

Still baffled, Alec decides to trust Ryan. She didn't look like she was trying to trick him into anything, and with the security around here, they wouldn't be able to get out if Reese hadn't approved.

Glancing down at his shoes, he shrugs lamely and slips them on. "Alright, you win. I don't care if it's only five minutes if I can get out of here, even if it is bizarre."

Finished tying his shoes, he stands up, wandering the couple steps in front of Ryan, just looking down into her eyes, his facial expression solemn. There was something in his eye though... something that had been ignited the day before.

Putting a hand on either side of her against the wall, he traps her in between his arms. "We better make the hour worth it."

No joke

Not being able to help the small chuckle that escaped her lips Ryan folds her arms across her chest looking down at Alec.

"Give a little, get a little I guess. There is no joke, this is the start to you being free. We come back in an hour after lunch and who knows maybe next time it will be two hours."

Shaking her head Ryan bends down and picks up Alec's tennis shows throwing them gently at him. Backing up to lean against the wall Ryan just grins at Alec.

"So are you gonna spend you hour of freedom just sitting there or are we going to go out and have some lunch?"


Alec's expression turns to one of total confusion. "What?"

He sits up, sliding his feet over the edge of the cot and furrowing his brow at Ryan as he looks up at her. "The boss' okay? You've got to be kidding me. They let me out, they could have this place shut down for letting a prisoner out."

He eyes Ryan skeptically, not believing her. "What's the joke?"


Ryan can't help the one side of her mouth turns up into a half smile. He'd always been good at keeping a strangle face, what was the problem now.

"I have a problem with not catching on the first fifty times. However, I haven't forgotten my promise on food. And since your letting me pick I am saying we are going to TGI Friday since I wasn't able to make anything before coming here. So I would suggest you put your shoes on. Its kind of cold out there today."

Not being able to help it any longer the other side of her mouth turns up into a devilish smile and a sassy glint lay behind her eye.

"Don't worry I got the boss ok. We have one hour so unless you wanna spend most of it in here...I would hurry."


Alec's eyes fly open as he hears Ryan's voice, startled by her presence. He hadn't thought she'd be back quite so soon. She'd been grilled? That was interesting. He got the shrink, she got the questions - he shouldn't be surprised at Reese's paranoia.

Propping himself up on an elbow, he stretches his legs out and looks up at Ryan, a smile hidden beneath the surface. "You make it sound like I told him something by accident." He quirks an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing slightly in a rather sly look. "I don't do anything by accident."

Shifting his weight a little, he remains on the cot. "I'm miserable," he answers her question. "Haven't you learned not to ask that yet?"

Spill Beans

Looking back at Reese Ryan's expression finally changes to one of pure surprise. She hadnt really expected Reese to agree to her taking Alec out to lunch. Just standing there and blinking for a moment Ryan's face finally turns up into a smile.

"One hour...got it."

Turning again Ryan hurrys out the door. She couldn't wait to tell Alec he could go to lunch with her. She new he was going to love the fresh air. Good down to the door she new all to well Ryan stops for a moment

Finally entering and seeing Alec laying on the bed Ryan cocks her head to one side, before finally making her presence known.

"I can't see why you don't like that guy. I was just grilled for goodness knows how long because he thought I was in cahoots with you and we were planning some big scheme."

Ryan rolls her eyes as she enters a little more into the room. Finally giving a little grin her eyes tried not to give away her secret. After telling her whole life store to Reese and feeling that pain again she needed something fun to keep her mind busy.

"How ya holding up today? I was told you spilled the beans to the boss and thats why he brought me in."

Giving a thoughtful nod about her mother Thirteen can't help the smile that forms on her face being told her looked like her mom and had her smile. At least she new, she carried a part of her inside.

For one of the first times a tear forms in Thirteen's eye. There was a slight pain in her heart. She wished she could remember her mom. But to try and think that far back really hurt. It was hard getting past everything from the Agency.

"I wish I could have met her."

