

Sitting around the table with everyone else it was a different group of people but Katie and Hunter were still there. Chad liked that it seemed to almost be on a rotation so you can see and chat with different people. 

Talking with Katie and Mark Chad's ears pick up on Rosalyn's voice as she asks Jade to sit down. Giving a smile and a nod to Katie he tried his best to just pass it off as something she'd said, but really it was a smile was for Rosalyn.

   "I don't know Kat, thats kinda taking a big leap."

Giving a laugh he moves his foot slightly before feeling Rosalyn's touch his and he moves it back. Lifting it up and down a little bit before she links ankles with him. He was happy she'd taken the seat next to him even if it wasn't much interaction at least they were a little closer to each other. Turning a little to look around the table his eyes stop to Rosalyn and Jade and he gives a smile.

   "You lady's sure did out due yourself tonight. I don't know if I can go back to normal food now."

   "Would you stop trying to suck up to them. The one is engaged, and the other could probley careless."

Looking back to his brother Chad shakes his head before looking back to Jade and Rosalyn again giving a little smile, and a twinkle in his eye.

   "Alright so the one is engaged, but I dont know about the not caring part I mean...look at me...I'm a charmer."

As Ken gets here and everyone gets ready to leave Misty is not close behind to show them out. She was kind of sad to see Mackenzie go after only being there a short time. She really did care for the child even if she wasn't her own blood. 

As she comes to get her a hug Misty gives a large smile. It really did make her feel good that Mackenzie cared and missed them. If she didn't trust anyone else at least she trusted them. It was a start and better than nothing.

   "It was good to see you kiddo just make sure next time its ok with Ken. I missed you too and I hope we can work something out to see you more. Love ya girl."

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