
One peace

Giving a small nod Leo didn't have to ask twice. Already grabbing her jacket and slipping it on she goes for her shoes next.

"No need to be sorry. I'd rather drive you and know you got home ok than send you off on your own. Tomorrow, I'll drive your car over."

Finishing with her shoes and grabbing her keys Cassy makes sure Leo is close behind as they head to her car. She new he must be embarrassed though really there was no need.

Once all settled in she was off, and it didn't take long still she was at Leo's apartment following his directions she only made a wrong turn once. Parking out front she takes a side long glace to the building. It didn't look like to shabby of a place to live, and at least it was someplace with a roof.

"You need help inside or you think you can make it?"

Her cheeks still a little rosy Karla breaks her gaze from Kips looking around the room. She felt a little silly, though she didn't know why. Maybe because she had done something out of character and it even shocked her.

"Sure..I can help. Looks like everyone else will be ok without us. There is no settling them down now."

Finally looking back to Kip again Karla chews on the inside of her own lip giving a soft smile. How she felt now was different, not so much an awkward different, but that things had shifted a little and though Kip was still her friend maybe something a little deeper had started to form.

"Ok, I'm good lead the way."

Giving a nod she steps a little forward but than waits for Kip to continue out. She thought she new witch closet he was talking about but she wanted to make sure not leading them in a big circle.


"Um..." Leo tries to think. While he'd been lying down watching the movie, he hadn't felt much different, but now trying to function again, it just wasn't working so well.

"I guess... well I think I'll be okay." Standing up again, he wobbles a bit, wandering towards the door where his sneakers are. Working at slipping them on though, he just leans back against the wall and closes his eyes a moment. Fifteen minutes ago, he felt fine. This was ridiculous.

"I feel stupid," he admits. "But I can't drive like this. I guess I have to accept a ride home... I'm sorry."

Having Karla come back for another kiss, Kip couldn't help the surprise on his face. His eye were slightly wide, and he stares at her lamely for a moment, his face growing warmer. "Oh... okay," he stammers. Biting his lip, a grin slips out, even though he was a bit embarrassed. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but he stops, then returns to biting his lip. His hands go to his pockets and he rocks back on his heels, nodding to the door. "I could... use a hand with that closet... if you wanna help."


Watching Leo Cassy gives a soft chuckle it was her turn to stand now. Moving to shut the tv off Cassy stops as Leo falls on the couch once again. Going over to him and feeling his forhead she frowns her brow.

"Looks like you might be coming down with something. Are you going to be ok to drive? If you think you need a little sleep before attempting it you can crash here on the couch, or in the spare bedroom. Also I can drive you home than bring you car tomorrow when your feeling better."

Cassy already new more than likely Leo's answer would be no feeling to strange about it but she wanted to offer anyways. She would be going to sleep shortly herself, and no one was here to use the extra room so it wouldn't hurt anything.

"Or at least I can make you some tea."

Feeling Kip's to hers for a quick moment, it all happened so fast when he pulled away she was left standing there as some red came to her face. She didn't mind the kiss she only had not been expecting it at all let alone having it meld with the feelings for Kip she had and making her heart pick up a few beats.

Looking up at him finally Karla gives a blink before her mouth turns up into a smile her eyes giving a twinkle. Hearing his apology she wish he wouldn't, there was nothing to be sorry about but words just didn't seem to cut it.

Bringing her hand to his she wraps her fingers with his giving a gentil squeeze to stop him from leaving so fast. A shy glint flickered in her eye as she reached her hand to the side of his face running a finger along his cheek. Leaning into him she press her lips to his before dropping her hand and taking a few steps back. More red came to her cheeks as she looked up at him.

"Please don't be sorry."


Kyle's smile grows even bigger, glad that Alice would keep the secret with him. Though he felt ready to return home, he still needed to work through some of his emotions before the world knew where he was headed next.

Now that he had had a quiet moment and the shock was beginning to wear off, now it was Kyle's turn to revert to his hyper self. Standing abruptly, he throws his arms in the air and lets out a loud whoop.

Kip laughs and gives Karla a bear hug in return. It had been nice having her around lately. She really added to this little group and for Kip... well, she was more like a special friend than these others were. She'd been his friend first, and he knew she was closer to him than the others. It did make him feel kinda good on the inside.

"You're welcome. Thank you for tagging along for the ride."

Without even thinking, he bends and gives Karla a little kiss on the lips. Retreating quickly though, he straightens, his face growing red as a sheepish grin emerges. "I... sorry." Biting his lip, he motions to the door. "I gotta... go work on that hall closet again. Um... yeah."

