

Glancing down at Karla as they paused their walk, Kip looks at her with almost surprise. "Thanks... for your support. I really appreciate it." He bends to kiss her forehead and returns the squeeze to her hand. "I know the others are just trying to protect me and all but... I just wish they'd trust me."

Starting forward again, he sighs, swinging Karla's hand a little. "I know not to let my guard down." He pauses, remembering though, the last time and how Karla had helped him get through it. It wasn't as if he could deny it had ever been bad. "The others just treat me like I don't know what I'm doing. But they didn't hear Dad on the phone. They didn't hear him apologize and say he wanted to set things right. And Erik... he just thinks he can tell me what to do all the time, whether it's with this or the band or whatever." He sighs again, agitated at the situation. "I suppose it's my own fault, always getting myself into trouble."

He stops, this time across the street from a convenience store. "I don't know about you, but I'm in the mood for a Mountain Dew." Practice was over, he was in a sour mood, and he wanted a pick-me-up. He'd been doing his best to avoid too much sugar or caffeine lately, along with trying to eat better, and it had helped his concentration just like Karla thought it would - tonight though, he was just tired of not doing what he wanted. "And some ice cream."

Wandering further into the living room and seeing the movie Beth had chosen, Justin quirks an eyebrow. He'd thrown that one in there just to add variety but was surprised that she'd picked it. Noting the hesitance in her eyes though he wonders if perhaps this was another step to conquer. He didn't mind a bit of a scary movie, and this one at least had a good ending.

"Alrighty then. I'm more than ready. Pop it in." Flopping down on one end of the couch, he tucks his feet up beside him and soon the movie is playing and the pie is being eaten. "Mmmm... you still know how to make it," he compliments.

It doesn't take him long to polish off his piece of pie and set the plate on the coffee table and by that time, the movie is well under way. With the overhead living room light off, it did create a bit of a creepy atmosphere and like always, Justin still jumps when the kidnapper comes around the corner, even though he's seen the movie many times.

Susanne doesn't pull away when Chuck joins her on her side of the table. Though part of her was scared of his arm around her, another part of her just wanted to soak up the warmth and strength he offered. His openness and willingness to share whatever she asked of him was unusual, but assuring. He was so different from any man she'd ever met. It would have seemed he was trying too hard, as if someone who would want to take advantage of her. But no matter how she looked at him, she did not feel the slightest danger. She'd learned well through the years to read people, especially while working at TJY. And unless she'd lost all of her skill, Chuck was safe. More determined than she could understand, but safe nonetheless.

As he retracts his arm, she almost wishes he wouldn't, but she doesn't move. She felt quite silly at the moment and she wipes under her eyes to make sure her makeup wasn't running all over the place. Dabbing her face with a napkin, she continues to listen, finding Chuck's suggestion most gracious of him.

Finally she turns to face him and sniffs, rolling her eyes. "How could I tell you to go away, when you put up with a blubbering mess like me? You're probably the only man who would, so I better keep you around for at least a little while." She gives him a rueful grin. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."

Her eyes drift downward again as she fiddles with her napkin. Maybe she did know and just didn't want to admit it. She eventually nods in agreement. "I...I do like being with you, Chuck. It was just so sudden, it... threw me for a loop."

Seeing his hand on the table, she bites her lip then reaches out to place her palm over his fingers. "I never would have thought after a silly fake date you would have wanted this but... but it's nice." She traces up along his fingers to his knuckles then back down again absentmindedly, perhaps testing to see what it felt like under her fingertips. "Thank you."

Looking back up at him again, the tears were gone and her small smile was one that said perhaps she still didn't believe he'd stick around, but she was willing to live it out as long as he was there. "It's your turn for a question," she muses. "And I promise not to burst into tears this time around."