
Even better

Karla can't help the smile that spreads across her face at Kip's comment. He always had a way of being silly, but cute at the same time and making her feel good.

"Mmm...ice cream does sound good. Think there is any way for us to sneak out of here and get some?"

Karla grins. She still was pretty shy but she had before a little more bold with Kip and some of the others. Bring out and seeing new things, living with Alice and Twila it was a new experience that was helping her to open her up.

Just leaning into the hug and giving a small giggle at the kiss Alice didn't mind Kyle didn't show a lot of affection in public. She was the same way and would rather show that in privet and not made a scene. The little but of affection was nice, and it just made the bigger stuff better.

"As long as you keep saying than I'll keep believing it, not that I really would even thing different. But it still feels good to hear it."

Tilting her head a little to see up into Kyle's eyes Alice smiles at him again. A happy feeling ran though her, and she new he missed his friends, maybe when things calmed down a little they could have a cook out at her house and get everyone together.

"Did I tell you how proud of you I am?"

Looking up from the sound table at the sound of Wayne's phone Jackie gives a nod. She had already started rechecking everything and mixing it together seeing how it sounded, and maybe what could be tweaked.

"Yeah yeah take your call."

Moving the head phones back in her head again Jackie listens to the music moving a few buttons on the bored, backing the table up and listing again. Glancing to Wayne's seat as Erik sits down Jackie stays quiet for a moment as she reaches to pause the tape. Not letting Erik know she was watching him out of the corner of her eye she says nothing waiting to see if he said anything.

Seeing he didn't say anything but continues to look at the bored Jackie finally turned her chair to him and gave a friendly smile.

"If you want to throw that headset on and listen while I mix a few things your more then welcome to since Wayne is not here. Just don't think him I let you, he might get jealous."

As her brother comes and takes the case of beer from her Ryan gives a small laugh following him into the kitchen and putting the bag down on the table. Taking in a wiff of the dinner it smelled so good.

"Mmm...I have no problem with that since it smells so amazing. I picked up a few things from the store to have with dinner, nothing amazing but it gives us a little something else to eat."

Going through the bag and taking out some of the items to put in the fridge for now Ryan stops be her brother looking up at him. He wanted to ask her something...she couldnt help but wonder what it was and thats why when the phone ran she had no problem letting it.

"Ok sure...whats up?"

Waiting for Eli to continue Ryan can't help but straighten a little hearing Leo's voice. She was a littel shocked and surpised he was calling...but...he was. Looking to Eli she would of went to the phone but he hung it up to fast for her to get to it.

"Wow...that was....unexpected. Maybe I should call him back or talk to him him tomorrow at work. Either or, I wanna you to finish what you were asking first."

Pulling into the drive way Sapphire gives a smile with a bit of surprised seeing Gage waiting for her. She though for sure she'd have to wake him up today like she normally did. Not that she minded but it was nice to see him a little less tired for his own health.

Stopping the car and getting out a little Sapphire leans on the top of the car and looks across at Gage with a smile.

"Well good morning to you bright eyes. You look extra perky today. Really were looking forward to our date?"

Sapphire continues to smile as she waits for Gage. It was good to see him that was for sure. After a few days of going without because he was just to tired, it made this even better!


"Aw man... Thanks a lot. Now I totally lost count." Kip stares up at Karla, a silly grin spreading on his face. "Hi there."

Remaining on his back, his eyes shift from her right eye to her left and back again. "You're very cute at the moment, but you're still blocking my view." Still grinning, he sits up too quickly and puts a hand to his head as he experiences a wave of dizziness. "Ugh. I want ice cream."

Kyle chuckles and slips an arm around Alice, pulling her in for a hug and a kiss to the top of her head. That was about as public as he got, but no one questioned them being a couple anymore. "Mmm... you're all I need to keep going. Who needs as crowd?"

Smiling at her he sighs deeply, tired but happy. Sometimes he did wish Phil or Jen or Mike or even Jason and Katie were here though... He was looking forward to his future and what was in store with this band, but some days he did miss the old group and the fun they'd had.

Wayne's ringing phone causes him to smirk in annoyance, but checking who it is, he sighs in surrender. "I'll be right back," he mentions to Jackie. "Run that back through and see how everything sounds so far."

Watching Wayne leave, Erik eyes the control panel and takes the liberty of sitting down in the desk chair, swiveling a little bit and taking in all the buttons and switches. He had a pretty good idea of what most things were, but was anxious to hear how the final mix would turn out.

"Hey, Speedy!" Eli comes from the kitchen, wiping his hands on his jeans. "I'm here, I-" He stops mid sentence and steps forward to help her with her armful, relieving her of the case of beer. "I take it you didn't want to take two trips."

He laughs and shakes his head, going back into the kitchen, from which the mouthwatering steak aroma was wafting. "I decided to cook the steaks on the stove in some new spices," he informs. "I think they're going to turn out pretty good. Oh, and I got some french fries in the oven."

He'd begged off work early tonight... though he wouldn't tell Ryan that. He'd wanted to get home early to have supper ready by the time she showed up so she wouldn't have to do anything. "And by the way-"

Eli is cut off as the apartment phone rings and he sighs. "Let the answering machine get it. I was gonna ask you your opinion on something. I've been thinking about..." His voice trails off once again, this time as another male voice comes through the answering machine - one he hadn't expected.

"Hey, Ryan, it's Leo, um..." He was just getting ready to go pick up Cassy but had needed to make this call first before his conscience bugged him any more. "...Just wanted to apologize for last night. I was a jerk and... I'm sorry. I'll be in to work tomorrow... so.... yeah... later."

Gage bops his head to the rock music playing on the radio as he slips a clean shirt over his head. Going to the fridge, he grabs the bottle of water and drinks straight from it before going back to the living room to sort through his pile of laundry. A few pieces of clothing fly in this direction and that until he finds the clean pair of socks he was looking for.

