
Just Fine

Eli nods his head numbly and finally straightens to look to the side at his sister. "I talked to Reese. Alec was in his apartment all last night, so... we're in the same spot we were the last time." 

Pausing, he looks down at his hands. They were mostly clean now, but he rubs a little at a lingering bloodstain around his fingernail. Should he tell her the rest? He didn't want to upset her more than she already was. But he'd never withheld information before and he didn't want to start now. 

"I saw Alec while I was there," he admits. "I... blew up at him." He shakes his head slowly, not daring to look Ryan in the eye. "He had guilt written all over his face. There's no proof... He's still got that dang ankle bracelet on and it shows he never left his place either time. One of the guys questioned him while I was there and he denied everything quite adamantly."

Sighing in frustration, he finally glances at Ryan. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else to do, short of strangling the guy and going to jail myself for murder." If he wasn't so worried about Tal right now, he'd be just as hot as he'd been at TJY. Or maybe he was trying extra hard not to lose his temper in front of Ryan - that would just make things worse for her. But one thing was certain - his anger had not subsided one bit, and his mind searched wildly for some way of taking Alec down.

"Excuse me..."

Eli stands up quickly as a doctor enters the room. "Yes?" 

"Hi, I'm Doctor Brannigan." He offers a handshake to both Eli and Ryan. "I was told that you two are close friends with Talon Donahue." 

Eli nods. "Tal. Yeah. What's happening?" 

The doctor shakes his head. "I have to tell you that I was shocked your friend was even still alive when he was brought in. He lost a lot of blood and had probably been left unconscious for eight hours at least." 

Eli's hand finds Ryan's shoulder. It felt like every muscle in his body was tightening with worry as he prepares for the worst. "Go on." 

"I'm even more shocked he's made it this far. We almost lost him several times - his heart stopped, but we able to get it started again. To be honest, I don't know how we didn't lose him, other than his apparent stubbornness and will to survive." 

Eli manages a small smile. "He's a fighter, no doubt." 

"Mm... that's what I'm hoping for. We've stabilized him for now but he has many injuries to deal with."

Eli doesn't like the pause, and he nods. "Please... don't spare us. We need to know how bad it is."

The doctor purses his lips and studies them both for a moment before relenting. "He has several fractures in his upper spine. His right hand is broken - several bones were crushed. His jaw and right cheekbone were fractured, and he has a bad concussion." He stops for a moment to check his clipboard. "His... right leg is broken in several places. His internal organs appear to be okay at the moment, though there was mild trauma, apparently from forceful blows. He's been taken to the OR for surgery to repair his lung and surrounding area, but that's all we dare do today. If he remains stable and makes it through the next several days, we will proceed with surgeries on his hand and leg, and/or deal with any other complications that arise." 

Eli's hand had tightened on Ryan's shoulder, and he swallows hard. "When will we be able to see him?" 

"Probably in another hour or two." 

"Doc... what kind of a chance do you give him?" 

Doctor Brannigan shakes his head. "It's hard to say. Like I said, he should've been dead several times now. His body could keep on fighting, or give up after so many tries. Only he knows. He's far from being out of the woods at this point. But we're doing all we can."

Eli nods. "Thanks... we appreciate the update." As the doctor leaves, Eli's eyes rise to the ceiling and he takes a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. "Of all people," he mutters. "He doesn't deserve this." 

Alec sits at the table in the interrogation room, angrily strumming his fingers on the table as he waits to be released. His throat still hurt from Eli's attack, as did his pride. As did.... something deeper. Never had he seen Eli so angry.

It didn't seem like all that long ago he and Eli had been friends. They hadn't been best buddies, but they'd gotten along and had started to enjoy each other's company. The evenings spent at his and Ryan's apartment... Alec still remembered them like yesterday.... and he wished he could have them all back to live through them again.

Wanting to get up and kick a chair, Alec refrains. If he got too upset, they might think he really was guilty and then he'd be in major hot water. As it was, nobody had any proof of anything. But what Alec would like to know was how bad a shape Tal really was in. He'd told Cutter to rough him up a bit but hadn't said to nearly kill him. What had happened? If Tal did die...