Sucking in a breath Thirteen uses her free hand to whip her tears away giving a small smile. She new it was imposable so she shouldn't dwell on it to much even though it hurt.

"Will we be able to see each other more now?"

1 hour

Reese is ready to look back down at his work when Ryan's words surprise him. He glances up at her with a raised eyebrow. Lunch? With Alec? Away from TJY? If he hadn't just trusted his instincts about Ryan ten seconds ago, he would have thought now this really was a ploy. But apparently she was serious.

He thinks a moment, contemplating. "It's not your promises that I'm worried about. I trust you - it's Alec I don't trust. You can promise me all day long that you'll bring him back, but if he slips your grasp, then who would you be bringing back? Not to mention, if he got away, the Elite would have to answer for it and that wouldn't be pleasurable."

Cocking his head, he studies Ryan for another few seconds. "But I'd hate for you to be a liar. Take him out. You have one hour. And I mean - one hour."

Watching Thirteen's reactions, Ryder keeps a close eye on her, making sure nothing was too great a shock or burden for this day's little meeting. Hearing her tone as she discovered he had known about her, he gives a little sigh, but returns the squeeze to her hand. He would explain later the promise he had made. It was obvious that she wasn't upset, but he wanted to give her a reason for his silence.

Receiving her next question, Trent smiles just a little. "She was pretty... just like you. Dark hair and eyes... you have her smile. She loved life... took chances - maybe one too many, but she never held regrets. This happened but she'd always face her problems head-on without asking why. I guess maybe the one chance she shouldn't have taken was with me. We both had our heads somewhere else when we should have been paying attention. She loved you though."

Trent gives a slight nod. "She was scared, but like me, when she finally saw you for the first time... it was love at first sight. She would have been a good mother."

Can he?

Looking back at Reese Ryan held her head high it was the only thing she could do to keep from crying. She hated cops, she still hated cops and Reese just confirmed why. She was hurt, and felt broken in a way something she hadn't felt in a very long time.

Standing and giving a nod to Reese Ryan makes her way to the door not saying much of anything else. Though Ryan was surprised about what Alec had done there was nothing else to say, or tell. Getting to the door Ryan stops and turns to Reese again. It was a long shot but why not ask anyways right.

"Do you think I could take Alec out to lunch...I promise to bring him back. I promised him lunch today when I came back and I didn't bring lunch. I'd hate to start lieing now."

Giving a smile and a nod Libby packs up a few of the things they had, and throws away the garbage before leading the way out to the truck. Once inside and on there was Libby takes a few back roads till they are on the outskirts of town. Knowing the short cuts made it real easy to get from one place to the next.

Pulling into the drive way of a small red farm house Libby dosnt bother pulling the truck into the shed. Shutting off the engine she waits in the care for a long moment as if listening for something. Not hearing anything she new no one was home and it was safe.

Getting out of the truck and leading Ty inside it was a normal little house, semi clean. Empty beer bottles and cans layed by one of the easy chairs one could guess that was her moms. Giving a quick tour and seeing if he wanted anything to drink Libby shows Ty to her own room. Shutting the door behind them just in case anyone came home.

Flopping down on one of the bean bag chairs Libby pulls the other one out in front of the tv. On one side of the room the wall lined with DvD's and on the other side it was lined with video games. A stereo and tv sat on the wall in the middle. To the left was a dresser and closet with a rather large looking Katana above the door and next to that was a bed, and a bookshelf along with a small desk. On the walls were postered of fairies, horses, movie stars, flowers.

"Ok your the guest so you can pick a video game or a movie. You name something you like and I can tell you if I have it or not. More than likely I do."

Spending most the time in her own room Libby's collection of items to keep her busy had really grown over the years. Not having much else to spend her money on.

Listing to Trent careful one could tell Thirteen didn't want to miss anything. Taking everything in Thirteen's expression didn't change with the understanding of what happened, and what was going on. Looking at Ryder for a moment hearing that he new about Trent her look was a bit confused for a moment.

"You new?"

