

Joined by Beth, Justin grins. "Forever can be hidden in a moment if we just look hard enough."

Watching her sit down, he cocks his head, his grin widening. "Yeah... yeah things went pretty good today, actually. I think Scott finally had a breakthrough... seems he wants me to keep coming back again. Maybe he'll get out of here one of these days after all."

Still grinning, his eyes twinkle. "You're looking awfully cute today."

Hearing the door open and close then movement in the kitchen, Eli slips from his bedroom and wanders down the hall. Reaching the kitchen, he leans on the doorway and just watches Ryan for several moments.

"Hey, Speedy..." He hadn't been sure she'd even come home tonight. He'd been worrying about her all evening. "You alright?"

Carson sits at the little kitchen table in the apartment, shuffling the deck of cards absentmindedly. He didn't know why he still had them. It was the deck taken from Alec's place. If anything, he should have left them at TJY, but he'd forgotten to take them out of his pocket. He should have given them to Misty to take back, but for some reason, he found himself fiddling with them instead.

It was late at night. He and Misty had gone to bed a couple hours ago, but he'd been unable to sleep. Finally getting up, he'd read his Bible for a while then gotten something to drink, but was still restless. Finding himself at the table with the cards, he had nothing else to keep his mind occupied at the moment - other than that which he didn't want to think about. The subject of Alec weighed more heavily on his mind than he'd thought it would. He'd have his car back tomorrow, so what more was he supposed to be concerned about?

Laying out the cards, Carson stacks seven rows to play solitaire. Yes, what more should he be concerned about? Alec was a half-brother, but that didn't matter. Right? Ever since he'd arrived, Carson had battled with that thought. For sure, he didn't trust Alec, nor did he want to socialize with him as part of the family - especially after Alec got Dani in trouble so early on. And yet there was a small voice way deep down that reminded Carson that family was family, no matter what. He remembered what it was like to have a family... to be close to his sisters, even if their circumstances hadn't been the best. As far as he knew, Alec had never had any of that. But was that Carson's fault? Alec was still someone he didn't trust.

Three... three... jack of hearts... three... Carson turned over the cards three at a time, fishing for cards to play. Six of spades... ten of clubs... ace of.... wait, what? Carson frowns. He'd already played the ace of diamonds. Sifting through the cards in his hand, he realized he had two extra. He knew he'd counted the stacks right so... why were there extra? Confused, he gathers up all the cards and turns them over, sorting through them one at a time. In the end, he had one full set, plus two extra aces. That was odd. If Alec liked to cheat at cards, he certainly wouldn't have stored the two aces in the deck, lest someone find them.

Carson's mind automatically reverts back to finding the deck in Alec's apartment. The phone, the chain, the note... everything had all made sense. But why the deck of cards? The phone - a signal that he no longer wanted to be reached. The chain - a sign that he was done with his girlfriend. The note - his reason for taking off. The deck of cards - .......? Carson drew a blank. Come to think of it, he didn't even know why they hadn't questioned that in the first place. He and Reese had been so busy putting other pieces together that they hadn't asked each other why Alec would have left the cards there. Unless they went along with the chain and it was something between him and Ryan. But... why the extra aces?

Then a new thought strikes him. He wasn't sure he liked it, but what if it were true? He studies the cards for a few more minutes. Why would he be thinking this? It didn't make sense, did it? Surely, it didn't add up. But the more he thought about it, the more it did. The watch. The car. The deck of cards. The voicemail message.

So which theory was right? This one, or the one he and Reese had from the start? Alec siding with the Agency was the most reasonable, simple answer. It was obvious. This new theory was...

Carson shakes his head. No. It couldn't be. It was a silly thought. Stacking the cards all together again, he returns them to the box, including the two extra aces. But as he continues to sit at the table, his thoughts continue to wear on him. He needed to go back to bed before Misty woke and missed him, but his mind seemed to not allow him that luxury. No, sleep wasn't going to come easily tonight, no matter what.

Passing under light after light, the drive down the highway droned on and on. Alec kept one hand on the steering wheel, the other taking care of his cigarette. Yvette's words bounced off the inside of the car, some registering in his mind and some not.

