
I'll be there...

Carson's emotional eyes quickly shifted to Misty as he caught her gaze for the first time today. She was willing to talk? To him? Would it be something good? Would it bring hope? Or did she want to tell him for the last time that she never wanted him back in her life? He wasn't sure his heart could take it if that's what this was about. But...he couldn't say no and then be left wondering if he would have had a chance at catching even a small sliver of her heart once again. That's all he wanted. Just a tiny glimmer of hope. And he was at her mercy.

He squeezed her hand again and gave her a little nod. "Just say when and where," he whispered back. "And I'll be there."

Mackenzie, still under Carson's other arm, shifted just enough to spy their hands being held. She glanced over at Justin with a expression of wonderment.

He pursed his lips and shook his head ever so slightly, warning her not to get her hopes up too high. She leaned her head into her dad, nonetheless, daring to hope just a little. Without Alec, she wasn't sure she'd even see Misty at all anymore. But if Misty and her dad got back together, she'd get to see them both, for sure. She wouldn't say anything, though. That would be too much hope.

Pretending? Eli's brow furrowed at his sister's comment. What were people pretending? He simply nodded. "Yeah...yeah I'll take you home."

He opened the driver's door and slid in behind the wheel, waiting to start the engine until Ryan had joined him. "I know it may seem like people are pretending to have cared about Alec..." He assumed that's what Ryan had been talking about. "But I think they're genuine, even if Alec didn't have too many close friends. I hope you don't think I'm pretending, 'cause I really do feel badly."

"Hmm?" Reese's mind was already far away. "Oh. Just a few things I need to sort out." He pursed his lips grimly. "Things are going to change. A lot. And I can't tell if it's for the better or not." 

He sighed, but managed a smile of apology. He knew he was being vague. "How about you start supper and that'll keep me from staying at the office too long. I may need to talk a few things over with you though. I can't decide the fate of the Elite on my own."

Eric grinned. "Mmm, you're right about that." He had no clue what the future would hold or where he and Stacy were actually headed, but he was happy to wait and see what God had in store.

He leaned in again to kiss her once more, this time on the lips where he let it linger for several long moments. It wasn't often they had much time alone, unless finding each other in places like this when everyone else was distracted by wrapping things up for the evening.

Just letting himself enjoy these few minutes, he finally retreated slowly, his eyes shining in the soft evening light. "I used to say my heart lived on the road," he mused softly. "But... I think its home is elsewhere now."

"He botched up more cases lately than Medridge ever got wind of." An armed lookout agent, Aaron, leaned his elbows on the table in the grand meeting room as he looked across at Victoria. He'd asked to speak with her that evening, about Garret's mysterious disappearance. 

"I don't know what Garret's problem has been, but whatever it is, I won't be surprised to find out he's been taken by an enemy. I never would have said that a year ago, but lately...yeah." He cocked his head to study Victoria. Did he know more than he led on? "Did he ever say anything to you about any of his jobs being more risky than others? We've got nothing to go on. Even his tracking device went offline, so whoever has him, they knew he had the implant and knew to take it out. That implies it's someone close to operations but we can't pinpoint anything. If you've got any ideas, feel free to jump in any time."



   "I'm not sure how you did, I am pretty amazing after all."

Stacy gives a small smile as her eyes dance. Eric wasn't only the lucky one, she was too. She'd all but given up hope that she would find anymore to spend her life with and figured it would just be the girls together. But than out of no where she life changed, and it changed for the best.

Looking over her shoulder at Eli Ryan gives her head a shake as a tear ran down her cheek. No she wasn't ok, she wasn't ok with this whole thing at all. But it seemed so hard to try and express how she felt.

   "No I'm not ok, once this all blows over and people can stop pretending."

She hated feeling like this. Angry, sad, confused it made her head hurt more and more. But no one would understand not even her big brother and it hurt.

Looking out across the vast field Ryan shuttered a little. Maybe tonight she'd race. That always cleared her head and helped her think better. She'd figure something out to get through this, she just had to so she and Alec could be together again.

  "Can we just go home now? I dont want to be here anymore."

Just holding Carson's hand reminded Misty about how much she really did miss it. After all they had been through, after all her hateful words to him there was still something there, and holding his hand proved that. She could fell it still even if she wanted to deny it.  Looking at Carson again and searching his face Misty's eyes just lingered before there was a slight lull and she whispered to him.

   "Do you want to get coffee tonight...and...maybe....talk?"

Maybe Misty owed Carson that at least to hear him out. They'd lost so much already if anything else happened and they hadn't cleared the air...Misty didn't know if she'd be able to take it. So many things had happened, and she was so....so angry at Carson, but she wasn't sure if she really was mad, or blamed him anymore.

Angelica cocks her head at Reese for a long moment. She wasn't sure what he was talking about preparing, or what he might want to do at the office today. Everything was hitting everybody hard, and Angelica only worried a little but still she wasn't sure with so many emotions floating about how people might react out of hast.

   "What did you need to prepare? Did you want me to come with you or go home and start dinner?"

Though they hadn't been married for long Angelica fit into the house wife roll nicely. Nicer and faster than she thought she would. Even though she still had her stongwilled ways, and didn't always agree with Reese she was really enjoying being married to him.

Leaning against the wall in the hall way Victoria let out a long breath. Garret was gone and they still couldn't find him. Where was he? She worried, and a little more than normal the words from the ball still ringing in her ear. Had he found something? Was he taken? Would he ever be back? So many things went through her mind. She wanted to go find him, but now she was grounded from going anywhere. But still she had to do something, and than many convince her grandfather go...this couldn't be the last time she'd ever see her love.


Uncommon Tears

What had Eric done to deserve someone like Stacy who was so understanding and gracious? He’d never know. “Thanks for believing in me. It means a lot.”

Even so, he still had some tough choices to make. Whether or not Stacy and Ashlee understood why he had to be on the road, being gone too much would eventually put much undo strain on their relationship. How was he supposed to find the balance?

He gave Stacy a squeeze before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on her cheek. “How did I survive this long without you around, hmm?”

Eli glanced over his shoulder as his sister walked away. He knew this must be hard on her…perhaps harder than he even realized. He’d often wondered about her feelings towards Alec. Had she ever really gotten over him? She’d sent him away more than once, told him, “no” flat-out, and had stuck with Tal, despite Alec’s interferences. But deep down…would one find she still had love for the man who had caused so much grief? Eli had known for some time, in his heart of hearts, that Ryan still had a certain love for Alec. Was it that love now, that made this so much more difficult? He could only wonder. And he wished the past had not been so marred by so many bad choices. He wished he would have known only the side of Alec that deserved friendship and respect. Perhaps he’d have better feelings how, had it been that way before.

As soon as he deemed it appropriate, Eli slipped away from the others and joined Ryan at the car. “Hey…” He came up slowly behind her. “You okay?”

The last thing Carson ever expected was to feel Misty take his hand. It was as if an electrical current surged all the way up his arm, and it took all he had not to jump in surprise. Was she…really touching him? He glanced down, almost thinking it had to be his imagination. But it was real. And oh, how much he wanted to just remember the way her touch felt. Was this a sign of a brighter future? Was it just a formal gesture in light of this tragedy? Did it mean nothing more than a public display of respect? Or…did it mean there was still a glimmer of hope? 

Ever so gently, he returned a squeeze to her hand, and just continued to hold it. His arms ached to hold her. Hug her. His lips longed to kiss her. Those very feelings drove him near the brink of insanity nearly every day. Did she realize how much torture this was, to be so close, yet so far away? 

Even so, he simply held her hand and forced his eyes forward to the last part of the service. He would ask nothing of her, and would not even speak to her unless she spoke first. Yes, it was torture. But he knew now that pushing only drove her further away. Silence and patience were the only things left now that he had to offer.

No one would hear his voice quake, or see his shoulders shake. He would not even blink. For he knew too well how to control his emotions. But even so, this day was too much, even for him. And the streams of tears made their way silently down his face – the only sign of his anguished heart.

