
More Time

Ryan's reaction only made Eli's concern grow. Why was she so upset? Why did she think this was all about keeping her and Alec apart? Why did she think Alec had been contacting her? And why would she ever believe Eli would lie to her?

Despite his confusion and concern, her words stung. She'd never called him a liar before. Under normal circumstances, he'd at least try to defend himself, if not become quite upset. But something told him to keep his temper in check this time. There was something wrong here. Very wrong.

"Okay," he relented quietly. He rose from the bed and gave her shoulder a squeeze. "Get some rest, alright?" He didn't know what else to say at this point, but she was upset enough that maybe just giving her some space would be wise.

Once he was out in the hall though, he pulled his own phone from his pocket again. His mind was far from his issue with Scarlet or Reese now. Dialing, he wandered back to the living room to sink down in the couch, keeping his voice low. "Hey, Tal." He ignored the sleepy tone of his friend's voice. "Got a sec?"

"Um...yeah...yeah sure." Tal had been asleep alright. Without anything better to do, he'd hit the hay early. "What's up?'

"Did you see Ryan at the races tonight?"

"Yeah...why? I mean, if getting a few distracted words from her and a turn down on my offer of a date, yeah I saw her."

Eli sighed. "Has she...been acting strange lately?"

"Well... I guess I figured she was still working through whatever she needed to with Alec dying and all that, but I gotta admit, I didn't think it would come between us. That's what it feels like anyway. So acting strange? I dunno. Different though. Like her mind is a million miles away."


"Why? What's this about?"

"I'm not sure," Eli admitted. "She just told me she's been getting texts from Alec."

It was  moment before Tal responded. "What?"

"Yeah, no, not really. But that's the thing... She believes it and...its just... Well I don't know. It's like she's imagining the whole thing."

"You mean like..." Tal didn't want to suggest Ryan was going off the deep end.

"I mean like something is wrong," Eli concluded. "She's just...something's not right. She's super upset with me right now and I'm not even sure why. She thinks everyone is lying and just trying to keep her and Alec apart or something. I just...I don't know whether to be worried or just assume whatever this is will blow over."

By now, Tal was more awake but gaining even more confusion. "What...can I do?"

Eli really didn't know. He'd never seen Ryan like this, so he was at a loss. "I don't know. I just wanted to confirm if she'd seemed odd to you too or if it was just me."

"I guess...it has seemed to be more than just her...being...sad...lately..." Tal's voice trailed off as he started to add up all the strange encounters lately. Ryan's vagueness about plans. Her turning down dates. Lack of romance. "Eli...?"


Tal hesitated. "She really thinks people are trying to keep her away from Alec? And...and that upsets her?"

Eli closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead wearily. He knew exactly where this was going, and honestly didn't know what to say. "From what I can tell...yeah. I don't know what's going on - I'm no psychologist, but it's like...like something...I dunno...went awry in her mind or something. Like she couldn't handle Alec dying so she fabricated a story in her head that he was still alive and communicating with her. It's the only thing I can think of." He ran through the entire conversation in his mind again, trying to figure out if he'd missed something. A clue. Anything. "I saw her phone. She showed it to me. There was nothing there from Alec, yet she insisted there was. I just don't know what to do." He paused, still thinking. "She's just...always been a rock. I've never seen her like this."

Tal was quiet as he processed all the information. He was trying hard to focus on the fact that something was wrong with Ryan and she might need help, but at the same time, his own emotions were getting in the way. If she was this upset about losing Alec...and she thought she'd been communicating with him...instead of Tal...what did that really mean?

"You still there?" Eli questioned.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Um...I don't know. Maybe it really will wear off. Maybe she'll come to her senses or back to reality or whatever, and she'll be fine."

"I hope so." Eli glanced at the clock. "Look, I'll let you go. If Ryan says or does anything strange, just let me know, okay? I guess I'll just keep a close eye on her until something changes or doesn't get better."

"Okay. Sounds like the best option at this point."

After ending the conversation, Eli hung up and leaned back in the couch, just staring into the dim living room. His mind was going too fast to go to bed now. He wanted to talk to Scarlet. But that was a whole other mess that had yet to be solved. He rolled his eyes. When it rained, it poured. He just really hoped he and Tal were right - that Ryan's confusion would wear off as she dealt with Alec's death. If it didn't...Eli would try to get her help. But for now, maybe she just needed a little more time.

Reese kept walking as he was joined by Nate, in no mood for whatever game Garret was trying to play. "Our dear prisoner just decided to disassemble the camera in the holding cell," he stated dryly. "I don't know if he's just bored or wants to start something, but he's cruisin' for a bruisin' is what he's doing."

