
Lovey Dove

Finally finding a movie they both wanted to watch Cassy moves one of the pillows up a little more on the bed so she could lean on it too. Keeping her arm around Leo with his head on her she felt more than comfortable.

As the move played on she could feel Leo's head droop into her a little more telling her he was comfortable enough to sleep. That was a good thing. Feeling his head was warm once again Cassy didn't want to move to much and wake him so her slid down on the bed a little more herself but not to much her arm still tucked nicely behind Leo. Pulling the blankets up a little more to his chin to keep him warm and break the fever. In a little while she would get up and get another cloth for his head, but for now she just wanted him to rest.

Shaking her head at Carson Katie can't help but laugh. It had become so normal to them she often forgot sometimes other people could tell who new them by there faces if they were talking or not. She found it a little funny sometimes.

"I think I am going to have the chicken parm after all. It is my favorite and I haven't had it in so long."

Straightening a little Katie looks to Carson with a grin on her face. Sometimes picking on him was fun and since it had been so long a little extra was ok.

"And you better stop ease dropping...before I call Misty and get a list on all the lovey dove stuff you do. At least you don't have to listen to us."

Katie sticks out her tong out at Carson playfully before letting out a laugh, giving a pull to some of Jason's funny emotions.

Giving a small laugh Scarlet takes a few steps back as Eli revs his engine. Giving her own wave she shakes her head as he peels out of the driveway obviously showing off. She thought it was kind of funny, but at the same time she thought it was cute, and liked it.

Once Eli was out of sight Scarlet lets out a small sigh and head back into her place figuring out what she would do for the next few days while she waited for her bike to get worked on.


Leo manages a little smile as Cassy joins him on the bed. He didn't feel smothered or awkward... not today. He was too busy being sick to worry about giving the wrong impressions or taking things the wrong way. All he wanted was some company and right now, Cassy was all he had. There wasn't anybody else who would sit with him while he was sick.

Nestling down a little further in his blankets, his head rests back against Cassy's arm. She was warm... comforting. He focuses on the television as she searches for a movie and they finally land on one both want to watch.

Despite wanting to stay up to at least enjoy the company though, soon Leo's eyes are growing heavy again. And eventually, he's fallen asleep once more, his hot forehead resting against Cassy's shoulder.

Jason's grip on Katie's hand tightens as his smile widens.

I love you too, Hero... I wouldn't trade my life right now for anything.

At one time, he'd hated it... had felt suffocated and had wanted out. But now... now that he had Katie, he could love her freely, he'd found God and was surrounded by friends... what could be better?

I guess watching each other's back is a perfect trade, huh?

"Alright, enough sweet talk, you two. It's enough to drive the customers away." Carson sets their drinks down, honestly not being able to know for sure if they'd been communicating or not, but the way Jason and Katie were looking at each other, Carson was pretty sure there was talk going on, and he was convinced it wasn't about the menu.

Jason lets go of Katie's hand and looks up at Carson to smirk at him. "You ought not be spying."

"It doesn't take a spy to notice those looks," Carson counters teasingly. He looks to Katie with a grin. "You guys decided what you want yet? For lunch, that is."

Eli smiles, seeing again that little bit of timidness coming through as Scarlet's cheeks redden. He's not about to let her get away with her first comment though. "If the next time is still a first date, I'd never make it back to your lips and that would be way too unfair." His thumb runs over her lips again before his hand slides from her face. How could he ignore the genuine hope that was in her eyes? As strange as it seemed to him, Scarlet wasn't after a one night good time. She really was serious about trying to make something out of this. Was Eli willing?

"Oh... I have a feeling it won't be the last."

Winking, he lets her go and puts on his helmet, leaving the question hanging in the air as to whether there really would be more dates or not. He throws her a salute and straightens his bike, revving the engine before pulling away. Peeling out of the parking lot with a squeal, he speeds down the street, lucky that there were no cops around to see it.


Scarlet gives a slight nod the shy look appearing in her eye again. She was bound and determined to say there was at least a first date.

Feeling his hand takes hers and there fingers lock Scarlet looks down for a moment just studying there hands and the way it felt to be firm in his grasp. It felt nice, safe and warm. Looking back up into his eyes Scarlet's smile held on her face though it seemed like her words were lost.

Being pulled back to Eli though Scarlet has no will to try and back away nore did she want to other than the soul fact of indeed calling this a first date. But like an unknown force pulling her she felt like she melted into Eli's arms.

