

Being totally trapped in though Angelica hadn't hurt the knock on the door so hearing Reese's voice it makes her jump a little. Looking up quickly and seeing it was Reese Angelica smiles giving a nod. She and Reese had been spending a lot more time together and she really had been enjoying it.

"Like I'd really want to give up having dinner with the best looking man in the office!"

Though she didn't want to break this moment that was so sweet Angelica new she had to talk to Reese. Giving a wave to come in Angelica waited till he was sitting down.

"I hate to break a good moment but I have something I need to talk to you about."

Thinking for a moment and looking down at the desk Angelica thinks gathering her thoughts. Finally looking up at Reese again Angelica gives a smile.

"I just got a phone call from my Aunt and Uncle who live in Mexico. My cousin was adopted quite a while ago by tham and though I never met them before I had made a promise to them for helping me with my schooling that if they never needed anything I would help."

Drawing in a sigh Angelica stops for a moment drawing in a breath before continuing again.

"Anyways in Mexico they run in a drug ring are are the big shots of there territory. Needless to say my cousin Trey has become to follow in there footsteps. There rivals have deiced the best way to get to my Aunt and Uncle would be through Trey and they have already call to try and kill him. So now they have called in there favor to me and want me to get TJY to offer him protection and have him come stay with me. At first I told them I couldnt because of there dealings but they have more powers than one could think and there ways of making things convincing. My Uncle promised if I didn't take Trey he'd but my sister or Bret behind bars, and I can't have them happen. They've both found there happiness and with Charlotte being pregnant I just...I don't know what to do now. So I wanted to talk to you about it."

Angelica continues to look across the desk at Reese waiting for what he thought. It was important to her to know his thoughts on this all. He was not only her boss but part of her life now so filling him in met a lot to her.

Looking over at Chance Destiny was a little surprised. Swimming was aloud? It was really hot out today and swimming did sound nice, she wasn't about to bock at it.

"I think swimming sounds like a blast."

Tomorrow was going to be a hard day and she new it. Tonight she would have have to write her little peace to say tomorrow so till than maybe a little bit of fun would be nice.

Getting out of the car she waits for Justin coming over to his side before making her way inside. She had her swim suit here already so that was good and it wouldn't take her long to change. Getting inside Destiny goes to her bedroom to get changed quick.

Not taking long and slipping on a skirt over her bathing suit bottom Destiny makes her way out of the bedroom once more. She suit top a cute little blue and green tank top. Her stomach was exposed a little bit, tying around her neck nicely. Making it into the other room Destiny just finished tieing her hair up in a nice pony tail.

"Ok, I'm ready when you are."

More special

Gunner keeps a straight face the whole time Bree places her order, not helping the waitress a bit. Once she was gone though, he looks back at Bree, a smile curling his lips. It was a smile that came more frequently now than it used to. Some would have said he rarely smiled just a year ago. But now... it just seemed to be something he enjoyed a little bit more.

He takes Bree's hand and gives it a squeeze. "This vampire is enjoying his day very much, thanks to you." He grins. "It's nice to get away from work for a while and since I moved back into my apartment well... it's more special seeing you during the day now."

Reese wanders back into TJY, having been down at the local station. Ambling back towards his office, he stops at a few cubicles along the way before heading down the hall. Reaching Angelica's office, he knocks lightly, then cracks the door just enough for his face to be seen. "Hello, Lovely. Just checking to see if we're still on for dinner?"

It was after lunch and Chance was just pulling the SUV back into the driveway of the safehouse. Parking, he turns off the engine and looks over to Destiny. "I hate for the day to be over," he admits. It was a hot day out. Would she be up for some fun, even though tomorrow would be so hard? Maybe it would be good to keep her mind off of it for a while.

"I saw a swimming pool at the park..." He lets his statement become a question as he lifts his eyebrows.


Walking the halls Hope hadn't meant to be where she was now but for some reason she was here. Standing outside Scott door she just stands there. Was he inside she didn't know, but she was here and every inch of her wanted to knock. But Scott's words echo in her ears and the last thing she wanted to do was make him even more upset with her.