As the brief service came to a close, Reese sighed and glanced at Angelica. “I had hoped I’d have Alec as an agent again one day,” he admitted. “I wanted so badly for him to succeed. I never can help but feel somewhat responsible. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. This is all just… such a waste.” 

He fished his keys from his pocket. “I’m gonna let be whoever needs to stay, and go back to the office for a while. I have a feeling I’m going to need to prepare something I’ve been considering for a long time now.” 

“Five days! This is unacceptable!” Medridge rapped his cane on his desk rather than swinging it at his unemotional agent. Five days ago, Garret had been scheduled to return to the estate. But he never had come. No word. No sign. He had simply vanished.

“I’m sorry, Sir. We started at Sonya’s estate, but quickly lost his trail. But his abandoned vehicle would make us lean towards the possibility that he was abducted.”

“But by whom?! Who would take him? Which of my enemies would dare take my right hand man without so much as a bargain for money or power? It doesn’t make any sense!” 

The agent shifted his weight as he tried to come up with an answer. “Perhaps whoever it is, is trying to make you nervous. It feels like a power play to me, if I may say so, Sir. If they wanted to make a point, they would have killed Garret and sent you his body. But if they wanted a bargaining chip, they would hold him until they knew you were upset enough to buy him back.” 

Medridge scoffed and sat down behind his desk. “And when we find them, they shall pay dearly for such an act of rebellion. Keep searching. But keep top agents here, and that includes Victoria. I do not want anyone thinking they can steal all the aces from my hand. No…no, they shall not.”


Sitting down Ryan felt so uncomfortable being there. There were not many people but there were enough to make her wonder a little more why someone would still go to this length. She tried to stop her mind from thinking and just sit there. Listening, hearing the soft weeping, Carson's speech...it all her could not to laugh or stand up and tell people they needed to stop pretending he was dead. Death wasn't funny, it wasn't funny at all.

Taking about as much as she could Ryan finally got up and made her way to the car. She just couldn't take it anymore. A tear rolled down her cheek more from anger than sadness. Why did it have to be like this, why couldn't they just forgive Alec and move on.

Giving a small smile to Gage Sapphire nodded. She didn't mind if he sat with her at all and it was better than sitting alone. She would guess Scott would not be coming so at least her had someone there.

  "Thanks for coming. I really wasn't looking forward to doing this alone."

Looking over and seeing Mackenzie Misty's heart hurt a little more. She new what she was going though but could only wonder if it was one hundred time worse for a young girl. Harder to understand, and accept.

Leaning over for just a moment Misty takes Mackenzie's hand in her own and gives it a small squeeze. She didn't say anything and she new it was not much, but maybe it would bring a little comfort to them both.

As Carson starts his bit he had to say Misty leans back over to her side and just listens as a few tears roll down her cheek. Alec really was gone and this was just the confirmation. It was hard to swallow, and if Misty new anything this was the part that started the healing, but it still didn't make it any better.

As Carson closed and came to sat down next to her, and Mackenzie she didn't feel awkward. This was not the time and place for that. She could feel how sad Carson really was and the small tear that maybe no one else noticed she did. This hard to be hard on him too, no matter the reason, the out come this was his family, his brother who had just passes away. 

Without hesitation Misty takes Carson's hand in her own and gives it a reassuring squeeze.  She wasn't putting anything more into it than should be, nor did she know what this meant for there future But Carson needed someone to right now, and he had no one. It was the least she could do.

As Eric puts his arms around her Stacy she snuggled in even closer. The warmth of a mans arms around her felt nice, it made her feel safe and protected, Eric was so good at all of those how could she not be happy.

   "Ashlee told me about the conversation she had with you. I feel so silly being her mother and not knowing thats what was bothering her. If I had known I would of tried to help, but at least she did finally talking to you could her."

Running her hand up and down Eric's arm Stacy is silent for a long moment. She couldn't say she liked that Eric was gone for so long at a time but she new why he did it, and he did it for his family, and everyone else at the Ranch. She couldn't buck that, or even had a bad thing to say about it. It was really honorable he sacrificed so much  for his family.

   "I don't like when you have to go away, but I know why you do it and because of that Ashlee and I will always be here when you return. You're not running away, or trying to get away from us...your working. I think she and I both understand that now. I have all the faith in the world that you will always return to us."

Looking up at Eric Stacy smiles as the light from the moon dances shadows on across her face. What she and Eric had was special and she new that. Something about it was just different like nothing else she'd had before. It was not something she'd be giving up that easily at all.


Seeing Ryan, Eli couldn't help a bit of a smile. "You look nice." He meant it. It was rare that Ryan would dress up for any occasion, but when she did, she always looked good.

The ride to the cemetery was quiet, and Eli left Ryan with her own thoughts, and himself with his own. There wasn't much to say anyway... a part of their life had ended, and they would move on. It's just the way the world worked.

Once at the cemetery, Eli walked with his sister to where there were chairs set up for just a small gathering. There weren't a whole lot of people there...which wasn't surprising. Alec hadn't really had a broad social life aside from close family and a few friends. That was about it, in addition to a handful of Elite agents who came more out of respect than friendship.

Arriving with Misty, Jason's heart still hurt. More for her than anyone, and he wished he could just make it all better. He wished all the pain would just go away. Why did things like this have to happen? And why now? Not that any time would have been good, but with all Misty had ever been through, it just felt even more unfair.

He gave Misty an encouraging nod before they headed to where the other people where, and found them both seats. Maybe things had been strained between them, but he chose to sit next to her anyway - as the friend he would always try to be. There was a strange tension because of Carson's presence, but it couldn't be helped, and no one would forfeit being there just to avoid that awkwardness - Jason included.

Mackenzie settled in near Misty, daring to throw her a couple glances, though a smile didn't appear. She missed seeing Misty and hadn't seen her at all lately. She'd been told what had happened, and knew now there would be no baby brother or sister. It had hurt, and now she'd lost her uncle, too.

Her gaze dropped, and she paid little attention when Justin sat next to her. Some girls her age might rely on him for a hug or a shoulder to rest her head on. But she would remain reserved and withdrawn - it was the way she'd taught herself to survive.

"Hey." Gage had quietly come up behind Sapphire to lay a hand on her shoulder. This whole atmosphere felt strange to him. Many people were here not because they'd been close to Alec, but simply because they respected his last act. For Gage, it was a little of both. He hadn't been great friends with Alec, but they'd gotten along okay as of late, and Gage would never forget that it was Alec who had gotten him his job in the first place. Alec had had a good heart, despite his many mistakes.

Gage's hand slid down to find Sapphire's. "Figured I'd sit with you, if that's okay..."

“...I guess it’s only natural that I’d be asked to say a few words.” Carson hooked his hands in his pockets as his eyes lowered to the small marker in the fresh, green grass. Though the sun was shining and a light breeze blew, there seemed to be little peace.

“Problem is…I really don’t know what to say. I was up half the night and yet I find myself lacking the right words.” He looked back up and caught a few glances of those who were there. Dani…Misty…Eli and Ryan…Justin.

“Alec and I didn’t always see eye-to-eye.” A slight grin emerged. “But we were brothers. Maybe I only recently started to appreciate that. And…I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate it sooner, because he was a good man. He struggled like the rest of us. Maybe more in some ways. But in the end, he followed his heart. Maybe it was foolhardy. But he acted out of love.”

Carson’s gaze lingered on Misty for but a short moment before he moved on. “I wish I knew if I could take comfort, knowing I’d see Alec again. Knowing he was at peace. But I gotta be honest…I don’t know either of those. And I feel partly to blame. I was introduced to God by people who weren’t willing to give up on me when I was struggling. I discovered the most important things in life through them. Yet I neglected to encourage my brother in such a way.”

Though his emotions churned, he controlled them well, not allowing his voice to waver. “I don’t know where he was with the Lord, and all I can do is hope that he was met with mercy when he died. But I can’t dwell on the unanswered questions. All I can do is know that Alec’s death was not in vain. He gave his life because he valued others more than himself. That kind of act can’t save a person’s soul. But it can bring some small comfort to know that at the very least, his courage will live on through the rest of us. He wouldn’t have wanted us to think of him in misery, but in happiness and gratefulness for who he was to all of us. I think we can all take something from his sacrifice…those we love are more important than life itself.”