Feeling his cheek brush against her Scarlet could felt the slight scruff and couldn't help but think it felt nice, and a wiff of maybe the soap Eli used in the morning enters her nose it just threw Scarlet into a trance that made her eye automatically close just taking in the moment and the smell.

Than feeling his lips on her neck it almost would seem like she had lost total control as a soft moan slipped from her lips liking the feel of Eli's kiss on her neck, and than close to her ear, Her fingers still linked with Eli's hand tightens just a little as her heart thumps and her breathing picks up just a little.

Once Eli pulls away again and Scarlet can feel his hand on her face her eyes open slightly looking back into his eyes once again. A smile forms on her lips as she bits the one softly her eyes twinkling in the sun light continuing to just hold Eli's hand.

"I guess I finally did. Mmmm...can we say the next one is a first date too so we can have a replay?"

A small chuckle comes from Scarlet's lips as some color comes to her face. Trying to move on quickly feeling a little bit of a fool for saying that.

"Thank you for the ride, and for lunch it was the perfect first date. I do hope it wont be the last."

Yeah, I am sure it is hard on him once and a while. He seems to deal with it ok though maybe its just something he has come to terms with.

Holding Jason's hand and locking fingers, Katie gets an even stronger rush of emotions. They felt so warm, and soft, inviting as they flowed from Jason to herself. Katie loved this bond, and these emotional flows just the heightened feelings felt so nice and to feel Jason's love so close no one else could understand only they could.

Mmmm...talking is one thing but actually getting to see you thats another all together. I am happy we are a team too. Its nice knowing I have someone to watch my back, and that I can watch theirs. I love you so much J, thanks for being by my side.

Coming back into the room once she was finished cleaning the mess in the kitchen Cassy though for should Leo would be sleeping. But drawing closer to the bed and seeing his eyes open and hearing his voice Cassy's lips turn up into a smile.

Leo's request was quiet and simple and way to cute to blow off. Looking down at him and just studying him for a long second he looked so cut cuddle up in his blankets, how could anyone tell him now.

Setting her purse down on the chair that was by the nightstand and slipping her jacket to the floor Cassy gives a shake of her head as she gives a smile.

"The only reason I was leaving so soon is because I didn't want you to feel smothered by me."

Walking over to the tv that sat on Leo's dresser she grabbed the remote before coming over to the bed again. Kicking off her shoes she sits down and swings her legs up before moving close to Leo and putting her arm around his shoulder so they were both snuggled together.

"..But as long as your asking I wouldn't mind staying to watch a movie for you. What are friends for if they can't see us at our worst right?"

Cocking her head a little Cassy looks at Leo's face and gives a smile. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable and she hoped he didn't. She was doing this as a friend, and had her arm around him like a friend. She new what they talked about and new the lines, nothing more was wanted than just cuddling with her friend and making him feel better.

"Alright shall we see what on the movie channels?"


As Scarlet kisses Eli's cheek from behind, his eyebrows rise. He could feel her face against his, her hair soft and blowing in the light breeze. He was surprised enough that he doesn't turn, just a bit curious as to her intentions. When she pulls away, his eyes follow her, looking up as she stands beside him with that smile on her face... and those eyes...

His gaze narrow slightly as his own grin appears. "Think you're pretty smart, don't you, hmm?" His left eyebrow quirks higher than his right one. "Bound and determined to say you were on a date with me or what?"

Reaching to her hand, he takes it in his own so their palms press together and his fingers lock with hers. "I'll let you have it your way... this time."

He pulls her a little closer. "But I have to get my way too."

His other hand reaches up and takes her jacket collar, drawing her back down to his level. His cheek brushes hers as his lips go for her neck, giving her a lingering kiss, then one or two lighter ones up nearer her ear.

Drawing back, his palm moves to her cheek, his thumb running over her lips. "There... looks like you got your first date."

Jason thinks about what Katie's saying and finds that his emotions relay he understands, but there's a bit of compassion... maybe even admiration for Carson. Perhaps that's some of why they were getting along now - because Jason was seeing the good in him, like Katie. Not everyone would give up what they loved in order to accept an honor instead.

Yeah... maybe you're right. Must be kinda tough on some days though. Especially now that his wife is getting in on all the Elite action and he's not.