So starting forward again Hope continues her walk. Today was an ok day for her. She hurt a little but being up and moving around was good for her. So today she came to see Dr. Thomas and now was just walking inside since it was raining outside. Tomorrow would be another busy day of tests and treatments that would keep her drained of energy so she would get in today what she could.

"Yes, I'd like a root beerless float please."

Bree looks up at the waitress her face showing no expression. So far the day spend with Gunner had been a good one. This morning they had went to the mall and just walked around enjoying each other and makes others look at them funny. Now it was pretty much the same there here, and picking on the waitress.

Blinking at Gunner and Bree the waitress feels lost for words. She was new and had no idea what these two wanted.

"I don't think we have that."

Looking to Gunner and than back to the waitress Bree cocks her head for a moment studying her for a second.

"We have gotten it here many times, I know you have it so don't argue and just get it made."

Bree new sometimes there joke were mean but it was always funny seeing the reactions of other. She thought so anyways, and after all they were only joking around and being normal well that just wasn't as much fun.

Jotting someone down on her note pad and than looking at the two one more time before turning and leaving the waitress gives a mumble.

"Nothing like crazy people on my second day."

Once the waitress was gone Bree turns to Gunner and the corner of her lips start to twitch as she wanted to smile. Reaching across the table and resting her hand on top of his Bree could feel the happiness inside. It had been a while since Gunner was releaces from jail and she was so happy still. Every day spent with him was something new and would never tire.

Summer was coming to and it would hold many things, like camping with her Uncle, Amanda, and Gunner. Bree had to say so far this year was starting to the be the best year ever. A new happiness had entered her life and heart to chase away the clouds.

"Is my Vampire enjoying the day so far?"

Picking up the phone in her office Angelica is greeted by a deep Spanish accent on the other end.

"Angelica, I need to turn in that fav along time ago you told me I could."

Angelica holds the phone almost in disbelief as she hears the voice on the other end. It had been almost 10 if not more years since she had heard from her aunt and uncle. As far as she new they still lived in Mexico and were in some bad dealings. What did thet want. Starting to reply in English Angelica relizes they her aunt only spoke Spanish and would have no idea what she was saying. Backing up and starting again think time in Spanish Angelica continues.

"You know I dont agree with what you guys do over there....I..."

"This had nothing to do with us. Its Tray. Some people are after him and mean to kill him. We arnt sure why but can only guess its to do with who we are. For the safty of our son Angelica we want to get him out of here."

Angelica again is a bit surprised. Nether her nor Charlotte had ever met there cousin Tray. She wasnt quiet sure what she could do anyways.

"I don't know what that has to do with me though...."

Cutter her off the voice on the other end becomes a little bit sterner as they continue to insist in Spanish what Angelica was to do.

"You work for that organization I dont remember the name but I know it exsists because Its put a few of my guys behind bars. They protect people, and keep them from harm. That what you can do Angelica. Get Tray there and in there protection. Its the least you could do considering."

Angelica is silent for a long moment. She didnt like the way this sounded and it gave her a bad feeling. Tray could follow in his parents foot steps and cause trouble here and for everything at TJY. This could go very bad.

Sencing Angelica's hesatince the voice on the other end talks once again.

"Remember we can make life rough for you and everyone you know. We have our ways that even you cant stop. Your sister just got married didnt she and I believe her husband has been in trouble before did he not? I had them to find evidence on ether of them that proves more than they thought. Think it over and get back to me by the end of tonight, choose wisely or your sisters unhappiness will be on your head."

The phone goes dead and very slowly Angelica hangs it up. A lump forms as she trys to swallow, she wasn't sure what to do. She didn't want anything to happen to Charlotte or Bert they both were so very happy and things were going good. But still the dark cloud hung that if she agreed to this something worse could go wrong. Maybe talking to Reese about it was her best option before doing anything else.


