
Just wanted...

"I think since I've got Domino with me, it'd be better just to go home," Scott reasons. Going out somewhere was probably a better idea than having Hope over to his house, but he didn't want to make the little dog wait in the car or wait any longer for her supper. She could survive, but he'd be nice to her.

Heading out with Hope, Scott breathes in the evening air. It was a little chilly since the sun went down, making him glad he'd worn his hoodie. After getting to his car, he starts out first, letting Hope follow. Halfway home, he felt even sillier for asking anybody to go home with him. It really was rather childish, and he knew someday he'd have to face the dark whether he wanted to or not.

Arriving at his house, he parks and waits for Hope to join him before stepping up on the porch and unlocking the door - all three locks. Having someone with him made him try a little harder to not act as paranoid as he felt inside. He wanted to check every nook and cranny before settling in for the night, but he knew good and well that Domino would alert him if anything was wrong, and all she did once the door was open was head to her bowl in the kitchen.

"Somebody's hungry," Scott muses aloud. Grinning, he shakes his head, letting Hope in the house in front of him. Aiming for the kitchen, he flips on the lights and first feeds Domino before putting on a pot of coffee. Letting it brew, he motions to the kitchen table, sitting down with Hope. He could suggest the living room couch but... maybe the table was better.

"Thanks... for coming over." His eyes drift everywhere but her gaze. "Maybe one of these days I won't be such a coward."

Accepting the job of cutting up the peppers, Alec nods absentmindedly. "Yeah... I hope it works out too. I mean, I know it's just a few hours and it might not last very long if I can actually find something else but..." He shrugs. "I guess I'm just sorta glad he's being nice to me. Like maybe I have a chance at something after all." 

Had he ever admitted out loud how much he wanted to be with his family? He didn't think so. But the ache in his heart hadn't gone away. He wished he knew his brother better. He wished he knew his sister better. At least he was getting to see his niece, whom he dearly loved, even though he might not say it. But he still wished to be closer to his siblings. He'd just messed things up too badly.

"Hey, Sparky?"

Sparky stops mid-stride in the barn aisle, turning towards Mick's voice. "Yeah? I brought those colts in for the night like you wanted."

"Oh, yeah, thanks." Mick approaches, stopping in front of him. "Something else though. I was just in the break room going through some things and I was checking a few records. Sorted through what we've got in the safe in there, and I keep coming up a few hundred dollars short on that money we stashed in there. Any idea where it went? Did I send some of that with you to an auction or anything recently?"

Sparky fiddles with the leadrope in his hand as he eyes drift elsewhere. "Uh, no... no, not that I know of."

"I feel like I'm going crazy." Mick tilts back his had, scratching his forehead. "Maybe my math's off but I've counted it three times."


Mick cocks his head, realizing that his brother wasn't looking at him. "Do you know where that money went?"

"Well I haven't used it for anything, if that's what you're asking."

"No, that's not what I'm asking." Mick nudges Sparky's shoulder until he looks at him. "But you do know something about it don't you?"

Sparky coils up the rope and clears his throat. "All I'm saying is that the missing money will probably show back up again." He turns to leave, but Mick's hand on his shoulder stops him. He keeps his back to him though. "I made someone a promise not to talk about it, Mick."

Mick was even more concerned now. Who had needed money that badly to have taken it from the safe? Why wouldn't someone have asked for it? Mick would give it to anybody in need, but he was a bit perturbed that someone would take it without at least telling him. "Who?"

Sparky glances back over his shoulder, studying his brother's eyes. No matter what he'd told Dylan, now was the time for truth before this got blown out of proportion. "I think you better ask your son about it."

"Dylan?" Mick's eyebrows shoot up. "But why? What did he need the money for?"

Sparky continues his route, hanging up the rope on the way to the door. "I've said all I can," he calls back.

Left alone, Mick sets his hands on his hips, irritated with being left in the dark like this. But if Dylan had something to do with this, then Dylan he would ask...


Dylan looks up from his schoolwork spread out on his bed, surprised to hear his dad's voice. He didn't usually come looking for him, especially in the evenings when everyone was settling down for the night. "Yeah? It's open."

Mick enters the bunkhouse slowly, letting the door close behind him. "Hey, you got a minute?"

Dylan shrugs, tapping his pencil on his knee as he sat cross-legged. "Sure."

"I, um... I was talking with Sparky a few minutes ago and he pointed me in your direction. I'd been asking him about some money that was in the barn safe."

Dylan's shoulders automatically drop. He'd almost had everything paid back again. After a string of auctions lately, he'd been so close. "What...did he tell you?"

"Nothing. That's why I'm here." Mick folds his arms and studies his son's face, searching for answers. "I'm not accusing anybody... I'm just looking for answers. Do you know why there's several hundred dollars missing?"

Dylan's eyes fall to his books and he swallows hard. He knew he was in for it now. "Yeah... I do."

Mick sighs. There was a bigger story here - he could feel it. And it was obviously something he wasn't going to like, or else Sparky would have been more upfront with him. Not to mention, his son's body language had guilt written all over it. "You wanna explain?"

"Not really." Dylan finally looks up with a little smirk. He knew that not explaining wasn't an option at this point. Still fiddling with his pencil, he shrugs again. "It was when I left. I took several thousand dollars."

Mick's eyes widen and he comes a few steps closer, trying to understand. "But there's-"

"I blew it all." Dylan keeps going. "Mostly on bus fares ...and drugs. I knew you'd kill me if you discovered I'd taken the money though so... I've been paying it back little by little. I was trying to pay it all back before you found out, but... looks like I was just a little too slow."

Mick still didn't have all the pieces and he shakes his head, more confused so far, than angry. "But how have you been paying it back? And why did Sparky..." Suddenly it clicks. "The auctions."

Dylan nods. "Every time I've gone with Sparky, I've done some fast horse trading and made a few hundred dollars at a time. I was planning on getting the last chunk here at the next auction." He bites his lip. "I, um... suppose you'll be taking all this outta my hide now, huh?"

Sighing deeply, Mick slowly shakes his head. Perhaps it was his pattern to lose his temper over something like this. But perhaps it was also time to change that pattern. "No...no, I don't think so. Looks like you're doing a pretty good job of paying it all back on your own. I don't think anything else is necessary, do you?"

Dylan blinks. His dad wasn't even going to yell at him? "I... guess not. I mean... if you want me doing something else, or working it off or-"

"You do more than your share of work around here," Mick interrupts. "Don't think I haven't noticed. I'm disappointed you stole that money, and I'm disappointed you didn't come to me about it sooner. But I'm also pretty sure it's not something you'll do again, and I'm impressed that you've been paying it back. So... there's not a whole lot more to be said, is there?"

Dylan swallows hard. "I'm sorry."

Mick purses his lips and nods once more. "Me too. But I forgive you. Just let me know when the rest of the money's in there, okay?"


What Mick really wanted to do was hug his son, but he refrains. "Alright... well... I'll leave you to your schoolwork. Rosetta says you're zipping right through some of your classes."

"Yeah. I got a little ways to go yet but I should be able to test out of a couple subjects here soon. I might actually be able to get done with school by next summer if I keep up with this pace."

Knowing that he'd been held back a year then had had so much trouble since then, Mick really was quite impressed that he'd worked hard enough to get that caught up on his work. Dylan should have been graduating this coming spring, but to be able to do it a few months late instead of a whole year or more was quite a feat. "I'm proud of you, Dylan."

Something tugs at Dylan's heart and he just gives Mick a little nod. "Thanks." 

 ...Easing down on the porch swing, Mick's eyes roam the ranch yard. Rosetta would expect him inside soon. He'd only gone to finish up a few things after supper and one thing had led to the next until it had become later than intended. BJ was probably in bed by now... he'd have to go say goodnight at least before going to bed himself. But for now... for now, he just wanted to rest in the quiet evening under the stars.