Once downstairs, Reese has his handgun up and ready, just in case. He didn't know much about this Agency man, but if Justin was right, Reese wasn't going to take any chances. Finding the cell door still locked, he quirked an eyebrow at Nate. "Careful. I don't know if he's gonna try charging out."

After punching in the code, Reese swung open the door quickly, ready for anything.

Inside, Garret had heard the beeps of the lock and knew someone had come. The camera parts were on the little table - he hadn't tampered with anything, he'd just wanted to get someone to listen to him. As the door bursts open, he spots the gun and is quick to raise his hands out to the sides, proving he had no ill-intent. He couldn't help a little bit of surprise though at not only seeing the big boss, but an agent he hadn't yet seen. "Hey, careful," he warned calmly as he nodded at Reese's gun. "That thing could go off and hurt someone."

Reese's eyes narrowed. "What do you think you're doing?" he hissed.

"What?" Garret glanced at the camera. "Oh, that? Didn't Hal tell you I wanted some fresh air?" He shrugged, hands still in the air. "Nobody was listening to me."

"So you just start tearing things apart?!"

"It'll only take an hour or so to fix." Garret remained calm, though his body was tense as he fought the urge to get out by any means possible. Everything about this situation went against all his training. He could easily disarm Reese, then take down both men if he wanted to. With the camera offline, nobody would even know until he was upstairs and halfway to freedom. A bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face as his stress increased. "Here." He held out both hands in front of him. "Cuff me. I don't care. All I want is a few minutes of fresh air. Surely you can't see anything wrong with that."

Reese studied Garret for a few seconds, never having felt so inept at reading someone. He was stone cold with no signs of any kind of emotion, good or bad. A chill ran down his spine as his gut warned him to tread carefully as if he were approaching a time bomb. His eyes glanced over to Nate. If they didn't give Garret what he wanted, who knew what he'd end up doing? But what if it was a trap?

"Cuff him," he directed. "And shackle his ankles." Though Garret had taken down Gunner in such a position, at the very least, once outside he wouldn't be able to run far. Reese remembered a time when he'd allowed Carson to go outside for a smoke when he'd been held here. A certain amount of mutual respect was needed to make this whole thing work, and he couldn't compromise that now. "Then take him outside. I'll have Dalton come fix this camera."

Relief flashed in Garret's eyes as he carefully stepped forward, ready for the cuffs. He locked eyes with Nate for just a moment, allowing his gaze to show for just a split second how much he wanted this, before the stone cold stare returned.

Aaron gritted his teeth as Victoria turned down his idea. "They could hold Medridge himself and they'd still trade," he muttered. The Elite was too loyal not to. But unfortunately, Victoria was in charge, so that was that.

His gaze on the road had turned into a scowl. "You really think you can get out of somewhere Garret can't huh? I wouldn't want to tell him that to his face." He shrugged. "I suppose two would be better than one though, so if you're stupid enough to go in there, then there's not a lot I can do about it."

He sped up to pass a car on the highway before he glanced at his watch. "In a couple hours, we're stopping for the night. We'll refresh on all we can about the Elite headquarters, so when you get there, I can wave goodbye with confidence." He sighed, knowing he still hadn't responded to Victoria's final statement. "I'm with you. If I wasn't, I'd get my own head blown off once I got back to base."


Better Idea.

Looking back at her brother as he told her than there was no text from Alec Ryan's look turned even more angry as tears started to well in her eyes. Glancing down at her own phone her eyes scanned the messages. She could see Alec's replys. They were right there, as clear as day and yet Eli still insisted than no one was keeping anything from her.

   "You are a lier. I don't know why everyone is lieing to me. There are texts from him right there...I can see them."

She couldn't help but feel trapped, turned around, and everything just felt wrong. Why was this happening to her, and why now? Tears rolled down her cheek as she just shook her head and looked at Eli.

   "Please just leave me alone. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Being called over by Carson Aerith takes a small taste of the sauce before making her own funny face. It seemed a little bitter for her taste. Talking some of the suger, and a little bit of garlic Aerith put some in before motioning for Carson to stir again. This time tasting it she nods with a smile.

   "Much better I think."

Shaking her head a little and going back to the pizza she was making Aerith just continues to smile. It was nice to see Carson in such a good mood again. It had been quite a while since she had seen him joke around, or even semi act like his old self it was just good to see.

  "Well...I got the first pizza in the oven. I'm working on the second and third and we just have another 4 people come in. So take you pick on where to start first."

Not exspecting Reese to call him Nate gives a jump. The tone in Reese's voice was urgent and he new it. Standing and making his way across the phone he multitasked.

   "Hey babe, boss man needs me. I better let you go. If I'm not going tonight I'll call and let you know but I should be. Love you!"