It didn’t seem to be enough, but it’s all Carson had. Letting it go at that, he moved to the side to allow the minister to take over. He walked a few steps and scanned the chairs to find Mackenzie’s hopeful eyes. The empty seat was right next to Misty…but it was the only logical place for him to sit. He’d do his best not to make her uncomfortable.

Slipping in to the empty space, he put his arm around Mackenzie to give her a little squeeze. And to his left was Misty…and it took all he had not to at least look at her. But as he gazed ahead at the minister, a silent tear rolled down his cheek. Oh, how he hurt.

"Mmm...yeah, everything's okay." Eric looked to Stacy and offered a tired smile. "Other than being plum tuckered out," he admitted. 

Shifting around a little, he let Stacy tuck in closer next to him so he could put his arm around her. "Just thinking, is all. Didn't used to bother me... the long runs, I mean. Being gone a month at a time wasn't anything. But now..." He sighed. "Now I'm not sure it's what I should be doing. But it's good money - money this ranch needs. But knowing how Ashlee feels...I don't want to be gone so much that I lose what I've got with her..." He paused and glanced down to Stacy's face. "...or with you, for that matter... I just...don't know where to go from here."

Thats Why

Standing in the bathroom Ryan looks in the mirror again. She'd never really liked dressing like this. Her hair done up, makeup, a dress on. She actually felt really uncomfortable. For more reason than one. Hadn't this whole thing with Alec being dead gone on long enough? Was this really a ploy to just cut him out of life forever. 

Looking down at her phone again her eyes scan the reply from Alec. They just dont want us to be together, thats why...! Would her brother, the people she thought were friends really go this far to ensure that he stayed out of her life forever. It confused Ryan and hurt as well.

  Should I just not go?

 No you have to go. They don't know we are talking and if they did...who knows.

Giving a sigh Ryan new Alec had a point. She didn't like this, she didn't like pretending he was dead, but if no one thought she believed them, who knows what else they would try. She hated thinking that but if they went to this length one could only guess what else they would do.

Hearing Eli call her from down the hall Ryan lets out another sigh and heads out of the bathroom giving Zidan a pat on the head before exiting her room and heading twords Eli.

  "Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll never be. Lets get this over with."

Sitting on her bed Misty just sat as tears rolled down her face. Why...why this after be so real. People had been back to see her, let her know that they had proof Alec really was dead she'd been silent for the most part through it all, and if she did speak it was only a few words at a time. She'd lost everything, her child, her husband, her relationship she was trying to work on, and now she lost the closest thing to a brother she'd had left. Her body hurt and she just wanted to lay down again, but she new she couldn't.

  "Jas, I'm ready."

Misty's words were quiet, and yet held so much emotion. Her eyes were bloodshot and red. It was time to say good bye. Time to try and let go She'd already made the desition that after the ground had settled from burying Alec she was going to have a headstone for her baby next to him. Some might think it was silly but she felt it would be right and healthy. There would be no service for the child, but it would be there next to the Uncle who had cherished her so much without even knowing her yet.

Sitting in one of the chairs that had been set up Sapphire fiddled with the hem on the bottom of her dress jacket. It was a nice day out, but it didn't seem so nice. Alec, one of her friends, one of her only friends who got her quirks and didn't care was gone. There were so many "What ifs" that ran through her head and yet she new nothing could of changed the path Alec had chosen and now he was gone. Life would go on for her, but it would be hard, and the lose of a friend would leave a big hole, but maybe in time she could look back on the good times and smile hoping that maybe one day she'd see Alec again when she was called home.

Angelica stood with Reese a little bit away in some shade. Her heart was full of the sadness that washed over most of the Elite. The office had been quiet, dull, and almost like a ghost town over the last few days of work.

Though Alec had made mistakes, and betrayed many people he'd still been a friend at one point, and was trying to turn his life around. So this would be the day they would say good bye to there friend and lay him to rest. A task that was never an easy one and Angelica new it would be hard to Reese even if he didn't say it. Taking his hand in her own she gave it a small squeeze. She was there with him, and he was with her. They'd lean on each other.  

After doing her rounds Stacy made her way to the barn hay layloft. She wasn't sure if Eric would be there or not after his abrupt exit to dinner. She wasn't sure what it was about but she did want to make sure he was ok.

Seeing his shadow as she walked up the ladder she couldn't help but smile. She always smile when she was around him. Tonight though something seemed to be bother him, to be weighing heavy on his mind. Easing down next to him and just letting her legs hang from the window she leaned in just a little bit twords him.

   "When you left so fast at dinner I thought something might be wrong. Everything ok?"


Sad Day

Something still seemed strange, but Eli tried to shrug it off. He just hadn't expected Ryan to be so casual this morning. But then...she'd always been good at hiding her emotions and playing things tough when she wanted to.

"Yeah, okay. You, too. See you later." He headed out and fired up his bike to go to work...

Eli thumbed through some paperwork at the counter in the back of the shop and glanced over his shoulder as Tal joined him. “Hey.”


“You, um…heard from Ryan?”

“Nothing in particular…why? Everything okay?”

Eli kept his eyes on the clipboard. “Well…Alec Banks is dead. He was…killed during an Elite case.”

Tal blinked. “Wow, that’s…a surprise.” He shrugged. “Can’t say I’m disappointed about one less thorn in my side, though.” 

Eli finally looked up at him. “That’s a little harsh, isn’t it?” 

“What? You feel differently? Alec was the only man who ever succeeded in making me afraid to even go home at night. Not to mention he was insanely obsessed about me being with his ex, and couldn’t ever let that whole thing rest even when he was over his little beat-up-Tal phase. So, no, I don’t think I’m being harsh.”

Eli sighed and focused again on the paperwork. “Well, Ryan was rather upset about it last night, so just tread carefully.” 

“Even in death, Alec is making things difficult. I’m not gonna lie about how I feel.”

“I’m not asking you to!” Eli’s frustration came out in his tone. “Look, I understand, but you gotta realize that despite Alec’s stupid and wrong choices, he and Ryan were still close once. And he was a friend of mine once, too. We may not have had a good relationship recently, but he’s still gone, and there’s still a hole there. So just…if all you have to say is negative, then for all our sake’s, keep it to yourself until we’ve worked through it.” 

It was rare for the two friends to exchange any kind of harsh words, and Eli did feel badly, but there was more here than Tal was willing to acknowledge, and it wasn’t helping matters. Eli picked up the clipboard and headed to the other room. “Come on. We’ve got work to do.” 

Scott managed a little smile for Hope before he stood up. He did appreciate her never-ending encouragement and graciousness, even if he couldn’t always express it well. Maybe some ice cream really would help…

…The next few days at the Elite office were strange ones. Alec had been gone from the team for so long, yet there was still a sense of loss. He had succeeded in gaining them intel, and in return had lost his life. It was no small act. 

During the course of work, Scott and Dalton stumbled upon a current file that had apparently been misplaced by someone in the Agency. But it served to confirm what everyone already thought to be true. The file held a report of Alec’s intrusion into their outpost, their discovery of his presence, and the method with which they ended his life. If there had been any doubt of his death before, or any faint hope that he had survived, it no longer existed. And as such, Reese made preparations. They at least owed it to the memory of Alec to gather and remember…

Eli tucked in his collared shirt and ran a hand through his hair before exiting the bathroom. He’d thought about staying home today. But something inside said he should go to the service for Alec. He knew Ryan was going – maybe he was going for her. Or maybe himself. The whole thing was just messed up. But he still couldn’t deny there had been good times. So he would try to dwell on those things. 

“Ryan? You ready?” he hollered down the hallway. The service would start in twenty minutes at the cemetery. 