Taking off his hat, he runs a hand through his hair before leaning back in the swing and letting it rock gently. He was amazed at how life had led him to this point. In one of those bunkhouses was his daughter... so young but so grown up too, engaged and planning her life. In another bunk was his son... even younger yet so much more mature than he ever should have been. His future was so foggy, and Mick worried often about him. Then behind him was another son, full of life and love and energy, bringing so much joy with his innocence. And Mick also had Rosetta. Would she ever know how much happiness she brought him? It would be difficult for anyone to ever know. But she'd fulfilled his life in so many ways - he thanked God every day for bringing their lives together again.

What would tomorrow bring? Or the next week? Or next year? Mick didn't have a clue. He only hoped that he would make the right decisions and be the man God wanted him to be. He'd already made so many mistakes... would he ever be as wise as he should?

Letting out a deep sigh, he continues just to sit and rock gently.

Rosalyn steps softly up onto the small porch, pulling her jacket tighter around her shoulders. It was hardly cold, but she felt extra chilly in the night air. It wasn't too late, but the sun had been down for hours and the ranch had grown quiet. 

The day had been one full of smiles with moments of bliss. After Chad had finished helping her with the garden, they'd gone for a walk and simply enjoyed each other's company, holding hands and sharing more about each other. They'd been gone longer than planned but had been around for supper, then had hung out with a few others like Clint and Jeff who didn't seemed disturbed by Chad's presence. After that, Rosalyn and Chad had said goodnight, splitting ways. She had walked home, feeling so happy and warm all over... Until she'd walked inside the house. 

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and sniffling, she now knocks quietly on Chad's door as more tears surface. She didn't want to bother him. He'd said he'd be going to bed. She didn't want to wake him. But she didn't want to go back home either. 

Waiting until he'd come to the door, her eyes rise to meet his. Several more tears trickle down her cheeks and her voice wavers as she speaks. "I'm... I'm sorry to bother you. I just... I went home and... and Dad got mad and we had a big fight and..." She chokes, trying not to cry any more. "I just... I just wanted to be with you." 

Time to kill...

Pulling away from Eric Ashlee smiles up at him again as she looked into his eyes. He really did care about her mom and herself. Just looking deep into his eyes Ashlee could see it and it warmed her. She'd always missed having that father figure in her life, or someone to do father daughter stuff with her but always settled. Now having Eric though weather he was officially her dad or not she realized how much she had missed and didn't want to have to say goodbye to it yet.

   "Ok, no more thinking your mad."

Moving away from Eric and back to her horse Ashlee mounts again. She was ready to move on from this embarrassing situation and continue on. Hearing about this weekend her smile grows even more as she can feel her heart beat jut a little more. She liked going places with her mom and Eric but throwing Dylan into the mix it just made it that much better.

   "Of course it will be fun how could it not be?"

Hearing the knock on the door Hope looks up form her paper work. She'd gotten lost in her own work and had not even realized what time it was herself. Seeing Scott a smile spreads across Hope's face. It was always nice when he would come and stop by and talk with her. She'd been giving him his time and space but it always made her heart flutter when he would stop and talk.

   "Why hey there."

Listing to what Scott had to say Hope gives an understanding nod. She was surprised that he was here this late but she would never say anything about it. He was slowly working through his issues and she new he had come a long way already. Thats all anyone could hope for and slowly Scott was doing it and over coming his fears. She could see it, and she could see the fight in his eyes.

   "I'd love to go for some coffee with you. I am pretty much done here anyways. We can go back to your place, or go out and than I can drive you home if you like. I'll leave that up to you."

Putting her papers away and cleaning up her desk quick it didn't take long before she was grabbing her jacket. Shutting the light off in her office and shutting the door. Joining Scott she smiles and was ready to go where ever he would like. She didn't feel as tired as normal today so she had a little time to kill.

Standing at the stove cooking dinner Misty just listens to Alec. She was a bit surprised that about Carson's offer to Alec but at the same time she was happy. She new Alec had been having a hard time finding work so now that he had even if it was with her ex was a good thing for him.

   "Hey a little money is better than nothing. I'd never stick my nose up at someone who was trying to make a living."

Giving a smile and going over to the counter Misty puts down a cutting bored and some peppers down for Alec to cut up as she went back to the stove. She really was happy that Alec would be working and maybe even get to know his brother a little bit. She just hoped this wasn't a ploy for Carson to try and get her back, or to see Mackenzie when he new he couldn't.

   "I am really happy for you Alec. I hope it works out well."



Eric wished he were way too nice and cool for someone to have taken advantage of him too, but maybe that whole thing with Dana was his own fault anyway. At least somebody believed in him.

Suddenly being hugged and told he was loved, for a moment he just stands rigidly, not quite sure what to do. Ashlee was full of surprises today, and he certainly hadn't expected such words from her. Feeling a new warmth spread through him, he finally slips his arms around her too and returns a tight hug. He did like being a part of her family...and he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps someday it might even be official. He wasn't sure he liked to dare think that far ahead but...his feelings for Stacy were growing every day, and he simply adored Ashlee. Was this all...really real? Were the three of them really becoming a little family? The thought sent tingles through him.

A smile spreads on his lips. "Well I'm glad to know I make your mom happy... and I'm right proud to be part of your family now too." 

Pulling back, he gives Ashlee a wink. "So no more thinking I'm mad at anybody. Besides, I heard you, me, your mom and Dylan are gonna hang out this weekend, and I'm planning on having a good time." 

A grin surfaces as Chance starts to return more of Destiny's light kisses. "Mmm... okay... that sounds good... to me..." 

Standing here in the entryway though, really wasn't the most comfortable spot if Destiny was willing to spend a little more time enjoying each other. Drawing away, he takes her hand and pulls her further inside until he spots the living room couch. Sitting down at one end, he pulls her sideways into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. He still had his leather jacket on, but he didn't care. It was her that he was paying attention to. 

Smiling again, his hands coax her nearer once more until his lips find hers. Leaning back into the corner of the couch, he lets her rest on him, soaking up everything about these precious moments. 

Domino's little nails click on the tile floor as she trots directly by Scott's heel, obediently sticking close, as if she knew Reese allowed her here only if she continued to behave. Her master had stayed late tonight, and she didn't understand that, along with the empty chair in the office where her master's best friend usually sat, but she wasn't in the habit of complaining. She knew she'd get fed eventually. Scott was good that way.

Heading home at a later hour than normal, Scott didn't like the idea of going home in the dark, but he'd gotten wrapped up in today's work, only to realize that time had slipped away. Without Dalton here to remind him when to eat or when to quit work, it was more difficult to keep on track.

Tucking his hands in his hoodie pocket, he yawns. At least he had something for Reese tomorrow. And when Dalton came back to work soon, there wouldn't be too big a pile of work waiting.

As he continued his route, he was a little surprised to see Hope's office light still on. He hadn't known she worked this late. Starting to skirt around the open doorway to remain out of sight, he stops as a new thought comes to mind. He hated the dark. He didn't want to go home and walk into a dark house. He always made sure he was home before sundown. Except for tonight. But... maybe there was a way around it. At the same time though, did he really want to choose that route?

Scott finds himself leaning on the office door frame, silently watching Hope for several moments. They'd had lunch a few times... took a few walks in the park. But nothing much more than that. And while Scott never talked about it, he was fully aware of Hope's continuous waiting...on him. And even though he never spoke of it, he often thought of her and what they'd had together once. But what remained stronger in his mind was fear. Fear of who he'd become. Fear of his own problems and how they might affect others. Fear of moving forward just to realize he couldn't handle it. And yet... there were so many days he felt so lonely... like a piece of him was missing... like there was a part of life he was supposed to have but didn't. Was it circumstances or his own choice?