Hanging up the phone Nate meets up with Reese half way still making there way to the holding cells. He could only guess this had to do with there newest prisoner. He really didn't have much to do with him but he'd kept his ears open on what was going on.

   "Whats up Boss? How can I help?"

Thinking for a long second as she watch everything on the window pass buy she contemplated Aaron's ideas. They were good ideas but she wasn't sure they would work, or work how they wanted them.

   "Those are good idea's Aaron, but honestly, I doubt The Elite would trade anyone for Garret. Knowing he is one of the people closest to my grandfather is not something that would come along every day. I be they would sacrifice someone for him."

Looking to Aaron Victoria new he wouldn't be happy with her own idea, or even that she was going against him. He was an arrogant man and that she could tell just form looking at his reactions. But she was in charge and she only hoped he'd follow her lead without to much complaining.

   "I know if I get in, I can get out. Even if Garret is not there I know I'd be able too. Not to mention if Garret is in there, and we both can get a good layout of everything, and maybe even get rid of some of that information Alec took upon himself to set them he will be a little more forgiving on Garret for being caught. Really...thats the best option I see at the moment and I need to know you are with me Aaron."



For a moment, Eli was almost offended that Ryan was obviously avoiding answering him about who she was texting. That in itself added to the strangeness of all this.

Then her mention of Alec made his eyebrows rise. And for another moment, he wondered if perhaps the Elite had made a terrible mistake. It wouldn’t be the first time the Agency would have made them believe someone was dead. Was there really a chance here? Did Alec really contact Ryan? Wait…she thought everyone was keeping him away from her? Was that…paranoia in her voice? Eli’s eyebrows came back down as the strangeness grew.

Seeing her phone, Eli stepped further into her room and took it from her to look at the text messages. He truly believed something would be there from Alec – real or fake. But all he saw were messages from Ryan to Alec. That was it. No return messages.

He glanced back to his sister and studied her eyes. Something was way off here. She wasn’t lying to him. She wasn’t playing around. There was no fun in those eyes. No teasing. Not even sadness for losing Alec. There was belief. Belief that what she was saying was true. And yet…there was nothing here from Alec.

“Um…Ryan…” Eli cleared his throat and stepped closer to sit down on the bed next to her. He held the phone out to her. “There’s…nothing here from Alec.” He cocked his head. “I’m not really sure what you think is going on but…no one is hiding anything from you.” Had she really taken this so hard as to try and convince herself Alec was still alive?

“Alec really is dead.” He continued to study his sister’s face, trying to figure out what on earth was really going on. “He hasn’t texted you…or anyone. The Elite has proof he died.” His confusion was evolving into concern. “Are you okay?”

Justin smiled a little, not sure how to take Beth’s compliments, but…it did feel good. She somehow always made him feel good. In spite of their rough start, and his constant trouble with trying to help too much, she always put up with him.

Beth’s suggestion of coffee made his smile grow. He’d been doing his best not to push her into getting out more, and he’d tried hard to just give her space and time. Offering to meet him for coffee was a big step, and he was proud of her.

“I would love to go get coffee with you. Just name the time and place.” 

“So what do you think?”

Carson held his phone to his ear with his shoulder as he stirred a new batch of pizza sauce. He was in his normal jeans and tee, with his baseball cap on backward as he worked in the kitchen. “You’re asking me?”

Reese’s voice was just a little irritated. “Well you’re the one who brought him in.”

“And I already told you not to trust him.” Carson rolled his eyes and gestured to Aerith to grab the next pizza that was coming out of the oven. Lunchtime wasn’t exactly the best time for phone calls. “Besides, you’ve been keeping me at arm’s length from the Elite for how long now, aye? Now when you got a lion in your cage, you want my opinion? Why not call Ryder? He works at a zoo.”

“Seriously? You’re gonna play that game now?”

Carson sighed and took a taste of the sauce before scrunching his noise. “Hey, Aerith, taste this, would you? I’m all off today.”


“Alright, what?” He glanced out to the dining area to make sure Thirteen was doing okay with customers. “What do you really want from me?”

“Since you’re the one Garret sought out, I find it natural to bring you in on this case. You obviously know more about him than anyone, and even after Justin’s evaluation, I’m still not sure what to do.”

“Lock him up and throw away the key.” Carson scanned a new order ticket before going to grab a clean pizza pan. “Look, Reese, I’ve kinda got my hands full at the moment. You’ve always seemed the capable type. So be capable and handle it as if I weren’t available. Oh wait – I’m not. I’m up to my elbows in tomato sauce, cheese and pepperoni.”

“Is everything okay? You’re…rather chatty…in an irritated sort of way.”

Carson couldn’t help his laugh, and he threw a wink at Aerith before patting her on the shoulder as thanks for all her help today. “The only thing I’m irritated with is the timing of your call. I honestly don’t think I have anything to add, but if you really want me in on it, I can’t come til after closing tonight. No, scratch that, I’ve got a date. Tell you what, how about I just call you if I think of anything? Okay good. Bye now.”

