

Ryan's destination had been the lake and sitting on the hood of her car looking at the stars was what she choose to cool herself down. Tonight had started out so well and than ended so bad. She hadn't meant to get so angry but she'd just had enough. Dealing with this day in and day out it had gotten tiring.

Thinking more a tear ran down Ryan's cheek her mind wondering, Her frustration just taking over and coming out in sobs. Would Leo still want to be her friend, was Alec upset she exploded? Ryan didn't know but she wouldn't be the first to call this time.

The minutes turn into hours and Ryan was soon on her way home after calming down. Entering the house and knowing it was empty in a way she was happy her face still having trails of tears. Going to her room and than the bathroom Ryan cleans up before heading in her room again turning her little tv on.

Hearing a noise Ryan turns down the volume for a moment knowing it was Eli coming inside. Waiting to see if he knocked or not Ryan waited but hearing nothing Ryan turns the tv up again.

A few moments later she exits her room heading to the kitchen. It had been a long night and her throat was now dry. Maybe a little water would help. Stopping by Eli's door for a moment Ryan wondered if he was now sleeping or not. Not bothering to knock she just heads to the kitchen.

Giving a smile to Justin Beth gives a nod. It made her feel good he said yes. She always wondered what was in those boxes but having someone else to help would be nice.

"Thats great. Thank...thank you Justin."

Continuing to look through the movies Nikki finally finds one she new they would both like and pops it into the DVD player before going to the couch and sitting down. Looking over at Pete she smiles.

"Make yourself comfortable. Did you want me to warm up your meal for you?"

Or stupidity

Pete grins as he returns Carol's hug, though just a little awkwardly. Watching her and Nikki interact, it was obvious they loved each other just as much as he remembered.

Left to themselves, Pete follows Nikki into the living room, taking up a seat on the armrest of the couch. "Um..." He thinks then shrugs. "I really don't care. How about something funny?"

Casting again, a million and one rules fly through Justin's mind, though his body language does not change. Common sense... logic... rules of thumb... He inwardly sighs. He'd already broken the rules anyway.

"If you'd like me to come sometime, I can," he acknowledges. "I know sometimes certain things are easier if there's someone else around so... if you want me to be there, I can."

As the two men receive the tongue-lashing from Ryan, both stare up at her, unable to get a word in, but not trying anyway. Their own glares meet hers, still angry with each other and now both bothered that she was chewing them out.

Watching as Ryan stalks away then speeds off, Alec looks down at the ground, then over to Leo, his expression one of irritation. Leo meets his gaze with the same look. And for a moment, it feels as though something might erupt again.

But slowly, slowly, fists are relaxed. Leo rocks back to sit on his bottom while Alec stays on his knees. Looking at each other again, they both shake their heads.

"I'm too tired to fight anymore," Leo mumbles. "I guess that means you win."

"I'm too tired too," Alec admits. "You put up quite a fight."

Leo touches his lip gingerly with his tongue. "I feel kinda silly sitting here."

"Yeah, me too."

Eli sighs as he watches everything happen, then his sister take off. Maybe encouraging this whole thing hadn't been the best idea in the world, but he didn't think he'd deserved that last glare. Glancing to Scarlet, he gives her a look of apology for having the night be turned around on them.

Looking back to the two enemies, he rolls his eyes and wanders over to them. "Are you two quite finished?"

"After that?" Alec thumbs down the dusty road. "She might come back and run us over with the car if we keep this up."

Eli smirks. "Probably."

Gingerly, Alec stands up, brushing off his pants and wincing a little. He hurt in more places than he'd like to admit.

Eli approaches Leo and gives him a hand up as well. "You alright?"

"Mm-hmm." Leo nods, though he wasn't all that sure. "I guess I just need to go."

"Looking like that?" Eli shakes his head. Standing between the two, he looks at them both. "Is this thing over, or what?"

Leo looks over to Alec, and Alec over to him. Both stare at each other for a moment, almost like two gradschool boys who had fought on the playground. Leo finally shrugs. "You want me gone, I'll be gone, alright? It's stupid for me to keep fighting."