Taking a deep breath, he raps his knuckles softly on the door. "Hey, Hope." He musters up a small smile. "You, um... working real late? I was just heading out and..." He pauses, biting his lip. "I guess I wondered if you wanted some coffee or something... at my place." He had to tell her his reasons though. "I kinda lost track of time and... well, I... um..." Did he sound as much like a little kid as he felt right now? Heat rises to his cheeks. He might as well admit to what a scaredy cat he was so she'd know it. "I didn't leave a light on at home and I'm not real keen on walking into a dark house alone." 

"...So it's not much - just a few hours a week, but... it's something." Alec sat at the kitchen table as Misty prepared supper. Jason was coming over but he hadn't arrived yet, giving Alec a chance to tell about Carson's small job offer. He was a little hesitant to tell Misty... after all, this was her soon-to-be-ex he was talking about. But he hoped she was at least glad he'd found something, even if it was small. For him, it was a good step forward. 

He toys with a napkin on the table and shrugs. "Still need more, but at least it's a few bucks, right?"


Having Eric stop and stopping with him Ashlee just looks at him for a long moment. Hearing his question Ashlee looks down for a moment about to reply but isn't sure what to say. No one had said anything, and she felt silly for just assuming but she couldn't help it. She never new her own father had not stuck around why would someone else? It was just a dreadful thought she couldn't help.

Dismounting and having Eric look at her Ashlee looks back up her eyes wide slightly. His words seemed to his her heart and warmed her a little bit too. Eric really was proud of her that much? He still enjoyed his time with here and was thankful for it? This was a new feeling of acceptance from someone she looked up too.

   "Ok, I got it."

Continuing to let Eric talk and explain everything to her Ashlee was starting to understand a little more. Now she felt silly for assuming it had something to do with herself and her mom but at the same time it was nice to know how much they were cared for by Eric and it was reassuring.

   "I don't know how anyone can be mean to you! You're way to nice and cool for someone to do that. I guess whoever they are wasn't very smart."

Looking up at Eric again and cocking her head a little bit Ashlee couldn't help but take a few steps forward and warp her arms around Eric and bury her face into his chest. Just hearing his words of care and comfort it overwhelmed her and made her feel so happy inside. Eric really was the only dad figure she new and for some reason there was something about him that didn't bother her to think of him that way either.

   "I love you Eric like a daughter would a father, and thank you for wanting to be apart of our family. You make my mom very happy. I can see it in her eyes. She has been lonely for to long even if she'd never admit to it."

Being drawn even farther into the kiss Destiny didn't mind at all. Just to have Chance there, to feel him with her it was an like a dream, but it was one that she never wanted to wake from, and would be content with just that.

Feeling the wall behind her Destiny tightens her grip around Chance slightly as she just continues the kiss and not breaking it till he moved away but returned. Even the small kiss made her murmur her pleasure of this moment. As Chance pulls away once again Destiny leans her head against his and lets the smile spread across her lips.

   "I am pretty sure this is to real to be a dream, but we can always keep our eyes closed and continue kissing if you just want to make sure."

Leaning into him again Destiny places a few more kiss on Chance's lips, soft light but still full of emotion. The moment she wanted to savor, remember, never forget, she had been waiting a while for this and now that it was here she wasn't ready to let it go. 



Kick your butt

Fighting? With Stacy? Eric's eyes widen slightly and he looks quickly at Ashlee, not even knowing how to respond to that one. He'd thought maybe she'd be a little disappointed he wouldn't be around as much, but how had she come to that conclusion? Before he even has time to gather a response, Ashlee's second remark hits him straight through to his heart. First, because she'd actually said aloud her feelings that he was like a dad to her, and second, because she'd somehow thought he wasn't pleased with her. 

"Ho there... whoa..." He reins in Static to a halt, making sure Ashlee stops Moonbeam too. Tipping his hat back, he shakes his head, just studying Ashlee for a moment. "Girl, where on earth did you get the notion I was upset with you or that your mom and I were fighting?" 

As soon as the words left his mouth though, it suddenly clicked. She'd just said he was the only dad she'd ever known... because her own father had abandoned her and her mother. Had she really put the pieces together in such the wrong order to have thought he just wanted to get away from them and that's why he was going to drive again? 

Sighing, he dismounts, motioning for Ashlee to do the same. Once on the ground, he sets his hands on her shoulders and looks down at her square in the eye. "I care for you and your mom like nobody else. And if I had a daughter, I'd want her to be just like you." Saying it brought a lump to his throat, but he remains composed. "Your mom and I ain't fighting at all - we're still great friends, okay? And you've done absolutely nothing to make me want to leave. You got that?" He gives her chin a teasing tap with his finger and offers a smile. 

"I'm taking these truck driving jobs because right now because I need the money." He didn't want to burden the girl, but he also knew she was old enough to understand and there was no point in him beating around the bush. "A while back, somebody wasn't so nice to me and I lost a lot of money, and I need to pull my fair share around here at the ranch." And...maybe, just maybe in the back of his mind, he was also planning for the future. But that didn't need to be said right now. 

"So... it has absolutely nothing to do with either you or your mom making me mad, okay?" His smile returns. "Besides, if you ever did anything to tick me off, I'd kick your butt and we'd talk about it - I wouldn't just walk away. I don't work that way." 

Just holding Jamie close, Con eases his eyes shut and enjoys the moment with her. He hoped it was true - that she was proud of him, even though he felt like a failure. He did know she loved him though. Why, he'd never know, but he hung on to that to keep him going. 

"And you've made me so happy too," he mentions quietly before kissing the top of her head. "I don't know what I'd do without you." 

Being drawn into Destiny's kiss, Chance murmurs his approval, immediately returning the affection. It had been far too long. It seemed like forever ago that they had been together before his mistakes had torn them apart. Before he had been forced to leave. Come back. Forced to leave again. And now, finally, finally, he was in her arms once again. The odds had been stacked against him - and he'd never take this for granted. 

Wrapping his arms around her, his hands roam her back while returning her kiss with passion.  Shifting her to the side, his palms wander up her arms and to the sides of her face while he gently pushes her back against the wall. 

Withdrawing only to tilt his head the other way, he offers her a series of shorter kisses before finally pulling back just far enough to rest his forehead against hers. Catching his breath, his eyes remain closed. "I don't want to open my eyes," he whispers, breathless. "I'm afraid if I do, I'll find this is only a dream." 

Wont be

Riding with Eric Ashlee was enjoying the nice time, fresh air and the chatting with Eric. This was the time of day she looked forward to the most just being able to relax, learn and just have a nice time not really having to worry about anything. Today though, something seemed different. As if things were heavy on Eric's mind.

Hearing about Eric's new of driving truck again Ashlee turns to look at him for a long moment. That meant he would be on the road again. He wouldn't be around to see as much and...why? Did he not like spending time with her mom and herself anymore? And she lessons she didn't want to have Sparky teach her. She liked that Eric did and he was good at it too.

   "You're going to be leaving...Do you not like spending time with Mom and me anymore? I am sure if you guys are fighting or something you can work it out."

Moving forward a little bit with Eric Ashlee falls silent for a moment as she takes in a deep breath trying to keep her horse steady. She remembered Eric had told her the horse could read someones emotions So she wanted to stay calm but it was hard.

   "Riding wont be the same without you, and I'll miss you Eric. You're...the only dad I've even known. I'm sorry if I did something to make you want to leave."

Being pulled down to lay on Con's chest Jamie didn't mind one bit. She loved having his arms around her, and just laying comfortable on him. They seemed to fit so perfect together no matter what position they were in.

   "Mmmmm...every day when I look into your eyes I am reminded about how much you love me. It's the best thing a woman could come home too."

