
Big Brother

Giving a little laugh as Leo helps her up Cassy laughs a little. Him buying lunch she had no problem with that and wouldn't argue. Just having Leo to eat lunch with was a nice thing.

Seeing Leo's hand held out to her Cassy takes it in her own. For a moment she just looks at it, taking in the marks showing the work he did was hard, but also the soft tone they had to him. Bringing her lips to the bruise she gives it a little kiss before pulling away and giving a smile, than letting his hand go.

"What kind of studio would I be running if I didn't? Let me grab you one."

Heading into the other bathroom Cassy grabs the first aid kit and bring it back out. Pulling out an ace bandage for Leo she throws it to him. Before closing the kit up again. Now what to do about lunch. Cassy new she was hungry but for what she wasn't sure.

"Lets see...what to eat. We've had pizza and subs already..how about chinese?"

Smiling a little as Susanne enters the office Dalton gives a nod.

"Sure, I'd love to sigh it."

Taking the card from Susanne and getting his pen Dalton jots a little message inside. He missed Scott more than anyone new. His days were long and with out his friend to mess around with. Hearing he was not doing well really hit home and he hoped Scott would be better soon.

Hey there Little Buddy. Get better soon. It's not the same around here without you talk to and hang out with. If you need anything at all give me a call. I'm rooting for ya. -Hulk.

Looking up at Susanne again he hands the card back. His eyes filled with there own emotions for his friend.

"Have you heard anything on how he's doing?"

Seeing his brother slip into the infirmary nothing seemed to get past the young boys eyes as he charges full speed ahead wanting to know what Dylan was doing and if it was anything exciting. Getting to the the door and opening it BJ watches for a long moment seeing what Dylan was doing. Something didn't seem right but he stepped in even more.

"What are you doing in Angel's house big brother?"

Entering TJY Hope had just gotten back from seeing Scott. The day had not gone as well as planned and everything seemed to be falling apart worse than before but she wouldn't give up yet.

Heading for the infirmary Hope wanted to take a shot in the dark after remember something Alec has said to her once. It was worth a shot, and if it helped than it would be well worth it.

Knocking on the door and entering Hope makes her way over to Rick gives a small smile though her eyes looked very tired.

"Rick, I was hopping if its ok I could talk with Alec about something. I remember him mentioning to me once something about what they did at the Agency and I was hoping maybe he could tell me a little more so I can help Scott better."

At this point in time anything was better than nothing even if it was a baby step twords an answer.

Kiss it

Leo laughs and shakes his head. "You keep buying me lunch and you're not gonna have enough money to finish this place."

Slithering back into the hole again, he works with the pipe one more time. "How about I buy this time?"

He grunts as he tries to loosen the pipe again. "It would make me feel better anyway." A loud clink and Leo's hand slamming into the toilet brings him back out again, this time sucking his knuckles. "That's it. You're right. Lunch."

Managing to stand up, he helps Cassy up too. "Food always helps. Now, where would you like it from this time?" Rubbing his sore hand, he grimaces a little. "Unless you can kiss this and make it feel better, maybe a trip to the medicine cabinet should come first. You got an ace bandage?"

Susanne knocks on Dalton's office door and enters slowly, giving him a small smile. "I didn't want to interrupt you... but I have this card here." She holds it up for him to see. "It's for Scott... I've been having people here sign it and... I thought you might want to too."

Dylan wanders across the lawn, looking around, his hands stuffed in his pockets. Seeing no one around and knowing that Angel was in the dining hall's kitchen with Wendy, he aims casually for the infirmary. Reaching the door, he takes one last glance around before letting himself inside.

Glancing around the first room, he sees the desk, some filing cabinets... nothing of too much interest. Ambling to the back, he tries the next door, finding it lock. Not surprising. Fishing in his pocket, Dylan draws out his pocket knife and begins working on the lock. It doesn't take him a full minute before he hears the click.