Jason stood outside the hospital room, ready to help Misty, if need be. It was going to be a hard day – for more than one person. For him. For Misty. Carson. Mackenzie. With the actual proof of Alec’s death, a service was only right. But it was a day to say goodbye. And such a farewell would not be easy

Carson paced in small circles under a tree in the cemetery. He was just a short ways from where they would lay a marker for Alec. Without a body, it made things better and worse, both. But the Elite had agreed to afford Alec at least a location where others could visit. The hardest part for Carson was knowing that he was supposed to share a short speech, and he didn’t feel ready. At all. 

Axel had helped him through this past week, but he felt far from at peace with all of this. Life had to go on. But that didn’t mean it would be easy.

Justin stood nearer the small plot laid out, one hand hooked in his jeans pocket, and the other on Mackenzie’s shoulder. The girl’s eyes were full of shock and sadness, but she had agreed to coming. She had not taken the news well, and had seen Justin almost every day this last week to get through it. Today the tears were gone, and she was very quiet. Even the sight of her dad nearby wasn’t enough to bring a smile. Not in this place. First, Misty was hurt, then Alec was killed. It wasn’t fair, and she just wanted everyone to be together again. But things would never be the same now.

Justin had planned to come anyway, for Carson’s sake, but had made sure to clear his schedule after Mackenzie had said she wanted to be here. Her parents had left her in his and Carson’s care for the length of the service and would pick her up later. It seemed the most appropriate way to handle things at the moment, though nothing seemed to have a real right or wrong at this point. Justin’s only concern was a setback with Mackenzie if she was allowed to dwell on her sorrow for too long.

Eric stood and laughed, shaking his head at Ashlee. “Hey, now. I may be old, but I’m not dead. Come on. Let’s go for a ride.” 

It felt good that he and Ashlee were okay again. He was just glad to have figured it all out, especially before he’d have to leave again…

…It was that same evening, and Eric found himself alone in the barn hayloft, gazing out over the sky after the sun had just disappeared. Stars were just beginning to appear, and a cool breeze brought relief from the hot day. He was more sore than he’d like to admit, and knew the next day would be even worse, but he was far from ready to go to bed. He’d left supper rather quickly to find his way here where he found few answers to what was bothering his heart and mind. Maybe somewhere deep down, he hoped Stacy would find him here where they often sat together to stargaze. But whether she came tonight or not, his search for an answer continued to plague him. Up until this morning, he’d been so sure of what he should do. And now…it was blurry again.


Every Step

   "Even small steps still count. We have to take the victories as they come."

It was quiet around the office today, and Hope really didn't have much work. She really didn't want to be there after all that had happened. It was a lot for one person to take in even if they didn't know Alec all that well. So hearing Scott suggestion made Hope jump a little. She was definitely ready to get out of there.

   "At a time like this I think ice cream sounds like the perfect answer. Lets go get some. I'll even let you pay for it."

Hope smiles and gives Scott a little nudge at least hoping to get a little humor to spark in his eyes. Even if it was only a little sliver...it was the small victories after all.

Giving a nod at Eli Ryan looks down at her phone again.

  What is so important that you give up lunch with me? Why I never...

Shaking her head and rolling her eyes Ryan replys.

 I've got a lot of work to do and I think Eli wanted to do lunch or something. If anything changes I'll text you.

Looking back up at Eli and realizing he said something Ryan nods again. Before putting some toast in the toaster.

  "Sounds good Bro. Have a good day." 

Ashlee jumps up and gives a small punch to Eric's arm. She was dieing to ride and happy to hear him ask. All together she felt so much better and that little reassurance from Eric really helped. 

   "I dont know, do you think you can handle riding more? I think you might be more sore than I am."

Her eyes twinkled with a new challenge, and a slight taunting tone. She loved being to joke around with Eric and have him just joke back.

   "I'm game if you are though."

Forgive Me

Scott sighed as his mind continued to calm down. He appreciated Hope, even if it had been difficult for him to rebuild any kind of relationship. He hated it that he had scars so deep that they inteferred with the emotions he should be able to enjoy rather than having them torment him.

"I miss you, ya know..." His expression didn't change much as he simply spoke what was true. He'd had coffee with her a couple times. Lunch once or twice. But he still kept her at arm's length.

He let his feet slide back to the floor and leaned back, rubbing his bad eye with the heel of his hand. "Sometimes I wonder what I'd be like if ...if all this hadn't happened." His gaze wandered in her direction before finding it way to the floor. "I feel like I'm stuck. Like no matter how hard I try, each step forward is so small that I'll never reach where I should be...not unless I live to be a hundred and thirty, which isn't very likely."

Another sigh surfaced. "I don't wanna stay here any more today, but I don't wanna go home." He bit his lip. "My stomach usually handles ice cream pretty well," he hinted.

Eli was rather surprised by Ryan's perky attitude this morning. He'd expected less of a smile after last night. 

He just watched her walk by, noting her happiness as she checked her phone. Maybe Tal was texting her. Who knew? He followed her to the kitchen, trying to shrug off her odd behavior. "Okay well... I'm off to work then. Call me if you need anything."

Eric hadn't expected Ashlee's affection, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he returned her hug, squeezing her tightly and kissing the top of her head. Was this what it felt like to have a daughter? No matter, it felt good. Having someone look up to him and want him around that much...it was hard to ignore.

Backing away, he smiled and tossed her a wink. "So. Now that that's settled, how about that ride I've been asking  you about? I've only got a few days left, so we should make the most of them by getting as saddle sore as we possibly can."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Garret leaned down to lace up his boots before standing and pulling his shirt over his head. It only took him a few minutes in the bathroom to splash some water on his face and waken his senses. He should have been gone an hour ago.

Stepping back into the plush bedroom, he patted his face dry with a hand towel as his eyes wandered back to the bed. She was still asleep. That would make his next job easier.

As he was donning his leather jacket though, the comforter on the bed moved, and two slender arms and a leg appeared, stretching long to accompany a yawn. “Sneaking away as usual?” Sonya peaked sleepily over the covers and reached up to brush aside her long, dark hair.

Garret didn’t reply. He simply slipped his wallet in his pocket, strapped on his watch, and checked his handgun.

Sonya sat up a little, the thin strap of her nightgown sliding off one shoulder. The atmosphere wasn’t nearly as warm as it had been last night. “Garret?” Her tone indicated a deeper concern than simple curiosity. When met with continued silence, her reflexes took over. But no sooner had she opened the drawer to her nightstand, when a sickening click stopped her. Looking back over her shoulder, she stared at the handgun which was now aimed at her.

Garret moved slowly around the room and, while keeping the gun aimed at Sonya, reached with his free hand into her nightstand to retrieve the small revolver she’d been going for. He tossed it aside before easing down to sit on the deep window sill just feet from the bed. “How long have you known?”

Sonya’s lips curled into a thin smile. “Long enough. I knew you only came here to satisfy your boss’ curiosity - not your thirst for love.”

“Yet you continued to feed me information. Why?”

Sonya shrugged. “I don’t like playing sides, no one knew I was the leak, and…you’re good company. Aren’t those reasons enough?”

Garret tilted his head. “If you knew this would happen, why did you give me what I wanted? Why not string me along?”

“I guess I got tired of playing the game.” Sonya sat up a little straighter. “And…I knew eventually you’d get what you really wanted, but…I didn’t know exactly when that would be.”

“So how long have the bullets in your revolver had my name on them?”

“Oh now that…is for me to know.” Sonya’s eyes locked with his. As cool as she was, there was fear behind her gaze. “But you do have all of the information you require now.”

“I do. You talk too much.”

“Indeed. And you never talk enough. Even so, I know you’re just an assassin with a heart of ice. And I know that killing me will stir nothing inside of you. You’re a cruel man, Garret. I hate myself for leaving the door unlocked for you.” Sonya swallowed hard. “But I did. So put me out of my misery before I regret ever having let you in.”

Garret straightened his arm to line up his gun’s barrel with Sonya’s head, his figure reflected in the elegantly framed mirror that hung above the bed’s headboard. And the moment of silence that followed could have easily been confused with an hour’s time.