Wrapping her arm around Con's wast and burying her face into his chest a little more Jame soaks up his comfort and returns it with her own. There were some days when a little extra of this was needed and Jamie didn't mind offering it at all.

   "Did I ever tell you how proud of you I am always? You've made me so happy Con."

Taking the flowers from Chance and bring them to her nose to smell them Destiny couldn't help the bit of color that came to her cheeks as well with Chance's comment. Stepping back inside Destiny places they on the table before turning back around to Chance and right into his arms. As the door falls shut behind them Destiny can't help the smile that grows on her lips. 

   "Mmmm...I guess it would be ok to kiss you now."

Bringing her arms around Chance's neck Destiny leans in to give him a kiss. Bringing her lips to his own her just lets her pent up emotions run free. Her one hand finding the back of his head as the other slipped down his arm, around his side to his back, and back up playing with his hair line. 

Time seemed to stand still and in the saftly of her house Destiny didn't mind. Chance had been gone for so long that now being able to share how she felt, she was going to rush it or pass it up. This moment she was going to saver and show Chance how much she missed him.


Lose Control

A smile finally comes to Chance's face and a little laugh slips out. "I'm not gonna say no to that." It had been so very long since his lips had felt hers. The mere suggestion sent tingles down his spine. 

Letting Destiny go for a moment, he bends to pick up the dropped flowers and hand them to her. "I thought theses were pretty.... til I saw you. But I suppose they'll look alright in a vase or something." 

Smiling again, he follows her inside before taking her arm to turn her back around to him once more. Without looking, he stretches his foot back to coax the door shut. "There. No eyes watching us." 

Resting his hands on her shoulders, his thumbs run up and down her neck. "Now..." His voice had turned to a whisper. "You better kiss me before I lose control." 

Seeing Jamie, Con isn't surprised. He hadn't heard her approach, but he'd felt her footsteps. He offers her the best smile he could muster - which wasn't much, but it was all he had in him today. 

Her offer for lunch didn't make his stomach growl like it usually did. He usually ate like a bear to match his size. But lately he just hadn't been very hungry. It wasn't her fault though, and he'd eat lunch with her if it would make her happy. 

He nods slowly. "Yeah... Anything is okay with me." 

Reaching out his hand, he runs it up Jamie's arm before pulling her down to rest on his chest. Wrapping his big arms around her, he kisses her lips warmly before just hugging her. "Have I thanked you lately for being the best wife a man could have?" 

"Mm... well then, if you miss me that much, maybe it'll just make my coming home that more special." Eric grins and gives Stacy's hand a squeeze. 

"For now though, let's talk about going to town this weekend."  Now with her knowing about his job, he'd just as soon move on to another subject and think about hitting the road later. It would make for a much more pleasant morning anyway...

It wasn't long before breakfast was over and the rest of the day had to be faced along with the work that awaited...

...Keeping a close eye on Ashlee and Moonbeam, Eric rides alongside, letting Static pick the pace. It was a nice afternoon - perfect for a ride out in the fields. He'd only had Ashlee out of the corral a couple times, but pretty soon she'd be just fine on her own. Which was a good thing, unless she wanted lessons from someone else while he was gone. He wasn't sure what she'd decide about that one - he'd been working with her almost every day since getting her on a horse and she didn't seem to be tired of it. 

"So... I was telling your mom today about some things I'm gonna have to be doing soon." Straightening out his reins he pulls Static's head back over to keep him from munching on some leaves as they rode alongside a wooded area. 

Eric glances over at Ashlee, pleased that he hadn't had to remind her about keeping her posture yet today. "I've signed on to a couple truck driving jobs." She knew he used to be a truck driver, and he was sure that this news wouldn't bother her in the least. He'd only be gone a week or two at a time, and he'd only signed on for two runs. Of course... what he knew was that driving truck wasn't something you easily hopped in and out of. You were either in or not, and there was a good chance he'd be on the road even after these first couple runs. He also knew that even though he and Stacy hadn't talked about that aspect, that she was well-aware of it too. 

Regardless, he was still sure that Ashlee wouldn't mind as much as her mother thought she would. After all, there was plenty here to keep her busy, she could ride by herself now, there was a lot in the barn to keep her occupied, and she still had Dylan to hang out with too. His absence would surely not disrupt much in her daily life. 

"I take off Monday for the first run and I'll just be gone two weeks is all. Then I'll have a few days back here and the next run won't be quite as long." Nudging Static with his heels, he chides his horse for wanting to veer off the path. "You're doing great with your riding, so while I'm gone you can either get some tips from Sparky maybe, or fly solo, that's up to you." He tosses Ashlee a grin. "I bet Dylan would ride with you too."

I want to

Continuing to just keep her arms around Chance and her head buried into his neck Destiny soaked up the kiss and the warmth of his arms around her. His voice like music to her ears, and with every word he said she took it in, understood it and listened.

   "I'm so happy your ok. I'll never give up on you again."

Finally pulling away and looking up at Chance Destiny gives a smile bringing a hand to his face. He was really here this time, and it wasn't a rescue mission, or him begging for forgiveness. He was really here this time and it was for her.

   "Come inside, I want to kiss you but I think it would be better if we didn't have eyes watching us."

Giving a smile to Rick and a nod Misty didn't mind at all helping him out. It was nice getting to know Clay and it was part of her job to help those who needed it. Even if it was only lending an ear to someone who wanted to talk.

   "Not a problem Rick. Take care Clay, hope to see you again sometime."

Lifting her hand and giving a small wave Misty turns and heads back to her desk  and sitting down. She had a little bit more work to do and than with any luck she would be ale to leave. Jason and herself had a date tonight and she been looking forward to it all day. Spending time with him always seem to just get better and better.

Coming home for lunch was not unusual lately since Con had left TJY. It was boring eating there alone and she would rather be with Con to eat lunch. Entering the house and making her way into the living room Jamie stops by the couch and looks down at Con. Her heart really did go out to him. She new how hard he had been looking for work and how much it was not working out for him. He was stressed and she new it and it made her sad.

   "Con, I'm home for lunch."

Coming around the couch and sitting down on the edge next to him Jamie lays a hand on his shoulder. She would always love him no matter what, no matter where he worked, and no matter how she had to talk to him. He's been the one to save her along time ago and she new her heart would always be his.

   "Want me to make us some lunch?"


Fly solo

"Mm... well then, if you miss me that much, maybe it'll just make my coming home that more special." Eric grins and gives Stacy's hand a squeeze. 

"For now though, let's talk about going to town this weekend."  Now with her knowing about his job, he'd just as soon move on to another subject and think about hitting the road later. It would make for a much more pleasant morning anyway...

It wasn't long before breakfast was over and the rest of the day had to be faced along with the work that awaited...

...Keeping a close eye on Ashlee and Moonbeam, Eric rides alongside, letting Static pick the pace. It was a nice afternoon - perfect for a ride out in the fields. He'd only had Ashlee out of the corral a couple times, but pretty soon she'd be just fine on her own. Which was a good thing, unless she wanted lessons from someone else while he was gone. He wasn't sure what she'd decide about that one - he'd been working with her almost every day since getting her on a horse and she didn't seem to be tired of it. 

"So... I was telling your mom today about some things I'm gonna have to be doing soon." Straightening out his reins he pulls Static's head back over to keep him from munching on some leaves as they rode alongside a wooded area. 

Eric glances over at Ashlee, pleased that he hadn't had to remind her about keeping her posture yet today. "I've signed on to a couple truck driving jobs." She knew he used to be a truck driver, and he was sure that this news wouldn't bother her in the least. He'd only be gone a week or two at a time, and he'd only signed on for two runs. Of course... what he knew was that driving truck wasn't something you easily hopped in and out of. You were either in or not, and there was a good chance he'd be on the road even after these first couple runs. He also knew that even though he and Stacy hadn't talked about that aspect, that she was well-aware of it too. 