Jason quirks a grin and slides his hand across the table, taking Katie's palm, so their spiraled scars meet.

I'm glad we get to be a team together. It would be rotten not seeing you all day, even if we could talk.

Leo watches Cassy leave and sighs again, sinking a little further down under the blankets. His pillow was the only place his head felt comfortable. Resting quietly, he drifts in and out of sleep for a while, waking again as Cassy comes back to check on him before leaving.

Looking up at her, he bites his lip, knowing she was ready to go. "You wouldn't... wanna stick around for a movie or something... would you?"

Leo didn't normally feel lonely, but maybe it was just being sick and a tinge miserable that made him not want to be alone today. But as soon as he'd asked Cassy, he realized that she probably hadn't planned on staying so long and he felt just a tiny bit stupid.

"Sorry... you got better stuff to do than keep a sicko company. I'm glad for the soup and visit though."


Cassy gives a little nod as she watches Leo lay down again. She liked him, maybe more than she should already but they had agreed on being just friends right now and thats where she would keep it for the time being. There was nothing wrong with a friend checking on a friend.

"I am happy you are sick as well than, and don't you worry about me. I'll be ok."

Giving his leg a pat Cassy stands and takes the bowl from him leaving the tea for now so he could drink a little more.

"Your welcome. There is pleany more too so if you want anymore in a bit before I head home I'll warm some more up. I'm going to go wash up these few dishes and than will be back in to check on ya. Try and get some rest."

Wrapping her own arm around Jason's wast as they made there way to there normal table she takes in his words thinking about them for a long moment. She'd seen the look that passed in Carson's eyes as well.

Yeah you can tell he does, but Herb have him this place, only a sliver still belongs to him. Without Carson this place would be forced to close down. Maybe he is content in knowing that even though he does miss it this place is almost really his and someone believe in him enough to turn there dream over to his hands.

Stopping and sliding into the booth Katie looks over to where Carson was just watching him for a long moment. She remembered when she'd first met Carson, and what he did to Jamie. To have her father now trust Carson enough to give him his business that had to bring some kind of feeling to Carson.

I think maybe its a feeling of honor as well to stay here, knowing Herb thought of him as a son after everything that happened. Carson has come a long way and maybe this place is a good reminder to him, and Maybe TJY calls him once in a while is a nice fix on his hunger for action as well. Even if its not as much as he likes.

Letting out a tiny sigh Katie looks back to Jason giving him a smile. Her eyes twinkling as she gazed at his face like she had so many times before.

Sometimes we just gotta take things as they come and roll with it. Even if its not what we planned, or even if we want something more. God doesn't always have that in mind for us. Not yet anyways.

Holding on tight to Eli once again Scarlet relaxes and enjoys the ride showing him where to turn, and what apartment building was hers. The cool air washing over her as she held on to Eli felt nice and Scarlet truly did enjoy it.

Finally getting to her place Scarlet was almost sad the ride was over. Taking her helmet off but staying on the bike for a moment she lets out a low sigh. Not of distress but almost contentment.

"Sounds good. I can find a ride to shop when my bike is ready unless your going to come give me a ride again."

Leaning forward on the bike Scarlet leans over Eli's shoulder bringing her lips to his cheeks pressing them firmly for a moment. Retreating after a few moments Scarlet finally dismounts but doesn't move to far away keeping her hand on his arm and coming around a little to look him in the eyes the grin on her face as her eyes continues to twinkle looking at him, searching his own face.

"There now its a first date, and you got a kiss on the cheek."

Scarlet gives Eli a little wink as her smile grows.

I wonder

Eli's grin twitches at Scarlet's comment, but he can't read her face anymore as it disappears behind her helmet visor. Shaking his head, he dons his own helmet and joins her on the bike, making sure she's holding on before taking off down the street.

Having Scarlet point the way, he rides across town, eventually finding her apartment. Pulling into the lot, he sets the bike on its kickstand but leaves the motor running as he takes off his helmet. "Alrighty... guess you'll be hearing from me when your bike is done."

He shifts his weight forward so she can get off the bike more easily as his eyes scan the nice but not too expensive apartments. Scarlet had told him about her job and the money she made, but it looked like she didn't spend it all - at least not on a place to live.

Carson laughs outright and shakes his head at Katie. "Yeah, we probably would. Nah, Misty would go crazy working here. She needs the Elite to keep her blood pumping."

