

Katie's response was all Hunter needed to know. If asked, he might not have an answer as to why he felt so strongly about helping Katie. Maybe it was because it felt good to do something right for once. Maybe because he had a soft spot not many people saw. Maybe it was because if he really thought about it, she'd helped him in more ways than she knew by simply spending some time with him, and he wanted to return the favor. Whatever his reasoning, he respected her current wishes and would stick to his word. 

Unlocking then opening the door only partway, Hunter keeps his foot against the inside edge to prevent it from being pushed open any farther. His body moves into the opening as an immediate signal that no one was welcome to enter. "Jason." 

Jason is a bit taken back by the defensive stance but he nods. "Hunter. Is Katie here?" 

"She is." 

"May I see her?" 


Jason blinks. No? Just like that? "Excuse me?" 

Hunter straightens a little, leaning one arm on the door frame while his other hand remains on the door handle. "She doesn't want to see you, Jason." His tone remains cool and calm. "I advise you to leave."

Jason's eyes narrow as theories he didn't like started to enter his mind. "She was here all night, wasn't she?" Accusation laced his tone. "If you so much as-"

Hunter interrupts him. "Chill. We didn't do anything. But she doesn't want to see you, so please... leave." 

Jason folds his arms, now starting to feel desperate. Was this really, truly it? Katie had said it was over but... but it was true? She still didn't believe him that there was nothing between him and Sandy? It was just... over? Like that? "I want to talk to her," he states flatly. 

"Well I'm sorry, but you can't." 

"Let me in!" Jason steps forward to push Hunter out of the way and catches just a glimpse of Katie in the kitchen before he's shoved back into the hallway. With adrenaline pumping and pain in his eyes, he stares back at Hunter. "This isn't over."

Hunter shakes his head. Being pushed around had raised his irritation several notches, and his new tone proved it. "Actually, it is. You've caused enough damage here - how about stopping before somebody gets any more hurt, huh?" 


"I'm serious." Hunter stares him in the eye. "Katie wants nothing to do with you. You have ignored her, hurt her, and betrayed her trust. She told you it was over and she meant it. Take it from me - she wasn't kidding." 

Pain. Oh, how Jason hated this feeling that seeped into his emotions. For several seconds, he simply looks at Hunter, feeling stupid and hurt. Without saying any more, he finally turns and leaves, taking the stairs faster than his knee would have liked. 

Heaving a sigh, Hunter closes and locks the door once more. He'd never admit it, but he was glad Jason hadn't tried any more to force his way in - Hunter could street brawl, but he wasn't so sure he wanted to take on a trained Elite agent, let alone one the size of Jason. 

Coming back into the kitchen, he slowly sits across from Katie again, his eyes roaming her face. "You okay?" he asks gently. 

Jared nods a little, hoping that Grace was right. Was he really getting a second chance? And yet, what good was it when he couldn't even remember everything he needed another chance for? It was confusing, frustrating and... 

His thoughts drift off as Grace pats his hand and he looks down at it for a moment. Turning his palm up so her hand rested in his, his fingers curl around hers just slightly. "Thanks... for believing in me." 

He looks up at her again, truly thankful. "You better be careful though... keep being so nice and I'm liable to start seeing you as more than my therapist." 

Was he kidding? Or was there truth there? Perhaps only he knew the answer. 

"Nope." Eric shakes his head at Stacy. "Not unless.... there would happen to be an invitation to some bodyguard around here to walk with her on her rounds... but then again, I'm moving extra slowly today, so that invitation might not come anyway... that is... if someone like that actually even exists in the first place."  His eyes twinkle, and a teasing grin quirks the edges of his mouth.

Smelling the apple pie, Dylan's mouth waters and he nods. "Yes, please..." Once taking a bite, he murmurs his appreciation to Faith. "Mm... you're right.... this definitely didn't come from a box." He nods again. "Ya know... my sister tried to make a pie once... I think it was probably close to your grilling..." He lifts an eyebrow. "Don't tell Dan though - he might change his mind about her."
Listing to Jared Grace gives a small nod here and there. She could see why the whole thing had bothered Jared and she felt bad. Not being able to remember and than being told how horrible you were to someone she could only imagine the feelings there.

   "Well he probley came to visit because your still his brother and he loves you."

Grace's tone was very soft still but very matter of fact. Justin had to love Jared if he was coming to see him and maybe something inside Justin was yurning for a connection with his brother. This could be his second chance that he didn't want to miss. But that was only a guess on her part.