Flopping down on his mattress, he pulls the socks on his feet and just sits for a moment, his fingers strumming his legs as he looks around, then glances at the clock for the tenth time. Change of plans. Supper instead of lunch. He was ready early... right? Shower, clean clothes... yep, he was ready.

Standing again, he paces by the window a couple times, then finally slips on his sneakers and leaves his apartment, deciding to go down and wait for Sapphire outside instead. Trotting down the first flight of stairs, then sliding down the railing of the second, he reaches ground level and gets outside into the warm evening air. Hooking his thumbs in his pockets he paces up and down the sidewalk, waiting.


Alice clasps her hands together bring them to her mouth as she listens to Kyle. She always loved the way he sung, how he sounded to her it so lulling, and pretty. Knowing he'd come this far, and not was standing and shinning it was so wonderful to know he was doing what he loved and not holding back anymore.

Seeing Kyle's grin as he starts to open his eyes and look at her Alice gives a nod of her head moving her hands so her own smile could shine. Moving to the little couch that Kyle sat down on that was beside her Alice leans into Kyle a little her eyes drifting to his face and taking him in.

"You don't have the energy of the crowd to keep you going here thats why. You just have to deal with us."

Alice gives a small laugh slipping her hand into Kyles and giving it a squeeze. Everyone was doing great, and even if it was long, and they were all tired they were doing good, and sticking to it.

Shifting a little on the floor Karla looks over to Kip who was now laying on he back. While everything was going on today she'd stayed very quiet not wanting to interrupt anyone or making any noises to mess anything up.

Seeing Kyle come out of the sound room though Karla takes the opportunity to scoot a little closer to Kip and lean her head over his giving a little smile.


Stoping for a moment and cocking her head her smile still formed. Shaking her head a little bit She whispers.

"Hi there."

Shaking her head Ryan heads to clock out pulling out her phone and holding it for a long moment. Contemplating in her head if maybe she should just call Alec or not. Shaking her head and stuffing the phone back into her pocket Ryan decieds not to and gets into her car.

Stopping at the store and getting stuff for dinner along with another case of beer Ryan finally heads for home. Not taking to long to get home Ryan juggles everything in her arms

"Eli...I'm home, I got the beer. Are you home yet?"

Dalton raises his can of pop and gives a shake of his head before looking back at his computer. Going to type something again Dalton gives Alec a sidelong glace, a little humor in his voice but his face strays motionless.

"Don't spill anything on that computer...."

Ceiling Tiles

Though his sights are on the computer screen, Alec's eyes widen slightly at the thought of Dalton sitting on him. "Dude... I think you might have just come up with something scarier than the Agency."

He lifts his can of pop towards Dalton in a toast. "Might get brownie points from the big boss on that one."

Grinning a little, he tries to settle down to work, though it's hard for him to concentrate. There were too many things going through his mind. At least now with what Misty had given him, he wasn't feeling quite as sore at the moment. "Alright... I'll let you know when I hit something fishy."

"Naw... it's okay." Axel didn't need to be thanked for checking up on a friend. He would have said more about war and stubbornness, but he refrains. If Ryan wanted to make the men make the first move, that was her business, not his.

"Take it easy tonight. And if you need anything..." He pauses, keeping a straight face as he continues to tinker in the engine. "...as your brother."

Glancing to the side, he throws Ryan a wink. He'd work here a while longer, then call it a day too. He had his own date tonight with Jess and wasn't going to miss out on that. Afterward he had band practice, but having Jess along for that too made things just a little more enjoyable than they already were.

"Standing on the curbside with,
The people you call friends.
You play their game and listen to,
Judgmental criticism.
You swallow all the lines they feed,
Just hoping that you'll win,
A few more looks passed down your way,
But love's become so thin."

Kyle's eyes are closed as he sings, his voice ringing crisp and true. Standing in the sound booth, the glass blocked the outside sounds from him, helping him concentrate. He knew this song so well... it was his own pen that wrote it... it were the words that had formed from himself.

Jackie and Wayne had suggested it as the first song on their test run. They would put together a demo album, feel out how people liked it, then tweak it and find out where they needed the most work.

"Lies! It's all about the lies.
Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run.

Sitting on the park bench with,
The people you call friends.
You think they care and love you so,
You stick it out with them.
Believing all they say to you,
It's like a dream gone wrong.
Things don't seem the way they should,
But you're stuck and still hang on.

Lies! It's all about the lies.
Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run.

Wayne leans back, putting his feet up on another chair in the recording room. His pen taps his clipboard and he makes a few notes as he listens to Kyle. "That guy's got quite a voice," he comments to Jackie, or whoever was listening.

Erik was standing behind him, watching through the glass and he nods. "That's why we picked him. He was holding back in JetStream, but I'm glad he waited to show the world what he had - otherwise he might have gotten this far without us finding him first."

Wayne chuckles. "Maybe. But it sounds like it's your whole team that got you this far - without you, he might not have gotten anywhere either."

"You've been running all your life,
On the lies that you've believed.
You think that you're not good enough,
Unless you fit the mold.
Stop swallowing the lies of men,
Stop trusting in the false.
Nothing on the outside counts,
It's what's down deep in you.
What's down deep in you?
What's down deep in you?

Child of beauty, what do you see?
Child so innocent, what have you become?
Look with your heart, don't give in,
Be the one God made you to be.
Child of beauty...
What do you see?

Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run...
Don't believe the lies!"

Kyle's eyes open to see some of the others and Alice watching, and a grin spreads on his face.

Wayne presses the intercom. "Alright, sounds good."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow. "First time through?" Twila had had to have several takes with her violin and on the backup vocals, Kip had struggled with the harmony, taking at least five tries to get it right.

"Yep," Wayne confirms. "Pat yourself on your back - probably won't ever happen again."

