

Sitting around the table with everyone else it was a different group of people but Katie and Hunter were still there. Chad liked that it seemed to almost be on a rotation so you can see and chat with different people. 

Talking with Katie and Mark Chad's ears pick up on Rosalyn's voice as she asks Jade to sit down. Giving a smile and a nod to Katie he tried his best to just pass it off as something she'd said, but really it was a smile was for Rosalyn.

   "I don't know Kat, thats kinda taking a big leap."

Giving a laugh he moves his foot slightly before feeling Rosalyn's touch his and he moves it back. Lifting it up and down a little bit before she links ankles with him. He was happy she'd taken the seat next to him even if it wasn't much interaction at least they were a little closer to each other. Turning a little to look around the table his eyes stop to Rosalyn and Jade and he gives a smile.

   "You lady's sure did out due yourself tonight. I don't know if I can go back to normal food now."

   "Would you stop trying to suck up to them. The one is engaged, and the other could probley careless."

Looking back to his brother Chad shakes his head before looking back to Jade and Rosalyn again giving a little smile, and a twinkle in his eye.

   "Alright so the one is engaged, but I dont know about the not caring part I mean...look at me...I'm a charmer."

As Ken gets here and everyone gets ready to leave Misty is not close behind to show them out. She was kind of sad to see Mackenzie go after only being there a short time. She really did care for the child even if she wasn't her own blood. 

As she comes to get her a hug Misty gives a large smile. It really did make her feel good that Mackenzie cared and missed them. If she didn't trust anyone else at least she trusted them. It was a start and better than nothing.

   "It was good to see you kiddo just make sure next time its ok with Ken. I missed you too and I hope we can work something out to see you more. Love ya girl."


As Rosalyn is taken into Chad's strong hug, she wraps her arms around him, tightly, her face nuzzling into his chest. Breathing deeply, she memorizes his wonderful scent, knowing this could be the last time she was held close. 

When he draws away, she looks up at him, feeling the warmth of his hand on her face. Was that sadness she saw in his eyes? Because this might be goodbye? She knew she was sad, but... him too? And was was this strange little pain in her heart? 

"I'll see you at supper," she promises. Even if they wouldn't get to interact, she knew she'd see him in the dining room. 

Backing away, she finally lets go of his hand and turns around, heading for the main building. If not now, she'd stand there all day...

...By the time supper rolled around, Rosalyn had busied herself with many different tasks, winding up in the kitchen for quite a while, helping prepare beef stew. It wasn't until after dinner had already started though, that she had a chance to come into the dining room to eat as well. 

Carrying her bowl and glass of tea, she looks around and immediately spots the four visitors. There was one empty chair between Chad and Jade. Trying not to show too much enthusiasm, she heads in their direction. "Hey, Jade - can I sit with you?" 

Jade looks up quickly and grins. "Sure. I'm getting a little tired of Dan's company." She nudges him with her elbow teasingly. 

Rosalyn laughs and gets herself settled in the extra seat. Nodding to the others at the table, she greets them casually before starting in on her own stew. She'd done almost all the work herself tonight and it had turned out better than she thought it would. 

Focusing on her meal and some light chitchat with Jade, she slides her foot to the side until she feel's Chad's, then moves a little more, hooking her ankle around his.

Even if she didn't respond, Mackenzie did hear Misty's words, letting them sink down deep for her to ponder on her own. She felt safe here. There was just something about Misty she trusted. Maybe it was because she'd been her father's wife and that automatically made her like her. Or maybe it was just Misty herself and her big heart. Either way, Mackenzie was relaxed enough to doze off as they waited. 

Seeing them both on the couch, Alec smiles a little as he slips on his sneakers. Wandering back a little closer, her catches Misty's eye. Was this hard for her? Having Carson's daughter here? Mackenzie wasn't hers. Was the girl just a sore reminder of the husband who had abandoned her? He wondered. If it was hard for Misty, she hid it well under her natural care for the girl. 

It didn't take too long for the doorbell to ring, signaling Ken's arrival. For just a few minutes, Justin has him alone before both come into the living room. By now, Mackenzie was awake again, and seeing her dad, she bites her lip. Giving Misty a scared look, she finally stands from the couch before going up to Ken and giving him a hug. "I'm sorry," she mumbles. 

Ken sighs but returns the hug, running a hand through her unruly hair. "We were awfully worried about you." His eyes showed it. There was tension written all over his face - he was a man filled with so much love and concern for his daughter that it killed him to see her having such a hard time. 

"I'm okay though." Mackenzie pulls away. "I had Misty and Alec to take care of me." 

Ken nods. "I know. Justin told me." He gives Misty an apologetic and appreciative look. "It's time to go home now, Mackenzie." 

Though wanting to fight it, she nods obediently. "Okay." Before she follows him though, she turns around and runs across the room to Alec, throwing her arms around his waist. "Goodbye, Alec." 

Taken by surprise, Alec's eyes widen. Letting his arms do the thinking, he returns her hug, giving her back a couple pats. "Later, Bondie. Stay outta trouble, 'kay?"

She nods and finally pries herself from him before returning to Misty for a giant hug to her as well. "I hope I get to see you again soon."

Honor, Proud

Walking a little more Chad didn't mind it was every Rosalyn was comfortable with so was he. He could adapt to anything easily so leaving it in her hands was easy and just going with the flow was what he did best at times. Not to mention getting to walk a few extra feet with her was nice and he wouldn't argue with that.

Finally getting to where Chad new they must part he lets out a small sigh looking out across the yard. It didn't look like anyone was around at the moment. Leaning down and giving Rosalyn a soft kiss, and a large hug he just holds her for a few long moments. He could feel a few tears building in his eyes but he held them back refusing to let him flow over.

   "Yeah, this might be. I'll do all I can though to see you again before I leave."

Pulling away Chad smiles down at her though there was a sad sort of look lingering in his eye. So quickly he's come so close to Rosalyn now to only be torn away so soon. Bringing a hand to her cheek Chad lets his finger run over her cheek for a moment like he had before but this time it was for his own memorie, to remember her face, and everything else about her.

   "Better get going before they wonder where you are."

Having Mackenzie sit down between both Alec and herself Misty just looks at her. Listing to the girls question a smile comes to her face, before a sad sigh, because a laugh seeing Alec's face get so red. The poor guys was probley use to not having to answer these kinds of questions and in feeling bad Misty also though it was really really funny.

   "I'm a few months along, so that time is write to be before you dad left. I didn't know he was going to be leaving till the day I was going to tell him the good news. Life Mackenzie, it doesn't always turn out how we want it too. But have to keep moving forward and pushing though the day. We can't let life get the best of us...ok kiddo?"

Looking down at her and seeing Mackenzie was starting to fall asleep on her Misty gives a small smile before putting her arm around her and holding her close. It felt good to have her be trusted even if it was only a little bit. Hearing Mackenzie's question sent tingles through her too. 

   "I'd be honored to be one of your moms and proud to say you were my daughter."

Or are you?

Mackenzie's eyes were full of silent hope as Misty talks about having her come visit. She'd been told "no" so many times for grown-up reasons she didn't understand, that hope had been waning lately. But already the wheels in her young mind were turning about how she could convince her parents to let her come. 

As Misty says she's going to be a big sister, Mackenzie's eyes widen. A sister? But... what... how...? Then she realizes just what Misty meant, and a smile spreads on her face. She didn't quite understand, since Carson wasn't here anymore, but somehow it must have still worked. "Wow... really?" She glances to Misty's tummy then back up again. "I... I think I'd like to be a big sister." 

Standing off to the side, a soft smile comes to Justin's face. He hadn't known Misty was pregnant, and he could sense that this scene was both sad and happy. He assumed the baby was Carson's - otherwise he didn't think Misty would have said it the way she did, and she didn't seem the type of woman to have had a relationship with anybody else. How heart-wrenching it must be for her though, to have had her husband walk out at a time like this. 

Mackenzie nods a little, still in wonderment. "I think it would be fun." 

Though not wanting to break up the family time, Justin knew he'd already pressed his luck with Ken. "Mackenzie," he interrupts gently. "I'm gonna call your dad now, okay?" 

Mackenzie sighs but nods. "Okay. Just... tell him not to yell at me?" 