A gunshot and the sound of shattering glass pushed a scream from Sonya’s lungs, and she flinched violently enough to shake the bed. The mirror was now in countless pieces scattered everywhere. Shards had cut into Sonya’s arms, leaving tiny trails of blood to stain her nightgown and bedcovers, but her wounds were far from fatal. “What…” She glanced behind her where only traces of the mirror still clung to the edge of the frame, then back to Garret. She knew well enough to know he could never have missed his target by that far.

Garret slowly lowered his gun and returned it to the holster inside his jacket. “Rule number one. Never, ever believe you know your enemy’s next move.” Standing, he headed for the door.


He paused and looked over his shoulder.

Sonya was still shaking. “I’m…not going to see you again, am I?”

“No. You’re not.”

“Why didn’t you kill me?”

Garret’s eyes returned to the door, his back remaining to her. “Because your eyes reminded me of someone else’s.”

“A woman?”

Yes. Victoria’s mother had worn the same look of dignified fear. It was an image that haunted him still. “A brave soul.” He turned a little to glance at Sonya one last time. “You should probably change your name and leave the country. It won’t be me behind the gun next time.”

“But what about you? Won’t they kill you for not getting rid of me?”

“Perhaps. But every assassin has a new trick up his sleeve.” Leaving the room, he knew his route well through the house and to the grand back courtyard where his vehicle waited. His route after that though? Suddenly, his options had become more clear. Especially after last night’s message. Alec Banks was dead. And that was the opening he’d been waiting for.

Getting into the car, he took a deep breath. "Forgive me, Victoria," he whispered.

Good Guy

Sitting down next to Eric Ashlee still couldn't help the small wave of embarrassment as she new her cheeks were more than likely going red. Listing to him Ashlee gives a small nod here and there. Everything he said really did make more sense than what she made up in her own head. 


It was a small reply but at least Eric new she was listing to him. Looking up at him and into his eyes Ashlee searched for truth in what he said. It was hard to try and trust him, but he'd really never given her any other reason not to. Maybe her had just let her own mind run away with itself. 

   "I'll be holding you to that."

Finally giving a small smile Ashlee turns so she is facing Eric more and wraps her arms around His neck in a tight hug. She'd hated being mad at him and not talking to him was the worst too. Things were going to be ok, and she was happy about it. Eric had come into her life and she'd gotten attached before she even new it. To know he'd be sticking around made her feel good.

Hearing Eli know at the door Ryan opens the door slightly, and gives a small smile at him. She wouldn't let on that she new Alec wasn't really dead, but she couldn't help but hide how she was happy either.

   "I'm good thanks. Just finished getting ready for work. Going to grab some breakfast and leave. Thanks though."

Slipping past him Ryan goes down the hall way doing up her shirt along the way.

   Want to do lunch today?

Getting another text from Alec She shakes her head slightly. Something was up with him she could tell. But it was nice he wanted to do lunch. Unfortunately she couldn't today and he would just have to deal with it.

   Not today. Sorry! 

Continuing down the hall way she goes into the kitchen banging a few things around while she trys to figure what what to do for breakfast.

Though she didn't say anything Misty really did enjoy hearing Kyle's voice. It was always so soothing, comforting, and just nice to listen to. It was a nice break up of the bleek, depressing day. As Kyle leaves Misty rolls over and just watches him. Kyle was a good guy, He always had been.

Giving another small soft smile to Scott Hope gave a small nod. She new he hated when this happened, and she new he wished so many things. Now if only he could believe in himself and see that he really was more.

   "It's alright. You're doing good. One step at a time."

Hope leaned back in the chair next to Scott and gave a little stretch.  Scott didn't need to be treated like a baby, he was to smart for that but at least he would know she was there for him, and for him. She would always be there no matter what.

That's a Promise

Scott's reflexes caused him to flinch as he was touched, but it was just as quickly that he relaxed. The touch was a familiar one. A soft one. A safe one. No matter the past, Hope would always be safe.

Though his eyes remained clenched tightly shut, he managed a nod. He heard her. He understood. Unfortunately, the violent mental images continued to bombard him as he sat and rocked, trying desperately to regain control before it became an even worse episode.

It felt like the next few minutes were an eternity before he drew in a shaky breath as his shoulders started to relax, and eventually he was able to open his eyes again. He rested his head on his knees, but turned his face so he could see Hope. A few tears had escaped, though he ignored them. His fluctuating emotions never ceased to embarrass him, but he'd quit trying to hide them. Hope and Justin had seen him cry more than anyone else.

He searched Hope's eyes. Those gentle, caring eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered. He hadn't been prepared for such a sudden attack. "I wish I could control it. I wish I was stronger."

As Kyle continued to strum his guitar softly and hum, he knew Misty was awake. He remained quiet though, not pressing her.

Still plucking strings, he eventually quit humming and started talking - about anything, really. He talked about the weather, him and Alice, their house, and his recent concerts. He never asked Misty to join the conversation - he just knew she could hear him and he wanted her to feel included.

"...So we just got back from up north. Nothing big but we managed to squeeze in about ten concerts so it's a good start. Tell you what, though, some nights I'm totally worn out. And you know it takes a lot to wear me out." He chuckled. "Wouldn't trade it for the world though. I've sold a few songs, too, so that's generated some extra income. My uncle and aunt still have a lot to do with keeping the band afloat but eventually it would be nice to be independent."

He talked a little while longer about the band, then church, then family. "...So I think Phil is getting serious about Rayne but the dork won't tell me about it. Jen, on the other hand, is bored out of her mind and thinking about a job at a dance studio. I can't decide if it would be good for her, or torture since she still wants to be more active and misses her gymnastics...though she never says so. But I guess that's her choice."

Kyle strummed a little more and finally set aside his guitar. He'd been there quite a while, and though he'd stay all night for her, he knew he needed to get home. By now, the band would have unloaded the equipment and Alice would be waiting supper on him.

"I suppose I should let you be and quit talking your ear off." He stood and stretched with a yawn. He still wouldn't push Misty into talking, though he was just a bit disappointed she hadn't even said hi.

He reached down an gave her shoulder a gentle pat. "You take care, Miss T. I'm sure I'll see you again soon."

Eli took his time lacing up his boots as he got ready for work. He hadn't slept well all night, his mind going too many different directions. It was hard accepting the fact that Alec was suddenly gone. Most recently, Eli had viewed him as an enemy in more ways than one. But his passing brought to mind when they'd actually been friends...pretty good friends, too. Maybe that's what Eli missed the most. It wasn't so much Alec's death in itself, but it was losing that friend all over again. And maybe...maybe there was guilt for not having made amends. Alec had done some pretty bad things, but he'd changed as of late. Eli had seen it. And everyone deserved another chance. Eli knew he couldn't dwell on the past or regrets, but he couldn't deny that this whole thing was just a bit tough.

He stood straight and grabbed his motorcycle keys, just ready to walk out the door, when he heard Ryan up and about. He was glad of that - hearing her crying last night had gotten to him, and he'd been a bit worried about her.

Deciding work could wait, he ambled down the hallway and tapped on her bedroom door. "Hey, Speedy. I'm heading to work... Need anything before I go?"

As Ashlee turned her back, Eric was worried that this conversation might not have been such a good idea. But her words caught him by surprise. Why would she think he didn't really love it here?

What she said next, though, made everything clear. Suddenly, it all made sense. Her desire to have him around. Her getting upset when he was gone. And never had he felt so blind. How could he have so completely missed what was now so obvious?

Tossing the towel aside, he moved around the horse and came up behind Ashlee to gently lay a calloused hand on her shoulder. "Come here," he coaxed, and guided her to a couple hay bales by the barn where he sat down with her. The first thing he did was take his bandana and wipe the tears from her cheek. 

"I think I better clear up some misunderstandings," he started. It wasn't easy trying to speak from his heart. "First, I drive truck to help support this place financially. I try to earn money driving so the ranch will survive...and so you and your mom will still be here when I get back. So I guess maybe I have been on the road more lately, but it's because I care. It ain't got nothing to do with avoiding anybody."