Alec would rather not think about that. It made his stomach churn for some unknown reason.

"Yeah... okay." Eric can't help but wonder about that strange glint in Stacy's eyes. What did she look at him like that? What did it mean? 

Shaking it off, he lets Stacy head to Angel's office, while he takes Static to the barn. Giving his horse a quick rubdown, he puts him away and gives him a bit of grain as a thanks for the long afternoon. 

Tired and hungry, Eric aims for the mess hall. His leg was killing him after riding for so long, but he'd take a look at it later. 

Choosing the back door to the dining hall, he almost runs into Mick. "Whoa. Sorry." 

"Hey, Eric - you made it back. So what happened out there?" 

"She hit a downed tree and got thrown from her four-wheeler. She went to Angel's just a bit ago but I think she's just fine." 

"And the four-wheeler?"

"Don't know. Didn't take a close enough look. Tomorrow we can take a  truck up close to it and see if we can haul it back here to have Clint look at it." Spotting Ashlee at a nearby table, Eric cuts off the conversation. "Talk to you more later." Sidling up to the table and slipping in the chair next to Ashlee, he gives her shoulder a little nudge. "Hey." He offers her a smile. "Your mom's okay. Got a bump to the head after she took a fall from the four-wheeler but she's gonna be alright. Angel's working her magic on her right now."


Sitting in the waiting room Ryan felt so rest less, the minutes felt like hours, and the seconds felt like days. Waiting for the news on if Tal was going to be ok or not could not come soon enough and she felt so alone. The last time Ryan had felt like this had been when they had all waited to see if there father would make it or not. It hurt, a lot and if Tal didn't make it...Ryan didn't know. That alone put tears in her eyes.

Standing once more Ryan walks over to one of the windows and leans against the wall resting her head on the cool surface. If this was Alec than it was her fault. Alec did this because of her and a anger burned inside but a sadness too. This was the second time...If she stayed with Tal would it continue? It was something Ryan didn't want to think about right now but the question lingered anyways.

Moving away from the wall and glancing down the hall Ryan goes to the chair once again and sits down. She couldn't sit still, she couldn't think...she just wanted to this be over and Tal to be ok. He didn't deserve this at all.

Looking at her brother as he sat down next to her Ryan was happy he was back. She didn't want to be alone, but she understood he needed to do something. Now it was just nice he was back with her.

   "No, nothing yet. I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing Eli. Did you get to talk to someone at TJY?"

Giving a nod Stacy new she could trust Eric not to say anything to Ashlee. As they start up again Stacy keeps her hand locked with Eric's and leans against him slightly. The right back was a nice one though she was a little sore.

Back at the ranch and looking around Stacy could tell she worked to much when the first thing she thought about was doing her rounds. Eric's suggestion though was a smart one and than letting Ashlee know she was ok was the next.

Though there was something strange that seemed to loom in the goodbye for the night she wasn't sure what it was. Knowing Eric wasn't upset with her anymore helped but there was something else though she couldn't put her finger on it.

   "Thanks Eric for coming to look for me. If you happen to see Ash just let her know I went to see Angel. I'll....see you again soon ok?"

It was now in the light of the moon that Stacy saw how good Eric looked tonight. There was something about his tough dimeanure that just did it for him. There was no denying he was good looking indeed.


Seeing Ryan, Eli halts his pacing, relieved that she was finally here. Setting his hands on her shoulders, concern was everywhere on his face. "I don't know if he's going to be okay or not." There was no point in beating around the bush - not with his sister - she was too smart for that.

"I found him out back of work a while ago in the alley - he'd been beat up so bad that..." He grits his teeth against his rising emotions. "I don't know how long he'd been there, but I think it had been at least half the night. It's... it's bad, Ry. Real bad."