Justin shakes his head. "I don't think he will. But we talked about why he'd be upset, right?" 

"Yeah." Seeing Justin retreat to make call, Mackenzie moves around to slide down on the couch between Alec and Misty. "I like it here," she states flatly. There was something in the atmosphere she liked here. Even though things with Carson had messed it all up, this felt like... home. She knew she was loved by Ken and Jeanette and she loved her adopted sister too. Maybe she really wouldn't want to trade it all, but she did wish she could at least visit here more often.

"I like it here too," Alec admits. 

Turning her head, Mackenzie furrows her brow. "So you never told me why you live here now. Is it 'cause my dad left?" 

"Ah..." Alec scrunches his nose. "No... not exactly." 

"Were you here before or after he left?" 


Mackenzie squints at him, her mind wandering back to being a big sister. "Is my dad the daddy or are you?" 

Alec's eyes widen and he can't bring himself to even look at Misty. "Well your dad, of course!" 

"Oh." She shrugs. "I was just checking 'cause he's been gone and I know how things work." 

Alec now tries not to laugh, and instead, thumps her on the back of her head. "Sounds to me like you know too much about the birds and the bees for a kid your age." 

Mackenzie giggles and gives his knee a shove. "It has nothing to do with birds or bees." She smirks. "It has to do with-"

"Okay, time to go." Alec stands up and stretches. "I gotta get my shoes back on so I can get back outside to work after you leave." 

Eying her uncle as he aims for the back door where he'd left his shoes, Mackenzie just didn't understand why her dad hadn't wanted her to be around him. He was funny and nice and she instinctively knew that he'd never hurt her. Sighing, she leans her head over to rest on Misty, completely worn out from the day. Keeping her eyes open was not easy at this point. "I'm not really yours," she mentions sleepily. "But... but can you be one of my moms too?" 

Sighing, Rosalyn looks down at her and Chad's interlocked hands before glancing up at his face. She smiles and shakes her head. "Lets walk a little further and then you can let me go, okay?" 

Even when they'd come into the ranch yard, it was hard for her to let go of his hand. But she knew she should. "I have to go do some laundry then help get supper started..." Looking up at him, she bites her lip. "I don't know if I'll get see you later or not..." 

Big Sister

Misty gives a laugh at Alec. She was happy he was excited, she really was. To see him getting into it and loving this as much as she was it made her feel good and she had someone else to share this with. Sure she had Jason but this was Alec was family and it was just a different feeling with him. At least the baby would know some part of her father's side for that she was sure. Dani, and Alec showed much intrust.

As Mackenzie comes into the living room Misty looks up at her and gives a small smile. The poor girl had been through so much how could she get mad at her. It wasn't her fault the hand she'd been dealt and Misty had been there before herself. She new it was hard growing up with no parents and than going through so many other things.

    "We forgive you and your very welcome. It was nice to have you around again. I've missed seeing your face too."

Moving a little to be closer to the edge of the couch Misty reaches out and gently takes Mackenzie's in her own holding it softly. Cocking her head a little to look into her eyes she smiles. She was excited about telling Mackenzie the news and hoped she would take it well and even be excited.

   "I'd really like it if you did come by more. Maybe if we talk to Ken we can sent up a day on the weekend to have you spend the night. I have the extra room upstairs that will be transforming soon but that dosn't mean we can't put a bed in it. Specially because..."

Misty looks to Justin, than Alec and than back to Mackenzie before letting out a small sigh. She wondered if the girl would have a million questions but if she did Misty would try to answer them the best she could. After all she wanted to be a good parent to her too even if she wasn't with Carson anymore.

   "...Because you're going to be a big sister and I'd really like to have you in the baby's life. That is if you want to be."

Receiving the soft kiss Chad smiled dropping his hands from Rosalyn to let her get up. Cocking his head and looking at her in the sun light she looked even prettier than she normal did. The light hit her hair right and just shone around her so it lighted her face up, and she eyes sparkled. How could he say no?

   "I'd love to walk you back Rosalyn."

Standing and taking her hand Chad walks slowly with her. Sometimes there was silence, and sometimes they quietly chatted about things but nothing to important. Finally as the ranch came into view Chad stopped and looking to Rosalyn his eyes slightly sad but happy at the same time.

   "Do you want to keep going together or should you go first and I can follow after?"



Alec was grateful for Misty's words. He really was trying and it felt good to know that she'd noticed. He really wasn't sure what his future looked like, but he sure was making an effort not to go down the same path he'd already chosen multiple times. 

"I'm sure we'll get to see her before she leaves again," he answers. It wasn't like Ken could come pick her up and whisk her out the door without them seeing. 

Alec smiles a little before giving Misty a sidelong glance. "I think she'll be thrilled to know about the baby. I mean, I'm thrilled and I'm a guy." He grins and looks down again, feeling a little silly, but it was the truth - he really was happy for Misty, even if he hadn't said so before.

It does take a while, and a few times, they could hear both Justin's and Mackenzie's raised voices in the kitchen, but nobody emerged until the atmosphere had settled. 

Coming into the living room, Justin guides the girl with his hand on her shoulder. Today had been a tough one - Mackenzie had taken a couple steps backwards, but it was to be expected sometimes. He knew that in all reality, she was doing quite well for all she'd been through. Not having a father, her mother dying, living in an orphanage, finding her father but not allowed to be with him, being adopted and promptly abused in more ways than one, back to the orphanage, back to fighting to see her father, then finally adopted again and now her beloved father and his wife getting a divorce. They were lucky she was not somewhere like Brookshire right now. It was no wonder she longed for family yet didn't trust Ken and Jeanette as much as they wanted. Too many times she had been betrayed and let down. It was amazing she still had the gumption to stand up for herself, and Justin could only accredit that to her genes. 

Giving her shoulder a little pat, he pushes her forward, prompting her towards the couch. 

Mackenzie trudges over to Misty and Alec, her head bent, but her red eyes were still visible, proving the tears had finally spilled over. "I'm sorry," she apologizes quietly. "I know I shouldn't have run away and come here without asking." She pulls her hands up into her jacket sleeves, shifting her weight awkwardly. "I just missed everybody and... and I didn't think my parents would let me come."

As she stops, she glances up to Justin who gives her a nod to continue. 

"And... thank you for lunch and for not getting mad at me. I'm... I'm gonna ask my dad... Ken... if... if I can come back again sometime, if... you'll let me." 

Rosalyn didn't even know what to say. Chad's words were so sweet and kind and comforting... it seemed anything she could say would seem dull in comparison. For sure, he knew which words would make her feel good. For in these moments, she had felt things she'd never dreamed of. And she would cherish those feelings forever. 

"I'll never forget you either," she answers softly, leaving her head resting on his chest. Her finger toys with one of his shirt buttons and she sighs a deep sigh, knowing that even though she wished this to last forever, time had not actually stopped. She would be missed if she didn't show up back to work soon. 

Finally sitting up straight, she gazes into his eyes, simply watching them for several moments. Leaning in closer, she gives his lips a soft kiss before scooting off his lap and standing up. 

Looking down at him, she smiles. "Walk me back?" 

So you know

Once Justin was at the house Misty heads into the living room with Alec just letting Justin do his thing. Looking over at Alec Misty gives a shake of her head. She felt bad for Mackenzie too but if there were a few people they would want her to be around right now it was her family, herself, and Alec because he sure was turning around.

   "Alec, don't say that. Look at Carson he's the one that should be saying that. Your trying to turn around and thats what is important. You've really grown so much it just took you a moment to get you there."

Giving Alec a little pat on the leg Misty sits back and lets out a long sigh. Now it was just about waiting. Having this whole thing come up thought brought up memories about Carson that really she didn't want to think about but were there. It just made everything that was going on hurt a little bit more. 

   "Think we will be able to talk to Mackenzie before they go again? I...want to tell her she's going to be a sister."

Holding Rosalyn close to him still Chad leans his head against her's. This moment he wanted to remember when he was gone. There was a part of him that wanted to stay here lover, have Rosalyn with him longer but he new tomorrow life must continue but what was ahead for him? Was he ready to let go of this gift he was given?

   "You are so very special and don't let anyone ever make you feel or tell you differently."

Closing his eyes and soaking in Rosalyn's warmth the way she felt in his arms. It was just so perfect and it was like a puzzle with the last peace. He was an amazing woman who turned his head, made his heart race, and lite a spark in him.