   "Just because you were a horrible brother in the past doesn't mean you still have to be now. You could always make up for lost time. Sometimes we are handed second chances...this could be yours you know?"

Grace reaches out and gives Jared's hand a gentile pat. She new this was hard for him but he wasn't alone and she wanted him to know that. Anyone could do something they put there mind to no matter what there past was scared with.

Giving a small smile and taking another bite of her toast Katie was thankful for Hunter's friendship. No matter what anyone had to say about it. He was nice, he was sweet, he'd never tried anything with her and all there time spent together was innocent. Katie had never felt like it was anything but that or she would of stopped seeing him.

About to say something the knock at the door startles her as she looks that way and than back to Hunter. Was it one of his friends? Would she be intruding here? Katie didn't know but she just stayed seated. 

Hearing it was Jason her heart raced. How did he know she was here? and Why was he here. The thought of yesterday came back all to soon. She'd told him to leave her alone they were over and yet..there he was. Did he not get the point she wanted space, she didn't want to talk she was still mad at him.

   "No, I don't want to see him."

And she didn't...just the thought almost put tears in her eyes again. She was still hurting from the whole thing and she still felt all messed up. She just wanted to be left alone, and she wanted to try and deal with this than move on. Jason was not making it easy on her at all.

Giving her own little laugh Stacy shakes her head. She had no idea what her daughter was thinking but she had a feeling it had to do with yesterday. Though she would never call her on it so she just lets the conversation change once again.

   "Yes, Yes the food does smell good for sure."

Glancing over at Eric as he takes his hat off Stacy can't help but let her grin grow again. He did look good with his hate off. Stacy's eyes search Eric's for a long moment she wondered where they were now. Were they still just friends, were they more...it all felt confusing.

   "So...any plans tonight?"

   "Uh huh...sure you don't know I baked an apple pie thats cooling on the stove."

Faith gives a smile as she stands and gathers the empty plates along with a few other things before disappearing into the kitchen. Coming back a few moments later she had some little plates and forks along with the water pitcher to refill everyone than leave once again with the pie.

   "Freshly baked, and its real not a frozen one. Would you like a slice too Dylan?"

Unwanted Visitor

"Hey, Jase, this is Ryder."

Jason turns his sights from his computer to concentrate on his cell phone. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Sorry to call you at work, I just... well, it probably isn't any of my business but I'd feel bad if something happened and I hadn't said anything."

Jason sits a little straighter. "What's up?"

"Well... did Katie spend the night at your place or anything?"

"What? No." Jason furrows his brow. She certainly hadn't. She hadn't even answered his texts, which bothered him to no end. There was no reason she wouldn't have gotten them, and she'd never not answered him before. He'd opted not to try calling her, and had been waiting for her to get to work so he could talk to her, but so far she hadn't shown up. "Why do you ask?"

"She didn't come home last night. I guess I was just a little worried. I know she wasn't on any cases or anything so I figured I'd check with you first, but if she wasn't at your place..."

Jason's alertness heightens. He and Katie were having problems, but that certainly didn't mean he didn't care. "Do you have any other ideas?"

"Not really. She usually lets me or Thirteen know just 'cause she's nice, so it's a little odd she wouldn't say anything. I mean, I don't know if we should be worried or not, it just seemed strange."

"Yeah." It was strange. Katie was usually consistent with letting her roommates know where she'd be, simply to avoid things like this. This wasn't like her. Jason stands from his desk. "Did you try calling her?"

"Yeah, that's the first thing I did. Got her voice mail like her phone was off. Left her a message but so far she hasn't called back."

"Alright. I think I'll snoop around. It might be nothing, but I'll check into it anyway."

"Okay. Let me know, will ya?"

"Sure." Hanging up, Jason sighs. He hadn't always liked Ryder, but he had to admit that the Aussie was a good guy. "Where are you, Katie?" he asks aloud. First she'd ditched the concert all upset, and now she was missing. Coincidence? Foul play? Though he was a little worried, Jason forces himself to not let this get blown out of proportion. There was surely a logical explanation and Katie was fine...

...Katie wasn't at TJY. She hadn't been seen since leaving work the day before. All the normal hangout places were dry.

It hadn't taken Jason long to put the pieces together. By the time he was across town, it was mid-morning and he'd talked to plenty of people and made several phone calls. His last tip had led him to Micky's where it was confirmed Katie had been there with Hunter and they'd been seen leaving together - with Katie tipsy no less. Katie? Drinking? Let alone too much? Jason couldn't believe it. But why would anyone lie?