Old habits never die,
Heading back to what I was.
Choices lead to gallows high,
But I don’t care.
Robbing hearts and stealing faith,
Hope don’t mean a thing.
Renegade on the loose,
I’m running… running.

"This wasn't part of the plan."

"So plans change." Yvette hands Alec the gun. "They want proof."

"Aw come on." Alec takes the gun and cocks it, flicking his cigarette out the parked car window. He looks out at the night sky before his eyes return to the little gas station. "They want to get me caught is what they want."

"They want to make sure you still know how not to get caught."

"Are you kidding me?" Alec scoffs. "I haven't been gone that long."

"Mm... I'd say you have." Yvette yanks him closer to plant a deep kiss on his lips. "Now go rip off the poor sap, shoot him and let's go. We're running out of time."

Alec's eyes narrow, still only inches from her face. "I call the shots," he hisses. "And I'll go when I'm dang ready."

Three minutes later, a shot shatters the peaceful night air.

Don’t look back. Shadows ahead.
Darkness fills my heart.
Fear breeds hate and hate I love,
Fighting unseen enemies.
Kill the one that holds the law,
It don’t mean tears for me.
Chains of guilt bind my soul,
But I run anyway.
Vengeance slays with bloody hands,
And I run anyway.

"Hotel Luxury. Here we are."

"I have eyes." Alec steers the car into the lot, checking the clock. "Five minutes early. And they thought I was rusty."

Yvette throws him a sly look. "You're anything but rusty, hot stuff."

Alec quirks an eyebrow as he parks the car. "Don't get used to it. We got work to do."

"What's a little work without a little pleasure?" Yvette gets out of the car first, starting to grab their bags.

Alec follows suit and within minutes, they're inside, checking in. "Yes, we're Mr. and... Mrs. Barrington."

"Oh yes." The man at the counter smiles. "The new couple. Welcome." He hands them the key cards to the newlywed suite and tells them where it's located. "If you need anything, please feel free to take advantage of room service."

Yvette grins. "I don't think we're going to need a thing." She links arms with Alec. "Come on, Honey."

It doesn't take long to be on the fifth floor and into the large suite. Yvette dumps her bags on the bed and takes a look around while Alec investigates windows and vantage points, setting up their laptop. "And... we're set to go. Twenty-four hours from now, the target will be down and we'll be gone."

Yvette leans over his shoulder as he sits at the computer desk, then moves her attention to kissing his neck. "That's an awfully long time from now."

History repeats itself,
Shouldn’t be surprised.
Lighting splits the worlds apart,
But I don’t care.
Crushing peace, loathing truth,
Freedom beckons me.
Renegade on the loose,
I’m running… running.

Don’t look back. Shadows ahead.
Darkness fills my heart.
Fear breeds hate and hate I love,
Fighting unseen enemies.
Kill the one that holds the law,
It don’t mean tears for me.
Chains of guilt bind my soul,
But I run anyway.
Vengeance slays with bloody hands,
And I run anyway.

Waking up at four a.m., Alec can feel Yvette sleeping soundly in his arms. Slipping noiselessly from her, he slides out of bed and pulls on his jeans before wandering to the kitchenette for a drink of water. Padding quietly to the bay window in the living room area, he looks out over the city lights. His course had been laid.

Fear an option never taken,
Love forgotten evermore.
Time means nothing,
Heart of steel.
Useless dreams erased.

Don’t look back. Shadows near.
Darkness fills the air.
Fear breeds hate and hate I love,
Defying unseen enemies.
Kill the one that holds the law,
It don’t mean shame for me.
Chains of guilt bind my heart,
But I run anyway.
Vengeance slays with bloody hands,
And I run anyway.
I run anyway.


Continuing to just look at Ty Ryan lets out a small low sigh. It was hard to keep everything in check right now when it seemed she was mixed with so many emotions. It was hard to figure out what emotions over road the other. But pain....pain seemed to ring through clearly. Pain for her heart being broken, or pain from anger she was not sure.

