
Ice Cream

Heading out of the living room and into her bed room Beth pulls out her bag and sets it on the bed. As she puts a few items she would need into it she could help it that she mind wondered. Was going to Justin's really a good idea? Was there more to this offer than just not wanting her to be alone? Could she really trust him?

Trying to shake those thoughts from her mind she thought it crazy to even double guess what Justin's motives where. He's had helped her with so many things, and on so many levels, he was just once again trying to help her thought a rough patch. 

   "Alright, I think I'm ready."

Coming out into the living room Beth has her bag slung over her shoulders and one of her pillows. She didn't know if she would need them or not but it never hurt to bring one. That was a little bit of home was with her too. She was about ready as she was going to be.

   "Nope, I could get tired of eating the same thing everyday, or watching the same movie every day but not you. You always surprise me with something new. "

Giving a smile and not taking her eyes off Jared she could read him pretty clean. Today he was not really feeling this and his hope and willpower was starting to dwindle. That was the last thing Grace wanted to happen and she had to think of something quick before he went into a down ward spiral.

   "How would you like to go for an adventure. I saw an ice cream shop on my way up here and I think for today you have done pretty good. Might be nice to get away and just have a little fun too. All work and no play right?"

Graces eyes give a little sparkle. It wasn't something amazing but it might put a little spark back into Jared. Ice cream made everyone feel better no matter what was wrong. It would be time away, doing something and not just working on his legs. Maybe going about this whole thing would be different with Jared. She might have just to think of different ways to make this more fun.

Entering the dinning hall and seeing Hunter at one of the far tables Katie can't help but smile. She wondered if Justin was getting use to the early hours or if it was determination to not let her Uncles get the best of him that made him wake early.

Going into the kitchen and grabbing a bagel along with a cup of coffee she returns to Hunters table. Setting her stuff down she clears her throat a little bit as her eyes give a little dance. Every morning just seemed to get better and better. Standing there for a long moment just watching Hunter with his eyes closed Katie finally speeks.

   "So is this seat free or are you saving it for someone?"


A Peg or Two

"If I minded, I wouldn't have asked." Justin assures. 

Watching Beth closely, he really couldn't tell yet how much of an impact this evening had had on her. He wished he could, but he also knew it might take several days for him to really be able to see how this had affected her. 

He gives her arm a pat and nods. "Pack whatever you need. Take your time." 

Only after she's left the room does he stand up to pace in small circles. Was this really such a good idea? Was it even appropriate? Not that he would change his mind - he'd already invited Beth and wouldn't go back on his word. But... had it really been wise? Not that anything bad would happen - he wouldn't have asked her over had she not been so upset, and he wasn't about to make a habit out of it. So surely it was okay and...

Shaking his head, Justin stops himself from thinking any more. No matter what anyone else would think, Beth needed company tonight, and he was it. He wasn't going to leave her alone, and that was that. It would be just fine.

Taking a seat on the couch armrest, he waits.

Jay laughs and nods at his sister. "I promise I'll bring everybody and you can spoil them rotten." 

Hugging Annie, Jay was glad that even she seemed happy he was here and planning to be around more. "I think you're right... there's just something special about this place." 

Looking around at the others, all wore smiles and it made his heart warm. "Thanks, guys... this means a lot to me."

"Means a lot to us too." Mick slips an arm around Rosetta's shoulders, giving her a squeeze. "If anything bad happens because you're associating with us again... we've got your back, and that's a promise." 

The group stuck around and chatted for a little while longer, but slowly they began to disperse, heading to their own places for the night. Mick retrieves a sleepy BJ from Becky, carrying him to the house, even though he was getting too big to be carried. Once he was put to the bed, Mick found himself relaxed on the couch with Rosetta where they talked about Jay and the family until they were finally too tired to stay awake anymore. The rest of the ranch also gradually grew quiet, crickets lulling the night away. 

It was a dark river, churning and raging like an angry living creature. It crashed around jagged rocks, and tore at the banks - even its froth had lost its pure whiteness.

Plunged without warning into the rushing water, it was a bitter cold temperature, surging over Hunter and pulling him down, down, down. It was as black as night, creating a fear that raced through his veins. Heart racing, his legs fought against the current but to no avail. His hands groped at the water, but it was a useless effort. His lungs burned in his chest, begging him for oxygen and every muscle tensed under the weight of an invisible force.

Fighting and clawing, panic raced through Hunter's veins. Why was he here? What was happening? Was he going to drown?

The river carried him mercilessly on its deadly course, treating his body as though it were only a lost piece of driftwood, destined to be snapped in two on one of the protruding boulders.

Caught in a sudden swirling vortex, Hunter feels himself slammed to the river bottom, pinned down by the menacing current. He had to breathe. He needed air. Excruciating pain washed over his entire body and he screamed out in terror. But as he does, the black water surges into his lungs, bringing with it, death.

