
Stand Behind You!

Continuing to listen to Dylan Rosetta continues to search his face looking for the truth and trying to understand what he was saying. Seeing the young mans emotions that layed behind his eyes almost as clear as day that what he was saying was really the truth.

Letting her own eyes go soft Rosetta's heart seems to melt. Hearing Dylan's reason for everything hit her heart so much. For him to have to go through something like this at such a young again. No one should have to do that. It could change someone's life forever and make them grow up way to fast.

"Dylan...I do believe you."

Standing Rosetta moves around her desk and comes over to where Dylan was. She really wanted to hug him but maybe that would be a little to forward right now. Laying her hand on his shoulder she gives a smile.

"Because of what you have told me Dylan I have no problem with you doing schooling here at home because school is important, but we still have to run it by Mick and I will stand behind you. But I also want you to know that you can't hide forever. We will work through this though, and do what we can to keep you safe, and when the bridge comes we might have to take more action than...we will do so. Ok?"

Trey can't help his own laugh as he comes for Ariel getting her wet. Not even thinking anything about her screams for him to stop. They were joking and he thought nothing more of it till he heard the other mans voice.

The laughing and glint from his seemed to fade. Letting go of Ariel Trey takes a few steps back holding his hands up. Hearing Ariel jump to his defence was nice but still his cheeks were burning with color from the embarrassment of someone even thinking he would hurt a woman. Though stopping to think about it now he was acting inappropriate and his parents would not have approved. But why did it bother him now more than others?

Once Tom was gone and Ariel was still laughing Trey just stands there for a moment feeling teh embarrassment still wash over him. He wasn't upset or angry, just not to happy either.

"Yeah strike one up for me. Would you like to head back now?"

It seemed the moment of just letting go and joking around had now been broken, and though he caught the twinkle that was in Ariel's eye he didn't dare react to it. Anyone could be watching still and just adding to everything could be bad. What would they be saying about him now? Trey's eyes seemed a little darker, the moon reflecting from them almost giving a sad glint.

As everything because quiet Chuck was happy to just keep sitting next to Susanne. It was nice to be this close to someone again and still there was just something about Susanne that was warm.

"It was a very nice night. No matter how crazy it was, I enjoyed every moment of it. So thank you Susanne for this wonderful date."

Giving a small nod at Susanne's not to the time and they should get going Chuck was ready when she was. Getting the bill and throwing the money on the table for it he insisted he payed and Susanne put her money away. He'd asked her out first so he was going to be paying for dinner.

Heading out and giving a slight now to Carson on the way Chuck hands the helmet to Susanne once again before donning his own. Getting on and waiting for her arms to slip around him he was finally off. Taking a slightly longer rout back to TJY he wanted the ride to be good. Going fast in some places, and slow in others he is in no hurry but knows Susanne needs to get back.

Finally getting to her car he parks and helps her off before slipping his own helmet to look at her. Taking her hand in his own for a moment he slips a paper with his number into it. Giving her a smile his dark eyes twinkling with with the moonlight.

"I really did have a nice time Susanne. Thank you so much. I'll be giving you a call again soon. Drive home safe."

Job well done

Dylan searches Rosetta's eyes, his own gaze revealing that though he was hesitant, he longed to relieve himself of the burden he carried. Even though he'd shared with Dan, it was still a well-kept secret. Telling Rosetta meant that news would spread, and there was a part of him that was tired of his family not knowing the truth, even though he'd had reason to hide it. "Okay. Deal."

Quiet for a moment, he settles in the chair, his eyes roaming the office as he collects his thoughts and tries to get past his emotions. "I was clean... but I had some friends that weren't so great..." He goes on to explain how he'd been held against his will and how the drugs had been forced into him. Growing nervous, he stands and paces as he continues telling of how he couldn't let anyone know what had happened, lest his family be harmed.

Stopping at the window, Dylan looks out with his back to Rosetta. Telling Dan - a man - was one thing. Telling Rosetta - a woman and his stepmom no less - was another. He was embarrassed and it was difficult admitting aloud how he'd felt violated and in essence, abused. "I was hooked but hid it well. Ended up doing things like stealing and such to keep the guys happy and keep the drugs coming. There were parties... girls..." His face grows hot and he glances over his shoulder. There really were things he'd rather leave out, but she'd insisted on the complete story. So he tells her, sparing no details about the "sessions" of drugs, alcohol and the things he did with girls. Even now, it made him sick, and he can't turn to look at her. Tears burn his eyes and he tries to keep his voice from cracking as he forces those tears not to fall. All that he'd done - none of it he'd wanted to do - some of it had been due to being under the influence, and some of it had been because he'd been forced. And some he knew he just plain didn't remember and didn't want to either.

