
Up 2 u

No sooner had Hunter pocketed his phone when it beeps. Grinning a little, he flips it back open again. Maybe Katie wasn't kidding when she said she'd answer at all hours. Sure enough, it was her replying. And... she said yes? Hunter was honestly a bit surprised. It had been a long shot but she seemed willing. 

Hitting "reply," Hunter types out a return message. 

Woot. Yeah meet me there or i can pick u up on my bike if i knew where u lived. I got a helmet if u got a jacket. Up 2 u.

He rolls his eyes but hits "send." She wouldn't say yes. But he had to throw that in anyway. Deciding to wait for her answer, he pulls his bike off to the side away from the pumps.

Eric waits patiently for Ashlee to get up in the saddle, smiling that it only took her two tries. He goes around the other side to make sure her feet were in the stirrups properly and gives her leg a pat. He knew she was excited and nervous, and that was okay - he'd expect nothing less from someone who had waited so long to ride. Moonbeam was as steady as a rock, so he wasn't worried about her reaction either. 

Going around to Static, he mounts up too, gathering his own reins plus Moonbeam's. "Okay... here we go..." Heading forward, he keeps both horses at a slow walk, knowing that it would feel much faster than it really was, for Ashlee the first few rides.

Steering the horses around the paddock, he keeps his eye on Ashlee. "Try to relax," he encourages with a soft chuckle. He wasn't going to give her many instructions today - today he just wanted her to enjoy herself and not worry about being proper. Next time, he'd start telling her how to sit better in the saddle. 

Listening to Grace, Jared wasn't too surprised at the little speech. He knew that just because he moved a toe, that didn't automatically mean that all was well. He still might not be able to walk. Although it was still a good sign. Grace's words seem to stimulate a stubbornness deep down, and he wonders if perhaps he'd had that kind of personality before.

The final question lingers in the air, until he nods. "I have nothing else to work towards," he answers. "And I don't want to live the rest of my life as as cripple if I don't have to. If there's any hope at all, I'm not going to give up. And even if there wasn't hope, I probably wouldn't give up either, so I guess you're stuck with me." 

He gives her another wry grin. "Too bad you can't work on my brain like you do my legs. Then maybe I'd be able to tell you about myself." Though he was trying to be humorous about his memory loss, his eyes betrayed him by revealing he wasn't quite as chipper as he liked to appear. There was depression there whether he wanted to admit it or not. He holds his grin anyway though.

False Hope and Faith

Sitting at home Katie sat on the couch bored out of his mind. She new Jason was out with his friends tonight and though he hadn't said Sandy was there but she had a feeling she was. But to save a fight she didn't say anything about it at all.

About to doze off Katie gives a little jump at her phone going off. Strange someone would be texting her this late. Maybe it was Jason? Part of Katie thought it would be nice if it was but it was doubtful. Pulling her phone out Katie was disappointed that it wasnt Jason but it did make her smile that it was Hunter.

   The lake...this time of night? Oh sure why not, Jas is out with his friends again so I might as well. Want me to meet you there?

Putting her boots on and finding they were the perfect fit Ashlee can't help but squeal a little more as she jumps up and heads for the door. She didn't want to wast anytime, there wasn't much time left before dinner and she wanted to get all she could in before than.

...Ashlee gives a nod to Eric as she puts her one foot into the stirrup. Trying to get up once it didn't work but Ashlee wouldn't give up, trying again she finally got it. Steadying herself Ashlee new she was nervous and wondered if Eric could see it but she was going to do this. 

  "Ok, I'm ready."

Hearing Jared's humor Grace can't help but give a little laugh as her cheeks turn slightly red but she didn't mind, and after all Jared was rather good looking. 

   "Ah...so its not going to be my charm and your will that helps you do this but my looks?"

Pulling a chair up to the bed and sitting down Grace was ready to get down to business and let Jared know what this would involve. It was not and would not be an easy road but in the end it would be worth it.

   "Well, we will start with stimulating your muscles, and nerves. Once we get those to the point where they are not still from not being used we will work on moving your legs, teaching you how to strand again. It will be long, it will be painful and I wont give you false hope if I don't think it will work. I'll be honest and upfront..but I need to know your going to give this your all and not give up. Can you do that for me?"

Grace cocks her head a little bit looking at Jared. She new God had a plan for everything, and his hand worked through everything so she had faith but still there was a difference between false hope and faith. She'd never let someone think they would be all better if they were not.


Turning to look at the door, Jared was used to seeing unfamiliar people in and out of here every day. This one seemed different though - she didn't look like one of the normal nurses. She was prettier than most of them, that was for sure. 

