once he was better maybe they could continue there friendship.

 "So I figured if you didn't mind since it was gloomy out we could open the windows right here and have a inside picnic."


Don't worry

Eric sighs, trying not to get upset. He didn't like being pushed. The rule around here was to get back in the saddle, and he didn't like breaking that rule whether his leg felt like it was on fire or not. It was a bad example to younger riders, and it would make it harder to control Static next time too. 

On the other hand, Stacy was his weakness. And seeing the worry on her face, well... it didn't make him feel very good. He didn't want her getting all worked up about anything. 

He finally relents. "Alright, okay... Chad, take me to Angel's." His eyes swing back to Stacy. "But then you go to the barn and make sure one of the guys gets a hold on Static and puts him in his stall without unsaddling him." 

Aiming towards Angel's office, he hobbles alongside Chad. Why did his leg hurt this bad? It really didn't make sense to him. He hadn't fallen that hard. What he didn't realize was after he'd landed and Static took off, one of Static's hooves had caught his leg as he'd bolted. As a result, his thigh had taken the impact of the fall, then received an extra hard slam after that. A weak spot anyway, it had instantly become another deep tissue bruise that, unbeknown to him, was already turning black and blue. And he was once again a prime target for infection.

Getting to Angel's office, Eric had loosened up enough that climbing the couple steps wasn't too bad. Seeing her at her desk when they enter, he gives her a wry grin. "Mornin." Letting go of Chad, he gives the man a thankful nod. "I'm alright now. You should probably go find that little lady before she thinks we all hate her." 

Another smirk is given to Angel. "Long story. I just took a little tumble off Static and Stacy insisted I come see you about my leg. I'm sure it's nothing, but I figured I'd make her happy."

Justin felt badly for Hope. He knew she only wanted what was best for Scott, and it was a shame she'd been trying to hide her love. The thing was, it just couldn't be hidden. It wasn't her fault though. She couldn't help it, and there was nothing wrong about her love. It was Scott who had the issues, making this into a sad situation. Justin knew what it felt like to not want to acknowledge feelings for someone else. But he couldn't imagine feeling such deep love and trying to hide it so the other person would still be a friend. 

Standing up he offers Hope an encouraging smile. "Don't worry. We'll get this figured out. Scott doesn't have a chance against the two of us." He tosses her a wink. "I'll talk to you again soon."

Leaving TJY, the wheels in his mind were already turning...

Hearing a knock at the door, Scott pauses his work of taping up photographs on the wall. He hadn't expected anybody to stop by, but he wasn't totally surprised either since he'd left his phone off the hook all day and had turned off his cell phone.

Domino races to the door and starts barking up a storm, boldly protecting the house.

"Scott?" Justin calls. "You home?"

Realizing who it was, Scott turns from his desk, leaving shut the drawer that held his handgun, and telling Domino she could calm down. Shuffling to the door in his baggy jeans, he unlocks it and opens it slowly, squinting in the sunlight. "Justin? Did I forget you were coming today?"

Justin grins and shakes his head. "Naw. But I happened to be in town. Stopped by TJY and since you weren't there, I just thought I might touch base and make sure everything was okay."

For a few moments, Scott debates on whether or not to open the door wider, but he finally does. "Yeah, things are fine." Turning, he leaves Justin to follow if he wants as he heads back to the living room.

Entering after him, Justin stops in the living room doorway and stares at the walls that were covered in photographs. "Whoa. These all yours?"

"Yeah." Scott looks at a few more that were scattered on his coffee table. "Only way to really choose the ones I like. Hang 'em up and compare."

"I see." Looking more closely, Justin studies the photographs, some that were freshly made. Most were black and white. And most were simply of objects or nature with unique angles, but with seemingly perfect lighting and focus. They were truly works of art. But one thing about them bothered Justin. "These all recent?"

"Huh? Yeah, I think so." Scott stands back and surveys a couple more pictures. By now he'd run out of empty spaces.

Justin wanders to the coffee table and picks up one of the photographs to look at it more closely. It was of an alleyway somewhere in town. "None of these seem too... happy."

Scott just shrugs.

Pursing his lips, Justin replaces the picture and turns his attention to Scott instead. "These are fantastic, but they all seem a bit dark, don't you think?"

Scott shrugs again. "I dunno. Just 'cause they don't have any smiling babies doesn't mean they're dark."

"No, but I don't see any of Domino... or Hope."

Scott's gaze drifts over to Justin. "You talked to her today, didn't you?"

"I did." There was no point in denying it.

"And I suppose she's worried about me."

"Does she have reason to be?"

Another shrug is Scott's answer. "I'm fine. I just think it's time she should move on."

"Why's that?"

"'Cause it's stupid to wait on somebody like me."

"So you think she's waiting?"

Scott throws Justin an irritated look. "I don't think. I know."

Justin sighs and takes a couple steps closer to him while he mulls it all over. "And...whose choice is that?"

"Apparently hers, but I don't have to go along with it."

"Think pushing her away will get her to stop waiting?"

"Worth a try, isn't it?"

"Then you don't love her like she loves you?"

"I didn't say that."

"So tell me again why you don't want her waiting."

"I never told you in the first place."

"Then how about you do?"

Scott frowns at Justin's persistence, and sinks down into his couch, joined by Domino, who curls up in his lap. "Is this why you came? On Hope's behalf, or what?"

"No, I came on your behalf." Justin half-sits on the armrest at he other end of the couch. "So tell me why Hope shouldn't wait for you, especially if you love her, too."

"Because I'll never be ready!" Scott raises his voice. "And it beats me why she refuses to see that."