Getting to Hunter's apartment building, Jason spots Katie's car and his heart sinks a little. What was going on? Finding out which apartment was Hunter's, he heads up the stairs and down the hall. Stopping in front of the door, he takes a deep breath before knocking. He didn't like Hunter, and hoped that there was nothing going on here. Surely Katie hadn't pulled some stupid stunt. Although she'd been drunk and that was stupid enough. What was she thinking? And why had she come here?

Hunter was glad to see Katie looking a little better. He was sure she still felt like crap, but at least her eyes were a bit brighter after cleaning up. 

He chuckles softly and shakes his head. "It's not my style to take advantage of a girl who just needs a friend."  He raises his coffee cup to her and nods. "But you're welcome."

He's about to ask her what she's planning for the day, when a knock at the door interrupts them. He quirks an eyebrow as he rises from the table. Who would have come here? Nobody ever came here. 

Getting to the door, he looks out the small hole before withdrawing slowly. He didn't like this. At all. The last thing he wanted was to get in the middle of a love spat, but he wasn't about to make Katie fend for herself either. Looking over his shoulder to the kitchen, he purses his lips. "It's Jason. Do you want to see him? I'll let him in if you do, but if not, I'll have him leave." He'd leave it up to her. 

The outside air felt even better than Jared had imagined it would. While he'd hated being cooped up, he'd also grown accustomed to the stuffy, sterile hospital air. The garden was like a little oasis, and he was grateful for Grace once again being so thoughtful.

Set beside the bench, he takes a deep breath of air. Some things were still a bit sore, and he was so used to laying in bed, that it hurt just a bit to fill his lungs so full, but he didn't care. Studying some purple flowers beside him, he doesn't raise his eyes even when Grace asks him how he is.

"I was glad you forgot," he mumbles. Reaching over, he touches a soft flower petal, enjoying the feeling under his fingertip. He really thought the garden was pretty. Had he always enjoyed flowers? That didn't make him weird, did it?

Finally looking to his other side at Grace, he sighs. "I'm alright. Just had a visit from Justin earlier and he finally told me why we didn't get along." He shrugs. "Now I kinda wish I hadn't pressed it."

His fingernail picks at the armrest of the wheelchair. "I guess I knew it was me all along I just... hoped it wasn't, ya know?" His eyes find Grace's, his stare dark and far away. "Hard to believe I was mean enough to blame him for our dad dying. Apparently I never got over it, even after all these years. I was a horrible brother... I'm surprised Justin's been visiting me at all."

Eric stifles a laugh, but for Ashlee's sake, he doesn't press the issue. While he'd spent time with her today, they hadn't talked about yesterday at all - although he did want to ask her sometime if she minded if he dated her mom. He just wanted to make sure first that he and Stacy really were going to before he said anything to Ashlee. However... it was pretty obvious that she had some ideas of her own, of which for now, would remain hidden. 

"Yeah... the food does smell good." Settling back, he hangs his hat on an empty chair and elbows Stacy. "Doesn't it?"

A grin spreads on Dylan's face and something almost close to a chuckle comes out too. "It's gotta be bad for the dogs not to eat something." 

"Well..." Sparky intervenes, humor dancing in his eyes. "They don't like hockey pucks any more than anybody else." 

Dylan snickers and takes another bite of roast beef, finding that he'd finished his helping. 

Sparky watches him for a moment before glancing to Faith and giving her a nod. It was a small gesture, but he knew that she would read his thoughts - he was glad Dylan had come, glad to see the boy relaxing, and happy that they could provide this quiet evening. Dylan had a long ways to go yet, but he'd also come far. 

"You going to that auction this weekend?" 

Sparky was a little surprised at the change in topic, but nods again. "Yeah. Mick wanted me to check out some stock."

Dylan crunches on an ice cube. "Doesn't he usually do that himself?" 

"Mm-hmm. But the farrier is coming that same day and he'd rather be here." 

"Oh." The wheels in Dylan's mind continue to turn. "Can I go with you?" 

Sparky's eyebrows rise. "Well sure... if you want to. I don't have a problem with that."

"Okay. Good." 

When the subject is dropped again, Sparky looks back to Faith and shrugs He had no idea why his nephew was interested in going, but he wouldn't complain. Scraping the last bit of food off his plate, he smacks his lips in satisfaction. "Ya know, the only thing that could make this meal any better would be a slice of apple pie... but I don't know where we'd find one of those..."