"Yeah alright. A few days and than back here at midnight. Thanks Ty, I owe you one."

Giving a nod and turning Ryan makes her way back across the floor again and back up the steps. Getting outside and taking in a deep breath of cool air it stung her lungs but she didn't let it bother her. Just closing her eyes and standing there for a long moment she tried to calm her quivering breath.

Starting up again Ryan gets to her car and gets in. Taking a swipe at her eyes and wipes the escaped tear from her eye. She felt foolish for crying. It wouldn't change anything so why would she? Starting the car it doesn't take Ryan long to get home. She didn't know if Eli was home or not but it didn't matter she really didn't want to talk one way or another.

Getting into the house and going right to the kitchen Ryan grabs on of the beers. Opening it and just taking a sip a new felling seemed to settle in. She was alone, Alec was always over, he always spend the night...but now...she was...alone. It had been a long time since she had felt like this, and she swore never to feel alone again but now...now she remember why she had made that vow. Because it hurt more than anything.

Giving a sigh Katie sits up a little bit and searches Jason eyes. She new if she didn't go spend a little time with her family she might make Jason feel worse, but how was she to have a nice time when she would be worrying even if he told her not too.

"Ok, I'll go visit with them for a little bit. But if you need anything or anything changes will you please call my cell phone?"

Katie new Jason didn't want her to worry but she would. It was hard not to while they weren't connected. Not to mention on top of that she felt so...different. Like she didn't even know who she was. She felt like a whole different person.

Coming down the sidewalk Beth's stride was slow like normal but today there was something slightly different about her. Taking a closer look someone might notice she got her hair cut. It was now shoulder length with a cute style. Much different from the normal but it made her feel good, and pretty in a way. It had been a giant step for her but she had done it.

Getting to the bench Beth gives a smile. It was good to see him here again. That meant that his friend really did want his help again and Beth new that would make him happy. She also wondered if Justin would notice and if he would like it.

"It seems like such a long time ago was the first time I ment you here. When really, it hasn't even been a year yet."

Giving both the dogs a gentile pat on the head Beth moves around to the other side of the bench and sits down next to Justin. Over the last few days they had really become good friends. Mean with each other, talks it really was nice to just have someone else there. It really did make her feel good.

"So how did it go? Better?"


Ty wasn't sure if Ryan had reacted to the news of Alec's activities or not. He was a little surprised, perhaps, that she hardly batted an eye. Did she really even care about the guy? Maybe she wasn't surprised - maybe Alec had made a habit of running around on her. No matter the reason, Ty shrugs it off. This whole thing really was none of his business.

Thinking for a moment or two, he finally shrugs. "Yeah, I can help you. Wouldn't be the first time I did something under their noses around here. I'll need a couple days though so nobody gets suspicious."

He grabs his broom again, letting his glasses fall back on his face, and he sweeps up some dirt he'd missed earlier. "Come back here two days from now... but come later than this. About one in the morning is when it's the most dead. I'll have something for you."

He pauses his work and looks at her again. "In the meantime, lay low. The last thing we want is any attention drawn to yourself if you're gonna hook up with someone from the Agency."

Jason sighs a little and lets his thumb run over Katie's hand in slow circles. "You're right... there's absolutely nothing for you to be sorry about. If anyone should apologize, it's me."

Thinking a few moments, he tries to pull himself up to sit a little straighter. Hiding the pain, he manages not to wince like he wanted to. "You really should see your family though. I'll be fine here for a little while - I promise." He lets go of her hand to brush her cheek softly. "One day you'll run out of 'see them anytimes.' I'm probably in better health than your dad is anyway."

He tries to prompt Katie to stop worrying so much. "I'm awake now, I feel fine, and I'm not going anywhere. Besides all that, this thing won't kill me in the next couple hours so you have plenty of time to go enjoy your visit then come back. I'll still be here."

Walking slowly up the sidewalk with Danitza and Zora, Justin spies Scott to the far right on the familiar picnic table. Jenny had told him that Scott had been sitting there for the past several days - a sign that he was not only willing to see Justin again, but wanting to.

