
Just Fine

Eli nods his head numbly and finally straightens to look to the side at his sister. "I talked to Reese. Alec was in his apartment all last night, so... we're in the same spot we were the last time." 

Pausing, he looks down at his hands. They were mostly clean now, but he rubs a little at a lingering bloodstain around his fingernail. Should he tell her the rest? He didn't want to upset her more than she already was. But he'd never withheld information before and he didn't want to start now. 

"I saw Alec while I was there," he admits. "I... blew up at him." He shakes his head slowly, not daring to look Ryan in the eye. "He had guilt written all over his face. There's no proof... He's still got that dang ankle bracelet on and it shows he never left his place either time. One of the guys questioned him while I was there and he denied everything quite adamantly."

Sighing in frustration, he finally glances at Ryan. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else to do, short of strangling the guy and going to jail myself for murder." If he wasn't so worried about Tal right now, he'd be just as hot as he'd been at TJY. Or maybe he was trying extra hard not to lose his temper in front of Ryan - that would just make things worse for her. But one thing was certain - his anger had not subsided one bit, and his mind searched wildly for some way of taking Alec down.

"Excuse me..."

Eli stands up quickly as a doctor enters the room. "Yes?" 

"Hi, I'm Doctor Brannigan." He offers a handshake to both Eli and Ryan. "I was told that you two are close friends with Talon Donahue." 

Eli nods. "Tal. Yeah. What's happening?" 

The doctor shakes his head. "I have to tell you that I was shocked your friend was even still alive when he was brought in. He lost a lot of blood and had probably been left unconscious for eight hours at least." 

Eli's hand finds Ryan's shoulder. It felt like every muscle in his body was tightening with worry as he prepares for the worst. "Go on." 

"I'm even more shocked he's made it this far. We almost lost him several times - his heart stopped, but we able to get it started again. To be honest, I don't know how we didn't lose him, other than his apparent stubbornness and will to survive." 

Eli manages a small smile. "He's a fighter, no doubt." 

"Mm... that's what I'm hoping for. We've stabilized him for now but he has many injuries to deal with."

Eli doesn't like the pause, and he nods. "Please... don't spare us. We need to know how bad it is."

The doctor purses his lips and studies them both for a moment before relenting. "He has several fractures in his upper spine. His right hand is broken - several bones were crushed. His jaw and right cheekbone were fractured, and he has a bad concussion." He stops for a moment to check his clipboard. "His... right leg is broken in several places. His internal organs appear to be okay at the moment, though there was mild trauma, apparently from forceful blows. He's been taken to the OR for surgery to repair his lung and surrounding area, but that's all we dare do today. If he remains stable and makes it through the next several days, we will proceed with surgeries on his hand and leg, and/or deal with any other complications that arise." 

Eli's hand had tightened on Ryan's shoulder, and he swallows hard. "When will we be able to see him?" 

"Probably in another hour or two." 

"Doc... what kind of a chance do you give him?" 

Doctor Brannigan shakes his head. "It's hard to say. Like I said, he should've been dead several times now. His body could keep on fighting, or give up after so many tries. Only he knows. He's far from being out of the woods at this point. But we're doing all we can."

Eli nods. "Thanks... we appreciate the update." As the doctor leaves, Eli's eyes rise to the ceiling and he takes a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. "Of all people," he mutters. "He doesn't deserve this." 

Alec sits at the table in the interrogation room, angrily strumming his fingers on the table as he waits to be released. His throat still hurt from Eli's attack, as did his pride. As did.... something deeper. Never had he seen Eli so angry.

It didn't seem like all that long ago he and Eli had been friends. They hadn't been best buddies, but they'd gotten along and had started to enjoy each other's company. The evenings spent at his and Ryan's apartment... Alec still remembered them like yesterday.... and he wished he could have them all back to live through them again.

Wanting to get up and kick a chair, Alec refrains. If he got too upset, they might think he really was guilty and then he'd be in major hot water. As it was, nobody had any proof of anything. But what Alec would like to know was how bad a shape Tal really was in. He'd told Cutter to rough him up a bit but hadn't said to nearly kill him. What had happened? If Tal did die...

Alec would rather not think about that. It made his stomach churn for some unknown reason.

"Yeah... okay." Eric can't help but wonder about that strange glint in Stacy's eyes. What did she look at him like that? What did it mean? 

Shaking it off, he lets Stacy head to Angel's office, while he takes Static to the barn. Giving his horse a quick rubdown, he puts him away and gives him a bit of grain as a thanks for the long afternoon. 

Tired and hungry, Eric aims for the mess hall. His leg was killing him after riding for so long, but he'd take a look at it later. 

Choosing the back door to the dining hall, he almost runs into Mick. "Whoa. Sorry." 

"Hey, Eric - you made it back. So what happened out there?" 

"She hit a downed tree and got thrown from her four-wheeler. She went to Angel's just a bit ago but I think she's just fine." 

"And the four-wheeler?"

"Don't know. Didn't take a close enough look. Tomorrow we can take a  truck up close to it and see if we can haul it back here to have Clint look at it." Spotting Ashlee at a nearby table, Eric cuts off the conversation. "Talk to you more later." Sidling up to the table and slipping in the chair next to Ashlee, he gives her shoulder a little nudge. "Hey." He offers her a smile. "Your mom's okay. Got a bump to the head after she took a fall from the four-wheeler but she's gonna be alright. Angel's working her magic on her right now."

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