   "I just want you to know that over the last few days the moments we shared have no just fun and games. You've touched a part of my hear thats been blocked for so long. You Rosalyn single handily sparked my heart, and found my passion I had locked away. Going ahead from here I want you to know I'll never forget you for as long as I am breathing."

Kissing her head again Chad was happy for this moment. It might be there last together before leaving and it was this moment he was going to let last for as long as they could. He'd let her go not knowing if he'd ever be able to hold her again but there was a quiet, silent hope in his heart that he would.

Bad Influence

Realizing Chad was turning around, Rosalyn unlocks her ankles to avoid being scraped against the tree. As he lowers himself to the ground, she bends her knees to kneel, still straddling his lap. Once free of his kiss, her breath is rapid as her lungs try to keep up with the oxygen she needed. Just leaving her eyes closed, she leans her head against his, her hands resting on his shoulders now. Her heart was pounding a hundred miles an hour while she tried to catch her breath, and everything tingled. It felt like a very sudden stop to something extraordinarily wonderful, but she knew better than to try and continue it. They were way too close to the line of losing their heads in the heat of this moment, and if anything, she was grateful that Chad had been the first to pull away. It only served to heighten her respect for him. 

His soft words were like gentle music to her ears. Somebody liked her. Appreciated her. Wanted her. Whether it was just surface feelings, all based on physical attraction, short-lived or not... she couldn't help it that it made her feel good. At the very least, she had discovered that something about her really was special, and maybe she really did still have a chance at a relationship with somebody someday. Even if Chad was only attracted to her outside appearance, it still made her feel desirable.

Why he was thanking her though, she didn't know. Still breathing hard, she tries to process his words, wondering what it was about this that he was so grateful for. She'd done nothing but let him give her some physical affection. Had he really enjoyed it as much as she? 

Remaining in his lap with one leg on either side of him, she curls into him closer, burying her face against his neck. Sliding her arms around his neck as well, she hugs him tightly. "You're an amazing man," she murmurs softly. And she knew this was it. It was the beginning and the end. She wouldn't be upset though. She knew he had another life and this was just a whirlwind vacation with a twist. What she could do was take these moments, tuck them safely away in her heart and remember them always. Her first real kiss. Her first time with so many flutters in her heart. Her first time being pursued, if only for a couple days. 

Finally her breathing begins to slow as her body relaxes again. Finding her legs starting to cramp, she pries herself away from him to readjust, sitting sideways on his lap instead. Leaning her head on his chest, she listens to his heartbeat, mixed with the sweet sounds of nature around them. 

"I've never felt so special," she admits softly. "I'm glad you came." 

Flipping shut his cell phone, Justin continues his drive. The timing of the call couldn't have been better - he was already on his way into North Springs to see his mom. That would have to be postponed though. Unfortunately, he knew that the situation with Mackenzie couldn't be good. He'd been making headway with her. It had been slow, but he'd seen it. What had happened? Why had she run away?

His concern for the little girl increases as theories enter his mind. His only option now was to get to Misty's house and find out what was really going on. The only hard part was knowing that he needed to call Ken - and now. If Mackenzie had run away, her parents had a right to know that he knew where she was. He was a little surprised they hadn't called him already. The tricky part would be convincing Ken to let him talk to her before barging in. He could do it.... he had half an hour to talk.

Flipping his phone back open, he keeps one eye on the road as he drives.

Hearing Justin would be there soon, Mackenzie gives a little huff, but she doesn't argue.

Alec sees Misty looking at the snack and he smirks at her comment. "What? This isn't good enough?"

Mackenzie perks up a little. "It was a snack."

"Well a snack can be a meal!"

She rolls her eyes. "You don't have kids, do you?"

Alec points to Misty. "She doesn't either yet!"

"But she's a woman."


"So women automatically know how to take care of kids."

Now it's Alec's turn to roll his eyes. "I guess maybe I could go for something other than apples and peanut butter too."

During the next half hour or so, a light lunch is enjoyed and Mackenzie does eat, and even opens up a little bit to talk about school or her adopted sister. She avoids conversation about her parents or Carson though, or even why she'd come here at all. That wouldn't come until Justin arrived.

And he did. It had been about forty-five minutes, but he had accomplished getting Ken to allow him time with the girl. After arriving, he greets everyone until he requests he be left alone with Mackenzie in the kitchen.

Alec sits on the couch in the living room, unable to hear what was quietly being said in the next room over. He eyes Misty for a few moments before dropping his gaze. "I kinda feel sorry for her ya know? Carson didn't want me around her at all - even kicked me out of the restaurant once 'cause she was there. I just... wanted to get to know her was all. But I know I'd be a bad influence, so I guess he was right."


Feeling the small gasp from Rosalyn it was a confirmation to Chad that was he was doing was ok and she didn't mind. So he just let it be what it was and continued as the waves of emotions and feelings washed over him sending his body into a state he'd never felt before. It was exciting, exhilarating, it was the feeling of someone returning affection to him, that they wanted him to continue and needed him too.

As Rosalyn unbuttons Chad's shirt a little more and he feelings both her hands on his chest he can't help but deepen the little just a little more still. She had no idea what he did to him, the chills where only the start. Her hands were so soft, and light he'd never though someone's touch alone could do that to him.

Wanting to continue this kiss forever with Chad new it was best if they didn't. Moving away from the tree but letting her keeps her legs around him he moves so his own back was now aganst it and he slides down to the ground.  Keeping his arms around her and letting the kiss last a few seconds longer before Chad finally breaks away. 

Leaning his head against Rosalyn's to catch his breath Chad can't help the smile that spread across his lips once again. This was unexpected and maybe thats why it felt so perfect. To anyone else it might be crazy but this to him was special and Rosalyn had given him more than a fun time. She have him a perpous, and made him feel wanted, and needed. A feeling he'd lacked for so long and now she had restored it.

   "I wish this moment could last forever, the day would never end and we could sit under the tree and just be together."

Letting out a sigh and pulling her close to him Chad leaned his head against hers. There was a fine line he didn't dare cross, and he's stopped himself out of respect. This gift had been so precious he didn't dare spoil it even if the ending was a little abroupted. He just hoped Rosalyn wouldn't think it was something to do with her. Letting his voice be strong but a whisper he kiss the top of her head leaning his face into her hair.

   "Thank you Rosalyn, thank you!"

Oh good gracious

Chad's murmur confirmed to Rosalyn she was doing something right, so she didn't stop. Just soaking in all of these new feelings, it felt as though time were racing, yet standing still at the same moment.

Suddenly feeling Chad lifting her up and pressing himself to her, holding her against the tree, she sucks in a sharp breath of surprise. She automatically wraps her legs around his waist, crossing her ankles to keep from sliding. His kisses were sweet... deep... filled with passion she didn't even know existed.

The sensation of him kissing down her neck made her tingle all over and she keeps her eyes closed, rolling her head back to give him more room. Letting her fingers find their own way, she feels down his shirt, opening up another button or two so her other hand can reach his chest as well. Both of her palms rest against his warm skin, sliding up to the back of his neck to toy with his hair, then back down again, just absorbing the feeling, wanting to remember exactly what this felt like for when it was gone.

Rolling her head back again, she finds his lips with hers once more to return his passion. A sensual greeting. A thank you. A statement of feelings buried deep down. Her fingers grip his shirt collar as she deepens the kiss, her heart longing just to be needed... loved... held.



   "Why would you want to stay if you didn't trust us? Kinda seems like you want to but that Banks blood running through your veins is getting the best of you huh?"

As Misty goes to reply she stops as Alec speaks up again. Just letting him handle it, it seemed like he was going a pretty good job and making hearing this stuff from Alec, her blood would do better than it would coming from her. Misty didn't know much of what was going on in the young girls head but she couldn't help but wonder if maybe right now Misty was on her bad list because of what happened with her and Carson. There was so much a child might not understand but Misty really didn't want to be the one to break it to her. It was Carson who really should and it was his responsibility as a rather. 

As Mackenzie moves the paper closer to her Misty picks it up and looks at it for a long moment before looking back at her and giving a soft smile. She's always had a soft spot for her and that hadn't changed. She'd always think of her as a daughter.

