

Remaining in the kitchen as Beth starts to talk, Jared moves around to the other counter to steal a slice of celery and chew on it. He leans back against the counter and folds one arm, cocking his head as he listens.

Lydia also listens intently, her eyes going wide as she hears that Justin had been so sick. Her mouth opens slightly, her face paling just enough to be noticed. She searches Beth's face as if trying to know for sure if this all was the truth.

As the topic moves on, Jared stiffens. He looks towards his mother, then back at Beth and steps forward to come up behind Lydia.

Tears glisten in Lydia's eyes and she wrings the towel in her hand. "Justin was always such a good boy." She smiles as she struggles to maintain her composure. "I...I just... do you think he-"

Jared sets a hand on her shoulder and looks directly at Beth. "I'm sorry but... I'm really not sure what my brother has told you. He displayed a blatant act of violence that has caused fear in this house, and that's not something that this family tolerates. I'm living here now to care for our mother, so Justin is no longer needed."

Lydia's eyes drop and she nods numbly. "I thank you for letting me know he was sick," she thanks Beth meekly. "Maybe sometime I can-"

"You can tell Justin that his mother is not ready to see him," Jared intervenes. His tone was firm, but very calm and almost gentle. "When someone does something like he did, it doesn't just go away. I don't know your relationship with him, but I hope he hasn't taken his anger out on you at all, and if he has, I'd advise keeping your distance." He slides his arm around both of Lydia's shoulders. "Thank you for coming though, Beth. It was very thoughtful of you."

Lydia swallows hard and finally look back up at Beth again. "Do you want something to eat? I just made some cookies last night. Or a glass of iced tea?"

Jared tenses, but lets it go, forcing a new smile. "No one ever goes hungry around here," he muses.

Rocky grins at Michaela's compliment, though his cheeks flush just slightly. "I'm not too sure Puzzle likes my singing, but I'm glad somebody does."

Just looking at Michaela for a moment, he can't help but notice how she was even prettier than her online photo. Part of him felt rather silly for having met someone - a woman - online, but part of him didn't see anything wrong with it either, and if he had trouble making friends otherwise, why not?

"I'm glad you decided to come. Though I must admit I was all prepared to leave some razzing comment on your web page about not showing up." His smile widens again as a teasing glint enters his eye. "I was-" His words are cut short as he is suddenly beaned in the head from behind by a half roll of duct tape. Flinching, then blinking, he turns around to see Max staring innocently at the ceiling. Rocky smirks and picks up the roll of tape before looking back at Michaela. "And this is how the band shows their love for me. Little does Max know that this duct tape just might end up haunting him when he least expects it."

Shaking his head, he tosses the tape into a nearby bin that was ready to be taken out. Turning to Michaela again, he's quiet once more as if hesitating to say something. "Um... the band and a few friends are going to Mom and Pop's for some late night pizza..." He bites his lip, almost cringing. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, and I'd understand if that would be a little much since you don't know us but... you're more than welcome to come." His mouth upturns again. "And hey, then you could always say you got to socialize with Cryptic."

Quinn smiles and swings Anastasia's hand as he starts to walk again. "Stargazing with my girl sounds fantastic. You always have the good ideas."

Getting to the car, he opens the door for her. "But lets stop on the way for some munchies. Gotta have munchies." In truth, a distraction was what he was looking for right now. The conversation with Phil had been great - but the conversation with Axel was what was lingering in his mind. It hadn't gone badly... but it still felt so very awkward. He wondered if that would ever go away. Tonight... all he wanted to do was relax and stop thinking so much.

Reese is quiet for a few minutes, digesting Angelica's ideas. "I'm not sure how well the judge would take a testimony from Alec's ex-girlfriend. I'd hate to put Ryan through that too - if she'd even be willing after the stunt he pulled. But... maybe that's an ace we can keep up our sleeve if nothing else works."

He rubs his chin thoughtfully. "A way to show his softer side, huh? I think you're right. What if..." He pauses, still trying to organize his thoughts. "What if Alec knew that other people's futures were riding on this? I mean... if he really does have a softer side and the Alec we knew before really did exist and still exists. What if he knew that if he got sent to prison, that this program would fall apart and people like Gage would end up behind bars too without any chance at all? And I'm not thinking he's going to change because of that information, but he might at least act the part for the judge, for no other reason than to let others have freedom. I don't know." He shrugs lamely. "Do you think enough of his heart still exists that he might behave for someone else's sake?"