Watching Beth walk away, Justin felt a twist in his gut. He always did when he spoke his heart, only to see it was not taken well. He probably shouldn't have felt so strongly about this whole thing in the first place. Who was he to have told her all that? What right did he have anyway?

Sighing, Justin looks up to the clouds again. "Great. Do I screw everything up, or just the important things?" He could swear he heard God chuckle.

Lowering his gaze, he starts to walk slowly back towards the parking lot where this whole day had started. This whole miserable, rotten, ineffective, stupid day. He sighs again. Beth was looking for someone to ride it out with her and take the time and take the effort... but she showed no signs of ever being willing even if that someone showed up. It was vicious circle and he was sad she was caught in it. Maybe he'd handled the whole thing incorrectly from the beginning. But how far did he have to go? Couldn't he ever find a normal relationship? Maybe it was him. Did he attract people who needed more than the average person or was it just a coincidence?

Getting into his truck, Justin hardly notices his cold, wet clothes clinging to him. He doesn't leave right away. His mind was still too busy.

Beth viewed him as unwilling to stick it out with her. That much was obvious. He hadn't meant that by his speech. He was just trying to express what he felt and maybe it came out all wrong. Part of the time he... he had been talking about himself. But seeing that look in her eye... the one that said she was happy the way she was.... he had resigned to the fact that she probably didn't view him as that person. So he'd made a point to say he didn't need her to change for him - he hadn't wanted to scare her away from him. Apparently that backfired as well.

He liked Beth. He liked seeing her when he came here. It broke up his day and gave him someone to talk to once his session with Scott was over. Would she even want to talk to him after this? He hadn't meant to hurt or offend. He just felt such passion for... for...

His hand comes down hard on the steering wheel. That was his problem. He had too much passion. He was too aggressive. Always pushing too much. He refuses to think about all the people he had actually helped. Today he was focusing on the negative and the few people he'd never been able to help. There were just a few, but what had happened? Why hadn't he been capable of helping them? Even now, he was losing his grip on Scott and his case was about life or death in the end.

Justin tires to push all his thoughts aside as he starts his pickup. Who was he to think he was so important that people's lives rode only on him? He hadn't just made or broke Beth - she had her own life and he was a mere speck in everything else she had going on. Whether he'd been stupid today or not wouldn't matter much. And with Scott - Justin wasn't the only one that had worked with him. It wasn't like the whole existence of the Elite rode on his shoulders. Was he really so prideful to think that the things he did and say would have that great of an impact? Or... was it reality? He finally pulls out of the parking lot.

Scott stares out his window, his fingers pressed against the cool glass. Ever since he'd gotten back to his room, he had felt something inside being torn. He wasn't sure what it was, but something inside was breaking again. What Justin had said... what Scott had been made to think through... would this torture ever end?

His lower lip quivers. He was still in his wet clothes but didn't move from the window. He was going to have to face the shadows, wasn't he? He was going to have to do it. And it was frightening... so very frightening.

The first of many tears rolls down his cheek.

Maybe Someday

Hearing Justin's words Beth listens like he asked, but moves her hand from his own letting it fall to her side. She was find the way she was...alone or not she liked it. Once he was done Beth shifts a little before looking up at him again. Squinting her eyes a little bit in the rain Beth didn't know how to feel at the moment.

"Maybe someday I'll find someone willing to walk through the dark days and keep pushing forward with me till I'm ready. So far I haven't come across someone."

She'd wondered at on point if Justin would of been that person but now she didn't think so. He was say good bye, and telling her to open up the same stuff every other councilor would say. Was he different? Beth didn't know confushen laced her eyes, a confusion she didn't like.

"Goodbye Justin!"

Putting her hands back into her jacket pockets Beth side steps a little and walks slowly to the building. The rain was still coming down and she liked it, but she didn't feel like enjoying it to much at the moment to much was running through her head.

Sapphire gives a giggle returning Gage's kiss. Her eyes roaming his face. How happy she felt being there with him just relaxing.

Leaning in and giving him another kiss to Sapphire brings her hand to the side of his face and runs her finger over her cheek and jaw for a moment.