And there was a part of Carson that needed it too, though he forced himself to be satisfied with just once in a while. A dimmer look passes in his eyes. It was brief, but it was there.

"Alright - you two pick a table and I'll get your drinks."

Jason wanders over to an empty table his arm still over Katie's shoulders.

He misses it, doesn't he? He likes it here... and he's good at it... and people love him running this place... but he really misses the action, doesn't he? I wonder why he stays here.

Leo finishes off the bowl of soup, finding it settled with his stomach quite well. Setting the bowl aside, he looks at the foot of the bed where Cassy sits. His eyes were a bit droopy, his hair matted, and he felt like crap. But part of him did feel a little bit better and he was grateful.

"Thank you... for coming. And... for bringing soup."

He leans his head back and sighs, wishing his head would stop feeling as though it were on fire. "I woulda gone and quit at Baxtor's today... so maybe it's a good thing I got sick. I just don't want you catching it now."


Giving a chuckle at Eli some color comes to Scarlet's cheeks, not that she was embarrassed, but maybe it wasn't often a genuine comment like that was told to her without anything more attached. It felt good and warm, Eli's words hard and quick the meaning though seeming so soft.

"I guess thats a difficult choose than, first date or a kiss."

Scarlet stops for a moment bringing a hand to her face tapping her lips for a moment as if thinking very hard. Turning though she continues to walk to the bike under her hand a smile forming.

Finally moving her hand to take her helmet the grin is so easy to see lighting up her face, and her eyes even more almost as if plotting something on the decsition they were just talking about. But not saying anything on it Scarlet puts her helmet on half way before speaking again.

"Hot..mmm...Thank you, and since we are being honest here I guess you are the sexy hunk giving me a lift."

Pushing her helmet down all the way her grin disappears under the mast but her eyes still sparkle through it as she goes over to get onto the bike waiting for Eli to join her. Once he does she wraps her arms around his wast once again holding on tight.

"I don't know that pizza smells pretty good and I haven't had it in a while..but chicken parm sounds good to. This is going to be a tough desition today."

Continuing to contemplate in her head on what to eat Katie listens to Jason and Carson talk. She couldn't help her own little squeal as Carson said it was ok to have the little party there. It sure had been a long time, and taking a trip down memorie lane like this would be fun.

"Psht, like she would mind...coming in that is. You guys are so darn cute together I am surprised she doesn't work here already."

Stoping for a moment Katie thinks about it before back tracking just a little.

"Thank again maybe its a good thing you guys might kill each other."

More hot

Eli chuckles and follows Scarlet outside. "I'll tell you after I've dropped you off home if this has been a date or not. If I kiss you, I'll have to say it wasn't, on account of my first date rule."

Looking down into Scarlet's eyes, her words almost get lost to the wind. Every time he gazed into those deep blue pools, everything else seemed to vanish into a strange fog. Blinking, Eli brings himself back and gives a little smirk. "Knight, huh? Would that make you the damsel in distress?" He cocks his head. "Nah... I think it would take an awful lot for you to be in distress, and I think damsel sounds a little too fluffy too."

He retrieves her helmet and hands it to her. "Maybe you're just the hot babe in need of a lift." A grin returns to his face. "More hot than in need, if I dare say so while we're not even talking over drinks."

One day

Giving a slight nod Scarlet did agree with Eli. Her job was exciting and different from many but even than sometimes it got annoying.

There were days Scarlet did wish she had a regular sit down job where she didn't have to travel all over the place, but for now till anything changed she liked it. Maybe one day if she had reason she cut back to only doing state jobs.

"I wouldn't mind painting motorcycles ether. Sometimes a change is nice and at least you have consistent work. Sometimes I can go weeks, or months without anything. But all in all yeah I like its fun. Maybe sometime you can take a road trip with me."

Giving a slight chuckle Scarlet stands with Eli. Her eyebrow raising a little not sure how to disypher his tone but smiling non the less. Taking a few steps forward before stopping next to Eli to look up at him.

"I thought you said this was the first date? And if its not than I need to pay you back for lunch."

Stepping outside once again Scarlet toss her jacket on once again moving her hair to the outside. It was a nice day out today, the sun was shinning and the warmth felt good, defiantly a good day to ride.

"My chariot huh? I dont know if I like how that sounds...all fluffy and what not. I think its more of a knight in shinning armor motorcycle style and what a good knight you make. Mmmm...mmmm...mmm."