Alec's eyebrows rise. "You walk away now, she won't ever forgive me."

Leo thinks for a moment, confused. "So you'd call a truce just so Ryan doesn't leave you?"

Alec shrugs lamely. "I guess so."

"Well...maybe you're more worth her effort than I thought."

"You're the one with the guts."

"Or stupidity."

Both stare at each other again. Afterward, no one would know who snickered first, but even though it was painful, the laughter did somehow surface...

...Entering the apartment quietly, Eli shuts and locks the door behind him. He was home much later than planned, but somehow he'd managed to get both men cleaned up, iced and bandaged, gotten Alec back to TJY, Leo on his way and still spend some time with Scarlet. Or was it all the other way around? He felt like he'd been drinking, when in reality, he'd never even gotten that beer he wanted.

Ambling down the hall, he sees the light under Ryan's door and stops, ready to knock. But before his knuckles tap the door, he lowers his hand. She'd been pretty hot earlier... he better not bother her now. So instead, he goes to his own bedroom, leaving the door just partway open.


Finishing the race and getting out of the car Ryan's grin grows as she see her brother and Scarlet coming over. It felt good to win and believe it or not it felt good having it be a close race. She liked the competition and the though of someone else almost betting her. It kept the thrill of the race alive.

As Alec pulls her into the kiss Ryan automatically wraps her arms around him and returns the kiss. Her grin bright slinging her arm around Alec and turning to see her brother.

Seeing Leo Ryan gives a wave beckon him to come closer she wanted to shair the spot light with him too. He was on of her friends and she didn't want it any other way.

"Leo you made it, I'm glad."

Being interrupted by her brother and the though of celebration Ryan gives a nod and a whoop of her own. Sounded like a plan to her and having her friends and one extra sounded like a good time to her.

Turning to head back into her car Ryan stops when she hears Alec's comment about just going back to her place. About to reply she stops once again as Leo jumps in. Just standing there for a moment as words are throw back and forth Ryan trys to get a word in but it fails.

"Guys...come on...stop...Guys..."

Feeling frustrated Ryan gives a jump as the first swing is thrown and she can feel her own temper rise. Starting forward to stop them Ryan is stop by her brother throwing a look up at him. So she was to stand here and watch them beat the crap out of them? There was nothing else she could do but sit and watch them.

A few times she looks away ignoring all the cheering going on around her. This was insane, crazy, and just down right wrong and she hated it.

Finally as both men are on the ground both panting and seeming to be tired Ryan brakes from her brother arm and steps twords both of them. Putting her hands on her hips she lets out a growl as she looks down at them her anger written all over her face.

"Stop this right now! Both of you need to grow up!"

Ryan points at Alec first.

"You, I maybe your girlfriend but that dosnt mean you order me around. I'll see who I want when I want and hang out with my friend when I darn well feel and if your gonna try and start a fight when them every time than you can stay home."

Turning to Leo Ryan's eye had become red from anger. She was tired of this, tired of walking on egg shells, and having to worry about who was going to start a fight with who.

"And You, You need to get your head out of your butt and move on before life pass you completely by. Alec is my boyfriend and you have to deal with it. Stop trying to start a fight every time you are around him. Stop being misrible when there is no need for you. You got a girl who likes you and wants to be more than friend. Stop being a scared little boy and sease the opportunity before it pass you by. Sooner or later there is gonna be no one to blame but yourself so build a bridge and get over."

Ryan lets out a long huff as she looks to her brother, than Alec, and Leo once again. Her eyes going between both of them.

"I don't care if you both don't like each other thats fine but you need to learn to co exists with each other. So when you have it figured out and can do that let me know because until than I am sick of the fighting and childish behavior.
I want my friends and love ones around to enjoy and have fun with not to have to babysit and walk eggshells around."

Ryan's eyes burned with fire and everything that had been pent up inside. She wanted her friends to get along and for to long now they hadnt taking it out on each other at her exspence.