Grinning a little, Leo moves his foot just a couple inches to give Cassy more room. He knew she was trying awfully hard not to crowd him, and though their conversation the day before had been necessary, he wished it hadn't caused the little tension between them, always wondering if they were overstepping lines now. But it was what it was, and he couldn't change it. He bumps her foot back on purpose to let her know she was fine.

As the movie finally comes to an end, Leo can't help a big yawn, his eyes droopy and tired. It was getting late, but he was almost too exhausted to even get up. He'd slept away the afternoon today, but it hadn't seemed to help. He didn't usually feel this tired. Maybe it was just stress. Though the back of his throat did feel a little scratchy, come to think of it.

"Yay for pirates," he comments with less enthusiasm than should be with that statement. Giving a little laugh, he rolls his eyes and sits up. He moved a little too quickly though, and all of a sudden, the room was spinning.

"Whoa." He blinks and puts a hand to his head, trying to ease the dizziness, though it was quite persistent. "Guess I sat up too fast." Shaking his head, he starts to stand, but loses his balance, winding up on the couch again.

"Okay, well... I guess my head doesn't want to follow the rest of my body." Did his forehead feel warm? "Maybe I need sleep more than I thought," he muses. "Either that or your living room really has decided to go on a merry-go-round ride."

Old Feet

Getting comfortable on the couch Cassy sits with her good leg tucked under her and the other spread out a little on the other coution making sure Leo still had room and wouldn't feel crowded him.

Digging into the food Cassy didn't realize how hungry she really was until the first bit of her burger. Chewing her food Cassy stomach lets out a loud growl demanding more. Not looking at Leo some color comes to her cheeks.

"I..guess I was hungry."

As the night went on and laughs were exchanged Cassy was happy to see Leo laughing, and imitating the tv sometimes. Sometimes doing her own impression of the chars were funner than actually listening to them.

Seeing Leo relax was nice too. Knowing he felt comfortable at her apartment made her feel good. Shifting just a little on the couch Cassy's foot bumps Leo's. Looking down at her feet and than back at Leo she grins.

"Sorry, these big old feet have a mind of there own."

Reaching for her drink she takes a sip before returning to her position to finish the movie out.

Doing a dance again with Kip Karla is moves all over the place though the smile never died on her face, more laughter erupted thankful for Kip enthusiasm so she had no room to worry about what was to come now. This was something completely new for her like the others but this was something huge, she'd never been so far away before, now she was going to be and it was exciting and scary at the same time.

"I'd glad I get to come with you too. This is a whole new experience. I've never been out of my own backyard."

Giving another laugh she does another twirl around Kip before throwing her arms around him again for a hug. It was amazing how fast things happened, and how God worked wonders. He had a plan for everything and from the day she first met Kip he new this was where they would be now.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity, and for everything."

Leaning her head into Kyle's hand for a moment Alice loves the way his skin felt on her. His hand were rough from playing the keyboard, coleus built up from pressing the keys but at the same time they were light and soft, giving her a feeling that would never die.

"Home! I wont write anything on it until after you give me the ok. This is on surprise I think will be great."

And she meant it. Untill Kyle said it was ok "Whats Up" would have to wait on knowing about Kyle's return. She might not have family here, but Kyle did and she almost felt like they were her family too. It had been a long time, to long she was excited as well to see them once again.


Leo lets out a wail and he throws up his arms, almost spilling the drinks as they reach Cassy's door. "Why the rum?!"

Sighing deeply, he gives Cassy a silly grin and shakes his head. He really did act like an idiot sometimes. But at least she thought it was funny.

Once inside, they're able to settle down in the living room in front of the television to start the movie and eat supper. Leo assumes one end of the couch, giving Cassy the other end, and digs into his food, finally satisfying his stomach. He's a little on edge at first, just as little unsure how to act in her apartment, just the two of them. He knew this was nothing, but it was a bit awkward for a while.

The movie seems to break the ice though and soon Leo has laughs a little bit, finding Cassy's own laughter contagious. Even though he'd started out wanting to go home, halfway through the movie, he's more relaxed. By the time only a half hour is left of the adventure, Leo is curled up and snuggled with a throw pillow in his arms, his head resting on the armrest so he could still see the television, his feet tucked somewhere between the cushions in the middle of the couch.

"Yay!" Kip takes Karla's hands and does a little dance. "She's coming, she's coming," he sings, his eyes twinkling. "Woo, an adventure for all of us!" He stops moving around, breathing heavily from his excitement. Then he laughs, a little sheepishly. "Sorry." His silly grin remains. "I'm just glad you're coming."

"I love you, too," Kyle whispers back. His free hand moves to cradle the side of Alice's face, his thumb running over her cheek. "One week... one week to pack up and go back home."

It was different for him and her than for the others. For the others, they were going to a new place with unfamiliar surroundings. For Kyle and Alice, they were going home.

