

A smile spreads on Faith's face giving Sparky's reply was a nice confirmation even if she new he would say that. Maybe just hearing it was was true was just nice. She was scared more than she would tell anyone so having him confirm brought some comfort.

"I wont make anymore comments on you leaving. I just...needed the confirmation I guess. Its really scary whats going on, and you mean so much to me Sparky ."

Closing her eyes as she feels Sparky's cradle her face Faith leans into it a little. His kind so soft, and his words seemed to linger in her mind. This was a happyness that made her feel so complete to know this, was one of the best things ever.

Finally opening her eyes again and looking back at Sparky Faith's lips turn up into a smile. She felt so many things for this man who looked back at her. Her eyes twinkling, and beaming proved just so much in timself.

"I am so happy I got to meet you, and knowing this feeling of love. Thank you."

Drawing herself close to Sparky' Faith's hands rested against his chest and than over his shoulders till her fingers locked behind his neck. Drawing close to him her heart thumped. Pressing her lips to his her emotions flowed over her, and over Sparky everything she felt for him being present in that one kiss.

Looking up as if about to see Jason, Katie was a bit confused when she didn't see him. She could hear his voice in her head almost as clear as day. It hadnt been the first time it happend, and Katie still found it odd but...what is something new?

Trying to contain her own feeling as she "overhears" Jason talking about going to Texas she new now, she really couldn't tell him she heard. He was so excited talking to him Mom that he was going to surprise her that Katie couldn't rune that for him. Maybe she would mention it to him another time.

Looking up from her cubical as Jason drew near, Katie couldn't help the twinkle in her eye as she looked back at the love of her life. Givign a small nod she things for a long moment.

"Oh..I guess I can stop working for you. After all you havent had anything to eat all day, and neather have I. We both need something dont we?"

As Kip lays down on the bed Karla's heart hurt even more, and hear his words was almost like a loud crash of thunder. In a way she kind of new the feeling of not being good enough. Maybe not to her parents but to the outside world. They could be just as cruel as anyone.

Moving around on the bed a little so Karla was behind Kip she lays down her body seeming to mold around his so they fit comfortable on the bed. Drapping her arm over his side and across his chest she tucked her hand under him. Just holding him she offered her comfort her words few.

"You are something Kip, your something great and you have such talent. If your dad can't see that, than its not your fault bur his own. I think your something great!"

Rolling over to look at JT Bree is quiet for a moment, her eyes were a little puffy and red the sigh of crying even though her eyes were dry now. She didnt feel much like eating but she new at least she should try a little something.

"I'll try to eat a little something."

Sitting up and bringing her feet to the edge of the bed Bree places them on the ground before looking at JT again.

"Can I eat with my spoon not a fork too?"


Friday. Sparky's heart skips a beat. He knew that Faith's condition was serious, but for a doctor to give her less than a week to prepare drove home the fact just how critical this was. Patients sometimes waited months for surgery... for it to be this soon was a harsh reality check. 

"Wow... that's... that's soon." Sparky keeps his arms around Faith, almost afraid that if he let go, she might be gone forever. But having her pull away, he releases his hold, staring down into those eyes that had captured him from day one. 

Hearing what she had to say, a new emotion rises within him. It wasn't an anger towards Faith herself, but it was an anger towards the idea that he would just drop her at a time like this. He didn't know what the future held and though every day that passed he fell harder for her, he didn't know if it would even work between them in the end. But how could he walk away just because she might need help after surgery?

His tone comes out gently but with a very stern edge. "I'm not going to walk away. I knew about this before and if I'd wanted to walk, I had the opportunity then. You've stolen too much of my heart for me to leave now." 

Sparky reaches out to cradle the side of Faith's face. "I know there's a good chance you won't ever even wake up from surgery." A lump rises in his throat and his voice wavers just a little. "So just having you alive will make up for any help you might need... and that's a burden I'm willing to bear if it means I get to still be close to you."

Jason leans back in his desk chair, chatting casually on the phone with his mom. "Yeah, so... Katie wanted to go to the ranch for Christmas but she didn't want to leave me behind. I gave her the impression I wanted to stay here just so I could surprise her and say we're going to Texas." 

Cindy chuckles. "Don't make it too last-minute. She might kill you. A woman's gotta pack, you know."

"Katie? You're talking about the woman who leaves for missions at the drop of a hat. Besides, she'll be happy enough she won't kill me." Jason grins. "Naw, I figure I'll tell her tonight and we'll head out tomorrow after work." 

Unfortunately, Jason had no idea that his surprise was now not a surprise at all. Again, without his knowledge, everything said was being relayed directly to Katie as if he were wearing a mic. 