Turning from the group and not caring how many people were around Ryan stalks away shooting a look at her brother first. She was going away, she needed to clear her head and didn't want anyone around. If he could give Alec a ride home that would be great.

Getting into her car Ryan pulls out of where she was parked with a squeal of her tires not looking back even once. A dust cloud was left of her anger, and as it settled she was gone.

Seeing Pete hold out and take a hold of her hand for a shake Carol gives a shake of her head and a little laugh. Using Pete's hand to help her up she takes a few steps forward letting go and wrapping her arms around him.

"Peter, did you really think I'd like you get away with just a hand shake. After all the times you have been here your like a son to me."

Letting go and taking a few steps back Carol takes the cane from the table and slowly hobbles twords the sink. Not wasting a moment Nikki was at her side helping her to the sink.

Turning twords her daughter and than Pete she gives a smile.

"She has turned into a lovely woman. I'm so happy you guys could meet up again. It was always a pleasure to have you in the house Peter, and to hear you make My Nikki laugh."

Going into a coughing fit Carol leans over the sink a little trying to catch her breath. Nikki was close at her side rubbing her back and making sure she was ok.

"Nikki go enjoy time with your friend. I'm fine I'm fine you worry to much...She worrys to much Peter, maybe you can help keep her mind busy."

Nikki gives a sigh and shakes her head still smiling at her mother. The woman was full of pride, but so humble at the same time making sure not to rune any ones good time.

"Ok Ma we will be in the living room if you need anything ok?"

Carol gives a nod as she looks to her daughter and brings a hand to the side of her face.

"Alright dear, I'm probably going to be heading to bed soon. Peter you can stay as long as you like."

Giving another smile and moving away from her mother she walks twords Pete again. Nodding twords the living room she new he new the way and followed. Going over to the TV rack she squats down in front and looks through the movies like she always did as a kid.

"Ok so what will it be today..classic, funny, horror?"

Thinking about Justin's words Beth had fallen quiet again. Just thinking deeply about his words. They made sense to her and her understood. In a way knowing that Justin too has lost someone made her feel like she could connect with him just a little more.

"Maybe sometime would you like to come over to my house and look through the boxes of pictures with me? I never dared look at them, and maybe....doing it alone wouldn't be so hard, and it might help too."

"Dance, Leo!"

Though he was keeping his hands busy, Justin was listening to Beth, too. He remains quiet, just letting her talk and say what she needed to without interrupting or pressing her.

Taking another cast, he nods at her mention of memories. "It was a different life. But that's okay, don't you think?" He straightens his line and slowly reels, jerking once when he felt a bite but fails to hook the fish.

"Memories are funny things. Some fade and some seem to get even stronger. Too often though, we think that a memory has to be something we can see or hear or touch in our mind... but it's always here." He touches over his heart. "The memories we hold, good and bad, never really leave."

As his lure comes up out of the water, he brings it close to take off some moss. "Sometimes I have trouble remembering my dad's face or the sound of his voice. But I know that inside me is a treasure trove of memories, tucked away that may or may not ever be brought to the forefront. But that's okay - it's not my fault and it doesn't make my dad any less real than he was. It just means that I'm moving on and not living in the past."

Going to Nikki's house, Pete felt a little strange. It had been years since he'd been here. So much was happening all in one day, it did still feel like a dream. The house still felt familiar though, once he was inside. Not much had changed and even the smell was familiar to him. It was like an old friend, welcoming him back again. The atmosphere here had always been peaceful... something that spoke of God... something that had led Pete and Lewis both to Jesus.

Heading to the kitchen with Nikki, Pete can't help his smile as he is greeted by her mother. "Long time, no see." Maybe the phrase was lame, but it was all he could think of.

He laughs at her comment of him growing. "Well, maybe my waist slimmed down, but my ego grew for sure." Still smiling, he reaches down to shake her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Your daughter has been escorting me down memory lane today. She's become quite the lovely young woman."

Heading to the finish line, there are enough people around that not too much conversation goes on. Eli keeps close to Scarlet, Alec wanders off somewhere and Leo sticks around but tries to mingle some.