Kyle's grin returns and he takes off the headphones, exiting the booth and flopping down in a chair next to Alice, grabbing his water bottle. "How did I ever do whole concerts? I'm exhausted and we've only done one song." Over and over and over.... but at least his vocals and keyboard parts were over for now. They were planning to do at least one more song today... or see how far they could get. Eventually they'd end with eight and go from there.

Off to the side, Theo was playing an imaginary set of drums with a couple of wrapped granola bars, while Russ was pacing back and forth, silently practicing on the guitar strung over his shoulders. Twila had left the room to use the restroom and Kip was lying flat on his back off in the corner, having already completed the bass and vocals he needed to do for the first song, and apparently counting ceiling tiles.



Dalton gives a small grunt that almost resembles a laugh. Alec seemed to have a good sense of humor on him and that was good. Dalton didn't think he was all that bad after all.

"If you start bouncing off the walls it will give me some entertainment and if you get to out of hand I'll just sit on you."

Giving another sidelong glance to Alec Dalton's lips curl a little bit as he gives a shake of his head. It was nice having someone working along side of him. It would of been better if it was Scott, but Alec was good too and they seemed to get along as long as he didn't rub him the wrong way.

Leaning over to the fridge and opening it Dalton takes out his own can and pops the top taking a sip and sitting back in his chair for a moment. Before setting the can down and giving a crack of his knuckles. Turning a little classical music that also had a tiny bit of a more upbeat to it.

"Alright, lets start this show up. Find anything at all let me know so I can log it, and take a look myself."

Sticking her hands in her pocket Ryan fiddles with the little bit of change her had as she listened to Axel. He always full of insight more than other people, and sometimes it was just nice to listing to him talk, but every work he said did not fall on deaf ears. She was listing and taking it in.

"Yeah, I know tomorrow is a new day, and sooner or later this will all work out it just sucks right now ya know?"

Pushing off the car and passing for a moment Ryan stops again at Axel's question about calling Alec. She wanted to, she really did but if he wanted to talk to her wouldn't he have called already?

"I made it pretty clear I wasn't going to call either of them this time around. They needed to be the one to call me. If I end up calling Alec, he might not understand how serous I was last night."

Ryan lets out a sigh and shakes her head a little bit. Giving Axel's arm a little pat Ryan was thankful she talked with him.

"I better get going, Can't let Eli get home before me and think I stood him up on dinner tonight. Than Axel for taking the time to make sure I was ok."

Cassy gives a laugh as a little color comes to her face. Leo really did make her feel good and she loved it. It was a nice feeling, a good feeling and she could never tire of it.

"Mmmm...I'm happy you can't forget me. It would make an awkward relationship if you did."

Standing Cassy smiles brightly at Leo as she holds out her hand to him. Showing her affection to Leo finally was nice, and knowing she didn't have to hide it was even better. She was happy Leo finally was returning it.


Maybe Dalton's response was what Alec had really wanted, but it still came as a bit of a surprise. The giant really didn't like many people - Alec had witness that himself. It seemed around here, Dalton had a soft spot for some of the women, and he was buds with Scott. But otherwise...

A small, sheepish grin forms on Alec's face. If someone was willing to believe in him, then he really shouldn't say no. "Yeah, okay."

Opening the little fridge, Alec spies a stash of Mountain Dew. He shrugs. "Nothing like sugar and caffeine to make it through the day I guess." Grabbing a can, he flips the top and takes a long swig, nodding with satisfaction, followed by a belch. "If I start bouncing off the wall, it's your fault."

Axel tinkers in the open engine, listening to Ryan as she explained just a little bit. He didn't know why she'd yelled at Alec or Leo, but he did know there had been tension between those two men and one logical theory was that she'd finally gotten fed up. That would explain the no call and no show at least. Axel wasn't going to ask for details though.

Hearing about her dad, he nods thoughtfully. "I'm sorry... that's rough."

Pausing his work, he looks over to her for a quiet moment. "I guess I don't know what it's like to have a parent die... but having no idea where mine are or if they're even alive... I suppose it's as close to death to me as it can get. Not fun."

Returning to the engine, his thoughts come out as quiet musings. "Somehow the sun always manages to rise the next day anyway. The clouds break eventually... and on really clear days, I can look back and see how far I've come and I can look ahead to something better... something more."

Changing the subject, he shakes his head. "Why don't you call that knucklehead boyfriend of yours? Maybe he's waiting for your call too."

Leo gives a short laugh. "Yeah, I know... I wasn't gonna leave you here. I just meant afterward." He grins. "As if I could forget about you." He shakes his head. "That's becoming more and more impossible."

"Man, he's riding us hard this week. I miss my eight-hour job."

Gage gives a little nod, but he was too tired to react to much else. His eleven-hour days had turned into twelve and he was not gaining back his energy. Each day he seemed just a little more sore and a little more tired. He'd hardly spent any time with Sapphire at all and he hated it. But it was a job... right?

Standing up from the break room table, Gage sighs and looks down at Lonny. They'd taken a short breather to clean up after work before heading home for the day. "Yeah... Not sure I could find something better than this though. I'm just so tired I don't know what to do. My girl says she doesn't mind but..." He shrugs. "I do."

Lonny nods and stands up as well. "Here." He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a little bottle. Taking Gage's hand, he deposits a couple little pills into his palm. "Take those. They'll get you going again."

Gage looks at them for a moment before looking back up at his coworker with suspicion. He'd had days where he'd wanted the drugs he'd been on at the Agency, but since that wasn't available, he'd been doing alright. "What are these?"

"Oh, they're just to get your energy going," Lonny explains. "I get a couple hours of sleep in the afternoon and I can go all day again."

Gage still hesitates. The bottle had been orange. "They're prescription, aren't they?"

Lonny shrugs. "So? They just do that so they get more money anyway. They're cool - just try 'em. Trust me."

Gage thinks for a moment, then shrugs too. Why not? If he could actually get a date in with Sapphire without falling asleep, it would be worth it. Popping the pills in his mouth, he takes a swig from the water fountain to wash them down.