He ended the call and slipped his phone in his back pocket before he took a deep breath. “Alright, so…” He quickly came back to Aerith’s aid. “Sorry. Where were we?” 

Garret sat on the holding cell floor, still and silent. Since Justin’s visit, he’d been left completely alone, other than to be given meals. Otherwise, he was clueless as to what was going on upstairs, and what they were planning on doing with him. He hated being here. He hated being this vulnerable. He hated it that he was being ignored. And he hated being locked in here. His worst nightmare was coming true. But it couldn’t. This had to work. 

Reese looked at the monitor in the control room, frustrated after his brief conversation with Carson. Garret seemed to be calm…too calm. He’d given himself a workout multiple times over the last few days – it reminded Reese of both Carson and Alec, although Garret’s fighting techniques seemed to be more aggressive. More calculative. There was a definite difference between this man and the Agency officers they’d had here before. Reese feared Justin was right – Garret could get out of here any time he wanted. So what was making him stay? They didn’t even have him in cuffs anymore.

“He’s been asking to be let outside,” Hal commented. “Last couple mealtimes.”

“What did you tell him?”

“Said we had more considering to do before we let him out of his cell, let alone out of the building.”

“Did he say why he wanted out?”

Hal quirked an eyebrow. “No, he didn’t have to. You think he’s gonna stick around once he’s let out that door? We’d never see him again, and he’d have the layout of our entire building, security and staff to give the Agency.”

Just a little sweaty from his pushups and fight routine to keep his body active, Garret glanced up at the camera in the corner of the room. He had to get out of here before he went totally mad. He had to breathe fresh air. He had to see the sky. No one knew about the times as a child he’d been locked in a box in an attempt to rid him of his claustrophobia. He still couldn’t stand close spaces. No one knew that, not even Victoria – it was too great of a weakness to reveal to anyone. He’d learned to control the anxiety and focus on his job, no matter what. Here though, he had no job to focus on. Nothing to distract him. And the walls were closing in on him.

But playing nice wasn’t getting him anywhere. They were ignoring him, and that just fueled his desperation. He felt like throwing his weight around – he could take Hal down next mealtime. Or he could override the digital lock on the door and take out anyone he wanted to on his way upstairs. He knew where the weapons were kept. That could be a good place to start. But…he couldn’t. He had to gain the Elite’s trust, no matter how much it went against his nature. But that didn't mean he couldn't do anything.

He got to his feet. He’d get their attention one way or another. Shoving the cot into the corner, he stood up on it, reaching for the camera.

“Whoa, hey, what’s he doing?” Reese blinked as Garret came close to the camera, reached up…and the screen went blank. Reese didn’t like this one bit, and hit the intercom on the way out the door. “Nate! Down to the holding cell with me. Stat.”

Downstairs, Garret was back on the floor, a few camera parts in hand with wires he’d ripped out of the wall. They’d have to do something with him while fixing it…it might be his only chance to get outside for just a couple minutes. Even just out of this room would help. He was suffocating in here.

Aaron shrugged, while keeping his eyes on the road. “So far, our hackers haven’t been able to detect whether or not the Elite is actually holding Garret. But I think you’re right – that’s our best bet.”

He glanced out the window. For some odd reason, this felt different than most assignments. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it almost felt like something big was waiting just under the surface to erupt. “Assuming we’re right and that he’s at the Elite headquarters, we’re gonna have to find a way in. And considering he obviously hasn’t broken out yet…they must have better security in place than we anticipated. So using stealth may not be the best route.”

They really were low on options at this point. They didn’t have enough facts, and it was making this whole thing tricky. “So if we can’t use stealth, we’ve either gotta have ourselves arrested – which brings the risk of us not getting back out either – or waltz right in there and hope they don’t have our faces on file – another huge risk.” He paused as a new idea came to him. “Or…we nab one of their agents and demand a trade. It would give us a quick answer as to whether or not they have Garret. And if they do, the Elite is loyal. They’d make a trade in a heartbeat.”

He gave Victoria a sidelong glance to see if she liked that idea. It was the best he could come up with, and it might just work. Best case scenario, it would only take a couple days to complete, and they’d be home free with very little fallout.


Why on earth...

Looking up at Eli again Ryan just looks at him for a long moment before shaking her head. She would of figured he'd guess him first, it really wasn't strange thing. She wasn't sure why she felt irritated though.

   "No It's not Tal, just a...friend."

Ryan didn't like hiding who she was talking to, to Eli but if she told him...what stunt would they pull next to get Alec away from her? She didn't like living in fear, she didn't like this whole situation and she really hadn't had a chance to talk to Eli yet either.