Approaching cautiously, he takes a seat across from Scott and quietly tell the dogs to lie in the grass. Looking at Scott for several moments, he cocks his head. "Hi."

Scott looks back at him, then lowers his gaze, his hands staying safely tucked in his pockets. "Hi."

"So what's up? Heard you wanted to see me."

"Yeah, I... I guess so."

Justin lets a pause linger. "Still hate me?"

Scott's eyes shoot back up again. "Just partly."

A wry grin curls the corner of Justin's mouth. "Fair enough. So what is it you want to see me about then?"

"You already know." Scott's look is a dry one. "Dr. Hawks called you, told you everything, and you just want me to explain so I'll verbalize it."

Justin leans his arms on the table and gives a little sigh. "Back to that again, are we?"

Scott shrugs. "I just..."

Justin waits. "You just what?"

"I'm still mad at you for not telling me about Hope. But you're the only one that has any idea how to help me."

Justin manages a small smile. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not telling you about Hope."

Scott's eyes wander then come back up to Justin. "I thought you figured it was best."

"I did it because I knew it was Hope's wish to not make things harder for you. If I hadn't respected her so much, I probably would have told you. I know it felt awfully unfair when you found out. And for that, I apologize."

Scott mulls it all over for a few moments before shrugging. "I guess I... well I guess I can't stay too mad at you then."

Though Justin's facial expression and body language showed a quiet confidence and understanding, inside he was relieved and happy... happy that perhaps he was getting a second chance with this. "What about your sister? And Dalton?"

Scott's jaw tightens.

Justin wishes Scott could have seen the look on Dalton's face when he'd informed him that Scott didn't want to see him anymore. "Wasn't easy telling them not to come back here."

"Why not?"

"Because they care. I knew it hurt them." Justin cocks his head. "My own mother has rejected me. I know how it feels. But I did it to those who love you anyway because I knew you'd just get upset if they did show up."

"I still would."


"They betrayed my trust."

"So did I."

"That's different."


Scott sighs. "I don't know why. It just is."

"Maybe it's because you care about them so it hurt more."

Scott picks at a splinter on the table. Maybe. He loved his sister. And Dalton was his best friend. He could understand Justin keeping something from him, but not them. They should have told him about Hope.

Justin watches quietly for a few minutes before reaching into his backpack and pulling out the familiar deck of cards. "How ya feeling today?"

Scott eyes the cards as a shiver of fear runs down his spine. But instead of shrinking away, he looks back up at Justin. "I'm feeling like kicking some Agency butt."

Justin's smile couldn't have been wider. Determination. It really was there. Finally, finally after so many long months, Scott's will was returning. "Sounds awfully good to me."

Scott nods and watches as Justin spreads out the cards face-down on the table to begin the matching game of Agency-related faces that would trigger his data. "I... I guess maybe I realized the other day that... that if I could control this thing then maybe... I could use it against the Agency. I was able to retrieve some data on my own to help with a case and... maybe I realized it would be a waste of a whole lot of valuable information if I gave up."

Justin sits back, his head cocking slightly. Even with a revelation like that, Scott's attitude change was still a miracle. It wasn't going to be easy. No, just because he was determined today didn't mean he would be tomorrow. But it was a step - a definite step. And with or without the change in Hope's condition, or Scott helping with a case, Justin knew that when it really boiled down to it, God deserved the credit for this one. He'd always had hope for Scott and knew that a breakthrough was possible, but if looking at the raw facts and going over all that Scott had been through - he should be in the permanent mental ward here, not still trying to get out. Yes... today marked the day of one small step. And now Justin felt the burden of making sure that no steps were taken backwards. "Couldn't have said it better myself."

Scott nods then looks down at the cards. Though his hand trembles, he reaches for the first one and turns it over...

It was a couple hours later that Justin is finally walking back down the sidewalk. Satisfied but weary, he eases down on the same old bench, the dogs automatically lying in the grass. He sighs deeply and runs his hand over the back of the bench. He'd met Beth here so many times - it really was amazing to see how far they'd come since then... to see how much Beth really had grown.