   "You know, your dad might be mad for a little while but he'll get over it because he loves you. Maybe too if you work with him a little bit and not be so stubborn he'll let you do a few more things like come to see us."

Standing again and taking her phone with her Misty leaves the room and goes into the living room to make the call. Letting out a small sigh, this whole situation made her worry. Seeing Mackenzie and what she was going through it scared her about her own child. What would happen with them growing up without a father. Misty wouldn't change having this baby for the world but it still made her a little bit scared more so that she was before. Would she make a good mother? Hearing Justin's voice it breaks her train of thought and for now she was glad.

   "Hey Justin its Misty Banks. Listen I've got Mackenzie here with me....yeah she's ok. Think you can give us maybe a half hour to just visit with her? Yeah I understand...thanks Justin. See ya soon."

Hanging up the phone and coming back into the kitchen Misty looks down at the plate of apples and the jar of peanut butter. Shaking her head she gives a laugh and a small grin. At least Alec had tried with the meal.

   "Justin will be here soon. How about I cook us all some lunch before he gets here, sound good?"

Feeling Rosalyn's hand mover there path over his skin he can't help the small murmur that escaped as his lips break from hers for a moment but wasting no time return once again just letting his moment continue. It sent chills down his spin and over the rest of his skin. A sensation that shot through his body and nothing else mattered time, place, they were alone, and Chad had all the time in the world to stay in this moment. Time didn't exists and didn't matter. 

Shifting himself just a little he keeps his one hand behind Rosalyn's head while the other goes around her wast.  Lifting her up off the ground and using the tree of leverage Chad moves his hand from her wast down her leg to help her warp them around him before returning to around her wast again. Continuing the kiss and forgetting of all else.

Moving his lips from her's finally to take a quick breather Chad kiss her cheek, and than her jaw, making his way slightly down her neck lingering there to place some more kiss and than working his way back up and to her lips again to let the miss continue. Passion seeped forward, longing to be needed and wanted by a woman, the feeling of being alone for to long, and finding someone worth sharing it with. This was a moment that would last forever in his mind.


Mackenzie nibbles a slice of apple as Misty speaks, acting as though she weren't listening. She was though, and it wasn't anything new she was learning. Except maybe coming from Misty, the girl took it a little differently.

Hearing she knew Justin, Mackenzie glances back up to her. Carson had said he knew Justin, but she didn't know Misty knew him too. Besides that, she figured Misty had known who it was, unless her dad really didn't care enough about the whole thing to even talk to his wife about it. Maybe that was some of the problem. Maybe Carson hadn't talked to Misty anymore and that's why they were really getting a divorce. Not because of some other stupid woman getting in the way...

Mackenzie shrugs, as was her usual answer. "He's okay I guess. I mean... he's nice. He's different than other counselors I've had to talk to. But he's still just on my parents' side no matter what. Everybody is on their side. Even you." 

Alec smirks and taps her on the shoulder. "Did you ever consider that perhaps that means we all were right?"

"Just because it's the majority, it doesn't automatically make it right."

The bold statement makes Alec's eyebrows shoot up. This girl was way too grown up for her age. "True. But don't you trust anybody?"

"No." The answer came very quickly. Coldly almost. Mackenzie finishes her milk and wipes her mouth on her denim jacket sleeve.

"Well you should," Alec states flatly. "Take it from me. I didn't trust anybody either. But if I hadn't trusted Misty here, I'd be homeless right about now, or worse. If there's anybody you can trust, it's her." 

Mackenzie squints at him, studying his face as if trying to figure out if he was telling the truth. There was no doubt, she liked her uncle, whether she'd admit it or not. She had from the beginning. And she adored Misty, too. But past experiences had shaped her young heart into something that dared not trust, lest she be hurt again. But today... this time... could she risk it? "Why can't I just stay with you guys?"

Alec flops back in his chair with a sigh. "Misty, how about you trying to explain that one?"

Mackenzie rolls her eyes. "I know, I know. Because you don't have the right kind of home for a little girl, and because I already have a 'family that loves me' and so I should be grateful." 

Not giving time for Misty to intervene yet, Alec leans forward once more, almost a scowl on his face for the girl's sarcastic tone. "Do you know what I'd give to have a family like that? A mother and father that loved me? And took care of me? I may be a grown man, but I kid you not - I'm jealous. You have it way too good. So good, that you've obviously overlooked the fact that it could be a whole lot worse - and you've had it worse! This is the best you've ever had, and you're throwing it all away." He shakes his head. "Any niece of mine would be smarter than that." 

Instead of getting mad this time, the tears return to pool in Mackenzie's eyes and she looks down. Maybe, just maybe her thick walls really were being chipped away at. Maybe... just maybe Justin had been doing some good. For right now... the flame of her temper had been put out. 

Sitting quietly for several moments and sniffing, Mackenzie finally reaches in her jeans pocket and pulls out a crumpled piece of paper. On it was Justin's handwriting that had his name and cell phone number. She sniffs again. "He.... he said I could call him any time I was in trouble.... Am I in trouble?" 

Alec's eyes soften, as does his tone. "Probably. You've got a choice though... we can call Justin, your parents, or the police. It's up to you." He glances up at Misty. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing, and had just said everything without even thinking. He hoped he was doing the right thing. 

Mackenzie fingers the paper before slowly pushing it over to Misty. "Justin won't get mad at me like my dad will." 

Giving a start, Rosalyn had thought she was alone. Opening her eyes quickly and spotting Chad, a smile immediately forms. He'd found her. Butterflies churn in her stomach.

"I don't mind being stalked," she admits. "As long as it's you." She'd thought way too much about the night before to mind his company now. He was so far from being a stranger now. She felt the comfort of being with an old friend, yet it mixed with the thrill of meeting someone new. A confusing combination, but one she liked. 

As Chad comes nearer, Rosalyn can feel her pulse quicken. She wasn't sure what his intentions were, but at the moment, she really couldn't care less. His mere presence made her melt, and she trusted him. 

Feeling him lean in for a kiss, her eyes fall shut. His lips on hers sent a fuzzy shock down her spine. The awkwardness she'd felt last night though was gone, now knowing what to expect. Returning his kiss with warmth, she invites his passion, not even trying to pull away. She was trapped against the tree, yet she had never felt safer. 

As he takes her hand and she suddenly feels his warm chest under her fingers, she gives a little gasp, catching herself in another deepening kiss. Falling into all of these new feelings, she gives back the same affection he gave. Pressing her lips back against his, she lets the passion grow. Under her palm, she could feel his racing heartbeat, and knew that hers was racing just as fast. Her knees grew weak and she almost felt dizzy. 

Letting her palm wander in small circles, her hand slides up to the back of his neck, down over his shoulder, then returns to his chest, a little lower, then repeating the path again. He was smooth. Warm. Strong. 

As he doesn't retreat, her free hand slides around his waist, gripping him tightly. Time existed no more, and neither did the world around them. Nestled in the grove of apple trees, nothing else mattered. 

Mirror Fling

Listing to everything that was going on between Mackenzie and Alec she is just silent letting them go back and forth. Carson was an idiot but said nothing about it. Only showing anger twords him would do no good, not at this point with Mackenzie, Misty would rather stay off the topic of Carson all together but having his daughter here would make that hard. 

   "I am sure if you had asked your parents if you could come see me they would have let you. As far as I know I've done nothing wrong for them not to let you. And your dad well...thats a whole different story but its for your own good they keep you from him right now."

Misty does feel bad for Mackenzie, and she wasn't sure what she could tell her. She'd no kids of her own yet so had no idea what the young girl was going through or how much she was hurting. All Misty could do was try to encourage her and help.

   "When we are young I guess it's hard to know why our parents do what they do. Sometimes we don't  see there reason, or understand but I bet once you look back you'll think that was pretty smart of them. I do know though running away isn't going to help them trust you, or making them think your responsible to make your own depositions because right now your not."

Leaning back in her chair Misty looks to Alec before giving a small nod and a smile. She was happy he called. She didn't know what good she would do but at least she was trying and she was safe.

Hearing the name of her councler Misty stops and gives a small grin. So she was seeing Justin. If she had to pick someone herself she didn't know anyone better than him. He was a good guy and good at his job.

   "I know Justin, he's a good guy. Helps a few good friends of mine, and an easy guy to talk to. You don't like him?"