He paused, looking Ashlee in the eye. It was a tough topic, but he was man enough, and she was grown up enough to talk it out. "I know you've had it rough without your dad, and I'm sorry you've had to go through that." His voice became stern, though still remained gentle. "But I'm not him. I care a great deal for you and your mom both, and I ain't the type of man who takes things like that lightly. I know it might be hard for you to trust me, but believe me when I say no matter where I go, I will always come back. And that's a promise."



Watching Scott Hope gently rests her hand on his leg where he can see it. This couldn't be easy for Scott at all and she new it. Eveything that had happened to him, and the constant mess his mind was in. It was a prim example of PTSD, and only someone else who suffered from it could understand it.

   "Hey Hey....its ok you don't have to ever go back.  You are safe here, and you always will be. I can at least promise you that."

Sometimes it was hard for Hope to know what to say but shed always at least try and hope it made Scott feel better even only even a little bit. Her heart ached for him, and she wished he didn't have to deal with this. but since he did at least he had people to turn too.

Hearing the soft strum of the guitar Misty opened her eyes. No one needed to tell her who that was in the room she could tell. His hums, his smell, and the way he just strummed on the guitar. There was no way to confuse Kyle with anyone else. She wanted to smile that he was here, but it just wouldn't come. She wished she could tell him how happy she was to see him but the words were not there.

A tear ran down Misty's cheek as she continued to listen. She kept her back to him though and just let her tears fall. She'd messed up so many things in her life. She'd hurt so many people, took so many wrong paths. Maybe...maybe she deserved all this now. The past had caught up, and now it was her time to answer.

Slowly waking to the slobber of Zidan Ryan rolls over opening her eyes. Her head was pounding, her eyes hurt and last night felt like a nightmare. A nightmare that was all to real. She didn't want to believe it was real, but the words Eli spoke ecoed through her head.

Getting up and growing into the bathroom Ryan new she looked like crap. Maybe she'd call into work and just go back to bed. She didn't really feel like doing anything. Splashing some water on her face Ryan hears her phone go off in the other room and her heart races. She dared not hope, or think there was even a chance Eli could be wrong.

Going back into the bed room Ryan grabs her phone and just sits on the bed holding it, not turning it on right away. Looking at Zidan after being nudged Ryan just shrugs before turning back to her phone and turning it on.

   I'd never leave you babe!

Seeing Alec's text message Ryan just smiles to herself before holding a look of confusion. Why would Eli tell her he was dead if clearly Alec was not. Maybe everyone thought he was, or it was just a cruel joke they were playing on her. Either way though it was hard to keep her excitement to herself that Alec was really alive.

 Ashlee looks down for a moment digging her toe into the rocks. It really did seem like Eric was sorry, and slightly upset that he might of done something wrong. Now that she had the opportunity to talk about it with him she felt scared though. What if he just laughed at her, or she didn't like his answer. That would only make it worse.

   "If you love it here so much, why do you have to keep leaving?"

Ashlee runs her hand along the horse before turning so her back was to Eric. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at her own self. Running her fingers through the horses main and softly stroking the heck she couldn't help the sniffle that came out, and the slight tears that rolled down her cheek. She didn't know where these emotions came from, but she new she sure did hate them.

   "Is it because of my mom and I? I heard someone say in passing that you never use to go away like this but than we showed up...and now...it like you dont want to be here. Just like my dad left before I was born. He didn't want us either."


Unexpected Visitor

Katie's words bring Carson's thought process, and his feet, to a halt, keeping him from following through with his reaction to kill. He stood in the middle of the hall for several quiet moments, his eyes remaining on the floor. "She doesn't love me anymore, Katie. I don't think she ever will again." He glanced up to reveal his eyes that held so much pain. His emotions had gone from intense rage to intense depression in a matter of seconds, proving he was still in shock. "She doesn't need me. Nobody does."

Turning the opposite direction, he leaves Katie without another word, and heads out of the office. He was done here. Maybe forever. But at least for the day.

Scott hesitated, but finally accepted the offer and sat in the empty chair. He pulled his feet up and tucked his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs. His eyes stared at the floor. "I don't know what I feel," he admitted. "I don't...I mean...part of me is glad. But...but that's not right...and it doesn't...it doesn't feel good. And...part of me is sad..." His thoughts were all starting to collide, making it hard to think.

"I saw others...executed, I mean. When...when I was...there." The images flashed in his mind, making him physically flinch at the horrific memories. He'd seen more than one person die, killed in front of him just to gauge his reaction and create terror. He swallowed hard. "It was the same. Alec. Today...just like before. I want...I want them all dead... the Agency. And he was one...but not...but I couldn't ever see him without...being afraid...all over...all over again."

He put his hands on his head and scrunched his eyes shut tightly, trying desperately to maintain control. For the first time in a very long time, he was on the verge of falling into that terrible dark pit again. "I can't..." He started to rock. "It's all...it hurts...memories... intel..." His surroundings started to lose focus as he fought for control. "Survive... just survive...I can't go back...I can't..."

Jason felt badly as Misty turned from him. Not because he felt neglected, but because he didn’t know what else he could do. It hurt not to be able to help. And deep down, he also wondered if his decision to break things off just made this all worse for Misty, too, not having anyone closer than a friend to help her through this. But what was done was done, and he couldn’t go back.

He gave her arm a gentle pat before rising. “I’ll leave you be,” he told her quietly. “If you need anything…let me know...” 

…It would be a few more hours into the evening before someone unexpected would show up at her room. He entered quietly, seeing she was asleep, and did his best not to disturb or startle her. Easing down in the empty chair, he sat for just a little while, simply being there, and perhaps having a silent conversation with God about all that was happening. 

Soon, he sat his guitar on his lap and ever-so-softly began to strum a gentle melody. He simply hummed to the music, his voice a soothing contrast to the chatter out in the hall or the whirring monitors. He’d only gotten back home that same afternoon, and this was the first place he’d come, even before unloading the trailer with the band. It had been a while since Kyle had seen Misty, and their lives had taken different paths. But he wasn’t about to forget their friendship, especially at a time like this.

Ryan’s reaction was a little bit more strange than Eli had expected, but then…he wasn’t sure what he really did expect. She was shocked…and in pain. That much was obvious. He knew she’d pull through…he just hated seeing her like this. And…as much as he didn’t want to admit it, there was a little hole in his own heart now. 

He went to take a swig of beer, only to remember the bottle was empty. Rolling his eyes, he got up and set the bottle on the kitchen counter before heading down the hall to his room. Passing by Ryan’s door, he could hear her crying, and felt so helpless. He knew better than to barge in when she’d rather be left alone, but it still didn’t feel good. Instead, he simply went and laid down on his own bed, though stayed awake quite late, just thinking. 

For Carson, the a day had never been longer. Or shorter. The hours somehow all merged together into one giant mass of indescribable pain. Later, he wouldn't even remember all he'd done or where he'd gone. But by that night, he was back at Mom and Pop's.

The only sounds were those of the whirring refrigerator and an occasional creak from the freezer. It was late. But he didn't know or care what time it was. The sound of the bell on the front door reminded him that he'd forgotten to lock up, but he didn't care who was here, whether it be friend or foe.

Entering the dark restaurant, Axel took a moment to let his eyes adjust. He heard no sounds of movements, but he'd seen Carson's car outside, so he knew he should be here. Taking the risk, Axel made his way across the dining area and down the short hall to the kitchen door. By now, his eyes were used to the dim light, so when he entered the kitchen, he saw what he'd come for.

Carson was sitting on the floor, leaned back against the cupboards, simply staring into the darkness. A whiskey bottle was in one hand, while a mess of papers were strewn about beside him. Tears trickled slowly down his cheeks, and he didn't even move when the door opened.

A wave of pain an pity struck Axel's heart at the scene. "Carson?"

The familiar voice took Carson completely by surprise, but his lack of expression didn't show it. Only his eyes swiveled up to see a man who had abandoned him along with almost everyone else. His gaze dropped again, and he said nothing.