Regardless, he was still sure that Ashlee wouldn't mind as much as her mother thought she would. After all, there was plenty here to keep her busy, she could ride by herself now, there was a lot in the barn to keep her occupied, and she still had Dylan to hang out with too. His absence would surely not disrupt much in her daily life. 

"I take off Monday for the first run and I'll just be gone two weeks is all. Then I'll have a few days back here and the next run won't be quite as long." Nudging Static with his heels, he chides his horse for wanting to veer off the path. "You're doing great with your riding, so while I'm gone you can either get some tips from Sparky maybe, or fly solo, that's up to you." He tosses Ashlee a grin. "I bet Dylan would ride with you too." 

"Hmm..." Clay just nods, paying more attention than his body language showed. He'd heard some about the Elite through Rick and local talk, but he really knew very little about it and what they did. He wasn't so sure who this "Agency" was either, but he wasn't going to ask questions right now. 

Finishing his orange, he stands and walks gingerly to the waste basket to throw away the peel. "Well... for what it's worth... I'm glad you're on this side too. Thanks for patching me up." 

"Alright, Clay. You ready to go?"

Clay turns too quickly and winces, putting a hand to his side. "What? Yeah. I thought you were gonna make me stay here longer." 

Rick shakes his head as he comes in, approaching both him and Misty. "Naw, I'll take you home and keep an eye on you there."

"Okay. Well..." Clay gives Misty a little wave. "Nice to meet ya." 

Rick also nods to Misty. "Thanks for your help. I'll be back to work in the morning."

Seeing Destiny come to the door, Chance's heart skips a beat. He couldn't read the look on her face. He'd obviously surprised her, but... was it a good surprise? Bad? Her eyes were so cryptic. Or had he just been away that long that he could no longer read them? 

"I..." His attempt at answering her initial phrase disperses as he's quite suddenly overtaken by Destiny's embrace. Almost stumbling backward, the flowers are dropped as his arms automatically wrap around her. Her words cut him to the quick and he holds her closer, feeling as though he'd committed yet another crime against this fragile heart. 

"Shhh... it's okay," he comforts. "I'm here now. I'm okay." She did care. She did want to see him. His embrace tightens. 

"They've had me in isolation to ensure maximum security. I had to help pinpoint Underground activity in exchange for being kept in the clear by the Elite. It took longer than we thought and I kept asking to contact you but they wouldn't let me for your safety's sake." 

He kisses the top of her head several times, continuing to hug her tightly until finally prying himself away just far enough to see her face. "I missed you so much," he whispers. "I thought for sure you would have given up on me again." 

Con sighs before rubbing his tired eyes and shoving the newspaper across the kitchen table. Nothing. No jobs that he could do. What was he supposed to do now? 

Rising, he heads for the living room where he flops down on the couch instead. Out of habit he plants his head in a throw pillow with his better ear up. Reaching around, he removes his hearing aid, tossing it onto the coffee table. It helped...but having it in his ear also drove him insane - one of the reasons he'd rarely worn it to work. Not to mention, he couldn't wear it on missions anyway because he couldn't wear that and a communication earpiece at the same time. Nothing worked anymore. And it was all the Agency's fault. 

He recalls becoming so very sick due to the Agency poison. It was then that his hearing had been mercilessly attacked. And slowly...slowly, it had worsened up until this point. Deaf in his left ear and a loss of hearing in his right. And because he hadn't given up sooner, someone had gotten hurt. 

Rolling onto his back, he stares up at the ceiling. He needed to find a job. He needed to earn money. He couldn't let Jamie take the full financial burden. It wasn't right. It was his responsibility. And he felt as though he were failing miserably.  

This end than...

Letting another smile shine through again Stacy couldn't be mad at Eric. She cared to much about him and he made her feel so good. Specially when he said the sweet things like he just had. Two weeks wasn't shabby even if it would feel like longer. Stacy could deal with that the best she could.

   "Something tells me its not that easy and she will notice your gone a great deal. Once you explain everything though I think she will understand too."

Stacy wasn't worried that Ashlee would not understand but only that at first she might think Eric was leaving because of them. Once everything was explain it would be ok, it was only the leading up to that, that would be hard on Ash and she new it.

   "I'm going to miss you very much too."

 Having the subject change Misty didn't mind to much. She had tried to share a little of her faith and what she though with Clay and hoped it sank in but being new to the whole thing herself. So maybe saying a little was better than saying to much.

Hearing Clay's question about what else they did around here Misty couldn't help but laugh. This was a subject she was more comfortable with. Talking about TJY till she was blue in the face was something she liked doing because she new and understood so much about it over the years of working here.

   "Well...they arn't always getting short, blown up, or hurt but there are many times they are too. On the off days though...or the less exciting days we work on research, finding cures, breaking things down so if and when the Agency ever attacks again we can be ready. At least thats what Rick and Myself do."

Standing again and moving a few things around before heading back over to her desk that wasn't to far away Misty sits down. Her feet were starting to hurt a little today from standing on them so long though she really wouldn't say anything. She liked being able to work and she didn't feel she was hurting herself only her feet a little bit.

   "Everyone else on there down time does paper work, look up old cases, and any other odds and ends. Its not all glits and glam but it keeps everyone busy and time to recover. All in all its really not a bad job and I'd rather be on this end than the other one!"

Hearing the door bell Destiny pokes her head out from the kitchen and looks down the hall. She hadn't been expecting anyone today and though some time had past there was still a little fear about someone coming for her. Seeing the shadowy figure on the other side she tried to ration with herself in her head no one would come for her now, not in the middle of the day time right?

Setting the towel down on the counter Destiny slowly makes her way down the hall and to the front door. Just standing there for a long moment with her eyes closed she takes a deep breath before letting it out and opening the door.

Seeing Chance on the other side Destiny just stands there for a moment shocked. It had been so long since she had last seem him and all she had been told was he was on a mission. She had missed him so much after there short reunight.

   "I didn't think I'd see you again for a while..."

Forgetting her fear of answering the door, or the shock when she opened it Destiny takes a step forward and throws her arms around Chance's neck. Pulling him into a big hug and just burying her face into his neck as a few tears escape her eyes.

   "I missed you so much and no one would tell me anything. At first I though maybe you just took off again but when I sat and thought about it...I new better and when I asked...no one would give me any information. Not even if you were ok or not. I couldn't help but fear the worst."

Won't even notice

"Forget you?" Eric gives Stacy a sheepish grin as he shakes his head. "I can do a lot of things, but forgetting about you just ain't one of 'em." He slowly moves his hand from her face, to cup her own palm between both of his. And raising it to his lips, he gives her fingers a tender kiss. "Thank you..." It was a thanks for not being upset with him. For supporting him. For believing in him. 

"Two weeks is gonna seem like an awfully long time, ya know that?" He grins again, his cheeks gaining a little color. It was strange, feeling like this. Like he didn't want to leave. Like two weeks was suddenly an eternity. Like there was more for him here at the ranch than there had been before. Like all of a sudden, he didn't want to be alone on the road. But he knew he had to do it. He needed the money. The ranch needed the money. And somewhere deep down, he also needed to prove to himself that he could drive again and not have it remind him of Dana. But that reason would go unvoiced. 

"I'm gonna take Ashlee out on a ride this afternoon and I'll let her know then. She's got enough to do around here that she probably won't even notice I'm gone." 

Clay keeps his eyes on the orange instead of Misty as she speaks. He always felt twinges of guilt when people talked about God, probably because he'd had that faith once. Now though, it was just hard for him to believe any of that anymore. Or was it that he simply didn't want to? 

