
Good Guy

Sitting down next to Eric Ashlee still couldn't help the small wave of embarrassment as she new her cheeks were more than likely going red. Listing to him Ashlee gives a small nod here and there. Everything he said really did make more sense than what she made up in her own head. 


It was a small reply but at least Eric new she was listing to him. Looking up at him and into his eyes Ashlee searched for truth in what he said. It was hard to try and trust him, but he'd really never given her any other reason not to. Maybe her had just let her own mind run away with itself. 

   "I'll be holding you to that."

Finally giving a small smile Ashlee turns so she is facing Eric more and wraps her arms around His neck in a tight hug. She'd hated being mad at him and not talking to him was the worst too. Things were going to be ok, and she was happy about it. Eric had come into her life and she'd gotten attached before she even new it. To know he'd be sticking around made her feel good.

Hearing Eli know at the door Ryan opens the door slightly, and gives a small smile at him. She wouldn't let on that she new Alec wasn't really dead, but she couldn't help but hide how she was happy either.

   "I'm good thanks. Just finished getting ready for work. Going to grab some breakfast and leave. Thanks though."

Slipping past him Ryan goes down the hall way doing up her shirt along the way.

   Want to do lunch today?

Getting another text from Alec She shakes her head slightly. Something was up with him she could tell. But it was nice he wanted to do lunch. Unfortunately she couldn't today and he would just have to deal with it.

   Not today. Sorry! 

Continuing down the hall way she goes into the kitchen banging a few things around while she trys to figure what what to do for breakfast.

Though she didn't say anything Misty really did enjoy hearing Kyle's voice. It was always so soothing, comforting, and just nice to listen to. It was a nice break up of the bleek, depressing day. As Kyle leaves Misty rolls over and just watches him. Kyle was a good guy, He always had been.

Giving another small soft smile to Scott Hope gave a small nod. She new he hated when this happened, and she new he wished so many things. Now if only he could believe in himself and see that he really was more.

   "It's alright. You're doing good. One step at a time."

Hope leaned back in the chair next to Scott and gave a little stretch.  Scott didn't need to be treated like a baby, he was to smart for that but at least he would know she was there for him, and for him. She would always be there no matter what.

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