After escaping his brother's twenty questions about why he seemed to be smiling more than normal, and why he was in a better mood Chad finds himself alone leaning against one of the fences. He hadn't seen Rosalyn much today but that didn't mean his mind didn't wonder to her. He couldn't help it as his mind went to the night before and there kiss, than again to this morning and helping out in the kitchen. It had felt nice and he's really enjoyed being with her.

Catching movement out of the corner of his eye another smile spreads as he see it was Rosalyn. He wasn't sure where she was going but she was alone and maybe if he followed her and she stayed alone they could just get a little more time together.

Slowly following and being quiet Chad stops as she stops by a tree. Leaning against it and just watching her he can't help the smile that stayed on his face. Giving it enough time to ensure she was here alone he finally pushes off the tree and draws closer.

   "I figured if I just continued to follow you and someone saw me they might think I was stalking, but than again maybe I was."

Placing his one hand over Rosalyn's head on the tree and leaning in Chad's eyes were still twinkling like they had been this morning. Around her he just couldn't help himself his feelings, emotions they really were hard to contain. Just looking deep into her eyes he searches for many different things. The biggest one was once he left would Rosalyn forget about him?

   "It's pretty nice here...I like the view."

Bringing his free hand to the side of Rosalyn's face Chad lets his finger just run over her cheek for a moment before his hand slips behind her head and he leans in closer letting his lips press against hers. Not letting it linger to long he pulls away and little before smiling and returning just brushing her lips lightly with his own in a teasing manor before retreating a little again and than coming back pressing his lips to hers firmly this time letting his emotions go. His heart picking up it's beat pounding so loud in his chest once more. 

Still kissing her Chad he takes his hand from behind Rosalyn's head and searches for her hand while not breaking the kiss. Finding it his fingers play with hers for a moment before he brings her hand up to his chest where his shirt was slightly unbuttoned just enough that her hand could slip inside the shirt. Pressing her hand against his heart just letting it stay there. The act alone spoke so many unspoken words. She made his heart beat, race, that was no mirror fling that did that. Returning his hand to the back of her head with what little free space he had he lets his fingers run thought her soft hair before just resting on the back of her head deeping the kiss but providing comfort for her head so it wasn't against the the rough surface of the tree.


A Little Late

"Yeah, yeah, things'll be... fine." Alec didn't sound to reassuring, but he tried. Once off the phone, he wanders back over to the table, hands on hips, and sighs. "How long's it been since you've eaten?"

Mackenzie lifts her head and shrugs. "I dunno. Since yesterday I guess."

Alec rolls his eyes and goes to the refrigerator. Searching for a moment, he goes for the milk, an apple and some peanut butter. Making fast work of it, he pours a small glass of milk before cleaning and slicing the apple. Bringing it all to the table, he sets a plate with the apple slices in front of Mackenzie, along with the milk, and opens up the jar of peanut butter.

Mackenzie quirks an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"What? You've never put peanut butter on apples?"

Mackenzie grimaces. "No. That's gross."

"Oh for Pete's sake." Alec pulls out a chair to sit next to her and takes an apple slice, dipping it into the peanut butter. Taking a bite, he nods. "Call me weird, but I like it. Last I knew though, you had the weird Banks gene too, so you might as well at least try it."

Challenged with belonging to the family, Mackenzie finally tries the snack. Glancing at Alec, she grins a little. "I guess it's not too bad."

"Ah. There, see? I knew you were my niece. This definitely proves it."

Mackenzie giggles a little before reaching for the glass and taking a long sip of milk.

Alec waits a few minutes before finishing the one slice of apple and just watching her eat. "So... you said you ran away from home 'cause they wouldn't let you see your dad anymore - but you hate his guts for leaving Misty anyway, so... what's the real deal here?"

Mackenzie shrugs again. "Nobody lets me do what I want. They treat me like a kid."

Alec smirks. "You are a kid, Blondie."

"Well, I shouldn't be." She scowls as she licks some peanut butter off her apple.

"So that family of yours - they're that bad, huh? Locking you up in a dungeon, I suppose? Scraps for meals, sharing a bed with rats and they beat you for no reason, huh?"

Mackenzie's eyes narrow at him. "I never said that."

"They why, pray tell, are you sitting here right now wanting me to feel sorry for you? You're just gonna get us both in trouble."

"I didn't know you were here, remember? I just wanted to see Misty."

"And what was she supposed to do?"

Mackenzie shrugs once more. "Who said I had to have a plan?"

"A Banks always has a plan." Hearing the front door open, Alec ceases the conversation. "In here," he calls to Misty. Seeing her come in, he lets the scene speak for itself.

Mackenzie turns around, her eyes widening a little. "Misty!" Excitement was evident in her voice. "Yeah, I'm okay." As Misty sits down next to her, she moves, almost as if she wants a hug, but something holds her back. "I just wanted to come see you. I didn't know Alec was living here too now."

Alec sits back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest. "She ran away from home again. They won't let her see her dad since he's being an idiot and-"

"He's not an idiot!" Mackenzie snaps.

Alec doesn't flinch. "He is, and you know it."

Tears pool in the girl's eyes. "Yeah well I've heard some not-so-great things about you, too."

Alec leans forward to rest his arms on the table, lowering his eyes to her level. "I told you once before that I was a bad person, so your observation doesn't bother me a bit. But you gotta know that your parents were probably smart in not letting you see Carson anymore. It was for your own good and you know it."

Mackenzie takes another sip of her milk, willing herself not to cry. She looks back at Misty pleadingly. "I just missed seeing you, and my parents don't understand. They won't let me do anything."

Alec straightens back up, catching Misty's eye. "She tells me they've been forcing her to see a counselor. She's got his number on her but she won't give it to me."

Mackenzie frowns. "Justin will just tell my parents anyway."

Alec looks back to Misty. Justin? Justin Hawks? The same guy who had worked with Scott? She probably knew about the guy, since it sounded like Mackenzie had been seeing him since before Carson had left. But did she know anything else?

Smiling at his daughter, Jeff reaches over to take Katie's hand, giving it a squeeze. "I'd like nothing more than some father daughter time."

He gives her a wink. "I'm gonna miss you too - but that just means that I'll have to visit all the sooner. Besides - I bet you're gonna be kept way too busy to think too much about back here. They're probably pulling their hair out down at the Elite without you there."

Maybe it was just a lame attempt to convince Katie she'd be fine and fall back into her routine at home again. He knew she didn't like being separated from her family, but that was life. She could always quit the Elite too, but he had a feeling she wouldn't. Last he knew, she loved her job too much for that anyway. Of course... that was when she'd been close to Jason.

Letting the subject go for now, Jeff eats breakfast with Katie, soon joined by Hunter as well. The three were able to chat a bit before Katie's other friends showed up too and the crowd became bigger. It would be later in the day when Jeff would catch up to Katie again for that walk.

"Hey.... Sis?"

Rosalyn continues to wipe down the dining room tables with the wet cloth, having taken the initiative to clean after lunch. She hadn't seen much of Chad except from a distance, catching his eye every once in a while, and dying to talk to him again. As luck would have it, Clint was interrupting her thoughts once more. "Yes, dear brother?"

"Uh... you got a minute?"

She looks over her shoulder to see him leaning on the back of a chair, shifting his weight rather nervously. "I guess so. What is it?"

Clint shrugs and continues fiddling with one of the chairs. "I, um... well I just wanted to talk to you about something."

Rosalyn sets one hand on her hip, the washcloth in the other. She really didn't have time for beating around the bush, but she holds back her annoyance. It wasn't often her brother looked so serious. "Yes? I'm listening."

"Well, it's just..." He shrugs again. "You know... me and Wendy... well, be both started out doing something stupid, ya know?"

Rosalyn blinks. Yes, everybody knew. "Uh... yeah. I sorta figured that one out."

"Oh, I'm happy now, don't get me wrong." Clint wouldn't trade Chase for the world. "It's just... well at the time, we sorta both lost our heads there in the heat of the moment and-"

Rosalyn holds up her hand. "Clint, spare me the details. You got your girlfriend pregnant. Now what is this about? I know she's pregnant again, but you are married, so I hardly have anything to be upset about."

