
Five-card stud

"Hey, Ryan." Tal's small smile remains as he sets his sunglasses up on his head. He leans on the counter and watches her for a moment as she starts the paperwork. "Well, something's wrong with my car."

He pauses then rolls his eyes. "And as I've just demonstrated, I like to state the obvious." He grins and thumbs towards the window. "I don't know what's wrong. Had trouble starting it a few days ago, now it's backfiring and has died on me a few times. Whatever it is, it's more than I know how to fix, so here I am."

He places his keys on the counter. "If you can't get it in today, that's okay - it can stay as long as it needs. I can walk home."

"Alrighty then... your place it is." Ty stands up and gathers up his trash to throw away in the garbage and get a refill on his drink. Ambling back to the table, he checks his watch. "Well, I guess you can take me home and I can ride my bike to your place later."

"Hello, Alec. How are you feeling?"

Alec's eyes slit open groggily to see the doctor looking over his chart. "I'd feel a lot better if you could give me what I really want, and get me off this sedative," he mumbles.

JT smiles and sits down in one of the chairs. "If I did that, it wouldn't be helping you very much, now would it?"

Alec's mouth turns up at the corners. "You like to torture your patients, don't you?"

"Is it me who's doing the torture?" JT glances over the chart again. "It wasn't me who got you on drugs in the first place, nor was it me who said for you to have temper tantrums."

Alec's wrists tug weakly at the handcuffs. Not only did he hurt all over, but he wanted a fix and he wanted it bad. His head was swimming though and he wasn't sure he could get up, even if he were free to go. It didn't stop his bullheadedness though. "Go stick a sock in it."

"Mmm... I would, but I don't have a pair to spare." JT shakes his head. "Despite your bad attitude, your body is taking care of itself. You're healing quite well - better than I expected and much better than most patients would. For that, you can be grateful. If that bullet had been half an inch to the right, you'd be six feet under by now."

"I should be," Alec mutters. "But you and everybody else think you know what's best so you all just take charge of my life instead of letting me do what I want."

JT sighs. He didn't like anyone feeling that way, even if Alec did deserve to die. "We're all just doing our jobs. And whether you believe it or not, some people actually care. Maybe that's a concept you haven't quite grasped yet, but when you do, you'll understand why we saved your life."

"You only saved it so I could go to prison." Alec tugs on the handcuffs again, feeling little to no strength left. Not only was he weakened from his condition, but whatever they were giving him kept him knocked out most of the time, and barely lucid the rest of the time. "And you think that's quality of life?"

"Whether you go to prison or not isn't my job. Keeping you alive is. Take a lesson from your body that's fighting to recover. Maybe there's a reason you survived... maybe there's more here than what you're willing to see." JT stands up and pats Alec's arm. "Keep going like this, and you'll be out of here in no time. I'll be back to check on you later."

Alec grits his teeth as the doctor leaves, then glares at the ceiling. The only thing he felt right now was anger.

Reese groans as he hangs up the phone after speaking with JT. Apparently Alec was still not cooperating with anyone. Would he ever? What was really going on? Why wouldn't he talk? Why was he so angry? Didn't he want to be proven innocent?

Sighing, Reese gets up and wanders across the main floor and heads for the hallway. He had an idea. Maybe it was a lame one, but it was the only thing he had until he resorted to interrogations.

"Dalton?" He pushes the door open without waiting and looks in on his agent. "You wouldn't want to pay a little visit to Alec, would you? Just... see how he's doing? You know, um... maybe see if he'll open up or something?"