Ask for more

   "Alright, thanks. I am gonna run out to my car quick and grab the extra set of cloths I have in there."

Standing Katie wobbles a little. She wasn't drunk still but she felt a little woozy and shaky. She could only guess that was the doing of the alcohol too. Steadying herself she looks back to Hunter with a sorry sort of grin on her face.

   "Ok, maybe not run but you know what I meant."

Going outside to her car Katie squints in the sunlight. She felt crappier than she ever had before. IF this was what happened after people got drunk why did they like doing it so much? It sucked and wasn't her idea of fun.

Heading back inside and going to the bathroom Katie takes a quick shower. Once she was done she did feel a little better. At least the lingering smell of booze wasn't on her still. That was enough to have made her sick just smelling it.

Leaving the bathroom and heading into the kitchen the coffee smelled good seeing the toast too she gives a little smile. She really wasn't hungry but maybe putting a little something in her stomach would help calm it. And that Hunter put that into consideration made her smile a little more. 

   "Thanks Hunter...for everything. I might not remember everything from last night but I remember enough. Thanks for honoring your word about being a gentile too. That really means a lot and I appreciate it."

Sitting down and taking a sip of the hot liquid it felt good going down. Though it caused her stomach to churn it still felt good so she took another sip before a nibble of her toast.

Continuing to push Jared down the hall Grace was happy he'd said yes to her. He'd never know it but getting out would also help with his recovery and it would help him from falling deeper into depression. That was something she wanted to avoid at all costs.

   "No not always, but it was to nice to sit at home and it was to nice to sit in a room so I just though you might enjoy getting out as much as I did. Consider yourself lucky."

Grace smiles and nod to one of the nurses who opened the door for her leading to the back gardens. Pushing Jared down the walk way Grace aims for a stone bench that was surrounded by flowers. Parking him close by she sits down on the warm stone.

   "Now this is much better dont you think? How are you today anything? I think I forgot to ask."

 Looking up quickly again at Eric and her mom Ashlee continues to just looks back and forth between them her eyes slightly wide. She couldn't tell him what she was thinking...no way. Her mom would kill her too. 


Looking back down again Ashlee had to think of something quick before he asked anymore questions and she had to answer them. Just picking something random off the top of her head she new Eric would know there was something more going on in her head but maybe he wouldn't ask.

   "Boy...dinner sure does smell good huh?"

Looking over at Dylan Faith smiles and shakes her head. She was happy Dylan liked the idea of a little cookout. It would be nice to have family there and to get to know them all a little better. Faith wanted to be closer to Sparkys family even if she new it was hard. But she new that going into the whole thing and all the mattered was that Sparky cared for her.

   "He definitely does not. That's why I let Tyler do the grilling. I tired once and well....the dog wouldn't even eat it."

Giving a smile and taking a sip of her iced tea Faith looks to Sparky her eyes twinkling. She enjoyed life here so much, and she enjoyed even more being married to him. Life was quiet for them and while at one point she had wanted kids, now she was happy just the two of them and her plans for life had changed. Now they got each other, and had the chance to watch all the little ones at the ranch grow. She could never ask for anything more.



Hunter moves over a little so Katie can sit up, and he gives her a wry grin. "Let's just say you had enough to make me tipsy and you downright shnockered." He gives her leg a pat. "Don't worry... by this afternoon you'll be as good as new." 

Standing again, he gestures to the hallway. "Bathroom's right down the hall. There's a couple clean towels... the rest I'm sure you can figure out. I'm gonna go make some coffee." He'd like to know how she was feeling this morning, as far as Jason went, but he doesn't ask. Not now. He'd just give her some space. 

Wandering to the kitchen, he starts a pot of coffee, cleans some dishes he hadn't done for two days, then makes some toast. He knew Katie wouldn't feel like eating, but he'd try to get her to eat a little something mild anyway. 

With a bit of food on the table, he sits in the kitchen and sips his coffee, just quietly thinking and waiting for Katie. 

Just getting out of bed and attempting to stand was exhausting in itself. Though frustrated he couldn't stand without the aid of two male nurses, Jared knew he shouldn't expect any more than that, and he was at least glad he was given the chance to try.

Finally in the wheelchair, though tired, he was too glad to be getting out of his room to even think about resting. Nodding to Grace, he agrees. "The garden sounds nice." 