Clint's face flushes slightly. He and Rosalyn were close, but they'd never talked about anything like this before. "It's not about me," he backtracks. "I mean, it was, so I know how it started off bad, and I do regret it, but not now. I mean it's not about me now."

Rosalyn's brow furrows as she tries to figure out what he was saying. "Okay..."

Clint purses his lips, his eyes showing genuine concern. "I just... don't want you to make the same mistake I did."

Rosalyn's eyes widen slightly. "Excuse me?"

"Or Wendy," he corrects. "I mean... since, you being a girl and... well..." His face grows redder. "I just don't wanna see you have the same regrets we do. You know..."

Setting the cloth aside, Rosalyn folds her arms. She really had no idea why this subject had come up. "I know.... what?"

"What I mean."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm just looking out for you!" Clint gestures with his hands, trying to explain without using blunt vocabulary. "Just making sure you aren't... you know what I mean!"

Rosalyn rolls her eyes. "If you're trying to explain the facts of life, I'm afraid you're a little late."

Clint's eyes widen. "I... I'm.... you've..."

"No!" Rosalyn's own eyes were just as wide. "That's not what I meant, pervert. I meant I have all the information I need, thank you. But why on earth are you telling me all this?"

Clint's cheeks had grown a little more hot. "I was just... worried."

"About me? With this sort of thing? Why?"

"Well I... I saw you leaving Chad's bunkhouse last night."

Rosalyn's face immediately transforms from light red to deep crimson. She had hoped that her brother's look to her this morning hadn't meant anything. But apparently when he couldn't sleep and had been out and about, he'd spotted her. "And you think that we... that I... you... seriously?!"

"It was three in the morning!" Clint throws up his hands. "I thought you were smarter than that, but it sure didn't look like it!"

"I can't believe we're having this conversation."

"I was just trying to help!"

"Well you didn't do a very good job." Rosalyn's eyes narrow. "Do you really have that much time on your hands that you sit around sticking your nose into other people's businesses?"

"I'm sorry!" Clint shoves the chair back into the table and huffs and frustrated sigh. "What was I supposed to think? If you weren't sleeping with him, then what were you doing there until the wee hours of the morning?!"

Rosalyn picks up the washcloth to resume her work - cleaning the tables a bit more vigorously now. "Not that you need to know, but we were talking and playing some cards. I fell asleep. When I woke up, he was asleep too, and I left. End of story."

Clint was relieved to hear that, and he did believe her. Except now he'd really made a mess. "I guess I'll never quit being the dumb one, will I?"

Rosalyn pauses her work and sighs at him. "I appreciate your effort, Clint. But you have nothing to worry about, okay? I don't plan on making that mistake."

"I didn't either..."

Rosalyn catches her brother's eye and gives him a weary sort of smile. "I know. Thanks for being my big brother. But as far as Chad and I are concerned, you don't need to think any more about it. Nothing happened, and nothing is gonna happen. Besides all that, he's leaving tomorrow anyway."

"Mm." Clint cocks his head. "Sad?"

"Who, me?" She rolls her eyes. "Guests come and go all the time. He's nice, I'll grant him that, and he's a flatterer, but I fell asleep while playing a game with him - what does that tell you? I'm sure it looked like something bad last night, and that was my own stupid fault. But really... there's nothing to worry about," she repeats.

"Yeah... okay." Clint gives her a sheepish glance. "I better get back to work."

"That's probably a good idea."

"And you don't need to... uh... tell anybody about... you know..."

Rosalyn grins. "Oh don't worry. You wouldn't catch me dead repeating this conversation." Only when she's alone again does her smile fade from her face. For one, she was more embarrassed than she'd let on - she knew she and Chad had done nothing wrong, but she still felt that same guilt, at least for what it had looked like. And for another thing, she'd led her brother on. She had unexplained feelings churning beneath the surface, and whatever had sparked between her and Chad was far from anything as boring as she'd implied. What was true though, was that he really was leaving tomorrow, and she knew that would end this little whirlwind of poetry and flattery...

...Walking amidst the small grove of apple trees, Rosalyn's mind wanders. She didn't usually just go off on her own, but today, it was too difficult to concentrate on her tasks. She was thinking about Chad... a lot. And her conversation with Clint was still bothering her. It all felt like one big mess, even though nothing was really going on at all. Maybe it was just all in her head. She was making a big deal out of nothing. Well... not really nothing. There was definitely something.

Leaning back against a tree, she looks up at the ripening apples. She should pick some to make something special. Although she didn't make as good of desserts as her mom did.

Sighing, she closes her eyes and just lets the warm breeze wash over her. What was Chad doing now? Where was he? Was he thinking of her? Did he want to see her again? Would she get to see him again before he left? Did he feel badly for her request to keep it all a secret?

I'll miss you

Chad was happy to spend that little extra time with Rosalyn chatting, laughing a little more and exchanging silent looks that only they new about. As as the dinning room became more and more crowded Chad made himself fade a little bit in the background till he finally faded away with his other friends not wanting to giving any hits that anything was going on with him and Rosalyn, but one that that wasn't removed was a smile that was no spread on his face. Maybe a little later Chad could find her somewhere alone and they could spend a little more time together. Tomorrow was coming all to soon.

Looking back to Jeff Katie gives a smile though in her eyes there was a bit of sadness. She really didn't want to live. She loved it here, she loved her family, and she loved her father so very much. No one ever new how hard it was for her to be away from him, not even Jason. That was one emotion she'd never let though.

   "Yeah, I'm packed but I don't know about ready to go. I'm really going to miss it here, I'm really going to miss you."

Katie new her life back in Nevada was waiting and she had to get back to it. Things would work out and everything would be ok once she got back but the feeling of being home sick was still there and Katie hated it. The first time she'd left the ranch what seemed like forever ago she had been angry, with Jason, she'd now returned angry at him again but she was leaving with that anger now gone. So now it hurt just a little more there was no pain to drive her.

   "Would you like to talk a walk a little later just the two of us? I could use some father daughter time before I leave."

Picking up her phone Misty was a bit surprised to hear it was Alec. Why he wasn't calling on her cell...oh thats right she'd left it in the car on mistake this morning. Well that made sense now but still it was a not odd.

  "Hey Alec, whats up?"

Hearing his voice she did not like the way he sounded. It put her on edge enough to stand up and already grab her things. It wasn't like Alec to have a little bit of panic in his voice and it made Misty's head race. 

   "Ohh boy....Just tell me everyone is ok and I am on my way home now."

Once getting off the phone with Alec she loves over to where Rick sat. Giving him a not and putting a few things away quickly she talks as she is heading for the door.

   "Rick I'll be back in a little bit. That was Alec and something is going on at home."

Closing the door behind her Misty wastes no time getting in her car and heading home. It didn't take as long as normal but she'd pushed the speed limit a little bit herself. She just wanted to get home and know what was going on for sure and make sure no one really was hurt.

Getting out of the car and heading inside Misty looks around wondering where Alec was. Everything seemed to quit for her liking.


Putting her stuff down on the hallway stands Misty looks into the living room seeing nothing she makes her way into the kitchen. Entering and seeing Alec she looks at him with question before looking at the table and not being able to help her surprise.

   "Mackenzie....What are you doing here? Are you ok Hun?"

Misty looks to Alec again before moving to the table and sitting down next to the young girl. Laying a hand on her shoulder Misty could tell something was wrong even though she didn't know what.

Slight Problem

"Umm.... two more I think." Rosalyn concentrates on the food, trying not to let her brother's look bother her. At least it didn't seem Chad had picked up on anything. He probably felt weird enough the way it was.

Glancing over her shoulder at him, she automatically smiled. She couldn't remember anybody who had ever had that affect on her, but... she really didn't mind one bit. It was something that felt... special.

Letting Chad help her with the rest of breakfast, Jade does eventually come, apologizing for sleeping through her alarm. She was just in time to help serve though, and Rosalyn hadn't minded having Chad to herself for a while. Once breakfast starts though, he was gone and she was left to her normal tasks, unable to help but wonder if she'd get any time with him again before he left. She knew that this was something short-lived. He was leaving tomorrow and going back to his life. This had just been a vacation for him. Even so, she wanted to enjoy these last few hours and soak it all in, in the hopes that one day she'd really have someone like him to call her own.