Sitting bolt upright in bed, Hunter wasn't sure if he'd just really screamed or not. He was drenched in sweat, his heart racing and his hands shaking. He couldn't remember a nightmare so vivid and horrible. It was just like the one he'd had when he'd dozed off in the pasture with Katie the other day, except this time it was as if he had experienced the full version. And it was terrifying.

Standing on wobbly legs, Hunter goes to the bathroom to splash some water on his face. Staring at himself in the mirror, he wonders at the fear still lingering in his eyes. Maybe he'd just had too much stress lately. Or maybe it was something he ate for supper. Regardless, he never wanted to experience this again.

Trying to go back to sleep was futile, and as the sun rose a couple hours later, Hunter found himself one of the first people in the dining hall - evident by the full coffee pot. Pouring himself a cup, he wanders into the other room to find an empty table near the window. Easing down, he rubs his hands over his face, feeling exhausted. Finally taking a sip of the black coffee, he hopes it will help wake him up. Not only was he tired, but his legs were incredibly sore after yesterday's experience with Bonzai. He wouldn't let it show though... not if he could help it.

Taking another sip of coffee, he closes his eyes and just sits. But even then, the nightmarish images returned to his mind.

Grace's reprimand might have been gentle, but it was still a reprimand, leaving Jared feeling like a little boy who had just been chided for his behavior. He hadn't meant to take out his frustrating on her, he just... well it was... he didn't know to... 

Trying to figure it out was useless. It seemed like his legs weren't the only things that weren't working anymore. Seemed like his mind and heart weren't doing so well either. 

Letting the matter drop, he's glad at least that she's willing to let him sit in the grass, and he manages a smile - though small - at her joke. With her help, he gets out of the chair and to the ground, mostly by her strength and not his. He was just happy they hadn't toppled over again. Either he was improving or Grace was just better prepared. He had a feeling it was the latter. 

Sitting in the grass, Jared lets his back slouch, his hands in his lap. Her question just brings a shrug. "I dunno. I mean yeah." 

He sighs and plucks a blade of grass to fiddle with, his eyes remaining downcast. He'd felt happy when Grace had arrived and now it felt like he was living in a storm cloud. Grace's words had knocked him down a peg or two and he wasn't really sure how to act now. He felt frustrated... angry... but had no one to talk to about it. He was trying so hard, yet his determination was starting to fade. He was tired. Lonely. Bored. How much longer was he going to be like this? Would it ever end? Grace was just an easy target for his frustrations since he didn't see anybody else.

Giving her a sidelong glance, he manages a faint smile. "I bet you could get tired of me awful quick, huh?"

Small bag

Rolling over on her back and looking up at Justin for a long moment and his offer Beth study's his face. She trusted Justin but it was an odd invitation for him but at the same time it wasn't that odd after what they had just been through. Justin new her pretty good from there friendship that had formed and he must have known she didn't want to be alone tonight.

   "Ok, I'll come over as long as you don't mind...to much."

Sitting up Beth just sits on the edge of the couch for several minutes before looking to Justin again. Her eyes held so many emotions. She was trying to be strong, she was trying so hard, but it was just that hard. One step forward and a few behind would Justin still want to be with her?

   "Let me go pack a small bag and I'll be right back...ok?"

Giving Jay a pat on the back and letting her smile grow even more Rosetta looks around the room at everyone and just takes everything in. It was really great to see the whole family together again and Rosetta wouldn't change this moment for the world. Its been something she had been waiting for, for a long time. 

   "You better bring the family soon. I want to meet those kids of yours and spoil them like an Aunt should."

Standing again as well Anne comes over to Jay and gives him her own hug before taking a step back. She wasn't as close to him as the other were since she was on the road a lot but she'd still had met him once and would like to get to know him more. Just as the other would all over again.

   "Glad to have you back. There is no place like home for sure, and even those who deny it...this will always be home."

   "You're not being told what to do, I am offering my help to you in trying to get you to walk again. If you don't want to do this than tell me and I wont wast my time trying to help you. We can just sit here all day, and I can push you around, and help you in and out of bed. Would you like that better?"

Grace's voice was stern but soft at the same time. There was no anger or frustration in her eyes of face only the yurning to help. But this was Jared's choose and she wasn't going to have him act like it wasn't. He might think he was helpless here but he wasn't.

Hearing his comment about sitting in the grass Grace gives a nod. She didn't mind sitting in the grass it was warm and she herself liked the feel of it. Holding out her hand for Jared to take Grace helps him giving him a little extra support knowing his legs were sore for there activity this morning.

   "If you fall on me again thats ok at least you good looking and not five hundred pounds."

Finally getting Jared settled into the grass Grace gives a smile. She enjoyed spending time with him even when he was being snippy. It didn't bother her much and she new it was just part of the process of everything that was going on with him. So taking it with a grain aslat was the best thing she could do. It wasn't her he was made at only the situation.

   "Alright, now that we are a little more comfortable...ready to continue or not yet?"