Being brought cookies and even milk, Dylan again wasn't completely sure how to respond. Even though he'd been here a while now, the kindness still didn't seem real to him. He'd fought the structure of the ranch for so long, then had nosedived, then had started coming back up again... but what the final result was, he didn't know. It had been a very long time since he'd been able to honestly say he was happy... he didn't really even remember what it was like. He knew Mick and Rosetta were trying their best - he wasn't blind. He knew they were trying to be a family to him and get him to socialize more, be more relaxed and settle into the whole family thing. But it still felt awkward to him. Maybe it was his past... maybe it was what had happened with BJ... maybe it was simply his discovery that he'd been living a rotten life and needed to change. No matter the reason, coming here tonight didn't feel natural, nor was it all that comfortable. He stays anyway though, and accepts the dessert offered.

Nibbling on one of the cookies, he glances at Rosetta. "It's good," he comments softly. It really was. He knew all the cooking he liked around here, and the kind he didn't. He knew which meals to skip and which to show up at, just on the menu or who was cooking.

Mick takes a bite of his own cookie and eyes his son's pensive expression. "I don't think I ever saw a cookie give a man such a furrowed brow."

Dylan looks up quickly and before he realizes it, an oh-so-faint grin tugs at just one corner of his mouth. "I was thinking about food."

Mick chuckles. "Food. I hope it was about good food."

"Mm-hmm." Dylan chews thoughtfully. "I was just thinking when Rosetta helps cook in the dining hall, I always know it'll be good." His cheeks grow just a little warm, realizing he'd spoken without recognizing that Rosetta was right there. He says more to move on. "When Jade is in the kitchen, I always know there will be some odd spices used and the food will have kind of a zing to it. Becky's food is always more simple but really good. And when Rosalynn helps out, there's always extra cheese involved so I know I'll like it."

Mick quirks an eyebrow, his mouth turning up into a smile. He'd had no idea Dylan was so observant. "Anybody's cooking you don't like?"

"Um..." Dylan thinks. "Not really. Unless it's something with spinach or cabbage or something like that." His nose scrunches up a little. "Luke's a good cook too, but when he lets Jim help, you know something will end up burned around the edges. And if the smoke alarm goes off, you know it was probably a short-handed night and Clint was recruited against his will."

Mick laughs outright and shakes his head. "I guess I never paid that much attention. So you think if you didn't see who was there and you were given a plate of food, you could tell who had made it?"

Dylan shrugs, but his tone was confident. "Probably."

"What ever possessed you to keep all that in your head?"

"I dunno." Dylan dunks the latter half of his cookie into his milk. "I got a lot of room in my noggin' that's not being used up by the important stuff I should be retaining." Math was the first thing that came to mind. He'd had tests this week, and he'd wound up with a D+ and mandatory homework with Rosetta - not exactly something he'd been pleased about. As a natural pause in the conversation followed, his eyes roamed almost everywhere but anybody's eyes. They ended up landing on a small shelf of games in the living room where there was at least one deck of cards.

Mick followed his gaze before finishing off his milk. "I'm partial to Texas hold 'em."

Dylan's eyebrows rise. His dad? Poker? He tries to hide his surprise. "You kidding? Five-card stud is the way to go."

Mick grins a little and throws Rosetta a quick glance that said maybe this was the "in" they'd been looking for. "You sound pretty confident."

Dylan shrugs, though there was definitely a challenge in his eye. "I'm alright..."

...It was an hour later and the dining room table was still the center of activity. This time though, the dinner had all been cleared away, leaving a few cans of pop, a deck of cards and a bowl of community pennies to be returned at the end of the game.

Mick still sat in his chair, but he'd long since pulled BJ's chair around right next to his. The boy was too big to sit on his lap anymore, but he made sure BJ could be close enough to see the cards and "help" him play while whispering hints and letting him count the pennies bet.

Dylan sat at the other end of the table, straddling his chair backward and very much into the game. Had he realized he'd finally relaxed? Maybe. But for now, he'd decided to ignore it. Studying his cards, he bets, waits for Mick and when it's time to show hands, he's won yet another round.

Mick laughs and shakes his head. "Why did I even try?"