"See you tonight, Gage."

"Yeah." Gage wanders out the back door and heads around the perimeter of the lumber mill to make his way back home. His feet felt like lead weights, but if he took a couple allies on his way, it didn't seem to take quite as long.


Let me decied

Getting right to work Dalton just lets the silence linger for a long moment not minding it at all. For a little bit the quiet was nice and helped him think but as he got down deeper he new he would need a little music to help her considerate more.

Hearing Alec's assumption Dalton doesn't say anything right away but finally gives him a sidelong glance and a little grunt before saying anything.

"How about...you stop being so down on yourself and let everyone decide for themselves if they like haning out with you. I think your an ok guy, and hanging out with you and your girl sounds like it might be fun. And I don't like many people so you must be something for me to like you."

Dalton's mouth turns up in a little grin before he turns all the way to Alec and shakes his head a little bit. Giving a nod to the little fridge that was between them.

"If you want to grab yourself something to eat and drink help yourself. It's gonna be a long day."

Walking behind Axel to where he was working Ryan just follows him for a moment. He was always so easy to talk to why was she clamming up to him now? Maybe it was one of those problems she needed to work out alone? If Axel had heard her saying that he would of wracked her.

"Alec and Leo got into a fist fight and I just had enough of walking around Eggshells with them and I just flipped out and yelled at them both telling them I didn't want to talk to them anymore until they grew up."

Ryan lets out a long sigh before leaning her back against the car Axel was working on digging her toe into the dirt.

"Now Alec hasn't called me, and Leo isn't at work. I guess I feel bad now that I yelled at them a little when really this is my own fault. To top it all off...my pops anniversary of his death is in a few days and it's always hard for me this time of year. So in a nutshell...thats pretty much it."

Aerith gives a giggle as another kiss was stolen. She could never be happier with Wyatt. He always made her feel good, and she liked the worm fuzzy feels she got from him.

"Mmmm...the house to ourself, that sounds even better to me. I'll call you when I get out of work. I shouldn't be to late night."

Giving a slight nod to Leo it sounded good to her. Spending more time with him would be great and it had to be a start to there growing relationship.

"Ok, I will call you a little later than, but your going to have to deal with me a little longer...you drove me here."

Cassy gives a big smile not sure if Leo remembered or not. She didn't want to make him feel bad if her forgot so she put just a little bit of humor in it.

"Not that I mind spending a few more minutes with you."

Isn't the most appeaing thing...

"Oooh... you know how to torture too, you know that?" Wyatt takes his drink, his lips curled in a grin. "Now I gotta wait all day for that backrub."

Leaning across the counter, he gives Aerith one last kiss before he has to go. "Maybe a movie back at my place... Libby's living with Dani now and Ty has to work tonight."

"Um... ok." Leo nods. He had nothing going on tonight and spending it with Cassy sounded like fun. "Sure." They had to start somewhere, right? "If you wanna call me or something when you're done for the day we can figure out what we're doing then. I'm just gonna be back at my place the rest of the day."

Axel shrugs off Ryan's thanks. "You're welcome." He fiddles with a wrench before moving back towards the car he was working on.

"If you ever need to talk or anything, or yell at somebody who won't yell back, I'm here."

"Yeah... alright." Alec starts in on what Dalton suggested, giving a little sigh. After all his up and walking around, he was downright sore, and for once, his cot sounded nice. But Reese wanted him in here, so he'd stay. He had to clear his name... and this had to be connected - it just had to be. It was too big of a coincidence that there were killings going on at the same time they were being hacked.

As he works, the silence becomes too much for him. He hated the quite sometimes. "So Misty mentioned supper sometime... triple date sorta thing at her and Carson's." He keeps his focus on the computer screen, not knowing what Dalton would say. "I suppose the thought of socializing with me and my girl isn't the most appealing thing in the world."


Looking up as Reese comes into his office he eyes him and than eyes Alec too before going back at Reese. Hearing what he said about stopping everything and finding out who was doing the hacking

"Ok Boss, I had been looking into it a little bit already but I'll put all my energy twords that right now."

Giving a nod to Reese and than one to Alec Dalton cringes a little bit at the mention to not letting Alec leave. Watching as Reese leaves Dalton turns his chair and looks at Alec for a moment giving a little shrug.

"Well...ok than...ummm...get on that computer there and there is a few files open already. I want you to look through and see what stuff has been tampered with. Each file should have a check mark by it and ones that were touched by someone other than who is not authorized will have a little red X. I want to see if there is a pattern with them."

Turning back to his own computer Dalton goes to work on his own stuff to pin point where the hacks were coming from, and how long they had been going on.

Hearing Axel's voice Ryan look up after finishing the last bit of paper work. Shifting it all together and getting it in a pile Ryan trys to give a little smile though she looked a little tired.

"Ron does worry to much, but yes I'm ok. Just a little tired, a little stressed out, but I am ok. Just dealing with Boyfriend, friend drama...nothing to pressing."

Ryan smiles to Axel again thankful for his friendship to at least ask her if she was ok. It made her feel good to know he was always looking out for her and makes sure she was ok on her quiet days.

"Thank you for asking Axel it means a lot."

Giving a thoughtful smile Cassy really didnt want them lunch to end. It was nice sitting and talking with Leo, and knowing there relationship was growing was even more of a good reason to want to stay.

"Yeah I do have to be heading back. I have three more class this afternoon."

Taking a sip of her water and giving a throughful sigh. She wanted to spend more time with Leo and she wondered if many he wanted to a little later.

"Maybe later we can get together again and watch a movie or something?"

"Mmmm...maybe dinner and a movie tonight sounds good to me! Maybe I could give you a nice back rub tonight too."

Aerith gives a small laugh as she turns a little and grabs a to go cup putting the drink in it that Wyatt wanted before handing it to him and the straw.