As he's being pushed along the hall, he looks up and over his shoulder. "So... do you always come here on your days off? Or are you just that bored?" 

Smiling, Eric accepts the seat, feeling just a little special that Stacy had wanted him here. "Thanks." Easing down next to her, he suddenly feels a tad awkwardness mix in with the pleasure. What he really wanted to do was put his arm around her and at least give her a kiss on the cheek, but he wasn't so sure she'd appreciate that here in front of everybody. 

Hearing Ashlee giggle, he looks across at her and quirks an eyebrow. It was obvious that she was looking at both of them, and he wondered where her mind had taken her. "What's so funny, hmm?" He bumps her shin with his boot under the table. 

Dylan shakes his head at Faith as he swallows his bite of food. "Naw, this is good. I... haven't had much of an appetite lately but... this tastes really good." 

Sparky smiles, glad that Dylan wasn't fighting the family atmosphere. If he couldn't yet spend time with Mick and Rosetta like this, at least he could gain some quality time here. Sparky knew that Mick felt left out, but that wasn't going to stop him from trying to help the boy. "Maybe next time I grill out, you and Jade and Dan can come over." 

Dylan finds that thought rather appealing and he nods. "Yeah... that sounds like fun." He glances at Faith. "He doesn't grill things to a black crisp, does he?" 

Run Over

Groaning and opening her eyes slightly Katie closes them quickly again as the light seemed to pearce them as her head throbbed. She felt like she'd been bashed over the head a few times with something. Katie couldn't remember a time when she had, had one worse than this.

   "Oh man...what happened?"

The last thing she could remember was...being at a bar with Hunter. She must have drank more than she planned. So this was a hang over...was it really worth this to get drunk? If asked Katie would say now, this really sucked.

   "A drink and shower sound nice if I can open my eyes long enough to see where I am going and what I am doing. I didn't indent on getting that drunk last night."

Pulling herself up on the couch and opening her eyes Katie takes the orange juice and gives a nod of thanks for Hunter. She was thankful he was thought full and brought it for her. Giving a nod of thanks she takes a long swige and the aspirin follow.

   "How much did I drink last night? I can't remember."

Giving a smile and a laugh at Jared's comment Grace shakes her head coming just a little closer. She didn't mind his flirting. He did it in a suddle way but still got his point across. Patting his arm Grace's eyes sparkled. 

Seeing something in Jared's own eyes that was less happy dosn't changer her expression though but she takes it into consideration maybe as something to talk about once they were outside. It was to nice to be in here, and fresh air would do Jared good.

   "Ok, let me go get someone to help get you into a chair ok?"

Leaving it doesn't take Grace long to get someone and help get Jared into the chair while also letting him try and stand on his legs. Even if he couldn't support his weight it would still help get the blood flowing the same way the hot and cold would.

   "Alright, here we go. I was thinking maybe we could hit up the garden. Its nice and sunny there and the views not bad either. What do you think?"

Looking up at Eric as he walks over Stacy's smile widens a little more. This morning had been a great one, the afternoon went pretty well, and now that it was night and Eric had come over it was going to be just as good. Stacy was happy that at least he was not tiring to avoided her and forget what happened the other night. She didn't want to forget about it...no...not anytime soon if ever.

   "That seat had been waiting there in hopes you showed up tonight. So yes, yes you can sit and join us."

Glancing to her mother than to Eric than to her mother again Ashlee can't help her own smile that grew even more. It was so easy to see how much Her mom and Eric liked each other. It made her happy too seeing how happy her mom was.

Eric was a good guy and she new he would treat her mom right. Ashlee liked him a lot and would be proud and honored to call him her father as long as he didn't mind. Thinking about that though causes her to give a little giggle aloud. Maybe she was getting a little ahead of herself.

   "Don't let him fool you Dylan sometimes I have to bribe him into going to the dinning hall. Sometimes I even have to tell him if he does than he can grill the next day."

Faith gives a big smile as she looks from Dylan to Sparky. Taking a sip of her water and a wink she new he would know she was teasing. 

Having Dylan here for dinner was nice and Faith didn't mind it one bit. It was nice cooking for someone else too. Guests didn't come to there home for supper often so having an extra body was pleasant, and seeing Dylan was comfortable here was nice too. She was happy the young man could find comfort.

   "I hope everything is cooked for you alright too Dylan. I wasn't sure what you liked but I figured who could go wrong with pot roast and potatoes."