   "If you must know I am talking to Alec. We are trying to figure out why on earth you guys would all tell me, and play that he is dead. I know everyone dosn't think highly of him, but really all this just for me to stay away from him. Did you not think he would text me? Because he is clearly not dead."

Holding her phone up for Eli to see Ryan shows him the text to Alec phone that was only her. She was confidante though, and hurt at the same time that Eli would do this.  After everything it was still hard for her to understand why.

Just listen to Justin Beth just nodded letting him continue. It was hard for her to really say anything seeing as she didn't know everything, but she could see that Justin really was torn on this one. For him it really must be harder than she could imagen. He'd always known the right path to go, and right from wrong. To be pulled now in two different ways it couldn't be fun at all.

   "Well, no matter what you deiced I know it will be the right thing. For all the time I have known you, you have been one of the most honest and upfront people with me. You've got a good heart Justin, and a talent for seeing what most people can't. So many really having those secrets is what makes people trust you."

Beth gives Justin a soft smile before putting her fork down and taking a sip of her ice water. Setting the glass down Beth is quiet for a long moment. Justin always delt with so much, and on top of that he delt with her too. Every since that day at the restront she'd regressed not doing much outside the house. Justin never complained but Beth felt bad anyways. Maybe, it was time to try again?

   "Maybe tomorrow morning before I go see my sister, you'd like to go for coffee?"

Returning the miss Stacy smiles up at Eric. Keeping a light on she would. In her window every night would be a candle that flickered for Eric to see when he returned. Maybe it was an old tradition but Stacy remembered her mother doing the same thing for her father when he was away. She said it would guide him home, and remind him someone was waiting for him. Just watching as Eric walked over to Ashlee, Stacy smiled. She was so happy things with them were ok. It was important to her, and important to there relationship that Ashlee was on bored too.

Getting that reassurance from Eric Ashlee smiles through her tired gaze. Just getting that little bit of reinsurance made her heart leap for joy. To most it might not be much but to her it was everything. Stepping forward Ashlee wraps her arms around Eric giving him a tight up. It was going to be a long long month without him and she hoped it would go fast.

   "I'll be waiting, so...you better."

Looking out the window as the clouds passed by Victoria was happy to let Aaron drive to where they were going to set up base. Her mind wondered to so many different things as each image of a new passed by the window. She'd never been in this area of the world if it had been under better reasons she might be a little excited. But Garret was gone still, no word, no contact, and no more leads. All she had to go on was the alias he had used. 

   "So were do you want to start once to make base?" 



First Fight

Eli wasn't sure why Ryan's response about Tal felt so strange. Something just felt...off. He knew she was hurting about Alec but...this was...different. Yet he couldn't put his finger on it.

Her question made him sigh and shake his head. "No...no, things aren't okay with Scarlet and me." He forced a wry grin. "Guess maybe it's our first fight. Could be worse, though." He shrugged. "I'll get it sorted out one way or the other." This whole thing bothered him a lot more than he let on - Scarlet was a major part of his life now, and having her leave like that...it hurt. But he knew he could fix it. He had to, and he would. It was just a matter of time, and a question of whether or not Scarlet would understand and be satisfied. Eli had confidence that they would be okay...he just wasn't sure about when.

Seeing Ryan was so preoccupied with her phone brought Eli's mind back around to the other bothersome subject. He cocked his head in curiosity. He wasn't usually one to pry but...

"Man, looks like somebody can't get enough of you tonight," he teased. "Is that Tal, texting to say he misses you?"

Justin shrugged, still contemplating the entire thing. "I'm not sure what I see. That's what's so hard. It's like what I want to say - what my gut's analysis would be - doesn't match what reality has proven."

He twirls his fork around the long pasta, knowing he was bothered more than he should be. That was his downfall with most cases. But he wanted to figure this out. This was a dangerous situation and if anyone got hurt because he hadn't spoken up, he'd have a rough time dealing with that.

"This person...he's dangerous, and I know that. Yet I'm not afraid of him. It's like...like a rattlesnake. As long as you don't scare or threaten him, there's nothing to be afraid of. And one could make him afraid to get results...but why taunt a rattlesnake? You'll either get bitten, or he'll wind up broken." Justin's eyes drop. This was where his heart truly was. "And you know I can't stand to see broken souls. This one is broken enough without me helping make it worse." Maybe that's what it was. Maybe he was seeing beyond the threat to the man underneath, and he could see Garret's broken soul.

Justin glanced back up at Beth and gave her a little smile. "I just don't like withholding information and I feel like I did that today, whether my gut said to or not."