"Why won't you ever be ready?"

"Look at me!" Scott throws up his hands. "I may not be in a mental hospital anymore and I may be back to work and living alone again, but seriously? I still jump at my own shadow. I get nightmares so bad that I wake myself up screaming, then go puke my guts out the rest of the night. Half the time I can't decide if I even want to roll out of bed in the morning or just stay there. And sometimes I wish I'd never wake up again at all."

Justin's body language doesn't change, even though on the inside he was picking up on all sorts of red flags. He was glad Hope had alerted him to Scott's behavior. Last week's visit had not been like this at all. "So you made it this far and you just decided it's not worth it anymore, huh?"

"I don't know."

Justin's brow furrows. "Well you better figure it out before somebody calls Brookshire."

Scott's head snaps up as he stares at Justin. "Never again."

"When was the last time you ate?"



"How should I know? Noon? It was lunch, alright?"

"Why didn't you want to go to work today?"

"I just didn't feel like it!"

Justin holds his eyes on Scott, letting silence speak for itself.

Scott looks down at Domino and swallows hard. His tone quiets as the realization hits him. "It's starting all over again, isn't it?"

"It does seem to be. But it doesn't have to turn out the same way. You have control over this thing. It does not control you."

"Sure doesn't feel like it sometimes."

"Sometimes it won't. You're going to have these rough spots, Scott. No one can survive what you did and come away without scars. It's like a broken bone. It can heal, but after that, it might ache every time the weather changes. You just have to realize when the pain is happening so you can take care of it and not allow it to control you. And right now, you're giving in to it. This is the first of many rough spots to come - but you have the power to overcome them. And if you do, it'll get just a little easier each time."

Scott leans his head back into the couch cushion and sighs.

After a few moments, Justin resumes talking. "What you do with Hope is your business. But I think you'd agree that pushing her away is just another sign that this thing has a hold on you. You're letting it drag you down, when you're so much stronger than that. It's the strength Hope sees in you, not the weakness. That's why she's willing to wait. But if you really stop and think about it, I know you'll see that there's a bigger picture here."

"I was doing so well," Scott whispers. "I was the last time too. Then it all fell apart."

"Why do you think it fell apart?"

"I don't know."

"Did you ask anybody for help?"

Scott shakes his head. No, he'd pushed everyone away... just like he was starting to do now, all over again. "No... that's why they forced me to go to Brookshire."

"So how can we make this time different?"

"I don't know."

Allowing another pause, Justin finally stands up. "Come on. Get your shoes on and grab Domino's leash."

"Where are we going?"

"For me to know. Come on. Let's go." In truth, Justin was still trying to decide on a location. He hadn't planned on being in town this long today at all, but Scott was worth it... 


Too tired to argue, Scott accepts the concoction that Justin hands him. Sitting at his kitchen table, his clothes were still damp from sweat and every muscle in his body ached. Giving the green, thick liquid just a quick glance, he raises the glass and swallows it down. 

Justin makes sure he's drinking the mix of fruit and vegetable juices before going to the sink and giving Domino some water. The little dog looked utterly exhausted, but accepted the drink with enthusiasm, giving Justin's hand a thankful lick. After giving her a few loving scratches behind her ears, Justin joins Scott at the table. "How ya feel?"

Scott shakes his head, struggling to finish his drink. "Like I'm gonna fall asleep right here if I don't puke first." 

"Good." Justin gives his shoulder a hearty pat. He'd taken Scott a few miles out of town for a hike, and had wound up taking a path several miles one way, complete with rough terrain for a hearty walk. For Justin, it had been a rather nice jaunt. For Scott, it had been a more vigorous workout than he'd had in a long time.

"I'll be back in a couple days," Justin figures. "In the meantime, I want you to go to work tomorrow. Even if you sleep late, I still want you to go, alright?"

Scott nods numbly. At the moment, all he wanted to do was crawl in bed, but he had just enough willpower left to agree to going to work. He wasn't sure his mood was any better than it had been earlier, but his body certainly was exhausted. Well...maybe his mind felt a little better. "Yeah, okay." 

"Alright." Standing again, Justin glances at his watch. He'd have to hustle if he was going to make it home in time to clean up before hitting the road again and going to Beth's. It sure was an awful lot of driving between North Springs and Briarville but at this point, he figured it was worth it. He wouldn't want to lose Beth, and he didn't want to spend less time with his mother or his clients here either. 

Scott gives him a brief wave. "See ya."

"You certainly will." Seeing Scott had finished over half his drink, Justin was satisfied and aims for the door.

Jared lies in bed, propped up with a couple pillows, bored to death of the shows on television. Every day, things got just a little more boring, just adding to his frustrations. To make things worse, two days ago, he'd fallen and hurt his right shoulder. A doctor's visit revealed he had a bad enough tear that surgery was already scheduled. It wasn't that the fall itself had been that bad, but after he'd hurt that shoulder in the accident to begin with, something seemingly simple turned out much worse. It made Jared wonder how weak the rest of his body really was, and if he'd be prone to injuries from here on out. 

For now though, his shoulder hurt more than the pain killers could handle, so once again, he was stuck in bed, inside, doing nothing. He'd tried not to let it get him down, but being down already to begin with didn't help matters. At least today Grace was coming.

At this point, that was the only thing that shone light into Jared's word. He'd thought back several times to their kiss, and hoped that after these few days had passed, that she wouldn't feel too differently... he really didn't want things to become awkward between them. He'd enjoyed the moment of affection and he had no idea where it was going, if anywhere, but he did feel a tinge of excitement, knowing she was coming back today.