Putting the knife back, he opens the door slowly and spots the cabinets he was looking for. Heading towards it, he fingers the glass doors, reading the labels of bottles inside. He takes his time, cocking his head to see around to some of the other bottles near the back. Bingo.

Using his knife again, he picks the smaller lock on the doors until he's got it open. Reaching carefully inside, his hand is not as steady as it should be for maneuvering around all the bottles and syringes, but he manages to latch onto the pills he'd been looking for. Drawing them out, he looks at the label to make sure they were the pain killers he thought they were.

Crack Kills

Seeing Scott attitude when back completely to what it was before and his hand slips from Hope's she lets out a long sigh. Things would get better, but when? Watching Scott walk away Hope just continues to watch. Today she new there would be no more good moods or ups for Scott.

Letting out another sigh Hope walks twords the building again herself. She'd head to the library again like the day before and spend some time getting lost in some books, before going to see Scott, and than heading home again. Hope new for quite a while this would be the pattern she would follow, But for as long as it took she would.


Libby can't help the chuckle that escapes her lips at his comment not minding the teasing that much. It was normal for Ty to lightly tease, if it changed now something would have to be wrong.

"I thought for sure if I called you cutie pie you might chase me down, and handsome well thats and understatement to say the least so I figured Babe would fit better."

Giving him a little slap to the shoulder Libby smiles getting there drinks and going back to set them down on the tray before picking it up and following behind Ty with a little laugh.

"Alright alright I am coming. You pick where we sit."

Watching Leo and slightly helping Cassy can't help but giggle at Leo. She thought it was kind of funny and it made her smile. Taking her foot she runs it into his and looks at home with a silly grin.

"Its ok, your making me smile. I'd rather laugh with you, than have some big plummer here, and have to look at his pants falling down all day. Crack kills you know"

Moving around again Cassy holds the pipe once more where Leo had showed her before trying again to help but feeling she really was getting in the way. She was having fun trying anyways.

"So after all this work I think its calls for lunch. Sound good to you?"

Looking up at Carson Thirteen gives a small nod. At least he was going to let her help a little though she really wanted to explain herself more to him. She didnt want him to think she was hiding while she liked it back here more and it was comfortable it was really her love for cooking that had driven her to ask.

"I'm...I'm not hiding. I've just been cooking more at home, and I like it so I though I would be happy doing that more than the tables."

Looking down at her hands for a long moment Thirteen falls silent. She thought it would be nice to learn more about cooking too so at home she could try to cook different things for Ryder. Looking up again she gives a little smile to Carson.

"Well...thank you for letting me help in the kitchen. It's better than nothing. Thank you."

Giving a little nod Thirteen leaves and heads back to her work to try and finish out the day before it was time for Ryder to come and get her so they could go home.

Even I have to

Scott's hopes are dashed as Hope backs away, refusing his request. The guilty half of him was glad his affections hadn't worked, but the other half of him was frustrated that nothing worked at all. He was stuck here, plain and simple. She knew him too well to give in and it stunk.

"I'm not hungry." His voice was quiet again, disappointed and defeated. His hand slips from hers and he puts both in his pockets instead. "I just wanna go back to my room." He starts forward at a slow pace, his feet dragging. "You do whatever you want."

Ty's eyebrows rise a little bit, a grin tugging at his mouth. "Uh, yeah... water is good." Following after her to get their drinks, he's still grinning. "Babe, huh?"

Leaning over her shoulder from behind, his face is right next to hers, the teasing glint in his eye. "I was thinking more along the lines of 'handsome' or 'cutie pie.'"

Unable to help a little laugh, he kisses her cheek before straightening up and ruffling her hair. "C'mon, hurry up, I'm starving, what's the holdup?"

Leo gives a little start, having not realized Cassy had joined him. "Yeah..." His voice seems to echo against the porcelain, his head still out of sight behind the toilet. "It just doesn't want to budge." He gives a brief grunt as he works with the awkward position.