"I have no idea." Dylan grins and gathers the pennies to add to his growing stash. His peripheral vision keeps an eye on Rosetta while his hand crawls to one of the leftover cookies and slides it closer so he can take a bite. "You sure you wanna keep playing?"

Mick smirks. He yawns and ruffles BJ's hair. "I think somebody probably needs to go to bed."

"Start going to bed this early, it means you're getting old."

"I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about..." Mick realizes the joke, shown not through any smile on Dylan's face, but only the humor dancing in his son's eyes. "Ha...ha. Very funny."

Dylan shrugs and finishes up his cookie. "I should probably go anyway."

"Sure. Leave while you're winning."

"Hate to break it to you, but..." Dylan looks at his pile of pennies. "We could be here a while if you want to come out ahead."

Mick laughs and looks at Rosetta. "I think he has a point."

Dylan almost smiles as he stands up. His eyes drift over to Rosetta too before his gaze drops. "Um... thanks for... supper... and the cookies."

New face

Being lost in thought while working on the car Ryan didn't talk much today but just worked keeping her mind busy and off of things that were going on today. Not even hearing the bang from the car Ryan keeps working letting the comments of the others drone from her thoughts. But as Leo says her name Ryan looks up and him and than twords the front of the shop.

"I'll see whats what I can do."

Taking her rag and whipping her hands off Ryan makes her way around the car she was almost finished with. Walking past the other and Leo her eyes lock with his for a long moment. She new he new what was going on. She new everyone new even if she didn't tell them. Word traveled fast around here and nothing was ever a secret when it was bad. Ryan was thankful though that no one had said anything. It was still pretty raw to talk about and that last thing she wanted to do was get teary eyed here at work. It was hard enough not doing that one her own.

Leaving the docking bay and heading to the front desk Ryan was a bit surprised to see Tal. He'd never come here before to fix his car so seeing him there now was a little surprising. Though Ryan does her best to keep herself composed.

"Hey Tal. What can I do for you?"

Pulling out the clip bored that was under the counter Ryan grabs a pen and jots a few thinks down. Knowing Tal would be there for his car she starts to write up the work order for it before stopping and looking up at him waiting for more information.

Finishing her last french fry and taking a sip of her juice Libby thinks for a long moment. She thought she remembered Dani saying she would be out with Dalton tonight. Even if she wasn't though they could always hibernate in her room and watch tv so they didn't bother her.

"I'm pretty sure Dani is going to be out with Dalton tonight. I don't think she will mind us coming over."

Libby gives a smile to Ty. She really did enjoy spending time with him. Since he'd helped her move and even given her a few lessons in defending herself Libby looked up to him even more. She'd never had someone stand up for her, or even cared enough to show her some ways to stay safe. It just made her feel that much closer to Ty.

Rosetta was often very astonished by BJ's understanding of what was going on around him even if he didn't know it himself. Somewhere he could process the situation that exceeded his years and was able to add his own thoughts into it without doing much.

Giving a nod to Mick and than to Dylan Rosetta stands and gathers the plates all but BJs who was still finishing his meal. The might not be full but she understood and they would be fine. Cookies were better than anything else anyways.

"Me not make enough? Mick says I always make to many like I am going to feed and army or something."

Letting a small laugh slip out Rosetta brings the plate to the kitchen and cleans off the plates before putting them into the sink. Pulling out four glasses from the cabinet Rosetta pours milk into them and puts some cookies on a plate making sure to add an extra one for BJ when he was done with dinner. Coming back into the living room Rosetta sets the glasses down and the cookies as well before going back for the small plates and returning.

"There we go help yourself Dylan. I hope you like them."


Seeing BJ run off, Dylan isn't sure what to do - neither parent were saying anything, so he didn't know if that was permission to leave, or an order to stay. He's just ready to get up, when BJ comes trotting back and hands him the picture.

