
Homeless Gary

"I'd have to kick your butt you know if you wanted someone else arms around you."

Sapphire points her club at him and gives a laugh before returning her eyes to watch him hit his ball into the whole. As he makes it in Sapphire gives a clap and goes over to her own. Giving the ball a very light tap it goes into the hole with a bounce.

"I'm happy you would rather stick with me. I happen to like having you around a lot myself."

Going over the the whole and pulling the golf balls out Sapphire hands Gage his and moving to the next area. This time set up with a wind mill and a little bridge. Positioning herself behind Gage once again Sapphire helps him.

"You don't want to get the ball in the water, and you want it to go through the windmill. Sounds easy but even I have a hard time on this one."

Ryan can't help but laugh at the thought of a memorie long forgotten till now. It was always nice to remember even if it did make her a little sad. Remember those days was nice and did put a smile on her face.

"I had forgotten about that till now. I wanted to be like my brothers and Pop. He never laughed so hard in his life. I think watching me pick that steak up and gnawing on it was the best thing to him. I'll never forget the smile on his face."

Looking down at her plate for a moment and moving the steak around Ryan gives another chuckle as she takes a fry and holds it up.

"How about the time we were at burger king and John put his frys on the bottom of his mouth to make him look like a wallris, and you put them on the top to say you were a vampire, and I stuck them up my noise saying I was homeless Gery who came into the shop looking for scraps all the time. I think Pop rolled laughing at us that time too."


Trey gives a laugh of not getting in trouble. For him to stay out of trouble would be to tie him to a chair, or take him to a place where everything he did was league, so that would be...home.

"If trouble doesn't find me, I find it, and thats the way I like it."

Eying Alec again he continues to listen taking in everything he was told and remembering it. Maybe this Ty guy could come in handy if he ever needed something.

"I'm going to have to remember about Ty, never know when you might get the late night munchies, and as for car magazines maybe you can let me read some if I let you use my PS3, Sounds like a fair trade to me."

Even if Alec had been willing to just let Trey look through his magazines he would of offered something anyways. Its just how it worked for him, give something get something there really was no other way.

"I'm not sure I am no one you know. Lived in Mexico all my life. You're Alec right?"

Trey keeps his arms crossed over his chest as he cocks his head and just looking back at Alec. Cocking his head a little and still eyeing Alec. He didn't know him, nor did he know if he could trust him but there was only one way to find out really.


Gage watches Sapphire's golf ball, then grins. "What? You think I'd want someone else putting their arms around me and showing me how it's done?"

He scoffs and saunters up to his own golf ball. Taking aim and giving it a light tap, it rolls right into the hole. "Nah... I think I'll stick with you."

Smiling, he puts his club up over his shoulder to wait for Sapphire, his eyes twinkling in the lights. By the time he got home, there would be no time for sleep tonight, but he didn't care. Every moment with Sapphire was a moment of living life to the fullest and he wouldn't trade it for anything.

Eli smiles and takes a bite of steak too, savoring the flavor. "Mmm... I think you're right, if I do say so myself. Cooked to perfection."

Settling back with his plate on his lap, he puts his feet up on the table instead, and squeezes some ketchup over his fries. "Now this... this is really living."

Quiet for a moment, he suddenly starts to chuckle. "I remember one time, I don't know where we were, some restaurant or something, and that poor waitress asked you if you wanted the kiddie meal with chicken fingers. When you told her you wanted a steak, she 'bout flipped." He laughs at the memory he hadn't thought of for years. "You wanted to be like the rest of us I guess, and if I remember right, you certainly did get a steak and ate it too."

Alec continues to eye the other young man, taking his tennis ball back and twirling it in his palm. The newcomer had attitude... but nothing Alec minded too much. Besides, it looked like they already had something in common - neither wanted to be here.

"Plenty of interesting stuff that can be done, but nothing that won't get you into trouble. If you hadn't noticed, we're in a basement, so good luck finding a window that's low enough to open and escape detection. And... Hal's not on nights anymore, but there's a janitor about our age that knows just about everything - not much escapes him, but for the right deal, he's usually pretty likable."

A slow grin curls the corner of his mouth. "A nice tip will get you some fast food at midnight and if Ty's in a good mood, he might even be persuaded to bring in some magazines. Though I do have a stash of some car racing mags if you want to look at 'em."