"Mmmm...and you make it so the tough days done seem so bad. Knowing I am gonna see you brings the bright spot."

Ray of sunshine

Justin is glad when Beth finally takes his hand. He hadn't been sure whether she would or not. They'd gained a little ground, through the days of meeting each other on the sidewalk. Perhaps neither would admit they'd looked for each other.

Shaking her hand, his grasp is warm despite the cool rain. It's strong but with a gentleness reserved for those he thought deserved it.

Still holding her hand, Justin catches Beth's eye again. "I know I will see you again - whether from a distance or meeting face-to-face. But if I never get the chance to speak my mind again, I want to do it now. Please hear me out."

Searching her eyes, his gaze pleads with her. "Don't be afraid." His voice is quiet, almost too quiet to be heard amidst the rain and low thunder. "There are people out there who will accept your pain and your scars, whatever they may be. There are people out there who will not be scared of what's inside and will not walk away because of a marred past. They do exist, Beth."

He lets her hand slip from his. "You are denying yourself so much happiness." A sadness fills his eyes... one he felt deeply for a woman trapped in a dark world. "You like to say alone is fine, but you force yourself to live in loneliness because you're afraid to let anyone in. So you suffer. People will try to help carry your burdens but you'll refuse because you're strong enough to do it on your own. But in the end... you're still alone."

Justin's voice is filled with a quiet passion. A true sincerity almost desperate. "Day after day I try to get to know you. And I'm glad for the laughs we've had. I like your smile. I like seeing that ray of sunshine that hides behind those clouds in your eyes. But you've put up a barrier I can't break. You've basically said that you don't have time to form friendships and you refuse to let people into your life. And..." He frowns a sorrowful frown. "...I've learned that I can't fix that. I can't change that. But I'm not asking you to do it with me. I'm no one special. But I'm asking that sometime... when you're ready... that you do let someone in. And years from now when I see you from a distance, I'll see that ray of sunshine and know that the clouds are gone."

Cocking his head, he manages a gentle smile, the rain still running down his face. "You better go see your sister before she thinks you're not coming."

Gage grins. "I do, huh?" He leans over and gives Sapphire a light kiss on the lips. "Did you know you make me feel good all the time?"

He returns for a little stronger kiss this time, pulling away with a smile. "I may live in a crappy apartment and have a crappy job but at least I got you."

Wind takes you

Looking down at Justin's hand Beth study's it for a long moment. Maybe this would be the last time she would see Justin would a hand shake be so bad? Beth weighed the options in her head for a moment before reaching out her hand. A little timid but she finally touches Justin's grasping it for a hand shake.

"It has been for sure. I hope where ever the wind takes you next its something worth sticking around for."

Beth gives a small smile to Justin She did wish him the best of luck. It would be a little sad not to see Justin every day but everyone had to move on and she kept herself from getting close to him because she new this would happen. Yes deep down, there was a little twinge of pain still, she'd let Justin closer than most people.

Continuing to look down at Gage Sapphire gives a laugh. She had forgotten Gage only had a shower and no bath. How she forgot she wasn't sure but she felt a little silly.

Putting her hands on her hips and continuing to look down at Gage still Sapphire smiles.

"I do huh? I can't say I new that I never looked up at myself."

Moving down and joining Gage on the mattress Sapphire drapes her on arm over Gage as she rests her other in her hand looking at him.

"Did you know...you look good all the time?"

If I don't

Justin searches Beth's face a moment, almost as if he's confused. There was much he wanted to ask. There was much he wanted to challenge. But he held his tongue. For once, he would let it go.

"Yeah..." He steps forward a little, stretching out his hand. "If I don't see you again... it's been nice."

"Mmhmm." Gage sighs deeply, still so sleepy but trying his hardest to stay awake and alert for Sapphire. "You forget - I've only got a shower. No tub. Though the thought is appealing."

Looking up at her from his position on the floor, a weary grin comes to his lips. "You look good at any angle, you know that?"