Not knowing what else to do but take it, Dylan stares at the drawing. Only one real thing stuck out in his mind - and that was family. Family obviously meant a lot to this young boy. These weren't even his real parents... Dylan and Jade weren't even his real siblings, but rather his cousins... but to the eight-year-old, it didn't matter.

Swallowing hard, Dylan fights his innermost emotions that reminded him of what he missed as a little boy... what he'd always wanted... BJ may have started a little late, but he had what Dylan always wanted - a dad who was right there no matter what. Dylan's dad had abandoned him. His eyes drift up to meet Mick's and for a long moment, their gaze locks. Did Dylan have a second chance here? Or would none of the past ever be regained? Things had gotten so screwed up... how could they ever be made right again? He still remembers how it had been his fault that BJ had gotten hurt not all that long ago too - that hadn't helped matters any. His eyes fall back to his half-eaten meal.

Mick looks over at BJ and gives him a wink and nod of approval. Seeing Dylan struggling now to know what to do, he decides to prompt just a little bit more. "I think we've got cookies for dessert," he muses. "If you wanna stick around, you can."

Dylan shrugs. "I didn't get all my schoolwork done today. I should probably do some of that."

"Oh, I doubt you'll get too far behind if you skip tonight." Mick cocks his head. "Peanut butter cookies still your favorite?"

Dyan's head snaps up and he speaks before thinking. "You remember that?"

Mick nods slowly. "Yeah.... yeah, I do." He remembered just about everything - Rosetta was the only one who knew how much he thought of the past... thought of his kids and how much of their lives he'd missed out on. He no longer dwelled on it, but it was definitely a pain that would never go away completely.

Dylan toys with a corner of BJ's drawing. "I still like them," he admits. "Jade makes some with chocolate chips that are to die for."

"Ooh, I know who to go to next time we want some sweets." Mick grins. Pushing his plate aside, he signals he's finished. He really wasn't... he wasn't full yet... but there were more important things than his hunger right now. "I think I'm ready for something sweet right now. So you want a cookie?"

Dylan sighs then shrugs. "Yeah, okay." His eyes drift over to Rosetta. "If you have enough."

"I dunno." Jason's fingers absentmindedly run slowly through Katie's hair, though he keeps his eyes closed. He did know why he asked, he just knew it would end up being a pointless topic. "Just wondered."

Though the sound from the television droned on, the lack of light and warmth on the couch provided the right atmosphere for weariness to finally have its way. A few minutes later, Jason's fingers had stopped moving and his breathing had become more relaxed, signaling that he'd fallen asleep.

"Ooh, going for scary, are we?" Ty grins. Maybe he liked it when they watched the scary ones too. "I think I can handle that."

He finishes off his chicken and takes another sip of pop. "Your place or mine? I think Wyatt's gonna be around - not that I care, but I don't wanna keep him up late. Dani gonna be around at your apartment?"

Leo's head pops up from the car he was working on as the sound of a nearby backfire enters the auto shop. "Oooh... somebody's coming our way. Sounds like a catalytic converter."

Miles slides out from under another car. "Bad wiring."

"Fuel pump," Ron chimes in from cleaning out the tow truck.

Axel cocks his head from where he was cleaning off a couple tools and hears another backfire. "Nah. It's just a bad sensor."

Leo's eyes travel in Ryan's direction. Current situations with her and Alec were no secret - news like that spread fast. But no one here had said anything, including him. Instead, he tried his best to simply be kind. He throws her a smile, not even knowing if she'd been paying attention. "It's probably something Ryan could fix in five minutes flat," he muses.

Driving towards J&J's, Tal sighs as he babies his car along the street. Spending the latter half of his day like this instead of enjoying a few hours off work wasn't exactly his cup of tea. But apparently his car had other ideas.

Making it to the auto shop, he cuts the engine and gets out, taking a look around. Spying the open garages doors, he also spots a familiar face. A small smile and wave are aimed at Ryan before he goes inside the customer area. Finding no one at the counter though, he stands and waits, figuring someone would be here soon.