Seeing Cassy's hand come around the other side, he takes hold of it, placing her fingers where they should be. "Grab tight there and.... don't... let it...." His wrench slips and his hand flies back, ramming the pipes that ran up the wall for the sink. "...slip." Catching his breath, he moans as the top of his hand throbs. "That was smart, Leo... really smart."

Moving around, his legs hit Cassy on the other side. "Oh, sorry." Trying to get a grip to slide out from the corner, his arm presses against hers. "Sorry again." Squirming and wriggling from between the wall and toilet, he moves around, coming up and hitting her other arm with his head. "Ah... sorry."

Breathing heavily, he just sits there a moment right next to Cassy and checks his already-bruised hand. "I'm gonna get that thing loose if it's the last thing I do." Shifting around to sit back against the wall, his food bumps her bottom. "Oops.... yeah." His face reddens slightly. "Aren't you glad you called the klutz for the toilet?"

Carson folds his arms and contemplates for a few quiet moments, watching Thirteen as she waits. He didn't like other people back here in the kitchen unless they had to be... he didn't even like his own sister helping him cook. So it had nothing to do with how he felt about a person - he simply had taken over the kitchen as his domain and he liked it that way. That didn't mean he wouldn't accept help when he needed it though, and it didn't mean he didn't have any soft spots either. The only concern he had was hibernation.

"Tell you what..." He purses his lips in thought. "For now, how about on days when I need more than two hands back here, I let you come back and help instead of Dani? She likes the tables better anyway. That way you can spend part of your time back here off and on, we can keep things going smoothly and I can teach you some more, too."

He looks at Thirteen's eyes with more compassion than he usually showed, along with a gentler tone. "I don't want you hiding back here, Thirteen. Even if it's uncomfortable to be out there, you have a lot to offer and you need to get used to being around people, okay? Even I have to go out and tend to the tables sometimes."


Taking in Scott's kiss for the long moment giving back her own passion. It had been so long since she had sheared a kiss like this in a long time. Feeling it now made Hope realize just how much she had missed it even more.

As Scott pulls away Hope wished the moment could last longer and hearing he still loved her Made Hope feel good. After everything he still did lover her so it felt good. But soon her own thoughts were stopped dead in there tracks as Scott's plea is heard. The sudden realization on what this was all about. Not an act of love, but just an act of desperation that sent a whole new pain to her heart, as a large crack formed.

The painful look passed through Hope's eyes as she backed up from the kiss with Scott her hand slipping down into his again. She was hurt, oh so hurt, but that didn't change how she felt. Scott was in there somewhere, and he would get better she new it. So she wouldn't give up no matter how much pain she did endure.

"Come on, lets go back inside now and find something to eat."

Keeping her other arm around Ty wast she she leans into him a little Libby continues to scan the menu for what she wanted only looking away for a moment to glare at the guy behind the register and than look up at the menu again.

"I think...the sesame chicken looks good so I'll have that along with a medium lo main and we can share if you like."

Libby looks back to Ty smile again before looking back to the other guy the grin on her face was large so happy to have Ty's arms around her, his affection shown to her was a nice warmth.

"I think thats all we will be having. Oh, I'll grab a water too. Did you want something to drink babe?"

Standing in the doorway now in her jeans and a t-shirt Cassy can't help but laugh just a little bit as she watched Leo. He looked like he really was having a big problem with the pipes.

"I guess these pipes are a little hold and just don't want to come free huh?"

Squatting down in front of the toilet she trys to reach around to help taking some of the pressure off one of the pipes to be able to help with taking the other off not sure if it would work or not.

"Maybe I should put in a whole new one if its this old shesh."

Watching as Alec moves over a little and pats the bed Ryan doesn't hesitate climbing up and sitting with him. Starting in on the food Ryan stops every once and a while returning the kiss to Alec not minding at all they were interrupting to meal.