"Excitement? Oh yeah... tons." Giving Grace a wry grin, he accepts her handshake, slowly with his sore arm. Though his mood wasn't the greatest, there wasn't any point in being rude. "Physical therapy, huh? If I'da known you were it, I mighta tried harder to wiggle my toe sooner." 

Faint humor twinkled in his eyes. He usually got whacked for flirting with the nurses, but he didn't have anything better to do with his boredom. He was going out of his mind, lying here day in and day out. "So what happens now?"

Eric's smile just grows even bigger as Ashlee begs her mother to let her ride. It had been worth the wait. Worth the surprise. 

"Yeah you better try them boots on - otherwise we might have to postpone the riding," he teases. 

Watching Ashlee, his eyes drift back to Stacy. His expression thanked her... he was grateful for her allowing him to do this....

"Alright... you ready?" Eric grins down at Ashlee as they stood in the paddock. He held both Static and Moonbeam who were both saddled and waiting. "Left foot, left stirrup and swing yourself up." He pats Moonbeam's saddle. "Since this is your first time, I'll keep hold of the reins and Static and I'll steer 'til we get the hang of this." 

He gives Ashlee a wink. "Up ya go."

"Pizza and movie sounds good," Jason agrees. "In... fifteen minutes." His eyes drift close and he wraps his arms around Katie, sighing deeply. "Just fifteen minutes." 

It actually turned out to be half an hour after he'd dozed off, but they were able to enjoy some supper and a movie together before Katie went home. They never did talk about Sandy or Hunter again, although that whole thing still bothered Jason, even over the next couple days. He didn't bring it up though. By now it was too late anyway to stir up anything and Katie hadn't mentioned Hunter again, so surely there was nothing there anyway for him to be uptight about.

The weekend came and went, and it wasn't until Monday that Jason told Katie he'd be out with friends again that night. He mentioned Rusty and Will, but kept Sandy's name out of it. That day after work, Jason said he'd see Katie tomorrow.

Monday night. Hunter sits on the floor of his living room, paper, pictures and other paraphernalia scattered around him. The box that had been sitting by his shelf was tipped over and half-empty. He wasn't sure what had prompted him to go through it now. Other than the fact that his buddies were all going to the riverside tonight and he hadn't really wanted to. He'd been there a million times, and tonight he didn't have a date so it would be boring. Of course he hadn't told them that. He'd told Wade that he had a girl over at his place and wouldn't be available until morning. And, as predicted, the lie was accepted and he maintained his reputation. And of course, the result was him sitting here on his floor like a lame dufus, sorting through old stuff he hadn't even wanted to look at.

Setting aside another karate medal, part of him wanted to hang them up somewhere, and part of him just wanted to forget all of them. It wasn't so much that he disliked remembering the sport... but it reminded him too much of Break Out. He'd done a lot before that group, for sure... but that was the last time he'd done anything with karate and so that's what stuck in his mind whenever he thought about anything revolving around the sport.

Sighing, he scrounges around in the box and pulls out a picture frame. Inside was a photo of him and Kyle. A lump rises in his throat. He missed having a best friend. He missed having a guy he could trust with anything. He missed hanging out and laughing. Kyle had been like a brother.

Hunter thinks about Break Out and when they'd had to say goodbye. It hadn't been fair to anybody. Nobody knew what they were going to do or how they would survive. Futures had been turned upside-down without notice. Chaos. Inward panic and dismay. For everybody... except Kyle. An opportunity had been dropped in his lap before he'd even left the team. Not only did he have Alice, but he suddenly had a bright future again, just like that.

The old jealousy starts to boil again and Hunter turns the picture face-down onto the carpet. Kyle had just walked away scott free. That was it. See ya. Gone. And everybody else still had to figure out how to survive. How did he rate, getting the girl and the future? What was so great about him that he got special treatment?

A sigh surfaces. The image of Kyle's face the other night was burned into Hunter's mind. Surprise. Displeasure. Disappointment. Irritation. Hurt. But seeing all that in Kyle's eyes hadn't brought any satisfaction. On the contrary, it had just made Hunter even more mad. A few years ago, Hunter would have calmed down and apologized right away to work things out. And now...?

Rising from the floor, Hunter leaves the mess where it is. Slipping on his motorcycle boots and grabbing his leather jacket, he's out the door, downstairs and around the corner to the small shed where he kept his bike. Releasing the padlock it takes him only a few moments to take out his motorcycle, don his helmet and hit the road.