"Here you go love, and its even on the house today. I got it for ya. You better get back to work before the chef wonders if you ran off."

Aerith's eyes twinkles she loved when Wyatt came to see her and it was always sad when he had to go, but it made seeing him the next time even better.

Kinda worried

"Mmm..." Wyatt returns Aerith's kiss and smiles back at her. "I torture you because then you're all the more glad to see me after work."

Straightening at the counter, he shakes his head. "I could use a coke to go - but I'm on duty and gotta get back to work asap. I just had to stop in here to find somebody, now I gotta report on it."

Sighing a little, his eyes prove he's somewhat weary. Things at TJY had been stressful lately. Unsolved cases gnawed at him and everyone else, and the threat of an Agency hacker was not to be taken lightly.

Leo grins a bit, but sighs. "Yeah... I guess." He gives Cassy's hand a little squeeze. "Thanks. I just wanna forget last night ever happened. Alec can be a jerk but I was the one who swung first so he shouldn't get in any trouble."

Falling silent, his eyes move from her hand to her face, his thumb running over her knuckles. "You have to get back to the studio, don't you?" It wasn't that he wanted to leave - on the contrary, he wished he could just sit here with her for much longer, but he knew she had a class today and not only would he never take that away from her, but he knew the reality of the day too and they had to go sometime.

"Hey." Axel comes up beside Ryan and leans on the work table, looking over her shoulder for a moment. "Clocking out?"

He already knew the answer - it was obvious that she'd gotten her work done and he was the only one left now. He cocks his head a little more. She'd been awfully quiet today. "Everything alright? Ron said he was kinda worried about you, but he worries a lot about everything."

"Dalton?" Reese opens the office door without knocking, bringing Alec in with him. "I hear we've had a hacker. I want you to stop whatever you're working on and find out who it is or where the hack's been coming from. Alec is to help you, but don't let him out of your sight." His eyes narrow, though he's not upset - perhaps just annoyed. "And don't help him out of the building, okay?"

Alec's eyes widen. "I didn't-"

"No, but it doesn't take a genius. Have fun."

Alec watches as Reese leaves, then slowly turns around to Dalton. The big guy probably wondered what meat grinder he'd been through. Sighing, he comes around and sits in the empty chair, staring at the blank computer screen. "Um... yeah."

Long day

Finishing up her last car Ryan lets out a long sigh. It had been a long day that seemed even longer. No Leo today at work made Ryan wonder if it was because of the battle wounds of fighting or if it was because of her, and to top it off not hearing anything from Alec all day made things worse.

Pulling out her phone and check it once again only to see no new messages Ryan sighs before putting it back in her pocket and going to the drive side of the car to test it. Hearing the purring sounded as she started it up she lets out another sigh. At least that went right today and she got her whole line up done.

Closing the hood and taking her clip bored Ryan makes her way to her work bench to sit down at her work bench and filling out the days work onto paper. After that she'd be home bounded after making a quick stop at the store for something to go with the dinner, and some more beer for Eli.

Chatting with Leo and giving a laugh at something he had said Cassy looks up quickly hearing Leo's whole name used. Not sure who this was she looks to Leo and gives a question look but remains quiet as there conversation starts.

From what was said it seemed to be about the fight Leo had been in and she was very proud of him for talking as smooth as he could about it. It was the right thing to do and it seemed to have cleared someones name from something.

Once the conversation was over Cassy gives a nod to Wyatt watching him as he leaves before looking back to Leo again and giving a smile. Sliding her hand across the table and taking Leo's in her own her eyes twinkle.

"You did good Leo. I am proud of you."

Hearing Carson call to her Aerith didn't even have to turn around to know who it was and with out saying anything a smile comes to her lips. Putting the last few plates away and whips her hands on her aprin walking over to Wyatt where her smile grows even more.

"Mmmm...You know I love when you pull your hair back. Why do you have to torcher me like that on the job huh?"

Looking in the direction to where Carson was Aerith wanted to see if he was looking or not. Leaning into Wyatt a little bit she gives him a quick kiss and than leans her forehead against his for a moment before retreating.

"Did you want something to eat or drink Love or was this just a hi how are you? Because either way I am happy to see ya!"

Letting her smile grow a little as Phil said he did want to meet her Chinchilla it made Rayne feel good. She new it was just a pet but it was the only family she had and knowing Phil cared enough to meet her felt really good.

Just letting the silence continue it didn't feel awkward yet comforting knowing she could share a conversation and a silence with Phil the same. Hearing him talk again though and his words hit her ears she can feel a little warmth creep up her neck and form on her cheeks.

Turning to Phil again Rayne's eyes just sparkle a little more. It felt good someone said that and it made her stomach glittery but in a good way.

"Thank you Phil, it was nice to hear that. Your pretty handsome yourself."

Guy with a ponytail

"So you got in a fight with someone nameless at an unknown location." Reese leans back in his chair, staring up at Alec, who had come into his office only a few minutes prior. "Alec, you're a smart man. You know that doesn't help things any. I need a name. I need a place. Otherwise, you have no alibi."

"Look, I don't even know what this is about." Alec throws up his arms, forgetting that it would hurt. "You think I killed some guy, but you're wrong."

"It's not just some guy," Reese corrects. He tosses a file towards Alec. "Take a look at the names in there. Go ahead."

Alec hesitates, but does open the file, flipping through the pages. "I recognize some of these names. Agency connections I think. Some I don't know though. Who are they?"

"They're all the people who have been killed lately, right when we're getting ready to bring them in for questioning." Reese is very stern, not treating this like a game. "It also appears that these killings have taken place when you're unaccounted for. It's not just one night, Alec - it's a whole batch of them."

Alec blinks and looks back to Reese. Surprise was evident in his eyes. "I swear I had nothing to do with these. Why would I?"

"We figure it's the Agency killing off those that are at risk for security breaches. But you're the only one with Agency ties who has been in this building to know where we're going to be next and who we're going after."