Joined by Katie, Jeff smiles. "Hey, Kiddo. I'm feeling alright this morning - better than yesterday. I think it's going to be a good day."

He cocks his head a moment, studying her face. He hoped that she truly was ready to go back to Nevada. He'd want her here forever, but knew she had a job to do. He just hoped that she was ready and that she would be able to easily adjust once she was back to work and back to her other world. "What about you? All packed?"

Cradling the phone between his shoulder and chin, Alec waits for Misty to answer. He'd gotten her voice mail on her cell phone, so he'd tried the Elite infirmary directly. One ring... two.... Come on, Misty, pick up....

Once he hears her voice, he breathes a sigh of relief. That was only half his stress though. "Hey, Misty, it's Alec. Um... can you come home?"

He glances over his shoulder to the kitchen table where Mackenzie sat, her head bent and resting on her folded arms.

"We.... have a slight problem."


Staring to stir the eggs a little bit Chad nodded. When he was home more he liked to keep, and when he'd been married he'd dont most of the cooking too so her was alright at it. No great chef and he was sure Rosalyn's food was better than his but no one would spit it out either, and he new not to burn anything. Thats really all he needed, everything else was trial and error.

Having the bacon offered to him Chad smile and takes a bit before giving a nod. This felt nice, it was different but he felt needed and being able to help, while being close to Rosalyn it was definitely the perfect combination. About to say something he stops at Clint's voice and turns around slightly throwing him a grin.

   "Don't get use to the sight, you never know this might be my first and my last time in the kitchen."

Though he teased about not coming back in and cooking Chad couldn't help the but know that if Rosalyn needed help or asked for help he would be right here and the same spot to help again. He didn't mind being in the kitchen, or taking on chores. He wasn't worried about people thinking he was to girly for doing more feminine things. He was comfortable with himself and anything he did.

Just leaving Rosalyn and her brother be to talk Chad turns back to the stove switching out pans and putting the one in the stove to keep warm like Rosalyn had said. Cracking a few more eggs and whipping them up into the next pan he lets it sizzle for a second before mixing them around like the last eggs.

It wasn't till Clint was gone that Chad turned to her again and gave a little smile. Her brother seemed pretty nice and like he cared for his sister a lot. It was nice to see family interaction like that. He'd never had his parents to be close to but he'd had Mark and he was very thank full for his brother. Without him who new where he'd be right now but Chad had a feeling it wasn't here.

   "So, how many batches of eggs should be made?"

Wondering into the dinning room Katie looks around. Hunter hadn't been awake yet so she left him a little note that said she would be here and if he needed anything to call or if he felt up to joining her he could. Seeing her dad she smiled and goes over to the table sitting down. It was her last day and she wanted to try and see everyone before she left. 

   "Good Morning! I was hoping I could catch you before the events of the day started. How are you feeling?"


Rosalyn can see a little hesitance in Chad's eyes, and she didn't blame him. It did feel strange to keep this a secret. It made it feel as though they were hiding something they were doing wrong, when they were being quite innocent and pure. But she still saw that red flag quite clearly and even if she didn't understand it completely, she'd learned to rely on those instincts, and she wasn't going to risk ignoring it this time.

Grateful he agrees, she gives his hand a squeeze. Returning the light kiss, she can't help another smile. He was so sweet and tender, but not even close to weak. Even his light kisses held adventure and she was quickly falling for them.

"I'd never ask you to lie," she responds quietly. No... no, that was something she would never do. That was a line she would not cross. "And if I'm asked, I won't lie either."

Grinning at his offer to help, she nods. "I would love your help, actually. I don't know where Jade is, so I'm a little swamped in here."

Moving to the side, she gestures to the eggs. "Just make sure those don't burn there for now. When they're done, we'll put them in the oven just to stay warm and start another batch. I don't like cooking too many at once." She could use a bigger pan, but she chose not to, preferring to maintain control over smaller portions.

Continuing with the bacon, she snitches a piece and takes a bite, nodding. Not too crispy, not too limp. Turning to Chad, she grins again and holds up the rest of the piece to his mouth so he could taste it too. "How's this?"

"Whoa! Man at the stove. That is just not right." Clint saunters through the kitchen, heading for the coffee. Grabbing a cup, he throws his sister and Chad a sidelong glance. "Rosalyn, you know better than to rope our poor guests into helping in the kitchen. You want to give him nightmares?"

Rosalyn rolls her eyes and leaves Chad be, wiping her hands on her apron. "I didn't rope anybody. He offered. Which is more than I can say about other people..."

Clint snickers and sips the fresh coffee. "Mmm... I needed this."

"You do look a little tired."

"Yeah, I was up half the night. Couldn't sleep and I was keeping Wendy awake so I went out to the shop. Now I'm paying for it."

The look he gave his sister made Rosalyn recoil just slightly. There was that red flag again. "Oh well I'm sorry. Stick around for a few minutes and breakfast will be ready."

"Okeedokee. Thanks." Lingering a moment, he finally sidles back out of the kitchen.

Easing down in a dining room chair, Jeff yawns, but felt fairly alert this morning. He hadn't done much yesterday, but today he'd woken up feeling pretty good. His energy level felt better at least, as did his stomach. He knew this was Katie's last day here, and though he wanted to spend it with her, he knew that most of her time would be spent with Hunter, and he didn't want to crowd them. Maybe he'd go for a short ride this afternoon to get some fresh air.


Having Rosalyn lay her hand over his it felt nice, and it felt warm. It was a feeling that spread through his hand, up his arm, and through the rest of him as he stood there not feeling like he had a care in the world at the moment. Everything seemed alright.

Hearing her request Chad is silent for a long moment. He felt a few different things about it once not voiced. Was this a smart idea if it was being kept a secret? Was he doing something wrong if he new people would not approve? Though reason knocked at the door Chad pushed it away. He wasn't doing anything wrong and as long as no one asked anything he wouldn't have to lie. Rosalyn was so special to just give up.

   "It already is our secret, just as long as you don't have to lie if anyone askes."

Maybe for now keeping it on a down low was a good thing. He had been here only a few days and to have grow so close to someone it did look kind of funny to those outside looking in. It would simply be the matter of them not knowing the feeling or connection but Chad really couldn't blame them either, he understood how it looked but he simply didn't care either.

Leaning down and bringing his face to Rosalyn's his lips brush hers quickly in a morning kiss. He didn't let it linger to long not sure when people would be showing up for breakfast like they had yesterday. So a quick one for now would just have to do and hold them both over till maybe later in the day if they were alone at all.

   "So, it looks like you could use some help. I've got nothing better to do at the moment just tell me what to do and I'll do it."


Hearing Chad's voice, a smile spreads on Rosalyn's face, though she doesn't turn around yet. As he slips his arms around her, she stays busy with the bacon, but lets one hand fall to his, letting her fingers rest against his. Her heart gave a flutter and she could feel her cheeks growing rosy... but this morning was different than yesterday. Chad was no longer a stranger. It wasn't nervous tension she felt, but rather a new kind of excitement.

"Good morning," she greets softly. Letting him help with the eggs, she was grateful for his assistance. Cooking eggs and bacon required more hands than muffins in the oven.

Leaving her hand still resting on his that remained around her waist, she looks up at him, catching his eye. A new little smile emerges and she shakes her head. "No, I left about three. Everybody else was sound asleep, so no one's the wiser. Which... is probably best."

She didn't want Chad to think she was ashamed of him or that she didn't think he was good enough. She just wanted to avoid any unnecessary tension if she could. Would he understand? Her eyes search his and she bites her lower lip as her fingers toy with his. "Can this be our secret?"



Rolling onto his back Chad gives a stretch as his internal clock goes off. He felt stiff but wasn't sure why till he realized he was on the floor and the night before comes back to him. Rosalyn had been with him, she'd fallen a sleep and her had too forgetting to wake her, Sitting up quickly and looking to the side he finds it empty and for a moment his heart sinks. Rosalyn must have gotten up in the middle of the night and slipped away. Though there was a little pang of sadness Chad new it was probley for the best. He didn't want to get anyone in trouble even if they had done nothing wrong.

Getting up and doing his normal ruteen Chad takes his shower, does his devotions but opts out on the run today. He was to stiff right now to even think about it so maybe a little later he could take a walk, and maybe a cretin someone could join him. Chad smiles at the though as his mind goes back to the night before and he can feel the grin grow just a little bit.