His smile widens and he leans over to give her just a soft kiss on the cheek while in front of the others. He'd thought a lot about returning to Nevada and still hadn't made up his mind just quite how he was going to do it. "Don't tell anybody yet, okay? I think I wanna surprise my family."


Karla could feel her own excitement rise as everyone started to move around the room, and the noise broke out. Being yanked out of her chair Karla can't do anything but laugh and give a little whoop herself.

As Kip pulls away and she looks up at him the smile on her face remains. Over the last few days she had grown a little closer to the other band members even if it was Kip she connected to the most. They really had helped her fit in, and continued to see her as there manager. That alone was exciting, now hearing Kip still wanted her to come with them it made her heart race even more. He wanted her to come too.

"Well you all certainly can't leave behind your manager. You guys need someone with there head on straight."

Karla looks around the room before looking to Kip again her grin growing even more.

"...and I don't see anyone here like that sooo...I'll just stick with being the manager. Anyways if you leave I wont have anything left here for me and who knows where I'll end. So I think I'll stick with my friends that sounds better."

Just staying quiet and letting a smile form on her face Alice just gazes into Kyle's eyes. How she had grown to love the silence with him, just speaking back and forth without saying anything at all.

Feeling Kyle's fingers in her own Alice gives a squeeze tighting her own around his. Home...it seemed like such a strange word. Yes she had her own apartment, and her own bed but it was so long since the last time where was there. Home had been where ever Kyle was for so long and she did like it that way.

"Back to where it all started, and where it will continue."

How amazing was God to lead them back this way once again. A circle had been taken, a long road of growth had been taken, changing them ever so slightly but greatly at the same time.

Stronger in there faith, and in there bond God has shown Alice love again. Though somethings still lied unfinished God was bringing her closer to the closure she needed. Never doubting this trip she had taken with Kyle every step of the way had been great and it would continue to be. Now God was bringing them back...almost as if telling her it was time as well.

Continuing to look at Kyle in the eyes Alice's love reflects in her own. She was so happy to be shearing this special moment with Kyle. To see first had his excitement, and joy Oh how Alice would never trade it for anything.

"Your family and friends are going to be so excited to see you Kyle. A new journey is just opening up for us. You did it Kyle, we did it, they did it...God made our dreams come true. I love you Kyle Mitts, and am ever so proud of you."

Alice's words were soft and light...just breath on the wind as she talked. She was excited, though calm at the same time. She new Kyle would understand and see her own excitement without saying anything at all.

Giving a laugh at Leo's comment Cassy was happy there was a little humor in his voice. Following his lead and getting out of the car Cassy was happy he was staying, even though she never would of said she was disappointed if he hadn't.

Looking over the hood of the car Cassy gives a small toss of her hair as she moves away and walks twords the porch. Doing her best to keep a straight face she calls over her shoulder.

"Well just so you know, the rum is gone. Yes..the rum."


Leo's shoulders slouch a little as he contemplates his answer to Cassy, but he finally shakes his head. "No... I really don't feel up to it tonight," he admits. "But I'm here now... and if I leave, some perfectly good food would go to waste, as would a good movie rental. So... I'll stick around, if you can stand me."

He knew her answer would be yes and maybe even a roll of the eyes, so he gets out of the car, taking the drinks with him. "Besides... any night's a good night for Jack Sparrow, right?" He wobbles a little bit with wide eyes, imitating the pirate - a sign that at least a little humor remained tonight.

Heading up the walk, he waits for Cassy so she could lead the way. "C'mon Miss Swan. It's all you."

The band all stare at the phone in the middle of the table in the den of the grand house. The call had just ended and all had heard it over the speaker phone. After their tryout at the little studio, they'd been told that there was a good chance they could get their foot in the door, but to await a call. So they had waited. It had taken several more days of nail-biting, but finally they'd called back.

Erik starts to grin as his eyes drift up from the phone to look around the room. It seemed everyone was afraid to break the silence, lest they wake up from a dream. And it was a dream. Their dream. They were going to have a contract. They were going to have concerts. They were going to produce several albums. Kyle Mitts was an official band as of today and they would all be moving. A branch of the head office had a studio with an opening, and they were it. It was really happening. Finally, after so much waiting, praying and more waiting... it was finally here. And it was all so untypical... nothing ever worked this way in the real world... but it had, and they owed it all to God.

"Wooee!" Kip shoots up from the table, the first to break the silence. Spinning around, he grabs Karla to pull her up too, hugging her and twirling her around.

The others start to laugh, and Twila almost cries, putting her hands over her mouth.

"We did it!" Theo shouts, giving Russ a high-five. "Yeehaw!"

And the chatter starts. It seemed everyone was talking at once. When would they leave? What would they take? How would they get there? Was this for real? Excitement bubbled from the room.