The race is closer than Eli would have liked, with money on his sister, but as predicted, she pulled through at the last moment to take the victory once again. Those that knew her were as thrilled as always - and a little richer, too. Those that didn't left the mob to go gripe amongst themselves.

Coming to the car as Ryan parks and gets out, Eli's smile goes from ear to ear. He never tired of seeing his sister win. "You did it again, Speedy." He gives her a thumbs up and a wink.

Alec slides over the hood of her car to land next to her, pulling her into a passionate kiss before even saying anything. Drawing back, his eyes spark. "Congratulations."

The crowd is a might noisy and there were plenty who hollered Ryan's way to let her know they were pleased. Alec slings his arm around her shoulders, not just to be in the spotlight with her but because truth be known, he felt a little lost in a crowd that he hadn't really checked out yet.

Off to the side, Leo watches everything from Ryan to Eli and Scarlet, to Alec, to the other people there. With Alec around though, Leo couldn't even get close to Ryan. All he wanted to do was congratulate her, but it seemed everywhere he stepped, there was Alec again. Was it just him, or was Alec purposely getting in his way? Either way, it ticked Leo off. Alec had stolen Ryan from him already - wasn't that bad enough without him constantly flaunting it in his face?

Alec keeps his arm around Ryan and eyes Leo, unsure what the other man was thinking. Why did he always feel like Leo was constantly trying to get back closer with Ryan? He didn't like it and it made him bristle every time Leo came around. Alec wasn't used to feeling jealousy so he wasn't even sure if that's what it was or not, but even if it was, he had a right, didn't he? Ryan was his girl now and Leo needed to go find himself another.

"Time to celebrate!" Eli announces, swinging Scarlet around with him as he aims back for his bike. "Who wants to go to Jimmy's for a late night steak and a beer?"

"Don't say beer," Leo warns, finding some humor. "I'll take a coke though."

Eli grins. "Good enough. Come on."

Alec sighs and looks to Ryan. "Can we just go back to your place?"

Leo stops in his tracks. He'd had enough. Spinning around, he glares at Alec. "Ya know, if you don't want me along, just say so, alright?"

Alec straightens and tenses up, leaving Ryan's side to take a step towards Leo. "Okay, fine. I don't want you along."

Leo's blood races with anger. Eli stops and turns around, hearing the flippant words and feeling the tension rise. Letting his arm drop from Scarlet, he heads the few steps back to the others. "Hey, come on, guys. Cut the crap and lets go just enjoy ourselves, alright?"

Leo grits his teeth. "Apparently to be enjoyable, I can't be there."

"You finally got it." Alec claps his hands, taunting him. "Maybe you got brains after all."

Or maybe he didn't. Maybe that was why Leo took the first swing. Any other time he would have been smart enough to never take that chance, but tonight... tonight he'd had enough. His fist flies towards Alec's face.

Alec, though, was quicker and sidesteps, blocking Leo's fist then grabbing his wrist to twist his arm around. Having his arm yanked and twisted, Leo is brought to one knee before he's kicked in the gut. Doubling over, he swings blindly, managing to get Alec off just long enough that he can stand again.

Realizing what was happening, Eli takes a quick glance at his sister and puts out an arm to keep her from trying to break them up. "Let them fight it out," he warns. If those two didn't get this out of their system, it would be war the rest of their lives.

Alec maintains the upper hand, getting in several punches to Leo's face and blocking every swing that came at him. Spinning around, he gives Leo a swift kick to the side of his head, sending Leo sprawling on the ground.

By now, a small group was gathering, forming a circle around the two fighting men.

Leo growls and gets up again, blinking away sweat and a bit of blood. He already hurt, but he wasn't through yet. Lunging at Alec, he's again thwarted, only receiving the brunt of everything and getting nowhere.

Though Eli wanted to see them fight it out, he knew that Alec was more than capable of taking Leo out... permanently. And Leo had no fighting skills at all - that had already been proven when he'd tried to take on Roth, and Alec was an assassin. Seeing Leo caught in a chokehold and struggling to get away, Eli calls out to him. "Dance, Leo!"