Venturing forward, Axel took note that the whiskey bottle was missing only a few shots worth. Without asking, he reached down and took it from Carson, then turned to empty the entire contents down the sink. Wandering to the other side of Carson's unmoving form, Axel knelt down and squinted at the papers. They were the divorce papers, still awaiting his signature. Axel sighed and picked them all up before stacking them neatly on the table. He returned and eased down next to Carson, remaining just as quiet for quite a while until he had decided what needed to be said.

"I'm sorry, Carson... for everything you're going through."

A few new tears rolled down Carson's face before he swiped them away with the back of his hand. "Don't be," he mumbled. "It's my fault. All of it."

"Messing up your marriage...yeah, you can take part of the blame for that. But losing your child and your brother?" Axel laid a hand on Carson's shoulder. "You can't take any of that on yourself," he assured softly.

Carson could only nod, afraid he couldn't even speak without breaking down completely. It was a very long time before anything else was said. They just sat in the darkness, Carson silently bearing his sorrow, and Axel silently helping with the burden's weight. It was finally Carson who spoke first. "Why did you come?" He sniffed and wiped his eyes again, the tears having stopped for now.

Axel shrugged. "When I heard all that was happening, I wanted to make sure you had a friend."

"Thought you didn't want anything to do with me anymore."

"I didn't..." Axel thought for a couple moments. "But after I got over my anger, I realized I didn't like the kind of person I was being."

Carson didn't respond, but just let it sink in. Maybe he did have a couple people in his corner. He at least had Katie and Axel now. He didn't know if there was hope for any more than that, but for now...it was enough.

Eric wasn’t sure if Ashlee was warming up to him again or not, but he tried not to make a big deal out of the fact she was actually talking to him. He slowly began to dry off the mare. “Well, I sorta got tossed around a bit when I was a kid, but somehow wound up on a horse farm. Rode a lot. Learned a lot. Eventually, Mick and I crossed paths and figured out we made a good team, so we started racing together. Did that for a long time ‘til I had an accident that ended all that for me.” He tapped his head. “Got messed up pretty good…so I don’t usually ride too fast anymore but…” He grinned. “Every once in a while. And yes…it’s fun. There ain’t nothing else that feels quite like it.” 

He continued to rub down the mare’s wet coat until he finally paused and leaned on her back to look across at Ashlee. He didn’t know if it was the right time or not, but he figured he couldn’t do much more damage at this point. “Did I…do anything to upset you? I don’t know what it was, but I’m real sorry if I did. Things just haven’t been the same since I got back.”


Sitting on the couch Ryan continued to watch the tv even though she saw her brothers eyes on her every now and than. She wondered why really he wanted her to stay home but didn't really ask to much. There had been a race tonight she wanted to go to but it was going to be a rough crowd so maybe that was his reason. 

As Eli stops the move Ryan looks to him with question in her eyes. Something seemed off, something she hadn't noticed before but there was something wrong she could just tell. Than hearing that the Elite had called it made her heart race. What was wrong that the Elite would be calling them, and how bad was it.

Hearing the Alec was dead and not coming home Ryan just continued to stair at Eli as tears slowly rose in her eyes poring over and trickling down her cheek. This couldn't be true! Alec was to good at what he did for that to happen. How could this and why didn't the Elit do anything to help him? This just couldn't be true. This was a mean and cruel joke that someone thought was funny. 

    "I'm tired, I need to go to bed."

With that Ryan wraps her arms around herself and heads past her brother and to the hall way where she stops for a moment. Taking a deep breath in she looks back into the living room remember all the good times there. Quickly she goes to her room and closes the door behind her where only a few sobs cant be heard.

Sinking down on her bed Ryan burys her face into her pillow before pulling out her phone and opening the text messaging finding Alec's number. 

    Eli told me tonight you were not coming home. He said you went off to try and help the Elite but you went by yourself.

Ryan's fingers hover over the buttons for a moment before hitting send and than starting to type again.

 It just can't be true...can it?

Laying her head down in her pillow again Ryan waited for a reply to come. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours till finally her own tears put her to sleep as the pain in her heart became more real than the time before. 

Seeing Jason come into the room Misty sits up a little big. Everything was heavy still and she still didn't fell like herself but it was nice to see him after going so long without anyone coming in. As he drew closer to the bed though Misty new something was wrong and her heart raced. What now...what more could go wrong?

Listing to what Jason was saying Misty wanted to believe it was not true. She wanted to yell and tell Jason he was lieing, but she new he wasn't. She could tell by his tone, his eyes, and everything else that this was no joke. Withing moments tears sprang into Misty's eyes as her already broken heart shattered more. Why was everyone she loved, cared for leaving her. Why was happening and why to her? 

Looking to Jason any light that had remained in her gaze was gone, snuffed out by this blow. There was no reason to hide it, no reason for anything anymore and she just didn't understand.

   "Thank you for telling me."

Removing her hand from Jason's Misty wrapped her arms around herself and just rolled to her side away from Jason as the tears just continued to come and wouldn't stop. She was sinking into a hole and it felt like she had no one to keep her up anymore. Everything was gone.

Looking up at Carson Katie cocks her head to one side looking at him in the eyes. She couldn't even start to imagen what he was feeling or going through. Really she could only guess and she new it wasn't good at all. She hated hearing him talking down about himself.

   "Who's to say that even if you didn't change side this wouldn't of happened anyways? The only different would be we'd all be missing out on an amazing friendship with an amazing man."

Trying to offer her best smile Katie looks away for a moment thinking hard about what to say next. Looking back at him she let out a small sigh before setting away from him and just leaning against the wall. She wondered if her words would make Carson feel better or worse.

   "I know Misty doesn't really like you right now and I know she blames you for a lot but I could only imagine how much more pain she would be in if you went and did something dumb yourself and got yourself killed."

Leaning her head back against the wall Katie closes her eyes for a moment. They felt heavy, she felt tired, but sleep was not an option. Her friend needed her. Opening them again she looks at Carson once again.

   "Don't give up on her yet. She's going to need you Carson, even if it dosn't seem like it right now."

Looking up as the door opened Hope gave Scott a soft smile. She'd heard about what happened with Alec. Word traveled fast around the office. Though it was a bad situation it was nice to see Scott. It had been a little bit since the last time. 

   "Was it that you didn't feel sad, or was it just easier not to feel anything at all? I think everyone is in a little shock over this and we all are going to deal with it a little differently."

Nodding at the chair that was close by she offered it to Scott. She wasn't all sure what he wanted to talk about but as always she would let him talk about anything he wanted too. She was always open for that, and would never push him away.

   "If you'd like to stay awhile you can talk as little or as much as you'd like. I'm not doing much of anything at the moment."


Spreading the News

Feeling someone's hand on him, Carson only turned slightly, just a little surprised it was Katie. His face was wrought with anguish - a sea of uncontrollable emotions. Being pulled into a hug was the last thing he expected. But that's all it took to break down his barrier. His arms slowly wrapped around Katie, accepting her embrace as he buried his face in her shoulder. The tears wanted to come, but they were held back just enough to not spill over. Carson wanted to believe that what they'd just seen wasn't real. He wanted to have the hope that Alec was still alive. But he knew if the Agency wanted him alive, they wouldn't have fired a second shot. No...no, there was absolutely no reason for them to have kept Alec - a traitor - alive.

Slowly pulling back, Carson's eyes found Katie's. "It's because of me," he whispered hoarsely. "It's all because of me. First my marriage..." His voice began to waver. "Then my child...now my brother. They're punishing me for leaving. I never should have changed sides." If he hadn't, Misty would be fine, there would be no loss of love or unborn life, and Alec would still be alive.

Carson's gaze darted down the hall towards the staircase. Downstairs was where the weapons were kept. "They're gonna pay, Katie..." He started in that direction. "And their blood will be on my hands."