Opening his backpack, he fishes to find a granola bar to temporarily satisfy his growling stomach. He'd already made plans to meet up with Beth here while she visited her sister, then they would meet later for supper.


Katie looks up at Jason he was always so thoughtful and hated taking her away from what she was doing even if it didn't bother her non. But this time she didn't know if she would be able to walk away and enjoy the rest of her time here.

"I can't Jason, not when I can't feel you to know your ok. I can visit my family any time, and I know they will understand."

Letting out a small sigh Katie couldn't help how she felt. While some people would think being linked was odd and something hard to get use to Katie had, and now having that broken off that was the odd and hard thing to handle.

"I'm sorry this all happened again. I know I don't need to say it but I am anyways."

Still leaning against the cubicle Ryan didn't know if Ty would help her or not she could only hope. As Ty starts to talk Ryan shifts a little standing a little straighter as once he gets to the part where they found Carson's car. Ryan's heart pick up as she continued to listen.

Searching Ty's eyes she looks to see if he was telling the truth or not. But why would he lie when he had no reason. He didn't know her, and he didn't know Alec what would be the point of that.

"I still want the information Ty. So I can find out why myself."

Though Ryan's expression didn't change much and her still held her strong shell inside it felt like her heart had been ripped apart. The pain was great and numbing, her anger seemed to boil. She didn't know if she wanted to punch something or break out into tears. But not here...she had to be strong, she had to get through this, let someone make her cry.. yeah if anyone could do it, it was Alec she'd really gotten attached to him and fallen head over heals. But she wouldn't let someone see her hurt like this.

"So, can you help me?"


Jason offers Katie a smile and a reassuring wink. "Rick always finds away. He's too bullheaded not to." Inside, he had his doubts, but staying positive right now was a must.

"Few years from now, we'll look back on this and laugh about how our vacation was ruined by this silly thing again." He wriggles her hand. "You should make time to be with your family like you planned. I'll be okay here."

Sweeping the main floor, Ty had his headphones on and wasn't paying a whole lot of attention when Ryan approaches. Startled, he takes off his headphones and looks at her with surprise. It wasn't usual that someone appeared here at this time of night. Hal must have seen her on the security cameras, but she wasn't anyone they needed to be on alert for.

Ty nods that she got his name right. "Yeah. I remember you." He was a little leery at this point. No one ever came to see him. As she stands back and studies him for a moment, he looks her straight in the eye, unafraid while anyone was on his turf. There was something odd in her eye... he wasn't quite sure what it was, but he could imagine she was going through a little bit right now with the whole Alec thing.

Even though his mind did think of Alec, Ty is still surprised at Ryan's request. Putting aside his broom and setting his glasses up on his head, he folds his arms, his turn to study her. He'd helped people before - sometimes to his demise. What Ryan was asking was pretty serious - Ty's first responsibility would be to report it. The Agency was nothing to play around with and Reese would have a cow if he knew Ty helped Ryan get in. On the other hand, Ty couldn't blame her for wanting to find out more. Unfortunately, he knew that she probably didn't yet know the latest.

"First off, just so you know, Reese is looking into things and trying to get Alec back. They're not just letting him go and washing their hands of him." He shrugs. "They don't want him leaking information, first off, but if you knew Reese, you'd know he cares and wants to find out what really went wrong. Second..."

He pauses and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He knows he shouldn't be the person telling Ryan this. She probably shouldn't know any of this at all - for that, he could get into trouble. But if it was Libby that had gone off the deep end, he'd want to know, and he wasn't going to keep Ryan in the dark.

"They did find Carson's car this evening, abandoned along a highway. They, um... they know that Alec is traveling with a woman." He searches Ryan's eyes, letting that sink in first. "They think it's someone he was with before, from the Agency." He purses his lips, thinking about which words to choose. "And they do know that... it's not just a business relationship. They're without a doubt intimately involved and right now the Elite is trying to track them down and find out their plan."

Ty cocks his head. "I want to help you, Ryan... I can understand your frustration. Give me some time, and I'd be able to get you in under the Elite radar. But first I gotta know... in light of this new information... do you still want to find him?"