"I think its funny watching Rich get all bothered."

Going in for another kiss Ryan lets it linger longer than the others bringing her hand to the side of his face till sliding to the back of his head running through his hair. Pulling away she gives a grin before going back to the food.

Watching Alec and Ryan for a long moment a grin just moves over Misty's lips as she looks over to Rick and grins.

"I guess he really is related to Carson huh?"

Shaking her head and going back to her work Misty didn't mind the missing scene at all. Her and Carson had gone though it, it was normal to her.

Continuing to look at Carson Thirteen's heart seemed to thump in her chest not sure if Carson was saying yes or no, or what he was sating. Giving a shake of her head though at his question she continues looking to look him in the eye with respect.

"No, I...I don't feel comfortable out there. I really like cooking though its a lot of fun and I feel safe back here. If...you don't want me to I understand I just though maybe the change would be nice."

Just standing there Thirteen shifts her weight a little bit waiting to see what Carson official answer was. She really did want to cook, and she new if he said no she would be hurt a little bit but he was the boss so she had to follow what he said.

Giving an even wider smile Karla didn't mind the confirmation sometimes it made her feel good. Leaning into Kip a little as he slung his arm around her Karla couldn't help but give a little laugh.

"For some reason I dont think I would mind being stuck to much."

It was nice being with Kip and his friends they often helped Karl laugh when she had nothing else to laugh about. Kip had become one of her best friends and she was so thankful he was around to help her keep her chin up.

Can't read?

Scott is still for a moment as Hope hugs him. Maybe someday he'd be lucky enough to understand how she could love him that much and still put him in a place like this.

Slowly, his own arms wrap around her, hugging her back and bringing her close to him. Resting his head on top of hers for a moment, he slips down to her cheek to give it a soft kiss. Then drawing back slightly, he pulls her away just far enough that he can lean in to press his lips to hers. He doesn't make it a quick kiss though... he takes his time. Deepening the motion, his hands rub Hope's back while the other palm moves up to cradle her face then slide around to the back of her head where his fingers could run through her hair. Pressing her against him, he tilts his head the other way, murmuring into her lips and encouraging the kiss to continue. He knew she missed times like these when they would spend evenings alone.

After several long moments of passion, Scott gradually retreats, quietly catching his breath as his fingers still comb Hope's hair, his other hand still slowly rubbing her back. Looking down into her eyes, he searches them with desperation. His voice is but a whisper. "I love you too... please... please take me home," he begs. He was ashamed of his tactic, but if it worked, he would be rid of this horrid place.

Glancing down at Libby for a moment as he asks for help with the menu, Ty is at the right angle to receive the quick kiss to his lips. Even though he had wondered if last night had been more than a one-time impulse, he hadn't thought she'd kiss him again this soon, let alone in public.

Blinking and just staring at her, he hardly even hears her reading the menu so when she stops with a giggle, he doesn't even know how to respond. "Uh..." He blinks again. "Did you just say cow brains?"

He shakes his head, suddenly realizing what an idiot he sounds like as his face grows red. He can't help a laugh though, giving Libby an extra squeeze with his arm. Looking over to the kid behind the counter, he points at the menu. "Ah... sweet and sour... chicken." He glances to Libby again. "You did say that was one of those things... up there... right?" He laughs again, feeling even more stupid.

The kid looks at them dryly with no humor. "Can't read?"

Ty quirks an eyebrow and looks back at him. "Nope. Can't respect your customers?"

The kid smirks a little, getting the point. "Just order."

Ty rolls his eyes. "I just did. Libby, what do you want?"

"Hey there." Leo smiles at Cassy, cocking his head a little. He was glad to see her practicing dance moves, showing that she hadn't given up on herself.

"Tools... yes." He takes the box, sifting through what she had. "Looks good. You can change, I'll head to the toilet."