Eric returned Stacy's hug, embracing her tightly. "Mm..." He chuckled. "Yeah, I promise not to run over my phone." Pulling back a little, he cocked his head to plant a tender kiss on her lips. "Keep a light on for me. I'll be back before you know it."

One last squeeze, and he parted, even though he could stand there all day with her. Making his way over to Ashlee, he smiled as he looked down at her. "Thanks for getting up to see me off." He tapped her under her chin with a finger. "Behave yourself, alright? And keep riding, so you'll be ready for an all-day trail ride." He gave her a wink. "'Cause I promise...I will be back."

Seeing Karla, Kip's smile grew. "You're not crashing the party. You're always invited." He finally stood up and gave her a warm hug and kiss on the forehead. "Besides, Quinn's getting bored of me anyway and already looking for his girlfriend."

Quinn looked up and smirked. "Yeah well you're a poor replacement in that area."

Kip rolled his eyes. "I'll take that as a compliment." He threw Karla a sidelong glance. "Ready for a walk? 'Cause my bones have been sitting still for far too long."

Smiling to himself, Quin quietly finished gathering up the musical items for the evening and threw their pop cans away. Many a person thought his life was strange, if not downright crazy, but...he was happy. And until he ever had a family to support...if that ever happened...he was quite content to live day by day.


Trust Your Gut

Looking up from her phone with a start Ryan just stairs blankly at Eli for a long moment before coming back to reality and giving a small smile to her brother. She hoped he and Scarlett were ok and whatever they had been fighting about was resolved, or at least soon.

    "Hmmm...? Oh...the race was good. I got second place though. Some new guy won and he had 2 noz tanks in his car. Dang near blew out his engine. I think he should of been disqualified but I guess thats just the poor losing talking in me."

Hearing her phone go off Ryan returns her attachen to that for a moment.

   Have you thought about what I had asked?

Ryan lets out a small sigh for a second. Alec had asked her to run away with him tonight. He said he just wanted it to be them again. To start over where no one new them, and no one hated him. At first Ryan thought it was a joke but now...did he really mean it? Could she do that?

   I don't think I could leave Eli. He's my brother the only one I got.

Looking up from her phone and seeing Eli was still standing there Ryan just looks at him for a long moment trying to remember what they were talking about. She had completely lost her train of thought completely for just a moment.

   "Tal...oh yeah yeah I saw him at the race. Is everything ok with you and Scarlet?"

Beth gives a smile to Justin. She was grateful he wanted to tell her everything, but she understood why she couldn't as well. Though it made it hard to understand what Justin was talking about at time she did try her best without asking to many questions.

   "Why do you like this person though? Does he remind you of you or someone else? I've never seen you read a person wrong so I guess I would just trust my gut."

Looking up at Eric Stacy new how sad she probley looked. Her time with Eric had went by to fast and while she new he was going to be back and a month was really not THAT long it still was going to feel like forever.

   "No breaking your phone this time and making me worry ok?"

Wrapping her arms around Eric Stacy gives him a tight hug. She didn't want him to go but she new he had too. She'd still be here though when he got back, and that really made it worth it. 

   "I sure am going to miss you."

Standing off to the side Ashlee lets out a long yawn. It was early, but she couldn't miss saying good bye to Eric. It was going to be a while before she saw him again and she was not missing out on the opportunity. She'd wait her turn though and let her mom and Eric say good bye first.

Walking down the street Karla was in a good mood today. It was not to warm, but not to cold. In her mind it was the perfect weather. Meeting Kip was the icing on the cake for sure. She loved spending time with him even if it was simple. Simple was good to her.

Rounding the corner Karla hears the music come to and end and smiles. She loved hearing Kip and Quinn playing. Kip was talented and with Quinn there too...she was just happy he had someone else to play with and drive him forward.

   "Hey, hope I'm not crashing the party. I'm a little early."




Eli stood and listened to Scarlet, frustrated but silent. He crossed his arms and sighed. “Please, just… don’t do this, Scarlet…” He stepped towards her bike, but it was too late. He watched her ride away until she was out of sight, and even then, he just looked at the empty street for a few minutes. 

Growling at himself, he walked back inside. This evening certainly hadn’t turned out the way he’d planned. He wasn’t worried about him and Scarlet…he knew he could sort this out, and he knew she wouldn’t go and dump him, but it was still aggravating. As soon as he was back inside, he grabbed his phone and dialed, rolling his eyes as he had to leave a message. “Reese. Eli. We gotta talk. Call me.” 

Flipping his phone shut, his next stop was down the hall where he knocked on his sister’s door and poked his head inside. “Ryan?” He was still confused as to why she was home already, and he felt just a little responsible since he’d been the one who had told Tal where to find her tonight. “How was the race? Didn’t you see Tal there?”