Finding the atmosphere silent, he realizes Misty had finished speaking. Finished peeling the orange, he pries apart a slice and pops it in his mouth, savoring the juicy flavor. He wasn't sure when he'd had an orange last, but it sure tasted good today.

Glancing up again, he finally shrugs his response. "Maybe. We'll see." 

Preferring to change the subject, his eyes roam the infirmary. "So what do you do here? I mean, your guys aren't out getting shot up and beat up all the time, are they?"

Stepping up onto the porch, Chance shifted his sunglasses to the top of his head. His eyes held a weary look...tired... worn. But there was life there also. Hope. Hope that perhaps the past would remain as such and that the future would hold something different. Something better. 

Reaching out, he rings the doorbell. In the other hand was a small bouquet of flowers. It was a pitiful attempt after so much time had passed. But he had not been allowed to have contact with Destiny until now. Finally. The question was, would she even want to see him?


Something good

   "I'd never think less of someone for trying to make a living. Even if it was flipping burgers at least they were trying to make a living for themselves and not just living off the system."

Stacy new when her and Eric had first met it had been a little rough and maybe that still played in his mind and was a fear but she wished it wouldn't. But she couldn't blame him and she was still sorry for what she had said to him. He's been the best thing ever that had happened to her and she was lucky things had worked out how they had.

   "I'm not disappointed in what your doing, only that you didn't tell me sooner. I support you though Eric, and if this is what you need to do than do it. But you better keep in contact, and not forget me."

Leaning her head into Eric's hand Stacy couldn't help but soak in his comfort he was showing her. Taking his other hand in her own Stacy just holds it. She would miss Eric when he was not there, and the nights would be long without him to walk with but it wouldn't be for long and she would be able to see him when he got. Absence made the heart grow fonder, so maybe this would help them grow even more too.

Leaning against the counter and folding her arms across her chest she gives a thoughtful nod to Clay's comment. Being new to the christian faith herself she could understand in a way where he was coming from. It was hard to wrap year head around God when some bad things where happening in life.

   "Mmmm...yeah I understand where your coming from. I guess thought with everything bad happening in my own life I kinda wondered the same thing but than some good stuff happened too like finding someone who did still care about me and all the friends and people who did care about me."

Misty thinks for a second. She wasn't very good yet with the whole god thing, and talking about it yet but she was trying at least and it felt kinda good to get to talk with someone else about it too. It was almost like figuring it out together!

  "I don't think God plans for bad things to happen to us. We all have free choose and its how we grow in life. I think he does take a bad situation though and can make something good out of it. Maybe your good is finding your way here!"




Eric had seen the hurt, but there was more in Stacy's gaze now. Disappointment? Confusion? It all sent a little pang to his heart. As did her comment about Ashlee.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes softly. "I was gonna tell you and then..." He shrugs. "Part of me remembered what you thought of truck drivers in general and I was scared you'd think less of me, and..."

Pausing, he reaches over to gently place his rough palm along her cheek, turning her gaze back towards him. "And part of me knew I'd see that look of disappointment I see now and I didn't wanna face it 'cause I don't like it when you don't smile." He sighs as his thumb caresses her face. "I'm only doing it 'cause it pays good. Maybe it's silly for a man to not even wanna be gone from home more than a few hours at a time, but... I guess I've spent so much time with you and Ash that I kinda got used to it, ya know?"

His hand remains on her cheek and he musters up a little smile. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings... I guess maybe I just ain't got sense enough not to be dumb sometimes."

The mention of God brings a faint scoff to the surface and Clay nods as he chews his sandwich. "Well... I guess I did believe in God once." He had, too. As a boy, he'd been quite stubborn about his faith. As he'd gotten older, he'd forgotten some things... hadn't been quite as faithful. Then when his life had unraveled, he'd given up all together. 

"I suppose now I have a hard time believing He exists, or if He does, that He really cares all that much anyway." Clay shrugs, and, realizing his sandwich was now gone, moves on to peeling the orange. Maybe deep down that wasn't what he really thought. Maybe deep down, that love for God still existed... it was just buried under layers of bitterness.

"No offense," he concludes, glancing up at Misty. "I'm just not sure I can believe in Somebody who will let all this crap happen to me." 


Sort of Thing

   "Were you even going to tell me? Or was it going to be last minute?"

Stacy looks up from her coffee at Eric and just searches his face for a long moment. She hated feeling disappointed and let down, it was one reason she had stayed away from relationship because they all ended in just that. She'd hoped Eric was different, and now...she wanted more reason for what was going on.

   "I know you don't report to me Eric, and I am not you mom so I don't need to know where you are at all times, but why didn't you tell me? It would have been nice to know and not a suprise."

Looking away again and watching the liquid in her glass Stacy swirls it around for a moment before bringing the cup to her lips. Letting the warm liquid slide down her throat. Worry about herself there was another person that Eric needed to tell and she new that maybe she might take it a little harder.

   "You need to tell Ash too. If you don't...it would just crush her."

As Rosalyn moves down closer into Chad's lap his arms wrap tighter around her. Just keeping her close to him, even here in the dirt it was a nice feeling and she enjoyed it. Just knowing she was close really mad any situation feel better.

   "You might be crazy but its the kind of crazy I like. As long as you don't mind that I am too."

Leaning down and pressing his lips to hers again to continue the kiss Chad just lets his feelings flow as he his one hand cradles her face and the other still holds her close. The pile of weeds they were sitting in forgotten. Time seemed to be forgotten as well and it just stood still as the continues this peaceful moment together!

Having Clay start talking to her Misty stops and turns around again giving him a smile. Just listing to him she didn't want he started up a conversation or told her about himself. If it helped him to get stuff off his chest than she was willing to keep letting him talk. 

   "There are always people out there who wont turn there back on you. This is a good place to start looking. We have many different people who come here and we always try to help till we can't anymore. I think you made the right choose seeking out Rick and finding your way here."

Misty gives a soft sort of smile as she continues to study Clay's face as he worked on his food. In his eyes there was much hardship and Misty always found it intrusting how people like Clay, Alec and even herself had found themselves here. TJY had a program for helping those people who were in The Agency, but at the same time without even knowing it maybe they had a program to help others as well and it was amazing.

   "And...so I am told and starting to see myself too. God will never turn his back on your either. It's kind of a hard thing to grasp at first but I think...I am starting to get the hang of it. Do you believe in that sort of thing?"

Short End

Seeing the hurt on Stacy's face, Eric inwardly cringes. Staring down at his coffee again, he sighs. "Yeah..." 

Sensing the sudden awkwardness in the air, Sparky clears his throat and stands. "I, um... I gotta go see Mick about that auction tomorrow." 

Eric remains silent until Sparky had left, when he finally looks over at Stacy again. Biting his lip, he nods. "There's a couple runs I signed on to do since my truck's ready again. I... leave on Monday and... the first run will probably take me 'bout two weeks. The other one's not quite as long though." He knew he should have told her sooner... not because she needed to know, but out of simple courtesy and respect. But... he'd put it off...

Being pulled down into Chad's lap, Rosalyn shrieks in surprise. Grabbing on to him though, a giggle escapes as she's kissed. "You turkey..." She gives his shoulder a teasing whack. "It may be better, but we're not going to get any work done this way." 

She wriggles down further into his lap. "Not that I care..." Grinning, she snakes an arm up around his neck and pulls him down again, this time initiating a passionate kiss. Drawing back just a little, her eyes sparkle. "I feel like even a pile of weeds is a mountain of treasure when you're here... Am I crazy?" 

With food being offered, Clay sits up and slides off the table to sit in a chair instead, setting the icepack aside for now. Eying the food, his stomach insists that no matter how simple it was, the food looked fantastic. 