Looking down at the table she just was quiet for a long second. So many things ran through her head, and so much information was being processed, but she had wanted to know and now she did. Her father didn't hate her, or disown her he didn't even know she was alive, and when he did he thought he was unworthy.

"No matter what happend in the past...I...I still love you Dad."

Thirteen really did mean it. It might take some getting use to, and it was different but there was no doubt in her mind that she did indeed love the one she had been looking for, for so long.

Giving a gentil squeeze to Ryder's hand she lets him know she wasn't angry with him for not telling her. He had his reasons and though she didnt know they they had to be good. Taking a sip of her half coffee and her half hot coco A small smile comes to Thirteen's face. She new what her next question was.

"What was my mother like?"

Free to visit

Reese had reason to suspect a shady past, or even a connection to the Agency, seeing how Ryan had interacted with Alec. So when Ryan begins to opening tell of her family's history, he sits back a little, listening intently.

There were emotions in her eyes... real emotions - not the fake kind put on an act. Her story... her feelings... they weren't those of someone who was covering for the Agency. Before Ryan was even finished, Reese had his answer that she was clean, but he doesn't interrupt. He wanted to know the rest now - he still wanted to know why she had befriended Alec in the first place, especially now if he saw she wasn't involved on the wrong side of the law.

Continuing to listen, the harshness fades from Reese's eyes, replaced with a compassion similar to what he might feel towards a daughter if he had one. Ryan was one tough cookie, but it took that just to have made it this far but the sounds of it. A part of him felt badly for assuming the worst, even though he knew they had needed to find out if she was a security risk.

Coming to an understanding of just why Ryan had come, Reese finds it an honorable motive. He couldn't say he quite grasped the footage or Ryan's inability to explain it, but as long as she was clean, he supposed it really wasn't any of his business.

He cocks his head and looks at Ryan a long moment after she's finished. "No one can act that well." His voice was a little gentler this time before he leans forward on his desk, folding his hands. "Thank you for explaining. I believe you. I'm sorry for your losses and I apologize for making you come here but we had to know if you were a security risk or not. You didn't need to tell me all that, but I appreciate it." He pauses, thinking for a moment.

"Alec had a sudden change in behavior and we needed to make sure it wasn't some tactic, brought on by outside help. He's... given me information regarding the place where he came from and it was so unusual that I had to be sure it wasn't a trick. I still can't explain why he changed his mind but I'm glad he did. I didn't want to see him go to prison and I'm sure you didn't either."

Picking up some papers, Reese straightens them out then nods to Ryan. "You're free to go, Miss McKade." He catches her eye, not afraid to look into her strong gaze. "If you or your brother ever need legal help, please come here first. And... feel free to visit Alec before you go. His door should be unlocked."

Alec says no more and just watches Hope leave. Something worth hanging on to... yeah... The wry thought crosses his mind that it could apply literally as well, and he shakes his head.

Sighing, he lets himself lie down on his side, curling up a little bit. He usually didn't lie in this defensive position, but today, for some reason, he felt like it. He could feel the chain beneath his shirt as his head sinks into his pillow. Something to hold on to... even if he wanted to, it was kind of hard when he was a prisoner.

Ty is glad that Libby will let him quit for now, but he feels badly. When they'd met earlier, he'd been enthusiastic about trying again, but now he was just frustrated all over again. He'd thought he could stay excited this time... but it never got better.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I really do want to try. I just... my brain seems to shut down completely and I can't think straight. Nothing looks right anymore." He nods though and stacks up the books. "I'll keep working on it. If I got questions, I can always ask Wyatt - the guy I live with."

Trying to move on without too much embarrassment, he starts to smile a little again. "Video games sound fun. I don't have to be to work until seven tonight so I got all day. I wouldn't mind hanging out some more."

His grin shows it was more than him just not minding - he'd rather like it. It was nice having a new friend to hang out with and Libby was a lot of fun to be around. "You got the truck, so I'm at your mercy. Lead away."