Saluting with a wrench, he spins around and heads to the bathroom, shedding his jacket on his way. Once there, he finds the stubborn toilet and sets to work. Ten minutes later, he's lying on his back, wedged between the toilet and the wall, clinking around the pipes and trying to get some of them apart, sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Alec sits back and doesn't say much while Ryan is gone, now in sour spirits, hearing he couldn't leave. Was he to be a prisoner the rest of his life? When would they tire of him and let him go?

Joined up again with Ryan, there's a mischievous glint in his eye as she throws her comments around in front of Rick. Grabbing a chicken nugget, he nibbles on it and shrugs. "I guess I'm healing. They wont' give me as many pain meds anymore." He throws Misty a sidelong glance. "She's treating me alright though. Now I see why Carson stuck around."

Looking back at Ryan, he gives her a wink and moves over on the bed, patting the mattress for her to join him. Once they're both settled, there's barely enough room, but he doesn't care. The food is on Ryan's lap, his on arm is back around her shoulders, and one leg is hooked over hers. Munching on a french fry, he pauses to give her a kiss, then takes a sip of pop, and returns for another kiss. He enjoyed it, no doubt, but there was a bonus, knowing that they were driving Rick batty. Pretty soon, he was liable to kick one of them out.

Carson pauses his work, seeing that Thirteen really did want to talk to him. Turning around, he leans back against the counter and listens, cocking his head a little. She wanted to be back here in the kitchen? That was interesting.

Thinking a moment, he shifts his weight, considering the options. "Well... some days it gets a little busy back here, I'll admit. I do like you working tables though. The customers like you and you do a good job. You and Dani and Aerith make a good team."

He studies Thirteen's face for a moment. She's said she wanted to be back here doing something she liked. "You don't like working the tables, ay?"

Kip rolls his eyes, pretending he was going to whack Karla over the head for implying they might mind having her along. He smiles though, shaking his head.

"What? You think we're gonna drop you once we get some gigs going? Who do you think we are?"

He moves to sling an arm around Karla's shoulders. "Sorry, but I think you're stuck with us. That is... if you want to be. Now if you'd rather be left in the dust, you just say so, but I guarantee it'll be more fun running around with this bunch."


Waiting for Ty to open the door for her Libby smiles and gives a small nod of her head as she heads in. She thought it was sweet for him to hold the door open for her. She'd never saw that much anymore so it was nice to know she got the winner who had manners.

Feeling Ty's arm sling over her shoulders Libby turns her head a little and gives a smile. Leaning in for a moment she gives him a quick soft kiss to the lips before turning back to the bored again.

"Lets see what they got here. They have orange chicken witch is not bad if made right, they also have Sesame chicken, sweet and sour chicken, fried rice, egg rolls, fish galore, boneless ribs and some other stuff that looks like cow brains."

Libby cringes a little at the picture before giving another little giggle. She had become very use to helping Ty out when he wasn't sure when a menu said. Never missing a beat and making it look like he really couldn't read the sign. Not wanting to embarrass him at all it had being easy to act natural about it, not minding one bit.

Feeling Scott's fingers tighten about her slightly Hope squeezed back confirming him she was there, and she would keep him as safe as she could. Never would she want any ill come to him, because without him she would be mighty lonely and run the possibility of going crazy herself.

Just listing to Scott Hope was happy his had didn't slip from her giving her reassurance he did still care about her and wanted her around. She new he hated it here, and she new he hated her seeing him like this, but if you couldn't see the one you loved at his worst than you never would never know what the best was.

Stopping at the fork and hearing Scott wanted to go back Hope gave a little nod. She wouldn't make him stay out longer than he wanted to. Not starting up right away again Hope slips her arms around Scott giving him a gentile hug.

"I love you Scott, no matter what I love you now and forever, no matter how much time pass that will never change."

A soft music seemed to flow through the dance studio, not to loud but enough that it could be heard well. Over the note as Cassy holds one of her Plie as she put most her weight on the beam she new it was Leo she had been expecting.

