
The Story

Looking up and seeing Justin come in Beth almost gives a smile but stops. She hadn't though he wouldn't show but it was nice to just confirm to herself that he did care enough to come. Waiting for him to come over Beth gives another sip to her coffee.

Once Justin has made his way over and sitting down Beth gives a little smile. Shaking her head a little bit she understood what Justin was saying though tonight had been the first time in a while she felt like this.

"This is the first time in a long while I have felt like this. I saw a group of people today after work and I'm not sure why but it just hit me how lonely I really was."

Drawing quiet for a moment there was more on Beth's mind that she wanted to say but she wasn't sure where to start. It was hard to think about it, let along talk about it. Justin was her friend though and if she told him maybe it would help him understand her a little more.

"I was twelve and Sarah was ten when our parents died. I was out at a friends house, and Sarah stayed home because I didn't want her to come along for once. My dad came home drunk and...ranted about something or other so they tell my anyways. I guess the people next door heard the fight."

Beth takes in a deep breath the pain was clear in her eyes that it was hard talking about this, but she continued anyways still looking into the blackness of her coffee.

"My...mom had Sarah go hide, and the fight continued. My father got really angry and ended up shooting my mother killing her. Than he went looking for Sarah and if he had found her he probably would of killed her too. Sitting down on the bed Sarah was hiding under he ended up shooting himself. Sarah saw everything and since that night she hasn't spoken a word. Not to me, not to anyone. I know she's listing though you can see it in her eyes. She just...locked herself away so tight. I know it's not my fault, and if I had been there it wouldn't have changed anything but...It's just one of those things I guess. Since than trusting people has not been my strong part, and keeping my walls up was easier than being hurt."

She new that she had locked herself away too. Not like her sister had, but in her own way and area she had.

"Since than though so many years ago I haven't felt so alone, till tonight and....your...you the only friend I have so...I called you. Even if we don't talk it...its just nice to know...your there."

A drag

With the call ended, Justin puts the phone back and fishes around for his wallet and keys. Though he was used to staying up late, he normally didn't leave the house at this hour so it takes him just a few minutes to make sure he had what he needed and could leave whatever else the way it was until he got back.

Making sure both dogs are still chained up in the yard, he heads to the truck. It takes only two tries to get it started this time, and he heads across the country back roads before finally making it to the highway.

Arriving at Eddie's. he parks in the almost-deserted parking lot. He recognizes Beth's car though, so picks a space next to hers. Wandering inside, he spots her at the table and smiles with a short wave. Seeing she had her coffee, he holds up one finger to signal he'd be right there, and he heads to the counter first.

"Hey, Justin." The man at the counter smiles, recognizing his customer.

Justin nods. "Hey."

"You're out late tonight."

"Yeah, you know me." Justin scans the menu, thinking.

"What'll it be tonight? Your regular?"

"Naw... I need something with a little more zip to it tonight." Justin normally went for straight coffee with a bit of cream, but tonight he did need to perk up a little more.

Once he has his drink, he heads over to the table where Beth was waiting. Offering her another smile, he eases down across from her. Resting his elbows on the table, he cocks his head, studying her face with a gentle, understanding gaze. "Late night lonelies are really a drag, aren't they?"


Hearing where Justin wanted to go for coffee was fine with Beth. She new the place, and that this late at night they were pretty good still. It wasn't to far away ether so it wouldn't be a problem to get there.

"Yeah I know where Eddie's is. It's not to far away. Should only get fifteen minutes to get there so I can save you a spot. Thanks Justin."

Hanging up the phone Beth sits in the bed for a moment. She had really agreed to having coffee with Justin...on her own will? Was this really the right thing to do? Would this help and cure her loneliness?

Getting out of the bed and looking down at her sweat pants Beth doesn't even both to change. She was comfortable the way she was and it was late. What would be the point of changing?Grabbing a hoody from her closet and pulls it over her head before slipping her sandles on and heading out to her car.

Like expected Beth makes it there in about fifteen minutes. Ordering her coffee and now sure what Justin would want Beth picks a seat by the door but a little ways away from where anyone else might be. Putting a little sugar in her coffee Beth stirs her coffee and waits for Justin knowing she was a little early. Keeping her eyes on her coffee Beth just waits.

Leaning into Eli and pressing her lips to his once again her arms still around his neck Scarlet didn't want to miss a moment of the affection from Eli. She loved how his kiss felt and sweet it tasted. She'd missed him and now being in his arms again confirmed it.

"Mmm...good I'll make sure to keep these to show Jimmy and than for my own personal collection if I ever need black mail."

Bringing herself to closer to Eli Scarlet continues to smile at him. Hearing he missed her a lot made her feel really good.