He knew that Ryan and Tal had formed a very close relationship and that if anything happened, she would take it very hard - even harder than he would. He gives her shoulders a squeeze. "He wasn't conscious so I don't know what happened. They're working on him in the ER now and I haven't heard anything. What I wanna do, though, is run over to the Elite."

Eli's eyes searches his sister's. He knew she suspected Alec as he did. How could they not? It could have been a freak coincidence that Tal got mugged but the odds of that happening were low. Instinct pointed towards Alec. "I want to talk to Reese personally and report this directly to him. But I want you to stay here in case anything happens or if the doctor has any news, okay?"

He tries his best to give Ryan reassurance, but he knew it was weak. How could he tell her it was going to be okay when he himself didn't know? He hadn't felt like this in many many years.

Pulling Ryan in for a rare hug, he lets her go quickly and slips from the waiting room before she could ask where all the blood on his clothes had come from. Back outside and to his motorcycle, he makes a fast job of getting his helmet on and is soon heading down the street faster than the limit...

Arriving to TJY, Eli wastes no time in getting inside and heading across the main floor. He knew where Reese's office was, and he was in no mood to deal with anybody else. Last time was bad enough. Today... today was way beyond acceptable and he would not stand for it.

With each stride, his anger grew. He had absolutely no proof that this was Alec. Tal couldn't tell them anything right now. But his sixth sense continued to nag him. It was way too big of a coincidence, and besides, Tal was a lousy target for a mugging.

Halfway to Reese's office, Eli suddenly skids to a halt, staring at the opening of the hallway. Alec? Alec was here? His growing anger rises another notch.

Alec rolls his eyes and sighs at Hal. "Just tell Reese I checked in like a good little boy and the evaluation is done, okay? I got things to do so I'm not gonna stand around here just to tell him everything I told you."

Hal shakes his head, but agrees. The monthly evaluation was done. Alec was seemingly doing well with the program, working every day and staying in town, though he did ride his motorcycle around and leave his apartment when he shouldn't. But Reese had allowed him that, so Hal wasn't going to call him on it. "Alright, get out of here, and keep your nose clean. One of these days maybe you'll actually be free again."

Freedom. Alec wanted it so badly he could taste it. But he wouldn't let on. "Sure. I'll believe it when I see it."

"Of all the dirty, low down, cowardly...!"

Alec's eyes widen at Eli's raised voice, taken completely off guard by his presence. Backing up a step into the hall, he has no idea what's going on.

Eli was closing the gap - and fast. His glare could pierce a steel wall. "You!" He points a finger at Alec, his tone dripping with ire.

Almost panicked by Eli's demeanor, Alec glances to Hal then back to Eli, lifting his hands in surrender to whatever was happening. "What did I-"

Before he can even react, Eli's forearm slams into his chest, pressing him against the wall - hard. He winces and brings his hands down to try and free himself, but Eli presses his arm into his throat.

"You are the scum of the earth," he hisses. "I ought to take you down right now for the stunt you just pulled."

"What... what are you talking about?!" Alec claws at Eli's arms and all of a sudden realizes that his feet aren't on the floor anymore as he was held up by his throat, still pinned by Eli's arm. Gasping for air, he takes a swing at Eli's face, but misses.

Eli sends a knee into Alec's gut. "I'm talking about what you did to Tal!" he shouts.

"Hey, hey, Eli! Let him go!" By now, Hal was joined by Gunner, both of whom try to pull Eli off of Alec.

"No!" Eli plants his feet, still almost cutting off Alec's air supply entirely. "This man deserves life in prison, not a slap to the wrist and a life among society!"

Gunner and Hal keep trying, to pull him off, but it did little good. Finally Reese himself arrives on the scene and joins them, pushing and pulling to get Eli to release Alec.

"Let me do this!" Eli screams. Being unable to to withstand the strength of all three men, he's torn away from his target, his feet dragging on the floor. "You rat!"

Alec, now back on the floor, bends and coughs, putting a hand to this throat and trying to catch his breath. Looking up at Eli trying to fight off the other men, he catches his eye. It was only for a split second, but it was enough. He saw the blood stains. And he knew. Guilt floods his gaze. And Eli sees it.

