
Ray of sunshine

Justin is glad when Beth finally takes his hand. He hadn't been sure whether she would or not. They'd gained a little ground, through the days of meeting each other on the sidewalk. Perhaps neither would admit they'd looked for each other.

Shaking her hand, his grasp is warm despite the cool rain. It's strong but with a gentleness reserved for those he thought deserved it.

Still holding her hand, Justin catches Beth's eye again. "I know I will see you again - whether from a distance or meeting face-to-face. But if I never get the chance to speak my mind again, I want to do it now. Please hear me out."

Searching her eyes, his gaze pleads with her. "Don't be afraid." His voice is quiet, almost too quiet to be heard amidst the rain and low thunder. "There are people out there who will accept your pain and your scars, whatever they may be. There are people out there who will not be scared of what's inside and will not walk away because of a marred past. They do exist, Beth."

He lets her hand slip from his. "You are denying yourself so much happiness." A sadness fills his eyes... one he felt deeply for a woman trapped in a dark world. "You like to say alone is fine, but you force yourself to live in loneliness because you're afraid to let anyone in. So you suffer. People will try to help carry your burdens but you'll refuse because you're strong enough to do it on your own. But in the end... you're still alone."

Justin's voice is filled with a quiet passion. A true sincerity almost desperate. "Day after day I try to get to know you. And I'm glad for the laughs we've had. I like your smile. I like seeing that ray of sunshine that hides behind those clouds in your eyes. But you've put up a barrier I can't break. You've basically said that you don't have time to form friendships and you refuse to let people into your life. And..." He frowns a sorrowful frown. "...I've learned that I can't fix that. I can't change that. But I'm not asking you to do it with me. I'm no one special. But I'm asking that sometime... when you're ready... that you do let someone in. And years from now when I see you from a distance, I'll see that ray of sunshine and know that the clouds are gone."

Cocking his head, he manages a gentle smile, the rain still running down his face. "You better go see your sister before she thinks you're not coming."

Gage grins. "I do, huh?" He leans over and gives Sapphire a light kiss on the lips. "Did you know you make me feel good all the time?"

He returns for a little stronger kiss this time, pulling away with a smile. "I may live in a crappy apartment and have a crappy job but at least I got you."

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