Grappling at Alec's arm that was around his neck, Leo barely hears Eli. But something clicks. Dance. Instead of continuing to fight a hold he couldn't manhandle, he twists and ducks, taking a step back and manages to pull free of the hold. Though Alec takes a swing, Leo spins on his toe and sidesteps low. Dropping to the ground, he sweeps a circle with his leg, taking Alec's feet right out from under him.

Eli tries to hide his smile.

Alec is quick to get back on his feet and the fists swing again. But this time, Leo was paying more attention to his own body's movements and easily sidesteps, ducks and spins to avoid the blows, finally able to throw some of his own.

The gawkers start hollering and whooping, cheering who on, nobody knew, but nobody cared. A fight was a good enough reason to be loud and obnoxious as anything.

Blood and sweat fly as both men continue their battle. Alec is knocked off balance once and falls back towards Eli who gives him a swift boot to the behind, sending him right back into Leo's fury.

First Leo, then Alec, then Alec then Leo. It seemed the match would never end. Both men were growing so weary that they could barely throw punches anymore, but neither were willing to give up. They take it so far that they both wind up on their hands and knees more than once, panting and barely able to stand but they keep it up anyway - they wanted a winner.

Punch after punch, blow after blow... their faces become bruised and bloodied punching bags with split lips, bloody noses and blackened eyes. Drenched in sweat, neither gave up and both for their own reasons.

Eventually, both Alec and Leo wind up on their knees, hardly able to lift their own arms, but still glaring at each other. Breathing heavily and hurting all over, it seems there's a silent agreement for a brief time-out as they try to catch their breath, neither having the strength to even stand up anymore.

Good Memorie

Hearing Pete say yes that he would come back to the house with her makes Nikki happy. It would be nice to hang out like old friends, and if it put a small smile on her mother face than it was more than Nikki could of asked for.

Getting back into the car and buckling up Nikkie puts her sunglasses back on even if it was dark out now, she liked to be different sometimes. Giving a nod her words follow suit.

"I guess it would make sense to get my car first so your not running me all over the place, and yes its still the same house. Mom wouldn't give that up for anything even when people tryed to convince her to sell it."

Leaning back on the ride back to her car was a nice one. Even thought the sun was down it still felt warm out and the wind blowing through her short hair just seemed to cool off just right. Going back seemed quicker than when they had left, and finally getting to her car and making there way back to her place it doesn't take long.

Pulling into the drive way she lets enough room for Pete to pull in behind her. Getting out of the car she looks up at the small but nice tan colored house. She'd grown up in this house and it hadn't changed much. Still looking the same as it had before.

Getting up to the porch and unlocking the door Nikki steps in taking her glasses off again. Taking a few steps down the hall Nikki gives a call to find where he mother was.

"Mom...It's me, I'm home. I brought someone you might like to see too."

Hearing the call from the hallway a smile cross the face of an older woman her hair slightly starting to turn white from age, and her face was wery but the smile was still on her lips, and her eyes still sparkled though it was easy to see just walking made her tired.

"Nikki dear I'm in the kitchen. Can you bring your guest here? I don't think I have the energy to walk out there again."

Looking back over her shoulder at Pete she gives a smile to him and motions for him to follow.Going down the long hallway and entering the kitchen Nikki gives a wave to her mom before turning a little to Pete.

"Mom, you remember Pete from high school. I use to hang out with him and his brother all the time. I ran into him today and we spent the day catching up."

Squinting her eyes just a little Nikki's mom is quiet for a moment as if remembering. Soon a smile spread across her lips though as her eyes lit up.

"How could I not remember you Peter. My how you've grown. How are you?"

Seeing that her mom remembered Pete, and the smile her eyes held made Nikki feel so good. She was happy to see her mom, happy to see Pete.

Continuing to wait and glancing back at the bobber in the water Beth gives a little nod as she was listing. Justin's mom sounded like a very nice woman and it made sense seeing how Justin was so nice himself.

