
Listing to Jared Grace gives a small nod here and there. She could see why the whole thing had bothered Jared and she felt bad. Not being able to remember and than being told how horrible you were to someone she could only imagine the feelings there.

   "Well he probley came to visit because your still his brother and he loves you."

Grace's tone was very soft still but very matter of fact. Justin had to love Jared if he was coming to see him and maybe something inside Justin was yurning for a connection with his brother. This could be his second chance that he didn't want to miss. But that was only a guess on her part.

   "Just because you were a horrible brother in the past doesn't mean you still have to be now. You could always make up for lost time. Sometimes we are handed second chances...this could be yours you know?"

Grace reaches out and gives Jared's hand a gentile pat. She new this was hard for him but he wasn't alone and she wanted him to know that. Anyone could do something they put there mind to no matter what there past was scared with.

Giving a small smile and taking another bite of her toast Katie was thankful for Hunter's friendship. No matter what anyone had to say about it. He was nice, he was sweet, he'd never tried anything with her and all there time spent together was innocent. Katie had never felt like it was anything but that or she would of stopped seeing him.

About to say something the knock at the door startles her as she looks that way and than back to Hunter. Was it one of his friends? Would she be intruding here? Katie didn't know but she just stayed seated. 

Hearing it was Jason her heart raced. How did he know she was here? and Why was he here. The thought of yesterday came back all to soon. She'd told him to leave her alone they were over and yet..there he was. Did he not get the point she wanted space, she didn't want to talk she was still mad at him.

   "No, I don't want to see him."

And she didn't...just the thought almost put tears in her eyes again. She was still hurting from the whole thing and she still felt all messed up. She just wanted to be left alone, and she wanted to try and deal with this than move on. Jason was not making it easy on her at all.

Giving her own little laugh Stacy shakes her head. She had no idea what her daughter was thinking but she had a feeling it had to do with yesterday. Though she would never call her on it so she just lets the conversation change once again.

   "Yes, Yes the food does smell good for sure."

Glancing over at Eric as he takes his hat off Stacy can't help but let her grin grow again. He did look good with his hate off. Stacy's eyes search Eric's for a long moment she wondered where they were now. Were they still just friends, were they more...it all felt confusing.

   "So...any plans tonight?"

   "Uh huh...sure you don't know I baked an apple pie thats cooling on the stove."

Faith gives a smile as she stands and gathers the empty plates along with a few other things before disappearing into the kitchen. Coming back a few moments later she had some little plates and forks along with the water pitcher to refill everyone than leave once again with the pie.

   "Freshly baked, and its real not a frozen one. Would you like a slice too Dylan?"

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