"That man deserves to hang!" Eli rips an arm loose from Reese's grasp but is quickly held back again.

Breathing heavily, Reese has no idea what's going on. "Eli, calm down! What happened?"

"Tal Donahue is in the hospital, beaten to within half an inch of his life! He may not even make it! And it's thanks to that coward right there, whom you say you have been watching!" Eli struggles to free himself. "Let me go!"

He'd been paying little attention to everyone in the building who was now staring at the scene, and only now realizes that Con had approached and was leading Alec down the hall out of sight.

"No! Don't do this!"

...An hour later, Eli was on his way back to the hospital. And no less angry. More so, if anything. He had seen the guilt on Alec's face, and he knew beyond a doubt now. But he remained clean. Nothing showed Alec had strayed from his apartment. There was no proof. Nothing. And as such, the Elite couldn't hold him. Reese had admitted he wanted to believe Eli and wanted to help, but he was bound by the law, and without proof, Alec could not be held.

Still steaming as he pulls up to the hospital, Eli tries to calm down. It didn't do much good though.

Going back inside and heading back to the ER waiting room, he finds Ryan once more, and flops down on the small couch, burying his face in his hands. "Any news?" he mumbles.

"You have my word." Eric agreed that Ashlee need not know about Rich. It was something she didn't have to deal with or worry about. 

Finally dropping his hand, he straightens again and urges Static forward once more, his arm still tucked around Stacy. 

By the time the ranch came into view, it was dark. The clouds were gone though, and stars dotted the sky. Coming up to the barn, Eric saw lights on in the dining hall and knew that's probably where most everyone was. Pulling Static to a halt, he slides off first, then helps Stacy down as well. 

"I'd advise you to see Angel about your head... I'll take care of Static and finish up here." He wasn't really sure how to part now... for some reason it felt just a little awkward.

"I'm... glad you're okay."


Feeling Eric's arm tighten around her slightly Stacy didn't mind. The shelter he was offering, the comfort and kindness was accepted well and Stacy's fingers tightening around his hand slightly was a silent was of saying it was ok.

Hearing his words and confirmation that everything would be ok and that there was no way Rich could take Ashlee was refreshing. She new that it would imposable for him to take her but just hearing it from someone else other than herself was an extra but that Stacy needed.

As Eric whips the tear from her cheek and rests his hand on her face Stacy bends a little bit to rest it even more. The feel of his skin was rough but it was a working man's hand and to her it felt nice and we welcomed the warmth it offered. The strange butterfly's that fluttered in her stomach did not go unnoticed but not attachen was drawn to them.

   "It's been a long time since I trusted anymore but hearing you say that...without a shadow of a doubt I believe you!"

Giving a little smile Stacy really meant what she has said. Eric's words comforted her and she really did trust him when he said everything was ok. Why She didn't know but there was just something about hi that Stacy just seemed to be drawn to. 

   "I haven't told Ashlee that Rich called and I don't plan on it. I think he would only confuse and upset her.  So can you just...keep this conversation between us?"

Hearing Leo call her Ryan looks up from her work bench giving a smile. Seeing the look on Leo's face though she new something was wrong. Before he said anything next a million and one things went through her mind on what it might be. Her heart starting to thump a feeling of dread overcoming her.

As Leo tells her that Tal had been hurt Ryan can feel a lump form in her throat at the look of fear pass over her eyes. How had he been hurt? What happened? It was so bad he had to be at the hospetil? Did it happen at work? Was it Alec again? A million and one questions ran through Ryan's mind.

Standing she wastes no time at at all standing and throwing her rage on the work bench and grabbing her jacket. She new she was in the middle of a car but she didn't care. The car could wait this could not. without saying anything else Ryan was out the door and on the way to meet Eli.

...It didn't take long and Ryan was coming through the Er doors. Seeing her brother she just about sprints over to him laying a hand on his shoulder. The last time she'd been or felt like this with her brother was when they were waiting for word on how there father was doing. 