"She sounds like a very nice lady."

Looking back over the water Beth just lets her eyes scan the area. She felt more relaxed this time than she had the last time here. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly Beth's mind started to turned as she tried to remember, her past, her parents, what life use to be like.

"I always though they were happy ya know. My parents, I guess they were just good at hiding it from us. Save us from the pain. My dad always drank but he never hurt anyone in our family. He never raised a hand to even spank us...mom always said he was to soft on us and he would reply but saying we were daddy's little girls. I guess he was just a loaded gun waiting to go off, and than one day it was to much and he did."

Shifting a little bit in the grass Beth looks down as the blades form around he legs the grass tickling her feet a little. Picking a peace Beth plays with it between her fingers for a moment before looking back to Justin.

"The memories are fading a little more each day. But I can still here there laughs all three of them. I was always the funny on doing something silly. Its so hard to remember though...like it was a whole new life."

Staying close to Eli Scarlet holds on to his arm as they watch the start of the race. Hearing a new voice saying hi to Eli she turns seeing someone she didn't know. But seeing the look on Eli's face he did know who it was and he was ok. Sometimes at the races it was hard to tell.

As words are thrown between Leo and Alec though Scarlet raises and eyebrow. It was easy to see there was some kind of heat between Leo and Alec. See Eli step in though and mention going to the finish line she gives a nod and turns.

Boys will be boys

"Um..." Pete thinks for a moment. He did want to do something and not go home... He didn't have any work to do tonight... wasn't needed anywhere... had no obligations... and it was just Nikki, right? What was so bad about that?

"Okay." He nods as he turns around. "I'd like to see your mom, too." If her time was short, he at least would like to see her again. Since Nikki had left, he hadn't even seen her mom, since Nikki had always been the only reason he'd hung around the family.

Walking slowly back to the car, Pete gets in and waits for Nikki to get in too and buckle up. "Go get your car first? Then your place? Same house?"

Keeping an eye on Beth, Justin goes for his other pole, but listens as she talks. While he casts and reels he chuckles. "She's one of the sweetest women you'll ever meet. Heart of gold. She has her quirks but I can't ever be mad at her."

Justin straightens out his line to avoid a bird's nest and reels again. "She loves to cook and loves cooking for company - goes all out, even when it's supposed to be a simple lunch or something. She gets lonely I think, so I see her a few nights a week and I do some shopping for her too. She doesn't have a car so she doesn't get out much." After Justin's dad had died, she'd lived off the insurance and with the house paid for, the bills weren't all that bad. Justin also helped her out with groceries and the like, so she didn't live in wealth but she lived comfortably.

Turning to smile at Beth, he nods. "I think you'd like her and she'd like you too."

Leo ambles through the crowd, scanning the face. He was a bit disappointed that none of the buddies from the shop were there tonight. He wasn't spotting any of his regular friends.

The cars had all just taken off, so it would be a little bit before any action started again once the racers got back. Wandering around, Leo gives casual waves to a few people, then spots Eli with a woman... and of course, Alec. He just had to show up, didn't he? Leo sighs. At least Eli was there. And there was no one else to hang out with. It was either them or go home.

Finally approaching, Leo gives a nod to them and a short wave to Eli. "Hey."

"Hey, Leo! Glad to see you up and around."

Leo gives him a sheepish look. "Yeah. Meant to say thanks."

"No problem."

Alec quirks an eyebrow as his arms fold over his chest. "You look a little worse for wear."

Leo's eyes narrow. "As if you look better."

"Well, maybe some people think so."

Understanding the reference to Ryan, Leo bristles.

Eli catches it and steps in between them. "Hey, lets all head to the finish line, shall we?" He throws a look in Scarlet's direction, rolling his eyes.

Rather do

Once the sun was gone Nikki continues to look at the sky. The moon started to show, and the few starts dotted the sky. Just standing there for a long moment she could feel a little bit of the awkwardness and it made her wonder for a moment.