...Making his way to the mess hall today like he had yesterday he was pleasantly surprised to see Rosalyn was in the kitchen alone again. He was hoping she would be before anyone else was awake. He felt strange sneaking around but at the same time it was kind of exciting. They weren't doing anything wrong but he got the impression that Rosalyn's family might not to be happy and he'd rather not start any trouble, at least not yet. 

   "Good Morning Sunshine!"

Coming up behind her Chad puts his arms around her before grabbing a spatula to mix the eggs a little bit while she was busy with the bacon. Breakfast smelled all to good and so did Rosalyn. Turning his head a little to look at her his eyes sparkle with a new life.

   "Sorry I fell asleep last night. I wanted to stay awake so I could wake you in a few hours but I guess...I was just to comfortable myself. I didn't get you in trouble did I?"

Red Flag

Rosalyn doesn't even feel herself being repositioned as Chad makes her and himself more comfortable. Feeling a soft pillow under her head, a warm blanket and a safe arm draped around her, she sighs deeply...

3am. Rosalyns' eyes flutter open. The light was still on, but it felt like it was really late. Something felt strange though. Not moving, she figures out she was on the floor - the floor of Chad's bunkhouse, and she suddenly realizes that he is directly behind her with his arm around her. Smiling a little, her hand rests on his arm, soaking in his warmth. Mmmm, she was comfortable.

3am?! Suddenly coming to her senses, she knew that she needed to go. She'd have to get up in another couple hours, but if she waited that long, she would more easily be found out. And no matter how innocent this whole thing was, it would look really bad and she'd never live it down.

Despite not wanting to, she slowly eases out from under Chad's arm. Rolling over and sitting up, she looks back at him for a moment, smiling a little to herself. He looked so peaceful sleeping. What was this flutter in her heart? It was unfamiliar. Leaning down, she gives Chad's cheek a soft kiss before she stands up. Tiptoeing to the door, she looks over her shoulder one last time before turning off the lights and slipping out into the cool night air...

...Rosalyn stifles a yawn before turning over some of the strips of bacon sizzling on the stove. After getting home from Chad's, sleep had not come easily, leaving her exhausted by the time she had to get up and head over to the dining hall to fix breakfast again. Not that she minded... It was an awfully hard secret to keep, but so far, no one had indicated they knew a thing. She knew she'd done nothing wrong. She'd spent some innocent time with Chad. There had been nothing more than a kiss - a passionate kiss, but just a kiss. But despite her knowing good and well she and Chad were both innocent... there was a red flag in the forefront of her mind that warned her to keep quiet. Chad was a guest. A male guest. A bit older, and more mature male guest. A guest that she had known for one day. And something warned her to keep quiet unless she wanted her father to jump down Chad's throat. She could only hope that Chad would have sense enough to keep his mouth shut too - at least if other people were around.

Sliding one batch of bacon from the frying pan, she starts another, keeping an eye on the scrambled eggs too. Her mother had come down with a cold after feeling under the weather yesterday, so Rosalyn had offered again to take care of the morning meal. Jade hadn't shown up yet, but that was okay with Rosalyn. It... gave her more time to think about... pleasant things.

A small smile creeps across her lips. Just because she was tired didn't mean she didn't remember feeling so warm and comfortable. And if she could get just one more of those kisses... she wouldn't mind.

Just a little

Starting up the game the time slowly slipped past. Joking, laughing, eating more Twizzlers and just having a blast. It had been a long time since Chad had, had this much fun and was just himself in a long time. It really felt nice and he didn't want the night to end to soon, because that was just one day closer to the end.

   "Yeah, so my job has dangers here and there but nothing to bad as long as I don't act dumb. Your turn!"

Looking at his card but not getting a reply from Rosalyn Chad looks down and to his side. Seeing her cards laying in front of her and her head leaning on his shoulder he can't help but smile. It was late lots had happened today and no matter how much he didn't want sleep to come he new it was a must. 

Rosalyn looked so peaceful asleep sitting up but at the same time she looked a little uncomfortable. His common sense told him to wake her up and have her head home but she just looked so at peace that he didn't want to wake her. Maybe he's just let her sleep a little but than wake her up. Just a few hours anyways.

Moving slightly to put his cards down and move hers Chad reaches up on the bed with his free hand and grabs the pillow and a light blanket. Putting them on the ground gently Chad shifts so Rosalyn shifts with him. Laying down his arm under her he picks the blanket up and lays it over her before getting comfortable on top of it. That way there was a barrier and if Rosalyn awake she wouldn't feel invaded.

Turning on his side Chad just watches her sleep for a few moments as a smile spreads across his lips. She did look so at peace sound a sleep it was hard not to watch her. Feeling his own eyes get tired though he finally lays his head down and drapes his other arm around her tucking it under her side and holding her close to him. Just a little bit than he could wake and have Rosalyn head home.

But the minutes turned into hours and Chad was so comfortable that sleep found him easy and a deep sleep it was feeling Rosalyn's warmth next to him. It wouldn't be till morning he would awake!

Too Comfortable

"I'm actually rather fond of Go Fish." Rosalyn keeps a straight face as she reaches for a Twizzler. Finally grinning though, she shakes her head. "Euchre is fine though." She'd learned to play quite a variety of card games since living here - it was a must for the night owls. She liked most of them though, so she never really minded what was played.

Getting started with the game, Rosalyn finds herself chatting and laughing with ease as they played. Teasing each other was the best, and she'd finally found someone quick enough with comebacks to make the banter fun. Losing all track of time, she really didn't care. This was the most fun she'd had in a while, and she wasn't yet ready to give it up. In a couple days, it would be gone - she wanted to soak up as much as she could.

Somewhere along the line, she ends up sitting next to Chad, either carefully holding her cards sideways, or just plain not caring if he saw them. And as her eyes grow heavy, she leans her head on his shoulder, forcing herself to continue the game. With each hand though, her eyes grew heavier and heavier, closing in between turns. And eventually, she misses a turn, her cards sliding from her limp hand. It was late, it had been a long day, and her body was just too comfortable.

Go Fish

Just sitting there longer with Rosalyn Chad didn't mind at all and how long they sat he wasn't sure but it didn't matter. Having her in his lap was ok with him, comfortable and didn't feel strange at all. She could sit there as long as she wanted and he wouldn't have a care in the world.

   "Ok I wont pull the button off the shirt. Some one might wonder why I have little blood dots on them all if that happens and I have to fix it."

Finally as she moves a little bit Chad moves his arms to the side so she could go witch ever way she wanted. Seeing her get comfortable he smiles before moving his own cup so he didn't dump it. Leaning over and putting a deck of cards and a package of Twizzlers out he sets them down before offering one to Rosalyn.

Taking a bite of one of the Twizzlers he picks up the cards again and start to shuffle. Thinking about the different kind of card games they could play. It had been a long time for him but he thought he still remembered how to play a few.

   "Well I liked Euchre the best if your ok with that, but I also know how to play Gin and Go Fish too"

Chad can't help but laugh at his own dumb comment. This night had turned out a lot better than he had planned and with the kiss finally exchanged it seemed like so much tension was gone. Now knowing each other on another level the feelings were free to just run between them, both of them secretly knowing what no one else did.

What kind?

Rosalyn laughs outright, giving Chad's shoulder a smack. "You rip that button off and you can sew it back on yourself."

Sighing with content, she nods. It was late enough... she wouldn't be missed by anybody. "Okay... I'll stick around.... for a little while. However..." She grins again, her finger toying with the hem of his shirt. "I'm gonna need just a couple more minutes here until I can move again."

It was true - her legs did still feel like jelly. One thing was certain though.... her nervousness around Chad was gone. It was as if giving in to a few sweet moments of affection had curbed both of their silent wants. She could stand it if he wanted to kiss some more... but she was quite content just to spend some time with him now too. Kissing each other seemed to have allowed the admitting of passion, enough to simmer things down again. And Rosalyn was glad. She wasn't sure how much longer she could have stood the tension.

Finally prying herself from Chad, she slides off his lap to remain sitting on the floor. Scooting back a little, she makes room for cards between them. Picking up her cup, she takes another sip of fruit juice. "So... what kind of card games do you like?"