Justin played a little more with his spaghetti before taking another bite while listening to Beth’s answer. It was kind off funny, in a way. Him asking her advice for once. He nodded slowly at her thoughts. “I guess there are three sides to this one.” He couldn’t tell her everything – he wasn’t allowed to. The nature of this particular case was too sensitive. It wasn’t like a regular client where he was bound to confidentiality, but any case involving the Elite was labeled as private and he could only say so much. Not to mention, he wouldn’t want Beth involved anyway. 

He took a sip of water, still thinking. “I feel like I’m kinda stuck in the middle. If I’m loyal to one person, I’ll say everything that’s on my mind. But if I trust my gut, I’ll keep quiet about half of it. But I don’t even understand my gut on this one. I feel like I’m trusting someone I shouldn’t.” He sighed, knowing that probably none of this made any sense to her. “I met someone today that I like. I just do. There’s something there that… that intrigues me. But…according to all the facts, I shouldn’t have anything to do with them, yet I’m already protecting them and I don’t even know why.”

He smirked and looked back at Beth, giving her a sorry sort of grin. “You have no idea how hard it is for me to not just tell you everything all the time. And to be honest…” Just a little color rose to his face. “Well…” He shrugged. “You’re the first person I’ve ever wanted to tell everything to.”

The low rumble of the semi engine would wake only a few at the ranch. It was so early in the morning that it was still dark. The sky was just barely beginning to lighten along the eastern horizon, and stars were still shining brightly. It wouldn’t be too long before ranch dwellers would begin to rise and prepare for the day. Today though, only three were up already. Eric would have let Stacy and Ashlee sleep, but he wasn’t going to leave without saying goodbye to both of them. Four weeks away was going to be a very long time. 

After tossing his last bag into the cab, he stepped back down and turned to Stacy. He’d say goodbye to her first before going to see Ashlee. “Well…” He cocked his head and gave Stacy a small smile. Closing the gap between them, he set his hands on her hips, his eyes twinkling. “I promise I’ll call every chance I get. But boy am I gonna miss…” He paused and bit his lip. The late nights just sitting in the hayloft. The walks. The talks. The kisses. “…everything.” He grinned. “But maybe the month will go fast.”

There were always five or ten people who hung around to listen, while other passersby would wander close, perhaps leave a tip in the open guitar case, then go about their business. The street corner, lit by a warm street lamp, was an almost-surreal scene that attracted even those not prone to stopping and listening to two unknown musicians.

Kip’s fingers moved nimbly along the guitar strings, skillfully accompanying the notes played next to him. Quinn, as relaxed as ever, let his voice send soothing notes into the night air, singing along with the two guitars, and often encouraging Kip to harmonize – which he did quite well.

As the quaint song ended, a few people clapped, and Quinn lowered his guitar, sending a smile down at Kip. He leaned back against the brick building with one foot bent to rest on the wall, while Kip sat cross-legged on the sidewalk. He returned Quinn’s smile, and laughed. “You made up that last verse.”

“Did not! We’ve done that one before.”

“Yeah – but not that last line of words. You had me going in circles!”

Quinn laughed and sank down to sit next to his younger friend. “Okay, so maybe I forgot a few words and came up with my own.”

“Uh-huh. That’s what I thought.” Kip played a few random notes on the guitar before setting it in his lap and sighing. They’d been here for over an hour, and he was getting a little tired. It was a typical Friday night, though. For the last couple months, he and Quinn had met on this corner, giving the joy of music to anyone who cared to listen.

Quinn set his guitar aside and pulled his case closer to gather up the few dollar bills and coins they’d been given. It only took a moment to divide, and he handed Kip half.

“How many times do I have to tell you to keep the money?” Kip complained.

“You can tell me as many times as you want, and I still won’t listen.” Quinn dumped the small amount of cash into Kip’s own case.

“Yeah, well I’m not the one without a regular job.”

Quinn snorted. “First off, I’ve told you, I’m well set and taking my time figuring out where I want to get my main income, and second off, your job is nothing to brag about.”

“At least it pays my rent…sort of.” Actually, it was more like forcing Gramps and Gram to take any money at all, but since he was still living with them, he’d insisted.

“How’s it going, anyway?” Quinn flipped open a can of ginger ale and took a swig. “The job, I mean.”

“Pushing carts and stocking shelves at ungodly hours of the night?” Kip rolled his eyes. “I’ve been doing it six weeks and have survived, so I guess that means it’s going well enough.”

Quinn chuckled. “You could always chase down the band and forget about cart pushing.”

Kip put away his guitar and snapped shut the case but remained seated on the sidewalk. This wasn’t a new topic, nor was his response. “I keep telling you – when are you going to believe me? I added nothing to the band. They’re doing great without me. They already spent a whole month on the road. A relatively short tour, but for a band just starting, that’s big stuff, and they’ve sold quite a few albums too. All. Without. Me.”