"Hey Leo, I'm in here"

Continuing to do a few more dance movies the song ends and Cassy lowers herself to be flat on her feet again for a long moment just leaning on the beam. Her knee was throbbing but the little bit of dancing she had done, felt good.

Limping just a little more than normal she goes over to the old record player and turns the music off before turning and giving a smile at Leo. Grabbing one of the towels to wipe the sweat from her face,neck and shoulders.

"Thanks so much for coming over to fix the toilet for me. I know its not your expert area but I probably would of flooded the whole place and runed all the work we had put into it."

Going over to the trusty old desk she bends down for a moment rummaging around until she found the tool box she had been looking for. Holding it out to Leo she smiles.

"Let me go change into my jeans, and t-shirt and I will be back to help you."

Ryan gives a little nod seeing the anger in Alec's eyes he didn't blame him. She was in a way upset herself too. Leaning down to give Alec another kiss that lingered she backed away a little.

"I'll be right back."

Leaving TJY it doesn't take long before Ryan was back again with BK in hand along with drinks. Entering the infirmary again she sets the bag down by where Alec is and pulls the food out.

"Well I didn't know what I wanted today so I got a little bit of everything. Some pies, chicken nuggets, double cheese burgers. I figured we could just pick at it between gasps of air."

Ryan looks over to Rick and gives a grin before looking back to Alec again her eyes danced with amusement.

"So you look liked your scraps and what not are healing you nicely? Is your sister-in-law treating you good?"

Coming for the plat Carson had put up in the window Thirteen brings it to the table. Smiling sweetly she gotten use to a lot of the normal people who came into the dinner and more often than not she would grab those tables before the people she didn't know.

Walking back to the counter where she was wrapping the silver where Thirteen thinks for a long moment. She hadn't talked to Carson yet about switching jobes and she was a little scared but maybe now was the best time as ever. It wasnt busy so Carson could at least listen with an open mind.

Going through the double doors to the back Thirteen stands in the doorway watching Carson for a long moment before finally clearing her throat a little.

"Carson, I was wondering if you had a moment we could talk?"

Waiting for the ok Thirteen didn't want to interrupt him so she wouldn't take up much of his time. She felt a little shy about asked, but she new if she never did than she would never know.

"Umm...I was wondering if I could change jobs and working the kitchen with you? I have been learning how to cook and I'm really enjoying it...so I think I would do better back here with something I like doing."

She left it brief, but right to the point not wanting it to take to much so if Carson said no she could get over the disappointment the best she could.

Being pulled up from her comfortable spot on the floor Alice just blinks for a moment as she is swung around till finally she can get her own bearings and dances around along with Kyle.

She was so excited for him and the band this had been something they were looking forward to for a long time and now they had finally got the opportunity they were waiting for.

"YAWHOOOO....you guys are gonna be big shots not that they gave you a shot. They are not going to regret it I know it."

Seeing the look on Kips face made Karla smile even more. It was so nice to see this excitement inside of him. After all he had done for her, and on every day continuing to make her feel welcomed after everything had happened to her he deserved a little happiness himself.

"As long as Erik's mom gives me off that day, and you dont mind..."

Karla raises an eyebrow to Kip the twinkle in her eye knowing good and well what he would say but she had to say it anyways.

"...I'd like to come with you guys. I think it would be fun."

This had become Karla's home for now and that in itself had been such a great gift, having Kip's friendship was even better on top of it. Working for Erik's mom Karla had been able to save up some money but not nearly enough to get her own place yet, but she was working on it at least she had enough money to help pay for things around the house. Even though Erik's mom insisted she didn't she did anyways because it made her feel a whole lot better.

"So....if you guys become big time people with record deals, thats gonna mean I don't see you as much huh? I think I would be excited just the same for you though because this is such a big opportunity for you guys. I'm excited for you."