Eventually, Dylan turns back around shrugs lamely. "That's about it. Some of my so-called friends talked about a one-way road trip and I was desperate and ready to forget everything, so I hopped a ride. I shot myself up and... that's when the Elite showed up and I got taken to the McClain's where I let everyone believe it had all been built on my own choices."

Flopping down in the chair again, he sighs deeply. "Once I was here, I started getting calls from one of the guys. He'd found me and wanted me to get him drugs or he'd come after me. So I stole from Angel's office and was gonna send the meds to him. Then I got caught and you know the rest. I trashed my phone and waited, but no one came so I figured I was safe here. And now... Dad's asking me to walk out in the open, unprotected, all day, every day. I know these guys... It doesn't matter that I'm states away. They were getting paid big bucks to keep me addicted - they won't stop." Desperation laces Dylan's words, his eyes full of his shame, mixed with real fear of going through it all again. In all reality, he was a prime subject for someone who would benefit from counseling, but instead, he'd muscled through his circumstances, locking away the pain in order to survive. "I can't protect myself from them, Rosetta. I'm only safe here. If I go out there, they will find me."

Ariel hadn't been prepared for Trey to come after her, so by the time she'd quit laughing from him almost falling again, she was too slow to get out of his way. "Don't you dare, Trey... no, no... no!"

Being pulled into his arms, she shrieks, feeling her own clothes getting wet from his. Her laughter breaks out again as she tries to wriggle free, fighting his arms that she found very strong, but not trying too hard. "You dweeb!" She giggles. "Let me go!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dude, let her go."

Ariel looks up quickly to see one of the guys from the party. His eyes were concerned, irritated and his stance said he was ready to pounce if need be. "Oh, no, Tom." She stifles another laugh. "We're just fooling around." Slipping from Trey, she grins sheepishly, knowing they must look quite silly.

Tom's eyes narrow, but he does relax, giving Trey a good long look. "Yeah... okay. You want some hot chocolate?"

"In a while." Ariel smiles sweetly until Tom had left. Then glancing to Trey, she puts her hands over her mouth to muffle her new laughter. Gasping for air, her eyes water and she points after Tom. "Did you see the look on his face? He was ready to clobber you, you poor thing, falling in the water then almost getting attacked."

Her giggles maker her eyes sparkle and she reaches out to take a piece of seaweed off his shirt. "I'm sorry." She chokes on another laugh. "I won't scream so loudly next time."

Susanne laughs and turns her head to look up at Chuck. "There's an idea. Maybe Reese will put me on some undercover case or something."

Though grinning, she suddenly realizes just how close her face was to his, and her heart picks up its pace again. Retreating just a little, she turns back to the pizza, finally in control of her laughter. "I would say... mission accomplished." She holds up the slice of pizza as if in a toast. "To spontaneity, good laughs and good pizza." Taking a bite, she then holds it for Chuck again to help finish it off. "And to a job well done."

Finally feeling more at ease, the evening really does go too quickly. Small talk ensues again, and there was still much Susanne didn't know about Chuck, but she doesn't question him now. After all, there really was no point since after tonight, this was it. She does enjoy herself though, evident by her smile and how she doesn't seem to mind his arm around her anymore.

Eventually, the other group leaves the restaurant and Mom and Pop's is left pretty quiet except for a few guys that had come in later for a Bible study. Susanne and Chuck's table is also quieter with both too full to eat any more and time running out.

After waving to her friends as they left, Susanne fingers her water glass and turns her head to look at Chuck once more. He really was so handsome - she couldn't deny that. And he'd been so sweet all evening... but she refused to allow herself to think that this would be more than this one dinner date. "Thank you, Chuck. This was a silly idea of mine with a silly and quite vain purpose... but..." She bites her lip, almost afraid to admit it. "...I did enjoy myself."

Checking her watch, she sighs. "I should get going," she mentions quietly, her tone almost apologetic. "If you... take me back to TJY, I can pick up my car."