

Wondering the halls again like he new he shouldn't Trey didn't much care. Almost everyone was gone now and he was bored. Being cages was driving him crazy, not being able to smoke when he wanted was driving him crazy, and all the other stuff he enjoyed and couldn't do was driving him crazy.

Walking a little more he gives a quick jump back at the sound of something hitting a wall and bouncing into the hall he wasn't sure what he'd find. Catching sight of the ball that was bouncing down the hall. Going over to it and picking it up Trey looks at it and than looks up seeing Alec.

"You must be the other prisoner I was told about down here. Looks like you lost something!"

Trey holds up the ball moving it in his hand a little bit. Continuing to just keep looking back at Alec. Sizing him up and taking note to the cuts and bruises on his face. Maybe this guy could make the place fun.

Ryan gives a laugh at Leo's last comment Ryan shakes her head a little bit. It felt good Leo still wanted to be her friend, or at least be social with her.

"Alright, thank again Leo. See you tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone Ryan slips it back in her pocket leaning on the counter for a long moment. Looking over to her brother she blinks.

"That was....surprising for sure. Oh well...ok so...dinner...it sure smells good and I picked one of these thrillers to watch too. So now what would you like me to help with? Plates and what not?"

Jackie gives a nod and smiles. She did like the band being active and wanting to hear everything too. It was good they cared enough and had the ambition to want to hear it and help.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind and ask him once we have it together. Thanks for the impute Erik."

Turning back to the sound bored and fiddling with a few things again Jackie messes around till Wayne came back so they could start again.

Watching Kip and giving a laugh Karla trys to muffle it the best she can. It was funny watching Kip and she couldn't help her eyes wading a little bit. Looking back around the room and giving a nod to Twila Karla heads out the door and follows along behind him giving another laugh.

"Off to ice cream we go, hi ho hi ho."

Coming closer to Kip Karla slips her arm into his and walks with him a little excited about the ice cream. If she had one weakness it defiantly was her love for ice cream.

Seeing Gage's eye go wide Sapphire couldn't help but laugh she loved seeing him like a kid and trying new things. It was so much fun for her.

"I think that sounds like a great plan and as long as its with you I'm happy."

Pulling out of the parking lot Sapphire makes her way to the Martin's mini golf. It doesn't take to long to get there and before they new it they were out on the course.

"Ok...so this is how you hold the club."

Sapphire positions herself behind Gage and shows him how to hold the club and swinging his arm a little.

"You wanna hit the ball hard enough to get it into the cup but when you get closer you want to hit it lighter. Its a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. Go a head and try."

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