

Hope continues to look down at Gunner as he explains what was going on and what he was doing.  She could see the excitement but she could see how good this was not for him as well. It was only feeding everything and letting it interfere or bringing it to work was not a good thing.


Hope let Gunner finish and his words trail off tell she could tell he could tell she was not amused. This just made her worry grow even more for him. Should she tell Reese? Should she make good on her promise everything was so messed up in this whole situation.

   "Are you going to talk to someone yet?"

Grace can't help but laugh as she helps Jared back into his wheelchair and goes to the back starting to push forward. A smile was pasted on her face and a laugh never ending from her lips. Hearing Jared's last comment Grace leans down close to Jared and gives him a small kiss on the cheek.

   "Oh I am sure we can figure something else out. Just dont go breaking anything else. You have had enough bad luck with that already."

Watching both the boys Alice can't help but rolls her eyes and shaking her head. She missed this, she missed Kyle having his best friend around and the silly bantering. It was good to see the smile on Kyle's face, and the laugh in his voice. She had known he missed Hunter, and now...we at least things could start to get back to how they were.

   "Come on Kate, lets go before lets go and let these boys be. Men!"


Gunner woke with a start to stare up at Hope with blurry eyes. "Huh?" 

He blinked and tried to get his bearings. Oh yeah...he was at work. Straightening a little more, he looked at his messy desk and tried to recall what on earth he'd been doing and when he must have fallen asleep. "Um...sure. I mean yeah. Found a few new leads." 

He yawned and rubbed an eye with the heel of his hand. "I got a few more things to check then I can start talking to a list of people and see if..." His voice trailed off and he glanced back up at Hope with an expression as if he was a little kid who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. 

His shoulders sank back down and his eyes fell to the floor. No matter how enthusiastic he was about this stuff, he still knew it wasn't right, and he knew good and well that Hope would not approve. "You won't...tell Reese or anything...will you?"

"Sounds good to me." Jared nodded, his mind already hard at work trying to decide what on earth they'd have for supper tonight. "Let's say...seven-thirty. That'll give me enough time to make it look like I've been planning this for weeks." 

He grinned as he used Grace's help to get up off the ground and stand wobbly before sinking back down into his wheelchair. He had a few hours to work with - that should be enough, right? 

"Onward!" He pointed to the house, too sore to try and wheel himself at the moment. "What am I gonna do when I'm well, and I can't order you around anymore?" 

Hunter returned a little squeeze to Katie's hand, so grateful for her support. Without her, he certainly wouldn't be here, let alone have gotten straightened out at all. 

When Alice agreed to letting him come to the wedding, he was hit with another wave of relief and gratefulness. Neither she nor Kyle were required to say yes to him coming, but they had. Returning her hug, memories flooded his mind. Memories of Break Out. Memories of being around Alice and becoming close friends. Memories of liking her more than just a friend. Pulling away, he managed a small smile. "Thank you, Alice. And...I'm sorry for being such an idiot. I don't ever want to be that person again." 

Kyle was satisfied. Having received Hunter's apology, then witnessing another apology to Alice...it was another piece of proof that he was at least trying to do the right thing again. He might be a ways from where he needed to be yet, but at least he was on the journey back. And Kyle couldn't ask for any more than that. 

Rejoined by Alice, he slipped his arm over her shoulders and gave her a loving squeeze. They were already making a great team, and he felt so blessed. Life just kept getting better and better. 

Alice's suggestion of having Katie and Hunter stay for dinner raised Kyle's eyebrows. He hadn't really thought of that, but...at this point, he wasn't opposed. If Hunter stuck around for a while, it might be a good chance to observe him a little more. And Kyle always liked spending time with Katie. "Sure, that sounds alright with me."

Hunter's mind had stopped at Alice's invitation. She...had really suggested he and Katie stay? And eat with them? Accepting his apology was one thing. Letting him come to their wedding as Katie's date was another. But actually wanting his company for a meal, after everything he'd done was...something else entirely. A lump rose in his throat, and without warning, he was overcome with emotions. He'd missed this life so much. He'd strayed so far. And yet he was being welcomed back with open arms. 