   "Eli...what happened? Is he going to be ok? Whats going on?"


Without realizing it, Eric's arm instinctively tightens in protection around Stacy. He did feel rotten - for everything. She really was scared and upset with this whole Rich thing, and rightly so. Eric had just made it worse on her, and he truly was sorry.

"There's no way on earth you could ever lose Ashlee to that man," Eric states flatly, though his voice remains gentle. "Nine times out of then the mom gets kids in court cases, and in this situation, he ain't got a leg to stand on. He abandoned you, he hasn't supported you, and Ashlee is old enough now to influence any decisions. There is absolutely no way Rich could ever take Ashlee from you, legally..." He grits his teeth. "...or otherwise."

Shifting to the side a little to see Stacy's eyes as she looks back over his shoulder, his own eyes rest on hers. She'd... thought she lost him? That meant... she really cared about their friendship. As she once again makes up for her original angry words, Eric can feel a little heat rise to his face. He wasn't anything special and he knew it. But her words were nice anyway, and they sent a strange warmth deep down into his veins. Stacy... for some reason... accepted him.

Seeing her tear, his eyes grow even softer. "Hey," he almost whispers. "It's okay." Reaching up, he brushes her tear away with his thumb, leaving his palm to rest on her cheek. His rough skin was a contrast to her smooth, soft face. "You didn't lose me..." That same bolt of electricity shoots down his spine. His own words sounded like they held a whole lot more than just a casual acquaintance.

He searches her eyes more. "Everything will be fine. I promise."

Tal groans in frustration after one more search of his apartment. He must have left his wallet in his locker at work. There was no other explanation. He wouldn't have even noticed if he hadn't wanted to check and see if he had any cash for lunch the next day. Now it was already eleven o'clock and he really just wanted to go to bed. It was kind of early, but the last couple days of work had really worn him out, whether he'd wanted to admit it or not. Maybe Eli was right - maybe he had gone back to work too early. But at least he'd be able to pay his bills now, and at least he'd still had another evening with Ryan, even if he'd cut it a little short.

Now though, it looked like he was going to have to go back to the shop. Sighing, he finds his shoes, tells Holly to keep an eye on things, and heads out to his car.

It doesn't take long to arrive at work. Everything was dark and locked up. He only had a key to the back door though, so he winds up parking in the street and walking through the alley to the back of the building. Once inside, he flips on the lights and goes straight to his locker. Yep. There was his wallet. He must have forgotten to put it back in his pocket when leaving work.

Rolling his eyes, he now returns it to his pocket and closes the padlock on his locker. He could have waited until morning, but he wasn't coming in to work tomorrow - he had an appointment with Rick at TJY for follow-up and to see if he could get his stitches taken out. Rather than trying to work in a half-day, he'd opted just to take a full sick day... and go out to lunch with Ryan.

Whistling to himself, he hits the lights and heads back out of the shop. Stepping into the dark alley, he turns to lock up again.

"You made this way too easy."

The deep voice makes Tal jump and he spins around to see no one. It was too dark. There were too many shadows back here. "Who's there?" he demands.

"Oh, you don't know me. But I know you. And I'm here to do a job."

A chill runs down Tal's spine. "What job? What do you want?"

"I think you'll figure it out." Finally the man steps closer, emerging from the shadows to reveal how tall and broad he was. His face was covered in a ski mask, and in his hand was a short piece of metal pipe.

Adrenaline surges through Tal's veins as options race through his mind. He had to act and he had to act fast. Spinning back around, he puts his key back in the door, attempting to get back inside and lock himself in before calling the police. But he's not fast enough.

Shoved away from the door, he stumbles to the side, catching himself on the brick wall. Squinting up at his adversary, fear runs rampant through his mind. This couldn't be happening. Not again. Last time was not a pleasant experience and he knew he couldn't defend himself - let alone against someone like this.