“And all without the majority of the population. But that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t benefit from your talents.”

“Talents, shmalents.” Kip grabbed his own can of pop. “I fool around, that’s all. You know that.” That’s all this really was to him – something fun that allowed him to stay in touch with his love of music but without the pressure. If he messed up, there were no dire consequences and he let no one down. He’d stopped by a few times just to listen to Quinn, then had been coaxed to join in, and since then it had just been their habit. They’d never really agreed to meet every week, it just…happened.

“Yeah, well you got some shmalents then,” Quinn retorted. “You are one of the most naturally talented musicians I’ve ever met. A close second, if not just as good as my brother, and that’s saying something. You shouldn’t be wasting that talent here.”

“Wasting? Here?” Kip almost spit out his ginger ale. “What about you? You’re an incredible musician, but all you do is sing on the street corner, sing karaoke to make your girlfriend smile, and only once in a while take a gig at as much as a local coffee shop. How’s that for wasting talent?”

Quinn glanced at his watch. “Speaking of which…Anastasia should be here soon. We’re going out for ice cream tonight.”

“Don’t change the subject.”

Quinn sighed and glanced at Kip, dropping any silliness. “Look…I do this because I love it. I love the innocence. I love just making a few people smile. I love the simplicity. Making it big never did fit my goals or my personality. You, on the other hand… you do this because you’re hoping it will fill the hole you made when you left the band. You were meant to be there – it was your dream – and you walked away. You’re on this street corner because you crave a musical outlet since you no longer have the band – not because you love performing to a crowd of seven.”

Instead of getting upset, Kip simply fell silent and sipped his pop. What Quinn said wasn’t too far from what he’d discussed with Hope just recently. He was still seeing her every week or two, and it had helped. He was, perhaps, finally getting a few thing straight in his own mind and figuring out why he felt the way he did about things. “Well…as long as I’m still wrangling shopping carts for a living instead of playing in a band…and as long as you don’t mind my company…”

Quinn laughed and reached over to give Kip’s shoulder a shove. “If you suddenly disappeared, my grand audience might be disappointed, and I’d only make ten cents instead of five dollars.”

“Five dollars and fifty cents,” Kip corrected.

“Which translates into two dollars and seventy-five cents.” Quinn looked down the street to check and see if Anastasia was coming yet. “Hope she doesn’t mind buying the ice cream.”

Kip joined him in laughter and shook his head. Whether he was meant to be here or not – whether this was supposed to be his future or not – he was glad he’d found a friend in this musical vagabond. He finished the rest of his pop, waiting as well, but it was his own girlfriend he was waiting for. It would just be for an evening walk, but it was something he enjoyed. He and Karla didn’t have to ‘do’ anything to have a good time, and walking was something they both liked.


   "I have trusted you Eli always, with everything we have done. But that trust is there because of our honesty, and openness."

Taking her helmet Scarlet holds it for a long moment just searching Eli's face. She was angry at him, upset, and hurt. She new her eyes told most of that already so she didn't really need to say anything. She just didn't understand why Eli was doing this.

   "It's not that fact that you didn't tell me Eli, but that you are now trying to hide it from me. If I saw a new toothpaste on your counter and asked "Hey you decided to try something new huh?" you wouldn't tell me you didnt know what I was talking about and run into the bathroom to put it away would you? So why are you doing that pretty much with this?"

Scarlet didn't wait for an answer before putting her helmet on and getting onto her bike. She felt bad, and wanted to stay. For some reason even though she new she wasn't she felt like the bad guy in this situation. Like she was the one doing something wrong. Maybe it was because she loved Eli so much and she new she was hurting him. But he was hurting her too, he was hurting them.

   "I leave for work in two days and I'll be gone for two weeks. If you want to tell me whats going on you know my number if not...well...I guess you can tell me, when I get back. But I wont be hanging out with you again Eli till than. I just can't do it knowing you are willingly hiding something from me."

Starting her bike and letting out a long sign Scarlett pulls away from the road and heads home. Her heart pounded and she hoped Eli would call her. She didn't want to stay away but for her own health she really had too.

Dinner was good tonight and being able to share her cooking with someone else was even better. Beth loved when Justin was able to come over for dinner. Sure going out was always nice, but some quiet time home with a homecooked meal was even better.

Looking up at Justin and giving a smile Beth finishes what she had in her mouth giving her a moment to think as well. She new Justin had a rough day at work today though she didn't know any details she couldn't help but wonder  if this had anything to do with it.

   "Mmm...Yeah I have. But I've never really stewed on it to much. I guess I break it down and put myself in the other position and see what it would be like from there too. Sometimes the right thing is going against the rules if you know its going to hurt someone."