Trent's eyes drift down to study the table's napkin holder. He knew there would be tough questions, but did it have to start with the toughest? He sighs.

"I don't know." His hands rotate his coffee cup a few more times, his gaze still aimed downward. "It happened because..." He pauses. "No... it wasn't the Agency's fault... it was mine."

Finally he looks back up at Thirteen, sadness in his eyes for a past long gone yet part of today. "It happened because your mother and I made a mistake. You weren't a mistake," he emphasizes clearly. "But we weren't careful, so the mistake was ours. And this all happened because my family and I were tagged from birth, targeted by the Agency. And you were born into the mess at no fault of your own."

Looking back down again, he stares into his coffee, the light steam curling into the air. "I remember holding you when you were born," he mentions softly. "You were so tiny... but you gave your mom quite a time. No one else knew... I was scared to death... disappointed in myself... but seeing you for the first time... I suddenly knew what it was like to love something so much you'd die for it."

Trent's eyes are filled with emotions as he lifts them to find Thirteen's. "Your mother and I hadn't been that serious about each other... we had a pretty shallow relationship going. But when you were born... we thought maybe we'd have a go at something better. I know I wanted to. Before I could even tell my family though, there was a car accident. Grace was killed and you were taken by the Agency."

He shrugs lamely. "They said I had to work for them or else they'd kill you too. So I obeyed... I even betrayed my own family in ways that still haunt me."

Needing a break, he takes a shaky sip of his coffee.

Ryder looks across at Trent, proud of this man for sharing the story and not just skimming over Thirteen's questions. It took someone strong to admit what had happened. His hand gives Thirteen's fingers as squeeze to let her know he was still there.

Trent sighs deeply, keeping himself composed. "I did a lot of things wrong, fighting to find you and get you out. My family didn't know because I was in too deep by then and I was too dumb to rely on them or admit my past mistakes. I wound up in jail. Then when you would have been about twelve, I got word that you'd gotten sick and died."

Starting to get choked up, his eyes roam the room, his jaw muscles working out the tension he felt. "If I would have known you were alive, I would have come for you, I swear." He looks back to her, his eyes begging her to believe him. "When I found out that you really were alive... that you were in Nevada... I just... I couldn't bring myself to tell you everything. It had been so long... I felt so guilty for everything... I just... I didn't want you to know all the bad. So I thought... I thought I could take care of you from a distance... through Ryder."

He swallows hard and clears his throat, shifting in his seat. "So that's why."

Lite Fire

Looking up at her father Thirteen holds Ryder's hand next to her on the little booth seat. She was scaired, not of Trent, but for the first time she got to sit across from her father and was able to ask any question she wanted.

Weeks, even months ago she'd had a whole speech prepared for the day when she found her dad, and than attached to that she had questions. But now the time came, and he was sitting in front of her, and what she had written down just didn't seem to mater anymore. Now, she seemed to only have one question to ask.


It could mean anything, or say she wanted to know anything but it was the only question she had now.

"Why did this happen? Why didn't you want me to know who you were? Why did you let them take me there for so long?"

Thirteen continues to look at her father from the other side of the table. Her eyes held no anger twords Trent just wonder, maybe a little pain, but this was something she had to do and stuff she needed to know so she could stop wondering. Once these questions were answered about the past, she could move on with getting to know her father.

Wrapping her arm around Ty's shoulder Libby new this was hard for him. For anyone his age, it was harder to learn than it was as a child. Living for so many years doing something one way, it was so hard to get out of the groove and form a new one. Almost like a bad habit that needed to be broken.

"Ok, we don't have to do anymore for now. But I'd like you to take this home with you so you can keep practicing. Giving up so soon your only going to be stuck like you are now. You just need to train your brain, and keep at it. Starting and stopping, than starting again after so long is only making you frustrated. Its like learning to play a piano, you have to keep at it, keep looking at it. Because if you do one lesson, and than go a month or two your going to forget everything you know because your not giving you mind the time it needs."