Rocking back on his heels a little, Alec wasn't a hundred percent sure about this guy, but... it was better than talking to the bare walls. "Your name's Trey, right? You look familiar."

"Man..." Pete takes a bite of meat and potatoes, savoring the flavor as he sat at the dinner table with Nikki and Carol. "Nikki, when did you learn how to cook?" He shakes his head. "This is fantastic."

After a long day at work with no break even for lunch, an invitation for supper was not easily passed up. He'd had just enough time to go home and clean up before coming over here, and he'd been having fun since the moment he'd stepped through the door. He and Nikki had said something about another movie later, and though that was yet to be decided, Pete hoped he'd be able to stick around for a while.

Best of it

Sapphire gives a laugh as Gage looks over his shoulder and gives her a kiss. His affection was soft, and she liked it that way.

"If I stayed here and kept teaching you I think they would kick us out so others could play."

Moving out of the way a little so she wasn't in Gage's way as he putts Sapphire just watchs. For his first time that really wasn't that bad. Though she can't help but laugh again at his mention to shooting it. Just the mental image on that one was funny.

"Now if you just shot it than that would make it way to easy. Here watch me again."

Setting her ball down on the tee Sapphire takes a moment to line the ball up with the hole and giving it a little wake. Watching it bounce off one wall, and than another it bumps into Gage's ball before stopping right in front of the hold. Looking up at the ball and than Gage she grins.

"Are you sure you want me to be your teacher?"

Giving a nod Ryan grabs some plates and puts them down along with getting some silverware and napkins down and taking her seat. Getting the movie and than just waiting for Eli.

Moving over Ryan gives a laugh as she takes the beer and than clears off the table a little more. Hearing Eli's stomach she laughs even harder thinking it was rather funny.

"Feed that thing quick my goodness."

Taking a sip of the beer and using the remote to turn the movie on Ryan leans back a little. Taking a bit of the steak she makes a pleasant sound before looking at Eli.

"You out did youself this time Bro. This is the best steak ever."

Still holding the ball Trey looks back at Alec as he steps closer to him just taking him in not backing off or intimidated at all, eying him up curious about this person.

"And I'm hardly a boy. As for the baby sitters, they will learn sooner or later they'll be trained alright."

Taking the ball and putting it a little rough into Alec's hand but doesn't let go right away before finally doing so. Letting out a grunt and puts his arms over his chest.

"Know of anything interesting around here that can be done? or where an open window is so I can smoke or where Hal hides when not in the camera room? You seemed to be the resident inmate that gets to run around free here so I figure you probably know."

Shifting a little Trey thinks about some of the stuff he has back in his room. A deck of cards, some books, a playstation 3 maybe having someone around might be better than having no one.

"I got some stuff for entertainment back in my room I guess you could call it if you get to bored. If your stuck here like me I might as well make the best of it."

Just shoot it

Alec stops short as he exits his room, startled by the other young man. Straightening in defense, he lifts his chin. “I’m hardly a prisoner,” he retorts. He really was… but he wasn’t… but he was. For now, he’d just pretend he wasn’t, despite the anklet hiding under the cuff of his jeans.

Giving Trey a once-over, he lifts one eyebrow. He’d heard the scuttlebutt about Angelica’s nephew, even if he wasn’t supposed to know about it. “And you must be the kid with a new set of babysitters to train.”

Not caring that he looked like he’d been through a meat grinder, he steps up to Trey, holding out his hand for the ball. “That happens to be the only source of entertainment I’ve got around here.”

“Uh – yeah, sure. Plates.” Eli gestures to the living room. “Set ‘em up in front of the television and we can watch while we eat.”

It wasn’t long before the food was done and ready, and Eli was bringing it to the living room. He dishes out Ryan’s steak first, setting it on her plate. “And here we go… just like you like it. French fries to come.”

Dishing out his own steak, he goes back into the kitchen, returning with two beers in one hand and the French fries in the other. “Alright… move over, Speedy.”

Flopping down next to her on the couch, his stomach gives a loud growl. “Uh-oh… better feed the hungry monster before something bad happens.” He tosses Ryan the television remote. “You’re the master tonight.”