"If I had anything planned its now out the window if your asking me to dinner. I'd rather have a nice time out with you than sit here and eat something frozen. I miss you to much to turn dinner down."

Entering the house Ryan was still moving slow. It hurt to walk, it hurt to drive, it hurt to do anything at the moment. Throwing her keys on the little table and hearing her cell phone go off at the same time Ryan goes into her pocket with care. Seeing Alec's text message Ryan lets out a small sigh. She might be disappointed but she understood and if she went to him tonight that was just as good.

Bummer on the boss, but tonight I have no problem coming to see you. Lotion is being put by my keys so I don't leave without it. I'll see you a little bit later. <3

Finishing with the message and hitting send Ryan heads into her room and grabs the bottle of Aloe lotion taking it and putting it with her keys. Going back into the living room Ryan eases down on the couch slowly leaning back and turning the tv on to find something interesting to watch.

Come c me?

If it had been anyone else, Justin probably would have declined the request to go out for coffee. It was late, he was tired and he'd already settled in for the night. But hearing Beth's reasons, sensing her loneliness and hearing her voice quiver, he couldn't say no. Professional peers would warn him against such a move, and his own common sense might, too - he'd already moved too quickly once before, and his frustrations for Beth's situation weren't all that far below the surface. But... she wanted someone tonight... needed someone. And if he ignored the silent cry for help, he might very well come to regret it. No... he couldn't turn his back now. This was too important.

"Sure." The word slipped right out of his mouth. "I'd rather have some coffee than read anyway and I'm a night owl."

Wandering to the hallway where his flipflops were, he slips them on instead of bothering with socks and shoes. He didn't even know where Beth lived or what would be a short or long drive for her. He racks his brain for somewhere they could go, especially at this hour.

"Do you know where Eddie's is? It's that all-night coffee shop on the highway." It was a nicer place than a fast food joint, safe even late at night, well-lit and clean. It was about a half-hour drive for him, but he didn't mind. "I can be there in thirty-minutes but I don't even know if that's close to you."

Eli can't help but laugh along with Scarlet. He'd already laughed plenty over the whole thing with Roth, but seeing Scarlet laugh, he had to join her.

As she pushes him back a little and sits in front of him, he grins before returning her kiss. His eyes twinkled with humor. "Yeah, I haven't seen Jimmy - I knew you'd want to tell him yourself. And yes, I got duplicate prints."

Chuckling again, he goes for another quick kiss. "It was way too boring without you around, you know that?" He'd missed her more than he'd thought he would, especially after not having been going out with her all that long. "You got plans for supper?"

Alec walks quietly across the TJY main floor, trying to make it to the hallway where he could duck down the stairway and avoid Reese before he was questioned as to where he'd been.


No such luck. Alec stops, cringing a little as he turns to see Reese coming towards him. "Yeah?"

As Reese nears, he almost has trouble not grinning as he now sees how sunburned Alec was - served him right for sneaking out again, though that was probably less painful than what Reese had to tell him. "Where have you been all day?"


"With whom?"

"None of your business."

Reese sighs, setting his hands on his hips. If he'd seen any attitude change, he might respond differently. But he couldn't change his mind now. He baits Alec. "How many times have I told you that you can't just come and go from here as you please? What's it going to take?"

"Maybe you can get me my own place like you've been promising," Alec retorts. He knew that he should be grateful for all the Elite was doing for him, but he was still impatient. "Or have you forgotten?"

"No, actually..." Reese purses his lips grimly. "I was going to take you over to your own apartment this morning. But... when I went down to get you, you weren't there. So the vacancy had to be filled by another waiting client."

Alec's anger flares as he grits his teeth. He knew Reese wasn't a liar, but it still burned him up that this had happened. He didn't want to blame himself, but Reese had him cornered with no where to go. The bare truth was that he was at Reese's mercy and he hated it. "You could have warned me."

"I thought you'd obey the rules." Reese shrugs. "You'll have to wait now for another place to open up."

"How long?"

"Don't know. But you might want to stick around from now on so you don't miss the boat again."

Glaring at Reese, Alec spins on his heel and stalks down the hallway. An angry fist lashes out to hit the wall, but winds up hitting the closed door of the spare room with a bang. Still seething, he heads downstairs to his room... lair... cell... dungeon.

Flopping down on the cot, Alec grabs his cell phone and sends a text message to Ryan.

No go 4 2nite. Top dog on warpath. Come c me?

His thumbs hover above the buttons until he continues with one last line.


Send. Alec sighs and leans his head back on his pillow. Why did such a good day have to be ruined by Reese's pigheadedness? It wasn't fair.