"So you think I'm still with the Agency."

"Are you?"

Alec grits his teeth. "No. But it doesn't matter what I say, does it? If I look guilty, it just gives you an excuse to lock me up."

"Give me a reason not to!" Reese leans forward on his desk, folding his hands. "Give me a reason, Alec. If you weren't killing someone last night, where were you and why are you so beat up?"

It wasn't fair - being backed into a corner like this. "I don't want to get the others in trouble." Alec still resists. "The police will just blow it way out of proportion and I won't do that to them."

Reese cocks his head. "You forget - we're not the police. We're the Elite." He stares at Alec, waiting. "Trust me, Alec. For once in your life, trust me. If no one deserves to be arrested, then I won't. If they do, then you shouldn't be protecting them."

"They don't deserve jail."

"Then tell me where you were, Alec.... come on. If you're innocent, prove it to me."

Alec swallows hard, his mind racing.

"Leonard Barnsworth?"

Leo almost cringes at his full name being used. Right in the middle of a conversation with Cassy while still at Mom and Pop's, he lets it trail off as he looks up at the man who was interrupting them. "Yeah?"

Wyatt shows his badge. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to ask a few questions."

Leo's eyes widen and he gives an uneasy glance in Cassy's direction. "Oh... okay. Did I do something wrong?"

Wyatt smiles. "Not that I know of. I just want to confirm where you were last night."

Leo bristles slightly. "I was with some friends."


Leo hesitates.

Wyatt shakes his head. "Nobody else is going down if you just tell the truth."

Leo hoped this officer was being truthful about that. "I was outside town at the street race."

"Is that where you got those shiners?"

Leo sinks down a little. "Yeah."

"And who was it that you fought with?" Wyatt cocks his head, waiting, but not receiving a response. "It's okay... if you tell me who, they're going to be in a whole lot less trouble than they are now."

Leo wonders what kind of trouble Alec was in now, but he finally relents. "Alec... Alec Banks. He was at the races when I got there and he didn't leave until someone took him back to TJY a few hours later."

"Okay. That's all I needed to know." He nods to Leo, then to Cassy too. "Sorry to interrupt you guys. Eat in peace." Leaving the table, he wanders up to the counter and looks around for Aerith.

Carson sees him from the kitchen and he nods to Aerith who he had putting some dishes away for him. "Some guy with a ponytail is out there looking a little lost. You might go see what he needs."

Phil's eyes roam Ryan's face, taking in everything about her fine features and he grins. "I'd like to meet your chinchilla."

A silence comes over the peaceful scene, but he doesn't mind. The words slip right out of his mouth without him even thinking. "Has anyone ever told you that you're beautiful?"

Dosnt talk a lot

Katie shakes her head and rolls her eyes at Pete. It was always nice teasing people at work and breaking up the day. Now that some of her energy had been depleted as well maybe she could sit and do something.

"Yeah yeah yeah...don't worry like I said when you least expect it."

Shaking her head and turning to sit at her desk again and opening a file she had. Thinking for a long moment than feeling Jason's warm fuzzy feelings Katie gives a little giggle. It tingled but she liked it. Sending back her own warm feelings to him she nods even though no one can see her.

Oh alright, I guess I can do that. If you not getting kisses that means I'm not either and that would be a tragedy.

Continuing to watch the water Rayne finally turns to look at Phil while he talked about his family. You could see in his eyes how much he loved them all and missed the time they once spent so much together.

"Your family sounds wonderful. I think would be nice to be able to meet them sometime."

Rayne liked meeting people, and getting to know Phil's family would be fun. And if they were anything like him she new it was be a great time for sure.

"I have a chinchilla at home, thats my family and maybe you can meet her sometime. Though she dosnt talk a lot."

Letting her eyes search Phil's for a long moment her smile grew a little bit. The breeze moving her hair just a little bit till she tucks the strand behind her ear.


Pete starts to laugh a hearty genuine laugh, having way too much fun teasing Katie. "Hey now... you're the one that started this whole thing, remember? I was just minding my own business talking to myself."

He leans his arms on the cubicle wall and looks down at her, his eyes twinkling. "But I love you anyway. Now get back to work before the boss finds you having another conniption fit."

Sliding down out of sight, he takes his own seat once again and tries to start working. He's not very successful though... his mind was already wondering if Nikki would call, and if she did, if he'd see her again today.

Awww! Don't deprive me of kisses! You mean, mean woman.

Jason can feel Katie tugging on a bit of irritation, but then more humor than anything else, and he deliberately sends her a batch of warm fuzzy feelings like an invisible bear hug.

Forgive me?

Hearing Rayne talk about her family, Phil felt a little sorry for her. He didn't know what it was like to be rejected but one's own family but it couldn't feel nice.

Lying back and propping himself up with an elbow, he faces her before answering her question. "Well, you met Kyle this morning at church." It had been brief - Kyle had been busy with plans for the day with Alice and some of the others. "He's obnoxious sometimes but has a heart of gold."

Jen hadn't been there this morning. "Jen - did I tell you she and Kyle are twins? She's in a wheelchair, you know, and I guess she was having a not-so-great morning - otherwise I would have loved for you to meet her too. She's like a calmer Kyle." Phil laughs. "She's a gem. I always wished there was some way I could help her more. And... my mom and stepfather are out of town - another bummer. But I know you'd like them. Mom is so kind and she and my stepfather both love to help people whenever they can. Lots of people have called them their adoptive parents just because they're always there when needed."

Phil's eyes roam Rayne's for a moment. "I'd... like for you to meet them too sometime... if you want."


Kisses for you

Hearing Pete's voice Katie looks over her shoulder at him giving him a weary looking. Seeing him laughing and than Susanne coming over she new this had to do with something he was doing, or had said.

"Why you little..."