"Thanks..." He slouches in his seat and very carefully unwraps the sandwich. His tone had quieted some. "I like most anything." He manages a wry grin. "And anything I don't like, I've learned to eat anyway, if it's what I can afford." 

As he takes a bite of the sandwich his stomach automatically growls with anticipation. Looking up at Misty again, he squints a little, his sore eye not wanting to focus. But what he did see was that he was quite fortunate to be here with people willing to be nice, like she was. 

"I appreciate all you've done for me... Things haven't exactly been easy lately. Seems like at every turn, I find the short end of the stick." He takes another bite of the sandwich, trying not to eat as fast he was tempted to. "Rick's 'bout the only person I'd trust to care enough to help me." He shrugs. "Guess I've accepted the fact that the world's turned its back on me, including the rest of my family. Getting beat up is just icing on the cake." 

Suprise and Hurt

Misty gives a smile to Clay. She might not have said anything about it but any good dr could tell when looking Clay over food was not something he really was use too. She wasn't sure the story behind everything and she didn't want to pry or embarrass him more than he already was.

   "Alright, I will see what they have. I will be right back."

Giving a smile and turning Misty makes her way to the breakroom. Taking a glance at the vending masheen and letting it spin a few times Misty finally spots, and turkey sub, an orange, and a bottle of water. It wasn't much but at least it was something and light so that if Clay hadn't had something to eat in a long time it wouldn't be to bad on his stomach.

Coming back into the infirmary a smile still on her lips Misty uses a near by try and sets the items down on it before bringing it back over to Clay so he would have something to eat on. 

   "Here you go. I wasn't sure what you liked or didn't like but I figured I was pretty safe with this stuff. If you need anything else just let me know ok?"

Having Sparky sit down with the Stacy didn't mind one bit. Hearing them banter back and forth never bothered her either. She always got a kick out of how everyone always teased the other and at the end of they day they still had a great deal of respect for each other.

   "Hey getting out of a little bit of work never hurt anyone right?"

Giving a laugh and lifting her glass to take a sip of her coffee Stacy stops at Sparky starts to speak but comes to a quick halt. Giving a few blinks she looks at Sparky and than turns to look at Eric for a long moment trying to search and read his face. Did she really think Sparky was going to say what she thought? Was Eric hitting the road again?

   "So...your going to start driving again? I didn't even know you were considering that."

A look of hurt was clear in her eyes. Not for the fact that Eric would be gone, that didn't bother her at all. It was his job, and he had to make money some how. It was the fact that others had known and she had been left in the dark. She wondered why Eric hadn't told her and now she had to find out on accident. It hurt to think she had been the last one to know, and now looked silly as the look of surprise crossed her face.

Hearing Rosalyn coming up behind him Chad did all he could not to bust out in laughter again. Not even a look was thrown her way because the smile was clear across his lips. Not expecting the foot to his back though Chad is thrown off balance going head first into the pile of weeds. 

Finally not being able to help it anymore a laugh finally makes its way out as he rolls over and looks up at Rosalyn the smile wide on his lips and the twinkle in his eye. Even rolling around in dirt, and weeds seemed like a treat with Rosalyn was so close.

   "Hey now, I am down here all alone, and your up there thats hardly fair."

Moving quickly Chad sits forward and grabs Rosalyn's write pulling her twords him. Swinging her around and letting her fall into his lap Chad moves his head down a little bit and brushes his lips of her own before pulling away again. Letting his eyes dance with her the smile never leaves his lips.

   "Now this is better!"



One of Clay's eyebrows rises just a little at Misty's offer. It had been quite a while since he'd met someone as sweet as she seemed to be. She couldn't possibly know that he hadn't had anything to eat for almost twenty-four hours now. It would be a while before supper at Rick and Janet's too. 

"Um..." He'd gotten used to the hungry ache in his gut. "I guess I could take something to tide me over 'til supper... if that's okay. I'm not picky."

Eric's grin widens. "I guess so. Good thing, too, 'cause having a date is a much better excuse than anything else I could come up with, for skipping out on a few hours of work around here." 

"Who's skipping out on work?" Sparky grabs a chair across from them with his own breakfast, having gotten in late after starting out in the barn first. 

Eric shakes his head. "Oh, you know me. I like avoiding work."

Sparky smirks as he sips his coffee. "Mm-hmm. Sounds to me like you just wanna cram in some dates before you hit the ro-" A sharp kick to his shin stops him short, and he just about drops his coffee. Scowling at Eric, he reaches for a napkin to clean up the small spill. "What is with you?" He eyes Eric, then Stacy... then realizes the answer to his own question. "Oh." 

Eric sighs and rolls his eyes. He'd been putting off telling Stacy he was going to start driving truck again. Not that it would change anything, but he wouldn't be around every day like he had been - to be with her, or Ashlee. It would be fine. It would just be...different. 

Cupping his coffee mug with his hands, he looks down at it for a moment or two before finally giving Stacy a sidelong  glance. 

Having grass land in her hair, Roslayn gasps and shoots a look to Chad, only to find him, once again, hard at work. Shaking her head vigorously and combing her fingers through her hair, she tries to remove all the grass while eying the pile of weeds she'd been making. Nothing really seemed to look good enough to throw at him this time. 

Standing, she promptly walks over to Chad, stopping behind him and crossing her arms. She knew that he'd heard her and was intentionally ignoring her. So taking her foot and raising it to his shoulder, she gives him a hefty shove towards his own pile of weeds.

Silly Question

Hearing Clay Misty looks up realizing he was talking to her.  Giving a small smile Misty nods her head a little bit. If you weren't around Rick much it would seem like he was bossing someone around but once you got to know him and his personality better you would realize thats how you new he cared.

    "Mmmm...he is but thats how you know he cares. You get use to it after a while and realize its better to just listen to him than face the wrath if you don't."

Going back to work for a second Misty stops before looking up again and just studying Clay for a long while. She wondered what his story was and where he came from. Though she wouldn't as to much because it wasn't her place. From what little she over heared from Rich it seemed Clay did have it rough and she felt bad for him.

   "Are you hungry at all? We don't have anything fancy in the vending mashean but we have some sandwiches that are pretty good and fruit. I am going to go grab something myself and can pick you up something too."

   "Alright smart guy I guess that was a pretty silly question huh?"

Stacy laughs as she pulls away and takes a sip of her coffee. She should have known if she asked Eric to spend time with her he would of said yes. It would be strange for him to say no at all. Specially when it was her he was spending time with.

   "I guess it IS a date than this weekend huh?"

Getting hit in the head from behind it had been the last thing Chad had expected. Brushing the dirt off himself and looking over his shoulder at Rosalyn he can't help the small smile that spread across his lips. This might just be a fun war after all, would be something different for sure.

   "Didn't your mom ever teach you not to throw dirt? Have to admit though its fun."

Taking another clump of grass this time Chad throws it at Rosalyn again. Aiming to high though it lands in her hair. Letting his eyes go wide for a second he is quick to look away though his snickers slip out anyways. He really couldn't help it this time as the grass just sat in her hair.



Rick sighs and shakes his head. Turning back to Clay, he sets his hands on his hips. "So when are you gonna find a job that doesn't require you to deal with shady characters?" 

Bristling, Clay sits up again, irritated. "Not everybody's got a seat in the lap of luxury, ya know. I'd say I'm doing pretty well since I'm a part of the population that actually works for a living. You think I like living in a dump and working nights at a sleezy gas station? At least I pay my bills." 

"Whoa, whoa." Rick holds up his hands. "I didn't mean to rile you up. I'm glad you've got a job, I just hate seeing you like this." 

Clay's shoulders drop a little as he calms down. "Sorry. I've just heard that speech too many times, I guess."

"You mean your dad?"

"Who else?" 