Scott wasn't sure when Reese and Jason had left the office, but he suddenly became aware of his surroundings again, realizing it was just him and Dalton. His eyes were still glued to his computer screen, even though there was nothing new to see. The cold, hard truth was that there was no point in the Elite trying to find Alec - they all knew the Agency wouldn't tolerate Alec's intrusion. If there had been only one shot fired, there might be hope. But it was the second one that proved he was gone. And there would be no body to find. All they had was the video footage and a blood-smeared image.

Without a word to Dalton, Scott slowly rose and left. It was only a few steps to Hope's office where he knocked before timidly entering. Seeing her behind her desk, he wrapped his arms around himself, trying to stop his shaking, though it wasn't helping much. His mind was swimming with the horrors he'd experienced at the hands of the Agency, brought on by seeing Alec murdered.

He blinked, unsure if Hope had just said anything to him or not. "He's gone," he told her quietly. "Alec. He's dead. He went to the Agency to try to find intel and...and they shot him. We saw it on camera." His eyes dropped. "I...I wasn't sad when he got hurt and...and I almost...I was..." Having struggled with caring whether or not Alec was okay now created a mass of guilt on top of everything else. He hadn't cared. And now Alec was gone, leaving a very strange, dark place in Scott's heart.

His good eye focused on Hope once more. It felt strange...he hadn't spoken to her like this in a very long time. Not since Justin. But Justin wasn't here. And Scott knew well enough that if he didn't talk this out, he'd go home tonight and have a meltdown.

Jason stared at Reese as they stood in Reese's office. Neither knew what to say. Both were in shock. Both wanted to head out immediately in search of Alec to bring him back alive. And both knew that even if there was the most remote chance Alec hadn't died that instant, by the time they located where he'd gone, he would have been executed or left to bleed out. It was a harsh way to end their options, but it was reality. There was no closure. No one-hundred-percent surety of what really happened after the camera went blank. But they all knew it was over.

"Misty." It was the only word Jason could think of.

Reese nodded. "Yeah. Who should it be?"

Jason swallowed hard. "I'll talk to her."

"Do you think we should wait? She's already so fragile."

"We can't lie to her. She'll know something is wrong, and all we'll be doing is betraying her trust. No..." Jason shook his head. "As hard as it is, she needs to know." Perhaps his calmness was due to the fact that the whole thing was going to take a while to sink in. It was strange, but he'd found a friend in Alec. They hadn't been all that close, but they'd definitely been friends. And it was over. Just like that.

Reese let out a long sigh before nodding again. "Okay. I'll put Dalton on trying to hack into the Agency again in a few days to see if they'll log the incident and we'll know for sure exactly what they did. But I think we'd all agree that it will just confirm what we saw. I suppose it could have been part of an elaborate scheme but it didn't look like it to me."

"No, I agree. They weren't acting. And that bullet..." Jason bit his tongue from continuing. There was no point in discussing how the first bullet had gone right through Alec, and the second one had sent more blood flying. They'd all seen it. It had been murder...

...Jason slowly entered Misty's room. It felt like he had a lead weight in his gut, and the stress was causing his chest to hurt. He only hoped he'd made the right choice by volunteering for this. He'd waited around the office several hours before coming to the hospital - using that time to ease some of his shock, and to muster up enough courage.

Approaching her bed, he tried to smile, but he knew she'd be able to tell something was wrong. She was too smart to try and fool her. He sank down to sit on the edge of the bed and gently took her hand. "Hey there," he greeted warmly. She had a little more color in her face now after a few days, but she still looked so tired. He couldn't imagine her pain.

"Um...I just stopped by to talk to you." His eyes searched hers, hoping she had the strength to endure another blow. "I know that you've been through so much already. And we were tempted to not tell you, but we knew you needed to know." All the words he'd planned to say seemed to vanish from his mind. "Alec, he..." Jason swallowed hard. "He didn't tell anyone where he was going. He found an Agency outpost somewhere - we're not sure where - and hacked their system to transfer a bunch of intel to the Elite. We're all hoping that within that intel is information on who is responsible for hurting you." 

His grip on her hand tightened just a little. "Misty...he's gone." Emotions flooded his eyes. "He was killed by the Agency."

Eli fiddled with the empty beer bottle in his hand, seated in his chair in the living room. Supper was long over and he and Ryan were halfway through a movie. It was later than he'd planned, but he'd kept putting it off for the last few hours. He owed Ryan an explanation of why he'd made her stay home tonight - other than his lame excuse that he was craving her potato salad. 

Unable to stand it any longer, he stopped the movie. He looked over at his sister on the couch, trying to predict how she'd react, and he really had no idea. But something was making this very difficult for him. Perhaps part of it was that it really hadn't sunk into his own mind yet. Things between him and Alec had gone downhill fast, but...at one time, they'd been pretty close. 

"Sorry," he apologized. "I just..." He sighed. "There's more to me wanting you home tonight. I just wasn't sure how to say it." He leaned back in his chair and stared up at the ceiling. "I got a call earlier today from Mike Reese, down at the Elite. It seems they were investigating a case and, in an effort to help, Alec went off alone to retrieve intel. Reese was a bit foggy on the details, but..." This was harder to say out loud than he'd thought. "Alec was killed today."

His eyes drifted back down to Ryan. "He's not coming back."


No Worlds....

Katie's eyes scanned the computer as the date transferred and Alec worked on the other end.  What on earth possessed him to go in there alone. A lot of them at the Elite were trained in this kind of stuff and going under cover. The could of helped him, worked with him...and gotten to the bottom of this. She didn't know Alec well, but she new him enough it was hard to see him in there alone.

Seeing everything going on, on the computer Dalton move quickly to his own flipping the screen on and typing away himself. He started to transfer and back up the files that were going to Scott's computer to his own just in case anything was to happen. It never hurt to be extra sure of having those files safe. 

Continuing to watch the screen Katie's heart pounded. She jumped as the doors behind Alec went flying open and people rushed in. She shifted, and stiffened wanting to help but not knowing where, or how. They were stuck here, and Alec was there...stupid Alec. Why?

As Alec's body slumps to the floor Katie lets out a gasp and brings a hand to her heart standing still. It was so quiet in the room a pin could drop and no one said anything. They were all stunned, hoping maybe the screen would pop back on and Alec would be ok. But that would not come, and Carson's yell from the other room only confirmed it.  

Moving her look to Jason her eyes held a look of shock and sadness all at the same time. How could something like this happen? She new how upset Carson was and seeing the look on Jason's face she new maybe she was the only one to help.

Giving a nod she turned and exited into the hall where Carson was. She wanted to tell him it would be ok, she wanted to ask if he needed anything but that all seemed dumb at this point. Nothing would make this better, nothing but time.

Placing her hand on his back she hoped he realized it was her. Than without warning Katie just wrapped her arm around him and squeeze tight as a few of her own tears trickled down her face. Alec was gone, in the blink of an eye he was gone.

Dalton's eyes grew wide at everything that happened. Leaning back in his chair he ran his hand through his hair before sitting back up and starting to click on his computer again.

   "I might be able to triangulate where these were sent from and find out the location to where Alec was. "

It was the only thing at the moment he could think of doing. Nothing else seemed right, helpful. This was the only thing that came to mind.

Seeing Eric was now looking at her as well Ashlee didn't have time to react till she was blasted with the cold water. A little screek came from her lips as she just stood there stunned. She couldn't be made though and a small smile spread on her lips before it was gone again. She really had hated ignoring Eric. Stepping forward and running her hand along the horse she can't help the sigh she lets out before looking at Eric.

   "Where did you learn how to ride like that? It looked like it was a lot of fun."

Rosetta can't help the laugh the escaped her lips as she was pulled into Mick's arms. Looking up into his eyes she couldn't help but let her smile grow even bigger. It was nice to see this side of Mick again thats for sure. It had been far to long and she'd missed it.

   "I wont tell her as long as she doesn't already know."

Noding twords the infirmary there was just a short time to see Angel shaking her head and heading back inside. 

Rosetta laughed again as she pulled Mick close to her once more and gave him a bigger kiss than before. He'd taken her mind off many things today and she was thankful.