Looking over his shoulder, he's reminded that this alley was a dead end. The only open route was back to the street where he'd parked. Making a run for it, his attempt is useless. The swinging pipe meets his gut, bringing him to a sudden halt and directly to his hands and knees. Gasping for breath, he tries to figure out what was happening. "I don't know what you want," he gasps. "If it's money, I've only got five bucks."

The other man laughs. "I'm getting paid for this. I don't need your cash." Squatting down in front of Tal, his teeth glimmer through a sinister smile. "Alec told you to stay away from Ryan. You didn't listen to him, did you?"

Alec? Alec again?! Tal could hardly believe it. Seriously? Alec was that obsessed to continue an attack? Even to the point of sending in a ruthless thug? Tal, still on his hands and knees, raises his head. "No... I didn't. So next time you see him, give him this." Glaring, he spits in anger.

As soon as he had, though, the same sturdy pipe strikes his face with such force that he's thrown backward several feet. Pain like no other shoots through his face and jaw. It was so severe that Tal thought he was going to pass out right there. The taste of blood fills his mouth but he's not sure if it's from a wound on his face or if he'd bit his tongue when hit.

Dazed, instinct causes him to try and pick himself up, but another slam to the base of his neck sends him right back to the hard ground. His palms sting as they scrape broken glass and stones and he cries out in pain. "Stop," he begs. "Please..."

A laugh echos through the alley. "I wasn't hired to give you a couple love pats. Now come on," the man taunts. "Is that all you got?"

Tal claws at the wall in an attempt to stand, but as soon as he had, there was another swift blow to the back of his knee. Crumbling once more, he lies in the damp filth of the ground, praying that this was it. Praying that it was over.

"Come on, weakling! Get up!"

Tal suddenly realizes that his cell phone had fallen from his pocket and was lying only feet away. If he could just reach it and dial quickly... As his fingers slide towards his phone, his hand is slammed upon with force. It was a new weapon. A brick. And feeling bones in his hand snap, Tal screams.

But no one would hear. It was too late. Too dark. Too secluded. No one would witness the brutality that continued after that. No one would see the vicious beating that ensued.

And when the attacker was finally gone, all that was left was a still figure lying limp in the alley...

..."Hey, where's Tal?"

Sandy looks up from her desk and gives Eli a blank stare. It was just after eight o'clock and Eli had arrived not ten minutes ago, but not anybody else. "Tal? He took a sick day, remember?"

"Well yeah, but..." Eli thumbs outside. "His car is parked out on the street."

Sandy shrugs. "How should I know why that is? He's not here. I opened everything up myself this morning and I certainly didn't see him and he hasn't clocked in."

Eli furrows his brow. Why would Tal's car be here then? It was awfully strange. "Weird." He shakes his head and goes back into the shop, trying to figure it out. Though he tries to start work, the questions nag at his mind. Something just didn't seem right. Tal was supposed to be at TJY this morning. Why would he have come here? Had he gotten a ride? But why from here? And how long had the car been parked there?

Sighing with frustration, Eli finally takes a break and calls Tal's cell phone only to reach his voice mail immediately. If Tal's phone were on, it should have rung more times than that. Eli's curiosity slowly evolves into concern. What was going on?

Giving up work for now, he goes outside to take a closer look at Tal's car. Everything seemed fine. No flat tires... nothing out of place. So why...?

Frustrated, Eli turns back to the shop, but stops as his eyes glance past the back alley. What was that? A garbage bag? He rolls his eyes. Had someone from the shop gotten lazy and thrown a bag of garbage out the back door instead of walking it to the dumpster? He sighs. He might as well take care of it.

As he walks down the alley though, it only takes a few steps to realize that it was not a bag of garbage. It was a person. A person in an unmoving heap on the ground.

Quickening his pace, Eli gets there fast, only to have his heart leap into his throat. "Tal? Oh, no.... no... Tal?"

Kneeling quickly, he carefully rolls his friend over but recoils at the sight. Cuts and bruises couldn't amply describe what he saw. Tal's clothes were soaked with both blood and dirty water from the alley, his face barely recognizable through the bruises, bloody gashes and swelling. What had happened last time was nothing compared to this, and fear gripped Eli's soul.