"You still at work?" Cindy asks. 

"Yeah... had to catch up on a few things."

"You've eaten supper haven't you?"

Jason gives the phone a wry gin. "Not yet, Mother." 

"Well eat something," she chides. "Don't think I wasn't paying attention to your last email when you said your sugar had been giving you problems lately." 

"Shhh." Jason smirks. "Say that too loud and Rick will be all over me."

"Good." Cindy's tone was firm, but she was still smiling. "I'm looking forward to seeing you, Jase. Let me know when you arrive."

"Will do. Talk to ya later." Once the conversation is finished, Jason sorts through some of his paperwork, putters in the filing cabinet, then decides he should be done for the night. It was getting late and he was getting a headache. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, his mom was right - he needed to eat something. 

Wandering out onto the main floor, he ambles to Katie's cubicle to lean over the wall, still clueless that she was now aware of his plans for the next day. "Hey, Hero. I need food. You gonna come with, or you choosing work over me?"

Alec stands inside his room, his arms folded as he looks at the calendar on the wall. Taking a pen, he crosses off one more day. The 25th was printed in red, drawing attention to the fact that Christmas was only days away. Alec could barely remember back beyond high school, but he recalled some fairly good emotions connected with the holiday. He'd never cared for family gatherings though... they were always a waste of time and no one wanted him there anyway. 

But as he stands in the quietness of TJY's lower level, it dawned on him that this would be the first Christmas he spent alone. Even while in the Agency the crowd he hung with would at least go partying. The next morning always had a hangover waiting, but at least there had been activity. 

Alec couldn't help but wonder for one of the first times if his mother was still alive, and if she was, if she was going to spend the holidays with family like she always had. If he were there...

He stops his thoughts short and scoffs at himself. That family wouldn't even let him in the door if they knew all that he'd done the last few years with the Agency. He'd killed people. Tortured them. He'd run around with women. Stole things. And basically learned how to be skilled at making other people's lives miserable. The reception he really deserved was a bullet to the head. 

Leaving the calendar be, Alec flops down on his cot. Where were these thoughts coming from? Was the Agency's influence actually starting to wear off? He'd clung tightly to their training ever since being caught. But... so far all he'd been was miserable. There was no peace of mind by holding onto those things. It had only proven to keep him here longer in this pitiful state. 

Rolling over, Alec stares back at the calendar and wills himself not to hurt when thinking about the holidays. It was silly. These were just other days in the year that meant nothing. He'd been alone thus far - this was no different.

Kip just sits in silence again, hoping that what Karla said was true. "My dad thinks I'm stupid," he finally responds quietly. "At least that's what he says. I guess I'll always be a disappointment to him."

Resting against Karla for a few more minutes, he finally moves to curl up with some of his pillows. More tears glisten in his eyes. He was having more and more trouble remembering what life was like before everything fell apart. He knew good times existed... he just didn't know anymore what it had felt like.

Staring at the wall, he secretly hopes Karla will stay with him for at least a while longer. Being left alone just felt too empty right now. "I always figured one day I'd show him I was somethin'... but it just hasn't ever come. I guess maybe I'll always be a parasite to him."

"Bree..." JT gently rubs her shoulder as he sits next to her on the edge of the bed. "Want any supper, Hon? It's getting to be that time."


Karla continues to hold Kip, for how long she didnt know and she didnt care. It felt right, and even if it did a little good than it was better than nothing.

Gently rubbing his back, her one arm still around him Karla doesn't move her head. Just keeping it rested aganst his. It was the most comfortable position.

"Your not stupid, and your not low down. Everyone crys, and well...it's ok."

Karla wanted to ask about Kip's dad but it really wasn't her place or the right time. It was his father after all and no matter what happened, or what his dad did Kip would always love him and that's what kept him going back.

Looking up at Sparky Faith gives a smile. Though she was worried, and her Dr. apt hadn't changed any outcome just being wrapped in Sparky's arms made her feel safe. LEtting out a little sigh Faith rests her head against Sparky's chest.

"My surgery will be Friday. The Dr confirmed still thats it very dangerous proseager but if I don't get it done, I might not even have a month left to live. I told him I still wanted to surgery done, I'd rather have a chanse of surviving than to indefinitely never see you again"

Pulling away from Sparky Faith looks up at him. Her eyes were laced with little tears, and she felt so tired, but she had to conferm it at least to herself she felt so alone in this.
"After the surgery its going to be a long recovery, there is a good chanse I will have to learn  to learn to walk again, and a few other things. If you want to walk away now I would understand. I'd never want to burden you with something like this."