Katie stops her sentence as Jason's sudden laugh can be felt, and she realized what it was. Squint her eyes at Pete Katie lets a little irritation through but follows it up with a laugh to show she found the good humor in it.

I though you were on my side....no kisses for you!

Looking back to Pete Katie sticks her toung out again at Pete and a smile forming in her eyes that she really did find humor still in the whole thing.

"When your least expecting it Pete, You will get whats coming to you...oh yes you will."

Just standing there in the infirmary watching the door swing shut Misty gives a smile. Getting lost in a stair for a moment. It would be nice to have Alec and his girlfriend over for dinner. Maybe even play some games as a family or something. It sounded good to her and she'd throw it past Carson tonight and see what he thought.

Saying a little prayer and starting to eat the meal it tasted so good, and even a little better sharing it with a friend. The conversation staying light was nice, and hearing about Phil and the things in his life was nice to. She like getting to know her new friend.

"Yeah, life has a way of doing that. Taking the people we found ourself closest to and spreading us apart. Least you still have your family though right?"

Rayne gives a smile before looking out at the soft rolling water again. The cool breeze blowing softly the air still warm.

"I always think about calling my parents to see how they are, but I know they wouldn't talk to me. I guess it saved a little heartache not calling at all. Maybe some day I will though. Whats your family like Phil?"

Only if...

Holding in a laugh, Pete quietly stands up from his desk and leans on the cubicle wall, looking down at Katie as she jumps and gasps. "Hey, Kat, you alright? Got ants in your pants or what?"

Just then, Susanne walks by and pauses, seeing a peculiar look on Katie's face. "You okay?"

"No, she's not," Pete confirms. "I think she's having some sort of mild seizures. Better get her a glass of water."

Susanne blinks, pretty sure he was kidding but having no idea what's going on.

As some negativity comes back at Jason, he can't hold back the humor he felt any longer. He'd been holding it at bay ever since he'd started pricking himself with a sharp paperclip, as per Pete's last IM. As soon as Jason releases his thoughts and emotions again, he knows Katie will know exactly what he'd been up to and he starts to laugh.

Don't look at me. Look at your neighbor. It was his idea.

Seeing Katie relax again, Pete snickers and looks back to Susanne. "Never mind. I think she's cured. Oh, but watch your back - she throws a mean curveball."

Misty's invitation takes Alec off guard and he just stares at her for a moment. Dinner? As in socialize? The most Alec ever did was hang out with Eli and Ryan, and people at the races but that was entirely different. Misty was inviting him into their home.

Scratching the back of his head, he thinks for a moment, feeling strangely awkward. "Um... okay... maybe. If... If Ryan wants to, I guess..." He shrugs. "Sure. But... only if Carson wants me there." It wasn't Misty that Alec was worried about - it was his own brother.

Finally standing up, he wanders towards the door, pausing for a moment to look over his shoulder. "Thanks, um... for patching me up."

And then he's gone, the infirmary door falling softly shut.

Phil smiles at Rayne and nods, his eyes searching hers. "Yeah... yeah it is a nice feeling."

Just watching her for a few more moments, he finally moves to start their picnic lunch. Conversation flows easily - everything from the weather, water, family, music to jobs. There just wasn't any awkwardness and Phil could have fooled himself into believing he'd known Rayne for years.

Once they're finished eating, they sit for a while until Phil suggests walking down onto the beach. Strolling through the sand, he winds up taking off his shoes and rolling up his jeans to walk just far enough to feel the water over his feet.

Grinning, he looks over to Rayne. "Kyle, Mike and I used to have swimming races out here. Kyle was always the one to win - Jen would call him a fish all the time." He stretches out his foot and skims the water with his toes. His tone grows a little more thoughtful... perhaps a bit of melancholy shone through. "I guess things change, huh? Kyle's got his own stuff going on now... Jen's got her life... if it weren't for JetStream, I might not even see Mike and Jason that much."

Calming Feeling

Still snicking to herself Katie trys to work the best she can as things fall silent again except for the clicking of keys. Starting to feel a strange sensation though Katie gives a little jump. It was like something nipped at Jason because it certainly wasn't her.

Jason...whats going on? Are you ok?

Feeling another prick again Katie gives a jump and a little gasp in. Its not so much that it hurt, only that it was uncomfortable and annoying. Giving another jump Katie lets her own discomfort flow to Jason.

Giving a small smile at Alec Misty felt confidant that he had listens to what she said and at least some of it had sunk in. She was happy Alec had talked to her too and than maybe just maybe they had grown a little close. Even if he was only Carson's half brother he was still her brother in law and she wanted to be there for him.

"Your not so bad yourself. Let yourself heal a little before you get into any more fights ok? That cut was close to you eye, down a little farther and you could of lost it."

Pushing off the counter and standing when Alec does Misty gives him a nod. Today had turned out alright after all. Hearing his last comment Misty thinks for a moment before answering.

"No, they don't really but you haven't given them any reason to really have ya? Maybe once this whole mess is take care of..."

Misty points to Alec's leg.

"...and you wont get tackles going out the front door, you can come over for dinner, and bring your girl alone, and I'll invite Dani and Dalton over, and we can start twords giving them a reason to see what I see. Would you like that?"

Sitting in the shade with Phil and looking our across the beach and the water Rayne just takes everything in. It was so pretty, and though there was some laughter from far away with other people it seemed to add to the quiet peace.

"Mmm...I would have to say this is perfect."

Looking to Phil and giving a smile Rayne leans back on her arms and takes in a deep breath of the nice fresh air. She'd never been this close to a water front and never enjoyed it before. But being with Phil just seemed to bring a calm that was nice.

"I'm really happy God brought us together. It's nice having someone around that I know and has the same love for God as me. It's a nice calming feeling."


Invisible attack

You were kissing some girl...?

Pete reads his IM, his eyes narrowing slightly. But before he can type back to Jason, he's beaned in the head with the paper wad. Lifting his face, he slowly turns to see nothing, but he knows good and well that it had been Katie. Her muffled giggle proves it.

