
Can he?

Looking back at Reese Ryan held her head high it was the only thing she could do to keep from crying. She hated cops, she still hated cops and Reese just confirmed why. She was hurt, and felt broken in a way something she hadn't felt in a very long time.

Standing and giving a nod to Reese Ryan makes her way to the door not saying much of anything else. Though Ryan was surprised about what Alec had done there was nothing else to say, or tell. Getting to the door Ryan stops and turns to Reese again. It was a long shot but why not ask anyways right.

"Do you think I could take Alec out to lunch...I promise to bring him back. I promised him lunch today when I came back and I didn't bring lunch. I'd hate to start lieing now."

Giving a smile and a nod Libby packs up a few of the things they had, and throws away the garbage before leading the way out to the truck. Once inside and on there was Libby takes a few back roads till they are on the outskirts of town. Knowing the short cuts made it real easy to get from one place to the next.

Pulling into the drive way of a small red farm house Libby dosnt bother pulling the truck into the shed. Shutting off the engine she waits in the care for a long moment as if listening for something. Not hearing anything she new no one was home and it was safe.

Getting out of the truck and leading Ty inside it was a normal little house, semi clean. Empty beer bottles and cans layed by one of the easy chairs one could guess that was her moms. Giving a quick tour and seeing if he wanted anything to drink Libby shows Ty to her own room. Shutting the door behind them just in case anyone came home.

Flopping down on one of the bean bag chairs Libby pulls the other one out in front of the tv. On one side of the room the wall lined with DvD's and on the other side it was lined with video games. A stereo and tv sat on the wall in the middle. To the left was a dresser and closet with a rather large looking Katana above the door and next to that was a bed, and a bookshelf along with a small desk. On the walls were postered of fairies, horses, movie stars, flowers.

"Ok your the guest so you can pick a video game or a movie. You name something you like and I can tell you if I have it or not. More than likely I do."

Spending most the time in her own room Libby's collection of items to keep her busy had really grown over the years. Not having much else to spend her money on.

Listing to Trent careful one could tell Thirteen didn't want to miss anything. Taking everything in Thirteen's expression didn't change with the understanding of what happened, and what was going on. Looking at Ryder for a moment hearing that he new about Trent her look was a bit confused for a moment.

"You new?"

Looking down at the table she just was quiet for a long second. So many things ran through her head, and so much information was being processed, but she had wanted to know and now she did. Her father didn't hate her, or disown her he didn't even know she was alive, and when he did he thought he was unworthy.

"No matter what happend in the past...I...I still love you Dad."

Thirteen really did mean it. It might take some getting use to, and it was different but there was no doubt in her mind that she did indeed love the one she had been looking for, for so long.

Giving a gentil squeeze to Ryder's hand she lets him know she wasn't angry with him for not telling her. He had his reasons and though she didnt know they they had to be good. Taking a sip of her half coffee and her half hot coco A small smile comes to Thirteen's face. She new what her next question was.

"What was my mother like?"

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