Getting to the miniature golf course, Gage is a little hesitant, but eager to learn a new game. Wide awake and energetic, he follows Sapphire closely, paying attention to her directions.

With her arms around him, showing him how to putt, he grins and doesn’t try yet. “Hmm… I think it might be more fun to have you keep teaching me.”

Turning his head to look over his shoulder, he leans back to give her a quick kiss before turning back to the club and ball. Giving it a little putt, the ball goes rolling across the green, bouncing along the side and rolling right around the first hole.

Gage straightens and cocks his head, staring at it for a moment. “Can I just shoot it instead?”

Throwing Sapphire a glance, he grins, then starts to laugh. “I think I need you to teach me again.”


Wondering the halls again like he new he shouldn't Trey didn't much care. Almost everyone was gone now and he was bored. Being cages was driving him crazy, not being able to smoke when he wanted was driving him crazy, and all the other stuff he enjoyed and couldn't do was driving him crazy.

Walking a little more he gives a quick jump back at the sound of something hitting a wall and bouncing into the hall he wasn't sure what he'd find. Catching sight of the ball that was bouncing down the hall. Going over to it and picking it up Trey looks at it and than looks up seeing Alec.

"You must be the other prisoner I was told about down here. Looks like you lost something!"

Trey holds up the ball moving it in his hand a little bit. Continuing to just keep looking back at Alec. Sizing him up and taking note to the cuts and bruises on his face. Maybe this guy could make the place fun.

Ryan gives a laugh at Leo's last comment Ryan shakes her head a little bit. It felt good Leo still wanted to be her friend, or at least be social with her.

"Alright, thank again Leo. See you tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone Ryan slips it back in her pocket leaning on the counter for a long moment. Looking over to her brother she blinks.

"That was....surprising for sure. Oh well...ok so...dinner...it sure smells good and I picked one of these thrillers to watch too. So now what would you like me to help with? Plates and what not?"

Jackie gives a nod and smiles. She did like the band being active and wanting to hear everything too. It was good they cared enough and had the ambition to want to hear it and help.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind and ask him once we have it together. Thanks for the impute Erik."

Turning back to the sound bored and fiddling with a few things again Jackie messes around till Wayne came back so they could start again.

Watching Kip and giving a laugh Karla trys to muffle it the best she can. It was funny watching Kip and she couldn't help her eyes wading a little bit. Looking back around the room and giving a nod to Twila Karla heads out the door and follows along behind him giving another laugh.

"Off to ice cream we go, hi ho hi ho."

Coming closer to Kip Karla slips her arm into his and walks with him a little excited about the ice cream. If she had one weakness it defiantly was her love for ice cream.

Seeing Gage's eye go wide Sapphire couldn't help but laugh she loved seeing him like a kid and trying new things. It was so much fun for her.

"I think that sounds like a great plan and as long as its with you I'm happy."

Pulling out of the parking lot Sapphire makes her way to the Martin's mini golf. It doesn't take to long to get there and before they new it they were out on the course.

"Ok...so this is how you hold the club."

Sapphire positions herself behind Gage and shows him how to hold the club and swinging his arm a little.

"You wanna hit the ball hard enough to get it into the cup but when you get closer you want to hit it lighter. Its a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. Go a head and try."


Leo was a little surprised Ryan had called him back so quickly, but he was kind of glad too. It would make work tomorrow less awkward.

Driving across town, he keeps one hand on the steering wheel, the other on his phone. "Yeah, well... I guess we all could have expressed ourselves a little better," he muses. "I just wanted to clear things up before tomorrow, ya know? I guess..." He pauses for a red light, letting his mind try and process the words he wanted to say. "I don't know... I guess you were right - it's time I moved on so... maybe I just want to let you know that I'll be trying to be less of a jerk at the shop from now on." He still had pain... he still felt anger for what all had happened, but... it was time he started letting it go.

"Next time though, yell at me before I swing... your boyfriend has a fist that could knock out an elephant."

Alec tosses his tennis ball to the other side of the room, letting it bounce and come back to him where he caught it again. Back and forth, his eyes followed the ball, trying to pass the time. People were leaving for the day... his task with Dalton was done until tomorrow... and he had nothing to do tonight. Nothing. He'd already found out the hard way that his ankle bracelet triggered an override to the security system, not even allowing him to use a code to get out of the building. Needless to say, Reese hadn't been happy, though he'd been just a little smug. Alec would have walloped him, had he not known his future was on the line.

