
Good Memorie

Hearing Pete say yes that he would come back to the house with her makes Nikki happy. It would be nice to hang out like old friends, and if it put a small smile on her mother face than it was more than Nikki could of asked for.

Getting back into the car and buckling up Nikkie puts her sunglasses back on even if it was dark out now, she liked to be different sometimes. Giving a nod her words follow suit.

"I guess it would make sense to get my car first so your not running me all over the place, and yes its still the same house. Mom wouldn't give that up for anything even when people tryed to convince her to sell it."

Leaning back on the ride back to her car was a nice one. Even thought the sun was down it still felt warm out and the wind blowing through her short hair just seemed to cool off just right. Going back seemed quicker than when they had left, and finally getting to her car and making there way back to her place it doesn't take long.

Pulling into the drive way she lets enough room for Pete to pull in behind her. Getting out of the car she looks up at the small but nice tan colored house. She'd grown up in this house and it hadn't changed much. Still looking the same as it had before.

Getting up to the porch and unlocking the door Nikki steps in taking her glasses off again. Taking a few steps down the hall Nikki gives a call to find where he mother was.

"Mom...It's me, I'm home. I brought someone you might like to see too."

Hearing the call from the hallway a smile cross the face of an older woman her hair slightly starting to turn white from age, and her face was wery but the smile was still on her lips, and her eyes still sparkled though it was easy to see just walking made her tired.

"Nikki dear I'm in the kitchen. Can you bring your guest here? I don't think I have the energy to walk out there again."

Looking back over her shoulder at Pete she gives a smile to him and motions for him to follow.Going down the long hallway and entering the kitchen Nikki gives a wave to her mom before turning a little to Pete.

"Mom, you remember Pete from high school. I use to hang out with him and his brother all the time. I ran into him today and we spent the day catching up."

Squinting her eyes just a little Nikki's mom is quiet for a moment as if remembering. Soon a smile spread across her lips though as her eyes lit up.

"How could I not remember you Peter. My how you've grown. How are you?"

Seeing that her mom remembered Pete, and the smile her eyes held made Nikki feel so good. She was happy to see her mom, happy to see Pete.

Continuing to wait and glancing back at the bobber in the water Beth gives a little nod as she was listing. Justin's mom sounded like a very nice woman and it made sense seeing how Justin was so nice himself.

"She sounds like a very nice lady."

Looking back over the water Beth just lets her eyes scan the area. She felt more relaxed this time than she had the last time here. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly Beth's mind started to turned as she tried to remember, her past, her parents, what life use to be like.

"I always though they were happy ya know. My parents, I guess they were just good at hiding it from us. Save us from the pain. My dad always drank but he never hurt anyone in our family. He never raised a hand to even spank us...mom always said he was to soft on us and he would reply but saying we were daddy's little girls. I guess he was just a loaded gun waiting to go off, and than one day it was to much and he did."

Shifting a little bit in the grass Beth looks down as the blades form around he legs the grass tickling her feet a little. Picking a peace Beth plays with it between her fingers for a moment before looking back to Justin.

"The memories are fading a little more each day. But I can still here there laughs all three of them. I was always the funny on doing something silly. Its so hard to remember though...like it was a whole new life."

Staying close to Eli Scarlet holds on to his arm as they watch the start of the race. Hearing a new voice saying hi to Eli she turns seeing someone she didn't know. But seeing the look on Eli's face he did know who it was and he was ok. Sometimes at the races it was hard to tell.

As words are thrown between Leo and Alec though Scarlet raises and eyebrow. It was easy to see there was some kind of heat between Leo and Alec. See Eli step in though and mention going to the finish line she gives a nod and turns.

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