"Tal? God, please let him be alive," he begs. Bending closer, he listens for breathing while his fingers check for a pulse. There... it was there, though very weak.

Straightening, Eli suddenly sees a severe wound in the side of Tal's head that was still bleeding - it had already created a puddle of blood, proving just how long he'd been lying here. Eli immediately knew that time was of the essence, and that every ounce of blood lost could be the difference between life and death at this point.

Pressing his hand to the deep gash, he retrieves his phone with the other and dials 911...

"Ryan?" Leo comes back into the auto shop from the customer area. He'd been dealing with a customer and had just happened to answer the phone when it rang. Now his face was tight with concern.

Approaching Ryan at the tool bench, he quickly pulls her aside. "Eli just called. He knew you'd be working and probably wouldn't answer your phone." Leo bites his lip. "It's Tal. He's been hurt. Eli said to meet him at the hospital - that's all I know." 

Eli paces the waiting room beside the ER, feeling like a caged animal.

"Sir... do you want to take a seat?" a nurse encourages, trying to steer him to a chair.

Eli rips his arm from her hand and whips around to glare at her. "Just back off, will ya?" he snaps. "I'll pace if I want to."

The nurse immediately backs up a step, her eyes wide. Instead of arguing though, she just lets him be.

Growling, Eli unzips his leather jacket and pulls his bandanna off his head. As he does, he glances down and his stomach churns. Blood had stained his hands and his shirt. Tal's blood. His best friend's blood. His best friend was in the ER right now, surrounded by doctors and nurses. Eli had seen the looks on the faces of the medics who had arrived on the scene - he knew without asking that Tal was in trouble.

Leaning an arm against the wall, Eli tries to maintain his composure. Who had done this? Or should he even wonder? Was it just a horrible coincidence that Tal had been beaten up a second time? Or had Alec been true to his word? Eli remembers talking to Tal about it over their break just the day before...

"So apparently you and Ryan aren't going to listen to Alec."

"You kidding me?" Tal takes a swig of water and rolls his eyes at Eli while they sat in the break room. "He's just full of hot air. So he got me once. Big deal. I'm fine, we're all fine, everything's fine. He's just a bully and bullies never stick to their word." 

Eli smirks. "I guess you're right. Ryan agree?" 

"Well she certainly doesn't want to bend to his stupid demands any more than I do. Alec's acting like a spoiled brat. If Ryan bent to that, I'd be mighty surprised."

Eli closes his eyes, trying to control his temper. What if they'd taken Alec more seriously? What if they'd paid more attention and not let things go so quickly? What if Eli and Ryan had pressed the issue at TJY? Could this have been avoided? If the answer was yes, it made him feel even more sick. Without proof, he knew in his heart of hearts that this was Alec's doing.

Pushing off the wall, he resumes pacing, waiting for Ryan to arrive.

Lost you

Hearing Eric's soft words to her Stacy can't help the chill that went up her spine. Just being wrapped in his arms now, feeling his comfort it was something Stacy had longed for, for a long time but never let anyone close enough. But Eric was different. He'd found his way in and given her the comfort she so dearly wanted.

   "I'm...No. I am really scared that Rich will take me to court and use anything he can against me. What if he tried to take Ashlee away? She's everything to me. Hearing Rich on the phone the other day...it just brought everything flooding back. I stopping loving him a long time ago, but it still hurts sometimes too."

Looking to the sky and than looking back down Stacy glances over her shoulder at Eric. A small tear made her way down her cheek. Her daughter was her life, and thinking about not having her anymore scared her more than anything.

   "To top it all off....I thought I lost you too. I don't think your stupid, and I don't think driving truck is the only think you can do. I feel comfortable around you, and I know Ashlee does too."

Searching Eric's eyes Stacy was able to see them so clearly. They were deep and so full of compassion of a man that had so much to offer the world if just given a chance. No...No she didn't think he was stupid, he was very smart, very caring, and so full of life.