Leaning low over the bike his eyes focus on his lane through the face shield of his helmet. The lights flew by in a blur as he leans to the right and left, weaving through traffic. A red light whizzes by as he disregards stopping at an intersection. Shifting gears, his body lowers even more. The city streets were a dangerous racetrack - even more so at this time of night - but he didn't care.

After leaving Break Out, he'd wandered a while before falling into a group of street racers. He was a quick learner and a natural behind the wheel, gaining him a few fast wins. After that, he was hooked. He'd raced both car and motorcycle, picking up the sport very quickly, which gave him a jumpstart on much-needed income. He couldn't quit though. Not after experiencing the adrenaline rush. The crowds, the booze, the excitement... it helped drown out his past whenever he wanted. Winning his current car and motorcycle had been icing on the cake. And coming to Nevada... maybe he felt drawn to his roots. Or maybe he wanted to check out the desert racing. Or maybe somewhere deep down, he'd wanted to see if his past still existed.

Missing a turning car by inches, Hunter could feel his pantleg brush the bumper. Death - or worse - missed by a mere two inches. Flashing lights suddenly appeared in his mirror. Not a surprise, but he wasn't worried. Still swerving around traffic and dodging red lights, the cop gets further and further behind. Hitting the breaks and sliding on the pavement, Hunter skids into an alley and cuts his headlight. Looking back over his shoulder, he waits a few moments before seeing the cop drive by. Poor clueless soul. Steering back out onto the street, Hunter aims in the opposite direction, speeding up again.

Half an hour later, Hunter's speed had slowed. He'd outraced two more cops and had just about been plowed down by a delivery truck. He was numb though. None of that bothered him.

Pulling into a gas station at the edge of town, he finally cuts the engine and takes off his helmet. Dismounting, he unzips his jacket and starts pumping gas, heaving a deep sigh as he waits. Maybe the lake would be a good place to go tonight. He checks his watch. It was almost ten o'clock. Most likely there would be very few people at the beach at this hour. Some quiet would be nice. A bit of star gazing. It was a far cry from a party, but it seemed to fit his mood tonight. Although... being alone wasn't so fun either. 

As the pump clicks off, he hangs it back up again before heading into the station to pay. While there, he grabs a liter of Mountain Dew and a couple milky way candy bars. Back at his motorcycle, he puts his purchase in the side compartment and mounts up again. Just ready to start the engine though, he pauses. Why the thought crossed his mind, he wasn't sure. Maybe it was just because there was nothing else to do or no one else to be with. It was silly though. At this hour? It wasn't late to him, but to some, it was plenty late to be out doing anything. 

He shrugs. What did he have to lose? Settling back in the motorcycle seat, he retrieves his cell phone and finds Katie's number to text. 

Bored. Wanna hang at the lake?


Giving her own yawn Katie had to agree with Jason. After spending so much time outside chasing after Kaylee bed seemed pretty good even if it was still early. She new for one thing she would definitely sleep tonight.

   "She sure does."

As Jason pulls her closer Katie sinks down on the couch and leans her head onto his chest. She new they were both were ignoring what had happened earlier today and they should talk about it...but now Katie didn't want too. She was comfortable with Jason and just wanted to enjoy the night.

   "I don't feel much like cooking myself so...how does pizza and a move sound tonight?"

Looking between her mom and Eric Ashlee just continued to smile. This really was the best gift ever, Ashlee was so happy and something told her that her mom was in on it but it was the best. 

As Eric says that he will give her the first lesson today if her mom says its ok Ashlee's face lights up even more as she quickly looks to her mom her heart racing faster than she even thinks she it had before.

   "Can I mom before dinner? PLEASEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

Seeing how happy and excited Ashlee was Stacy didn't even gave the heart to say no. The look in her eye was on full of joy there was life there and Stacy new she couldn't put that out nore would she ever want too.

   "Yes that is ok with me as long as you try the boots first to make sure they fit."

Flipping through a clip bored and entering Jared's room a woman about medium height, and  avrage build enters the room. Her long honey brown color hair and blue eyes stood out as her soft smile could light up a room. 

   "Hey there...Jared. It seems like you have had a little excitement humm?"

The woman comes a little closer as she looks down at Jared. She had heard about what happened, and new most of the story of his injoreys. She had seen many people with many different things that had happened to them but this was a very odd case in deed.

   "I'm Grace, I'll be helping you with you PT. Its very nice to meet you."

Grace holds her hand out to Jared. She was pleased to meet him, and she did want to help him like she did with all her patents. Him being able to wiggle his toe had been the start, getting to know him slowly was the next, than slowly helping him was the last.