"The more the merrier." Kyle was still talking. "And yes, we have enough hamburgers for all of us. I'm so hungry, I'm 'bout ready to gnaw off my arm, so-" He stopped abruptly. "Uh-oh." 

Hunter had turned his back on the other three, embarrassed by the tears in his eyes. With hands on hips, he took a deep breath, trying to compose himself, but it wasn't working very well. They were just being too nice to him. 

Kyle cleared his throat. "You done gone and made the poor man cry, Alice. Shame on you. All I wanted was a hamburger, but now we're all feeling awkward, and nobody wants to eat with this going on. I guess we'll just stand here and listen to my stomach growl...before we all starve to death."

"Shut up." Hunter hid his smile as he wiped his eyes. "Jerk."   

Kyle grinned. "Moron." 

"Lard brain." 

"Stupid head." 

Hunter finally had guts enough to turn back around before reaching out and giving Kyle's arm a light punch. Kyle immediately returned a whack upside Hunter's head, to which Hunter thumped his shoulder. Kyle's next move was to shove him towards the patio steps. "To the grill before I really do eat my arm. You flip burgers. I'll watch," he teased. Once on the ground, he glanced back over his shoulder to toss both women a wink. 


Going out back with Alice Katie didn't  mind at all. It was nice looking around and getting to see everything. This house was amazing, and seeing the Alice and Kyle were fixing it up was even better. They were doing a really good job and it was starting to look amazing. She was so happy for them and they life they were building. It really gave Katie some hope that sooner or later things would work out for her too.

   "I really am excited..."

Stopping what she was saying as Kyle and Hunter come out of the house Katie gives a little smile. Neither man was dead, or cut, or even bruised for that matter. Nor did they look upset or angry, that was a good sign in itself or so Katie thought. She really did want Kyle and Hunter to make up. They were two important people to her and she hated seeing the rift.

As Hunter comes close to her once more Katie reaches her hand out and puts it in his giving it a little squeeze. She was proud of Hunter. No matter the outcome she really was. He was trying she could tell and no one could as for more than that. 

Giving a smile to Kyle and hearing he agreed to let Hunter come to the wedding her smile grows a little more. Maybe things were not perfect with those two but at least this was something, and a start. Alice new people could change and if Hunter was trying than that was good enough for her.

   "Yes, I would be honored to have you there as well Hunter."

Standing for a moment Alice moves around the little table where she had been sitting and extends her arms to Hunter before giving him a hug. They had been though lots, ups, downs, good, and bad times but Hunter had always been and would always be a good friend to her. It had hurt seeing him choose the wrong path but seeing him find his way again made her heart sing.

   "It's good to have you back Hunter."

Moving away from him and going back to Kyle Alice gives him a small hug as well. She was proud of him and it made her that much more honored to be marrying him. Kyle had been strong, but he'd grow stronger in front of her eyes and become even better of a person. Now she only hoped that she could be the kind of wife Kyle needed and deserved.

   "Would you guys like to stay for dinner? I think Kyle is doing a little cookout, and I believe we have extra for you guys as well. Hunter, you can help Kyle and Katie can help me with the sides. That sound ok to you Kyle?"

Grace gives another laugh finishing up with Jared's legs and giving them a pat. Cocking her head at Jared she gives a little nod. He did seem like a take it as it comes kind of guy and though that was not normal for her it kind of in a way felt nice. To not think something out and over thing it, to just do it and see what happened.

   "Right...How about we get you inside than so we can let you mom know the plans. Than I need to go see another pashent, go home and change, and than I will head back over. That sound ok?"

Walking through TJY Hope let out a small sigh to herself. Gunner hadn't shown up yesterday like he said he would and today so far no sign. Looking around the main floor though seeing something stir Hope wondered maybe he was there after all.

Going over to the cubicle and seeing Hunter passed out at his desk with all the papers around him Hope lets out a long sigh and shakes her head. Would this ever stop? Would Gunner ever end this? Giving a knock on the wall with her knuckles Hope takes in a breath.

   "Looks like you had a busy night. Find anything good?"