Giving his back a gentile rub she reaches for her cup and takes a long sip of it. Pushing the books way for new she new Ty had enough and the last thing she wanted to do was to keep pushing him into doing something he didn't want.

"All work and no play makes...for a dull and boring day..?"

Libby's mouth moves into a silly smile as she shakes her head at herself. Sometimes she amazed herself with the stupidest things she said.

"I want to come over to my place and watch a movie or play some video games? I think everyone it off to work at the moment, and I have everything set up in my room so we wouldn't have to worry about being bothered...I don't think."

It wasn't every day and Libby didn't know if it was even a good idea to invite Ty over but she wanted to spend some more time with him just having a little fun.

Continuing to just watch Reese Ryan still had no idea what any of this was about. Obveusly it was about Alec, but it ended there...was he heart, did he escape, what was really going on here. About to ask Reese what this was really all about knowing her right she stops seeing the footage come up on the monitor.

Feeling the color come to her face all Ryan can do is sit and watch the words seeming to be caught in her throat. She felt so embarrassed right now, she didn't even know what to do or think. As the footage is turned off Ryan looks down into her lap unable to look back at Reese. She didnt even have all the answers herself, how was she going to tell him.

"You can do a background check on me Mr. Reese all you want, but you will come up empty handed each time you look."

Letting out a sigh Ryan continues to look down at her hands. She new how the system worked, and if she was going to get Reese off her back, she was going to have to start at the beginning. Looking up at Reese Ryan starts.

"I am the youngest in my family, I have a brother John, and than the oldest is Eli. My mother died shortly after I was born and the only think I remember of her, is her smile. My brother John had her smile and I never forgot it."

Bringing these memories up, and pulling forward the thing she hated to the most, the memories it made her sick. But she had started, now she had to finish.

"My father raised us the best her could, and for being a single father with three kids he did a pretty darn good job. He owned his own auto shop, and worked day and night to put food on our table. All three of us help him, I mostly sat on my little blanket over by the office wall playing with my toy trucks and little tool box. Knowing better than to move off that blanket. I guess you could say thats where my love for working on cars came from. The smell of Oil, getting dirty, it all reminds me of my father."

Drawing in a shaky breath Ryan could feel her emotions to the breaking point through she remained in control, it was hard.

"Life wasn't as good for us as some peoples but to us we loved it and wouldn't have changed it for the world. Than one day there was an accident at the auto shop. On of the jacks that was holding the car he was working on gave way and..."

Ryan stops for a moment swallowing hard, and closes her eyes.

"...he was dead before the paramedics could even get there. After that Eli tryed to raise John and I, but things were never the same. With out Pop around...our family was falling apart. John always blamed himself for what happened since he was the one who had jacked the car up for Pop. As the time went on, none of use could deal. John got into some trouble and ended up robbing a convenient store with a gun. I always said he wanted to get caught and thats why he did it, because he thought it was what he deserved for what happened to Pop. For Eli and I that had been the last straw and we went our separate ways for a very long time. Now I work in an auto shop and on the side for extra money I street race on the outskirts of town. I like how going fast feels, the rush when you take off."

Opening her eyes again a small tear seemed to be locked in Ryan's eye but was not aloud to come out, she kept it tucked away, even though it tried to its hardest to break free.

"...It's been a very long time since I had seen both my brothers. Than a near close death that involved me needed blood brought my brother Eli back to me. Now he lives with me. But still John I have not seen in a long time. I tried to contact the prison where he was at because I wanted to see them but he was transported and for some reason they wouldn't tell me where."

Rolling her eyes Ryan knows she was being long winded and this was a lot more than Reese wanted so she better cute to the point.

"..Anyways I wasn't lieing to you, it was only a few months ago when I first met Alec in a bar. He looked like someone who could use help, and I guess I have more of my dad in me than I ever saw. He reminded me of John in a way. Very angry at the world because he was angry at himself. Trying to run from his problems. That ended bad, with me dropping him off some where like I said. Than I found out he was here, and he reminded me of John even more. I never could help my brother and I wish I could have. So Alec being here I though maybe I could get my second chance to help someone."