"Nevada," Twila marvels. "That will be so neat."

Kip backs up from Karla, taking her shoulders as his eyes twinkle. "Please say you'll come with us... even though it's far away? Will you? Please?"

But one corner of the table remained quiet. It was Kyle this time who was silent, his mind wandering in a completely different direction. He felt as if he were in a haze, almost a dream but not quite. Turning his head, he just looks at Alice for the longest time, allowing his gaze to deepen, showing only her the emotions he was feeling. There was an awful lot he was feeling... more than just excitement.

"He's taking me home," he mentions quietly. A short laugh comes out and he shakes his head with disbelief. He'd come full-circle and God was leading him back to his roots. The studio was only an hour away from where he'd left over a year ago. It was hard to believe that much time had passed. It had been a long, winding road, but now... now it was time.

Kyle reaches over to take Alice's hand in his and give it a squeeze. He was ready... yes... he was finally ready. "We're going home," he whispers.


Sitting in the car for the long while Cassy still holds the food and movie still thinking about what Leo had said. We all needed a change sometimes just to see if our hearts are really where we want them.

"Change for a little bit might be good. But I still vote for practicing with me, learning some new stuff and than showing them up. But thats just my competitive side talking I guess."

Turning to look at Leo again Cassy gives a smile. She was competitive to no end, maybe thats what bothered her about her knee sometimes too. But if Leo had showered her anything it was to slow down a little and just enjoy things.

Seeing the look on his face again Cassy could tell in a way maybe being here wasn't the best thing for him right now. At least his face said he really didn't want to be and the last thing she wanted to do was make him this he had to be here.

"You know, if your really not feeling up to being here today you don't have to be, I'd understand."

Nothing more

Leo swings Cassy a look with one eyebrow raised. "I could throw some crap around right about now. Maybe next time Steve swings by, he'll find his stuff on the curb." He wasn't sure why that situation bugged him, but it did. Any guy who didn't have the decency to clean out his own stuff from his ex's place deserved to have it thrown out.

"Can I help you?"

Leo's attention snaps back around to the counter that was now clear. "Uh, yeah."

Finishing up with the movie rental, it was back in the car and on their way to Cassy's. The aroma from the Wendy's bag filled the car, making Leo hungry. His stomach growls, reminding him that he hadn't eaten all day. "Maybe I just need a break," he thinks aloud, going right back to their conversation as if they'd never stopped. "Cut out dancing for a while... find something else to do." He didn't know what, but it was a thought.

Sighing, he turns down another street, knowing well how to get to Cassy's. "It's either that or do what you said and try to show 'em up, but I don't think I can. Back when you were at the studio, there were enough novices around that I did well, comparatively. Now though... we got some real talent there and I just don't cut it anymore." He shrugs lamely. "I don't have the money to get into it full-time or anything - it's not like it's my career and I like it that way. Otherwise it would just turn into too much work and I wouldn't enjoy it. But as a hobby... I think Baxtor has outgrown my skill level."

Leo didn't usually talk so much about this kind of thing... conversations were normally kept pretty surface between him and Cassy, unless they were talking about their exes. Pulling up to the apartments, he parks the car and just sits and thinks for a moment. There was a part of him that didn't want to be here in this position, and part of him that did. He just had to remember that they both agreed this was all about friendship and nothing more.


Cassy can't help but give another giggle. She was trying to make Leo laugh at least a smirk was a start, she'd have the rest of the night to get him to laugh more.

"I don't know bringing the whole place down does seem kind of fun but than we would have no where to rent movies from so maybe we should pass on that tonight."

Still smiling Cassy goes around the racks and catches up with Leo again in the line her elbow bumping his on mistake as she tried to squeeze by people getting next to him.

"Mmm...We can watch it at my house if you want, I don't mind. Well just have to throw some stuff around. Steve still hasn't picked up his crap."

Though she never really complained about it, the fact his stuff was still there did bother her. She wished he would just get it, so she wouldn't have to deal with it again.


As the movies start to fall from the shelf with a clatter, it was Leo who was thrown looks from other customers. Quirking an eyebrow, he smirks at Cassy, picking them up and returning them to their places.

"Pirates is good. Got a little bit of everything." He bends down to pick up the last fallen movie, giving her a reprimanding but silly look. "You're not helping my klutzy reputation," he teases.

Wandering to where he'd find the right movie, he pulls it off the shelf and waves it to her. "I better get you out of here before you bring the whole place down."

Ambling to the counter, there's a short line that they have to wait for, so Leo's eye wander around the store, looking at movie posters and the like. "We going back to your place?" he questions. He hoped so, rather than his own apartment. It wasn't in the greatest shape for company at the moment.