"Well... I'm not him. I don't hold an honest job against any man." Rick reaches out to turn Clay's face, looking more closely at the cleaned-up injuries. "How about coming home with me and spending night?" 

"Aw, no. I don't wanna be a pain. Only reason I came up here was 'cause I thought you might let me work off payment or something instead of slapping me with a bill like the hospital would." 

Rick rolls his eyes. "Well don't worry about that. You're-"

"I'm not gonna let it go," Clay states flatly. "I might not be able to afford much, but you're gonna have to let me help pay for it somehow." 

Rick thinks for a moment then finally shrugs. "Okay, I'll think of something. But for now, would you please spend the night with me and Janet?"

Clay hesitates, but eventually nods. "Yeah, okay."

"Good. Now you stay put here a while longer. I gotta go talk to the chief about a few things. But I'll be back."

"'kay." Clay lays back down again, biting his lip as it hurts just to move. He knew he needed a better job. A better place to live. A better life. There just hadn't been anything within his reach lately. Watching out of the corner of his eye as Rick leaves, Clay's attention moves back to Misty who was working nearby. "He always like that around here? Telling everybody what to do?"

Pulling back from Stacy's kiss, Eric grins. "Mmm... well, I wouldn't want ya to be all lonely now."

He takes a bite of his cinnamon roll and chews thoughtfully. "This weekend, huh? Stay here and work or go to town with you and the kids... work... town... boy, that's a tough choice." 

He glances at Stacy out of the corner of his eye, another grin toying with his lips. 

Ashlee's willingness came as no surprise, and Dylan nods. "Okay. I guess we'll do that then." 

Standing for another couple moments, he finally turns to leave. "I got stuff I gotta do. See ya later."

Getting sprayed with weeds, Rosalyn's eyes widen and she looks over her shoulder to find Chad still hard at work. She smirks and yanks a large weed from where she was kneeling. Taking aim, she hurls it at Chad's head but looks down before it even hits. She swallows a giggle, though fears she may have just entered into a war.


Keep me company

   "No one said you were getting a free ride, but its Elite policy that when a person is hurt during an act of doing good than it is considered at that moment they work for the Elite, and Elite agents don't get charged for there care. Rest now."

Giving Clay's arm a pat Misty smiles before going over to the counter to clean a few things up. Once finished and checking on Clay again she heads to her desk to start working on her report. Though she'd helped Clay today her mind still seemed else where as she filled things out. It went from Jason, to Alec and than back again. She worried about them both on a normal bases and only hoped that through there days they would be ok.

A little while passed and Misty threw herself into work like she did most days. Hearing Rick's voice she gives a little jump forgetting he was heading over to see Clay. Recovering quickly she smiles and stands heading over to both men. Just letting them talk Misty is silent till Rich turns his question to her.

   "Gave him a few stitches, cleaned him up. Some bruising to the ribs but nothing was brokn. All in all he looked a lot worse than he really was."

Stacy can't help but laugh as Eric sits down. Leaning over and placing a kiss on his lips she smiles at him before rubbing her nose against his for a moment. He could always get her to laugh that was one of his many talents.

   "Not Dylan and I going on a date. He asked if I could bring him into town this weekend, and I said I could since Ashlee wanted to go as well. I figured it would her herself and Dylan some time to just be kids if they could hang out together."

Searching Eric's face Stacy couldn't help the smile that spread across her own lips. Just having Eric close and knowing how much he cared for her made Stacy smile even more. Her heart still pitter pattered a little faster when he was near.

   "Maybe you would like to come too so I wouldn't have to be all lonely?"

Looking up from the saddle she had been oiling Ashlee smiles. This had become one of the things she liked to do the most. After being here with Eric a few times she started to understand why some people found it so relaxing.

   "Hey Dylan!"

She was happy to see Dylan. They had, had times to talk to each other a little bit here and there but between his work, and school it was few and far between. It made the times when they did talk though a little more special.

Hearing that he was going to come with her mom and herself over the weekend Ashlee couldn't help that she perked up a little bit as a look of excitement twinkled in her eyes. Dylan was one of her only friends here so having him come would be great.

   "Of course I wouldn't mind if you came with us. I think it would be fun and a nice change too."

Heading out to the garden with Rosalyn Chad does his best to listen to her direction. He loved being outside, and loved doing things with his hands but this was a whole new game. He'd never worked in a garden before and his worst fear was pulling out something he should not.

   "Ok, I can pull everything...if I get yelled at I am going to tell them you made me do it ok?"

Setting to work Chad gets down on his knees and starts to pull up some weed. As the time goes by Chad seems to be making a little leeway. Looking over at Rosalyn a little smile curled on his lips. Taking a pile of the weeds he throws them in her direction before turning back to what he was doing. Trying his best to contain his laughter.


If that's really what you want

Clay felt as though he had little choice but to stay and rest as Misty suggested. As far as no bill went though, he couldn't help his surprise. He might expect Rick to help him out, but not anybody else. 

Putting the icepack back over his eye, he gives Misty a confused frown. "If I'da gone to the hospital, it woulda cost an arm and a leg. Might take me a while to scrape together payment, but I don't expect a free ride."

Leaning back on the table, he eases onto his back, letting one leg hang off the side. He wanted to go home. Now that he hadn't seen Rick right away, he dreaded what his uncle would say. His body, however, agreed with Misty about resting. He hurt all over and his head was still spinning. If only he'd been smarter. If only he'd gotten off work ten minutes earlier. If only he'd been more careful. If only. If only he had a real job and not some stupid part-time work at a gas station. He was just as bad off as he was when Rick had come to see him. And he knew he probably looked it too, in his ratty jeans, old t-shirt and scuffed old work boots. Yeah, he was in fine shape. If he wasn't so mad at himself, he might be embarrassed to be in this position.

"Good land, boy..." 

Clay is quick to turn and prop himself up on an elbow to see Rick. "This is nothin'. Shoulda seen me before I got here." 

Rick frowns and comes closer, taking a better look at his nephew. Misty had done a good job as usual. "What on earth did you get into this time?" 

Clay smirks. "Just got punished for doing the right thing. Funny how that works." He eases down on his back again and shuts his eyes, continuing the hold the icepack in place. "Got beat up for giving the cops a tip. Figured coming to see you was my best bet."

"You mean to tell me you drove all the way up here?! In this condition?!" The lack of response was Rick's answer and he rolls his eyes. Turning to Misty, he shakes his head. "Thanks for taking care of him. Anything I need to know?"

Wandering into the barn, Dylan knew he needed to get busy with chores so he'd have time for his schoolwork later. But he'd do as Stacy suggested and make sure that Ashlee didn't mind him going alone to town this weekend. He figured she wouldn't...actually, he figured she'd probably like it, but that thought was just between him and his own self. 

"Hey, Ash?" He'd found her in the tack room. "Your mom wanted me to double-check with you to make sure it was alright if I came along to town this weekend. I gotta pick up some new clothes and she said you guys were already going anyway." 

"Did I hear something about a date?" Eric sits down next to Stacy with his coffee and cinnamon roll before giving her arm a teasing elbow. "I mean... if you and Dylan wanna go on a date, I suppose it would be okay. A little strange, but I won't stand in the way if that's really what you want." 

Rosalyn giggles and tosses her dishtowel on the counter, finished for the morning at least. "Well at least there are no bedsheets in the garden, so we'll be safe for a while." 

Going outside with Chad, her eyes automatically sweep the ranch yard to ensure her dad was not in sight. Finding the coast clear, she takes Chad's hand, leading him out back to the garden. Once there, she kneels in the soft earth and points out the dried plants. "All these here are done for the season and mostly dead. Of course, there's some weeds mixed in too, so at this end, everything needs to be pulled up and you don't have to worry about pulling up the wrong thing."