Shaking her head and letting out another sigh Ryan points to the monitor than looks back at Reese.

"As for that...I don't even know what that was. I started coming here because of my brother, and than I kept coming back because of Alec. There is just something about him...and I don't even know what it is. So there you go Mr. Reese you have helped me dig open old scars, and know my life story. If you still feel the need to do a background check on me feel free because all you'll find is a few speeding tickets all payed for on time."

Giving a thoughtful nod to Alec Hope listens watching his eyes and his body movements. He was much difference from when she first had seen him. His cocky air was there, and he still had the steel cold eyes, but there was now something behind them, a small light had been formed, and burned in his soul.

"Well, lets hope you get out of here. That is what I am rooting for. Thank you Alec for taking the time to talk to me."

Standing Hope goes to the door but stops before going out. Turning around she looks at Alec again for a long moment.

"Somethings different about you Alec than from the first time I met you. You seem...like someone has relite that fire behind your eyes. Who ever it was, has to be someone worth holding on to."

Turning again Hope leaves the room and heads abck to her own to write up a report for Reese.


"I see." Reese nods thoughtfully, analyzing Ryan's responses. "Well, I'd hardly say 'just friends' about two people like this."

Swiveling in his chair, he hits the remote for a small monitor that Ryan could see as well. Playing was footage from the security monitor in Alec's room without sound. From the camera angle, it just caught Ryan and Alec kissing quite passionately, up against the wall.

Reese stops the tape and looks back to Ryan, tossing the remote on his desk. "I've seen previous footage as well, Miss McKade. Some of the sound is missing because Alec tampered with the camera's microphone, however, from day one, it appeared you knew him better than you say." He cocks his head. "Food... games... even a little spat."

Pausing again, he searches Ryan's eyes. "I can find out about you - we have connections and it wouldn't be too hard to find out where you've been or what you've been up to the last few years. However, I thought it would be easier just to ask you if there was anything else I needed to know about."

"I don't see how giving information is a change of heart," Alec responds dryly. "Just a change of mind. I lost my heart a long time ago. As far as the information goes though, I figure Reese hasn't tried to blow my head off or assimilate me - that's a plus on the Elite side so now they're ahead of the Agency as far as tally marks go."

He shrugs again, his eyes showing a lack of interest, though not quite as cold as they had been the last time he'd seen Hope. "Maybe I am crazy. But maybe being away from the Agency..."

He was going to admit aloud that maybe being away from them was starting to open up his eyes. But he wasn't quite ready to say that yet. "Well why wouldn't someone want out of here? And by the looks of things, I won't get out until the Elite gets something from me so... I gave it. Now I gotta wait and see if I get the electric chair, the prison, or the free ride like Gage."

Ty shakes his head, feeling the strain of trying to learn something he just couldn't grasp. "I just don't understand how this is easy for everybody else." He looks to Libby, then back down at the paper. "I can't ever remember what letters are what, let alone try to put sounds with them. First it's an "a" then I think it's maybe an "o" then I'm told really it's an "e." But it doesn't look like it did the last time I tried to read it and it all just gets..."

He stops and takes a deep breath, rubbing his eyes again. "I know the sounds.... I know what the letters sound like... but then when I can't make any sense out of the words, I give up... then its' so long before I try again that I have to relearn the sounds too. But the letters all look different again."

Groaning in frustration, he doesn't look back at the page again. "I can't do another hour... my head hurts too much."

Trent turns his coffee cup in a small circle on the table, his eyes down until he glances up at Thirteen and Ryder who sat across from him. The three had taken a pickup and gone into town for breakfast this morning... away from roaming eyes and listening ears. Once there though, Trent had felt the awkwardness and lapsed into more quiet than planned.

Glancing at Thirteen, he gives a little shrug. They hadn't interacted much since the day before. "I... I don't know what to tell you... unless you have specific questions." He was giving her permission to bombard him, and he didn't know if she would or not. But the silence was a killer.