Finally turning back to Pete she could help but wonder what else he was doing today. Did he have to go back to work, did he have something else to take care of? Nikki didn't know but maybe the best think she could do was just ask.

"I know we never got a chance to finish our dinner. If your not busy would you like to come back to my place and we can pig out, and watch a movie. I know Mom would love to see you again too."

Nikki lets her hand give Pete's a little squeeze before she lets it fall from hers. Looking up into his face she smiles again. The night was young, and she couldn't think of anything else she would rather do right now.


Pete is a little startled by Nikki taking his hand, but he doesn't withdraw. He can feel heat coming to his face and it wasn't just the sun. Searching her eyes for a moment, he finally opts to look at the lake again, lest she see how red his face is. Slowly though, his fingers curl around hers in a strong, gentle grasp.

Watching the sun sink lower and lower, Pete's heart seemed to pick up its pace. What were these awkward feelings he was getting and why? Nikki was an old pal... and he hadn't seen her in years... hadn't thought about her very often the last few years either, thinking he'd never see her again. He'd had a few girlfriends here and there - though nothing was ever too serious - but he'd never thought of Nikki in that light before. Was he now? Or was it just the good feelings of seeing her again? She was attractive no doubt - even more so than she used to be, though Pete wouldn't say so. But wasn't this happening way too fast? Then again, what was "this" anyway?

The sun disappears below the tree line, leaving the sky a glowing orange that was quickly fading. High in the sky, a few stars had started to pop up and the moon was visible now, but seeming to be so very far away.

"Well..." Pete clears his throat. "I guess that's that." Should he let go of her hand? Wait for her to let go first? Being awkward around a woman was something he was definitely not used to and it causes him to lapse into silence again, not knowing what was supposed to happen now. He guessed she needed to be taken back to her car, but he really wasn't looking forward to a lame night of dull television. But he didn't want to suggest anything that would make Nikki uncomfortable, or tired for that matter, since she'd just gotten into town.

Home at Last

Seeing the sun set, and the sky take on different colors it was nice. To be out in the open, to now have to worry about street lights, traffic lights, and noises to rune the nice peace of the moment.

At the moments now no words were spoken because they didn't need to be. For Nikki it wasnt uncomfortable or felt strange. The silence standing with Pete seemed perfect, and the peace was nice.

Turning her head slightly to look at Pete Nikki gives smile. No words could say how she felt, and maybe she didn't even know. Never had she and Pete dated, but in some way the guys she had were always compared to him and never lived up. Maybe she had a little crush back than and never realized it, but did she still?

Slowly letting her hand come up her fingers finding his. On the inside she felt a little shaky but did good not letting it show. Her eyes still connected with Pete's she lefts her fingers lock with his just letting her hands stay there.

"It's great to see you again too."

Time changed people, but still there is something that can never be taken away. Once a friendship always a friendship or so Nikki thought it to be true. Looking back out at the setting sun her smile grows even more. She was home, home at last where she belonged and it felt good.


"After being gone though I realized what I had given up and might never get back." Pete keeps his eyes out on the lake, though his peripheral vision watched Nikki closely. Had he and Lewis meant that much to her? He knew that he had always considered her a very close friend and had missed her being around too. Things had just... changed.

The thought of new memories makes him smile a little. Rocking a little on his heels, he finally nods. "Yeah... yeah, that might be nice." It would be different, and he knew that. He and Nikki were seeing each other for the first time in about ten years, and though it felt like they picked up right where they left off, a lot had changed... they each had changed. Would they even find that they still got a long so well? Or would they find that they were now too different?

As the sun starts to sink behind the trees, the glow becomes a brilliant red, casing a glow over the lake and the surroundings. Pete turns his head a little to look at Nikki's face, aglow in the light. He'd never had any dating interest in her before... they'd been buds, and she'd been just enough younger than he, that he'd looked elsewhere for something in the way of a girlfriend. He wondered now though... if he didn't know her already...

"Maybe I missed something," he wonders aloud but softly. Still looking to her, his slight smile is one of melancholy. "It's good to see you again, Nikki."