How about Ryan coming here? Alec's hand catches the ball one last time and he ceases his play. She didn't know he was stuck here, so how was he supposed to think she'd come? It was strange not getting any calls or texts from her today though... he knew she was waiting on him this time, but it didn't make him any less stubborn. He'd been defending himself - Leo had thrown the first punch. And besides, what business was it of hers if he had a brawl with someone else? Why should she care?

The tennis ball flies again. Because Leo was her friend too, probably. Alec didn't really get it, but that seemed to be the reason. Well, if Ryan wanted to play it this way, then fine. Alec wasn't sorry. He missed her, and he was mad that he didn't get to see her today, but he wasn't sorry for the fight. A little sheepish maybe, and he'd underestimated Leo for sure, but he wasn't sorry for having it out with him. If Ryan wanted to keep him on a leash, she should have stuck it out with Leo.

Catching the ball once more, Alec flops back on his cot. This whole thing was just stupid. He'd paid attention to Misty earlier, sure, but... even if he did know Ryan cared about him, he wasn't just gonna cave and go crawling back and apologize for something he wasn't sorry about. It's not the way he did things, even if he did care about her too.

Throwing the ball too hard, it ricochets off the back wall and zings back over his head and out the open door. Groaning, Alec rolls over and gets up to go find out where it had landed.

Erik chuckles and shakes his head at Jackie. "I'm sure you know what you're doing, seeing as though this place has produced some success."

He fingers the headphones and looks out at the others for a moment. "Yeah, I think we do alright. Even the best bands can improve though."

Sighing a little, he finally puts the headphones back where Wayne had set them. "Kyle's got a good ear... so whatever you and Wayne come up with... be sure to have Kyle listen too. I know he might be seen as a rookie like any one of us here, but... he's got something special and sometimes he hears things nobody else does."

"Mmmm.... ice cream for everybody..." Kip reaches in his pocket and pulls out his keys, giving them a little jingle. His voice drops to a whisper. "Stealth is key."

Getting to his feet, he jumps behind Twila, peeking over her shoulder - as if she would even be able to hide him. Then turning, he slinks along the wall, jumping into a "shadow" until he was by the door. Then looking both ways, he shoots out into the hall, leaving behind laughter from Twila.

She gestures to Karla. "You better go catch up with 007 before he disappears."

"Oooh." Gage hadn't thought about all those choices before. "I've... never played mini golf before," he admits. "Always looked fun though. Maybe.... that after... pizza?"

His eyes are like those of a little kid. Having been deprived for so long, just pizza was enough to make him happy, and if there was lemonade in the mix, he was even happier.

One down one to go...

Letting Erik take a listen Jackie puts her own headset back on. Letting it play once more and shifting some buttons to add and take away things. Make some stuff sound stronger, and backing some off a little so everything would be in balance together.

Once the part she was working on was done playing a few times through she takes her headset off only to be met with Erik's observation. A grin forms on her face and she gives a little shake of her head. It was stuff she already new, but she was happy Erik noticed it to so in a way before they even saw what had been done, at least one person had comfermed what she was doing was ok.

"I don't know if I want you listing anymore, you make me feel like I don't know what I am doing here."

Jackie gives a laugh and smiles her eyes giving a little twinkle a sure sign she was joking and not offended by Erik's forwardness at all. Ambition was good, and it was something everyone needed.

"Once we are gone, it's going to sound perfect or pretty darn close. I think you all do well, and in some areas need to improve but all in all, you guys are all doing well."

Karla gives a laugh and looks to Kip before looking back to Twila and than back around the room. She wondered if maybe everyone was to busy to notice. Wayne was gone, Jackie and Erik seemed to be talking about something. Kyle and Alice were wrapped up in themselves and she was sure Twila could keep Theo busy.

"Maybe if we got some for everyone they wouldn't be to upset in noticing we were missing."

Karla gives a little elbow to Kip maybe getting out and walking around would wake both of them up a little bit. It had been a long day already and from the sound of it not even half over.

"I bet if we go now we would be in the clear. Not to mention it would be a little fun being a little dangerous."

Sapphire laughs again as Gage gets into the car. It was nice to see him awake thats for sure, but odd at the same time. It had become normal for him to be half asleep when they were together.

Leaning into the kiss Sapphire returns to continue once Gage pulls away just letting the moment linger even longer. She loved showing affection to Gage and getting it from her to it really made her feel good.

"Mmm...well we can grab something to eat than we can go see a movie, play mini golf, or lazer tag, or we can just have a nice dinner. What sounds like something fun to you? I am kind a up for all four ideas."

Watching Eli turn back to the stove Ryan wondered if he really had forgotten or not. But she didn't bother pushing it. If Eli didn't talk about it anymore than he wouldn't, maybe a little later they could start the conversation again.

"Alright I'll go see what the movies are, and maybe call Leo at the same time. I'll be back to help set the table."

Wondering into the other room Ryan pulls out her cell and dials Leo's number as she looks through the movies her brother had picked up. Hearing Leo's voice answer on the other line Ryan gives a little smile.

"Hey Leo, Sorry I missed your call before. I just wanted to call back and say thanks. I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday too. I should of found a better way to express myself. Thanks for calling though."

Picking one of the thrillers Eli had rented Ryan starts back into the other room holding up the movie. The conversation shouldn't last long with Leo and than she's help get the plates, and whatever else they needed.

Ryan was happy Leo had called and it made everything half ok. Now she only needed Alec to call, but it had taken this long already maybe...he wasn't going to? Ryan didn't know and that made her a little sad still.

Rip roaring

Erik smiles at Jackie and grabs the headphones. "My lips are sealed."

Listening and watching her fiddle with the controls, Erik's eyes stare off at nothing - an obvious sign that he really was listening and picking apart what he heard. Once through the song, he nods briefly. "Not bad... we need a lot of work though. Onstage people can't tell as much but here... yeah."

He grimaces a little and takes off the headphones. "Kyle's the only one that sounds amazing. We need to boost Kip though so we can hear him more - he does well when he's paying attention and the harmony sounds good."

Stopping for a moment, he quirks another grin. That's what Jackie and Wayne were for and he might have just stepped on a toe or two. "But I'm sure you guys have all that under control."

"Hmmm...." Kyle thinks for a moment at Alice's question. "I think it's been several hours at least since you said that, so we're good." His smile returns and he gives Alice's hand a squeeze. "Thanks."

Kip lifts an eyebrow, his head rising a little more as he glances around the room. "I dunno... think anyone would notice we were gone?"

"Who's gone?"

Kip looks up quickly to see Twila standing over him, arms folded. "I thought you were in the little girl's room."

Twila smirks. "And you expect me to be in there all day or what?"

"Ah, no... just... part of it?"

Twila slaps the back of his head. "What are you scheming anyway? I know that look in your eye."

Kip grins at Karla, then looks back up at Twila. "Does the word 'ice cream' mean anything to you?"

"Mmm, yeah, that would hit the spot."

"Well, we were just wondering if anyone would miss us if we just sorta..." Kip motions with his hand towards the door. "...slipped out."

Twila looks at Karla, then back to Kip. "I won't tell anybody if you bring me back something, too."

"Hi!" Gage trots over to Sapphire's car, leaning on the opposite side and grinning over at her. "Of course I'm really looking forward to our date - I'm rip roaring and ready to go."

Pausing, he ducks down to get in, waiting for Sapphire, too. "So... where we going? For once, I have some extra cash and I'm awake, so... let's do something special. Forget we have more work to do and just... yeah." He grins and leans over to give Sapphire a tender kiss on the lips. "You're a sight for sore eyes after a night at work, you know that?"

Eli's eyebrows are raised after hearing it was Leo who had called. Interesting he'd called before Alec, but not surprising. Eli just hoped Ryan really had chosen the right man - Leo seemed to be more on the ball than Alec... or at least not afraid to apologize.

"Uh..." Eli turns back to the stove, seeming to be trying to remember what he'd been about to say. He laughs. "I'll think of it." Had he really forgotten, or was he just trying to move on since the mood had shifted?

He poks around the stakes and adjusts the heat. "These are almost done... I got a couple movies for us to watch - you can pick which one for while we eat, or call Leo first or whatever. I got the movies I thought you would like."