He still doesn't respond though, and still the only sound is the quiet clicking of computer keys.

It wasn't until several minutes later that Jason experiences sharp pricks, feeling almost like bug bites. The physical sensations take a ride on the emotional stream to the only one who would feel exactly what he did it. A sharp prick to the arm... then a leg... then a shoulder... then the back of the neck.. then the arm again. A person would think they were being attacked by invisible mosquitoes.

Alec cocks his head a little, studying Misty as if trying to figure out if she meant what she was saying. Did she really like having him around? That seemed a little far-fetched. But her eyes weren't lying. And was she really right about Ryan caring?

Dropping his gaze, he suddenly feels something strange. He'd known Ryan liked him at all but... but to maybe realize that people cared about him... wanted him around... it was different. It was... uncomfortable for some reason. It made him feel vulnerable.

He shifts his weight a little, mulling over his choices before he looks back up at Misty. Maybe he really could talk to Reese... and maybe he could call Ryan too and try to figure out how bad the damage was.

Instead of arguing further, a little grin upturns just the very corner of his mouth. "You're all right."

It was the opportune time to leave now. He was fixed up, Misty had work to do, and he should go talk to Reese. But for some reason he stays seated on the table. Heat crept up the back of his neck and he could feel an odd squeamish feeling in his stomach. But he wanted to ask. "Carson and Dani... they don't think much of me, do they?"

"Mmm, me too." Phil nods. "I like rainy weather... but not when I'm going to the lake." He grins and turns on the radio to find some good music for the rest of the ride.

Eventually getting to the lake, Phil parks near a spot where a tree was closeby on the grass, near where the beach started. Getting out first, he comes around to help Rayne and carry the food so she didn't have to worry about struggling with one arm.

Having brought an old blanket, its spread on the ground and soon they're seated in a nice shady place, far from anyone else who was around. It was a lovely view out onto the lake.

"Perfect spot," Phil muses, leaning back against the tree. He really did feel comfortable. For as short a time he'd known Rayne, he was enjoying her company immensely.


Katie lets out a laugh at she gets Jason's message. She thought it was completely hilarious that Pete had IMed Jason.

Awww...he's bent out of shape because I was picking on him for kissing some girl.

Ripping a peace of paper from her notebook that she didn't need Katie crumples up and stands a little taking aim into the other cubicle and launching the paper. Watching it as it hits Pete right in the side of the head Katie's eyes widen a little bit before she turns around quickly again and gets close to her computer like she had been working this whole time.

Not being able to help it though a chuckle comes from Katie's lips. She felt so hyper today, like she had so much pent up energy and just no way to release it.

Misty just watchs Alec as her goes off into a rant. A small chuckle coming from her lips. She couldn't help it, and didn't mean to let it stip out but for a moment there Alec had the same look in his eye Carson had.

"The say was just a saying Alec, and yes it means inside too. I guess since your not willing to tell Reese the truth all you can do is wait to see what happened and hope they catch the right guy. I'd hate to see you get shipped out of here for something you didn't do Alec. I like havin you around."

Hearing about his girl maybe deserving someone better Misty bends forward and give his leg a little wack before cocking her head and looking at Alec.

"Your right...maybe she does. But she choose you for a reason and why deprive her of that when it clear she knows what she wants right? I think if she didn't care at all she wouldn't bother being mad. Seems kinda senseless to be made at someone you didn't care about right?"

Sitting in the passenger seat Rayne turns her head to look at Phil and gives a smile. Today had been a really good day and she never felt so comfortable around someone before.

"I had a really nice time Phil, thank you for having me. Maybe next week I can go with you again."

Watching as the scenery pass Rayne just enjoys how everything looks. It was so pretty and well worth the ride.

"This is a nice ride. Its so pretty out this way. I think a picnic was a great idea and am happy the weather is in our favor."

Small speck

Silence. No response from Pete comes. Not even a paper ball. The only sound is the clicking of his keyboard as he's assumed to have returned to work, leaving the bantering battle where it was.


Jason cocks his head and looks at his computer screen for a moment, blinking.

Why did I just get an IM from Pete that warned me not to be romantic anymore because you think it's girlie? What on earth is he talking about?

Even though Alec was internalizing some of Misty's words, there were other parts that he couldn't swallow. "Reese hates my guts," he mutters. "All he does is bully me around. If he really did think I was innocent, he wouldn't have done this to me."

Alec raises his leg and pulls up his jeans to reveal the tracking device on his ankle. "I've seen him break the rules before. If he thought I was innocent, he'd do something about it."

Scowling at the floor, he shakes his head. "I can't tell him what really happened. If I do, I could have a whole angry lot on my back." Not to mention, he really didn't want to snitch on anyone - if the cops found out about fighting, they might finally crack down on the racing. He wasn't willing to do that to Ryan.

Scoffing a little, he looks back up at Misty. "The truth will set me free, huh? I thought that had to do with in here." He taps his chest. "Well I know the truth and I'm not a prisoner in myself. And if you're trying to use the phrase literally, unfortunately around here, the truth can put a guy behind bars, not out on the street." He waves his arm in the air.

"And as far as my girl goes..." He was just ready to say that he wasn't sorry about the fight but... was it the truth? He bites his tongue. "Maybe the other guy's right," he mumbles. "Maybe she deserves something more than me."

He could have left, but for some reason he stays seated. Maybe, just maybe, way down deep somewhere hidden in the darkness was a small speck of longing... such a small speck that maybe he didn't even know it existed... but perhaps it was a longing to stay... to talk... to get to know his sister-in-law when no other family existed anymore.

Phil sighs deeply with contentment, enjoying the passing scenery. Picking up Rayne for church had been fun, church itself had been great, and once they'd picked up the picnic food, the drive to the lake was most pleasurable. It was a sunny day, things were going right and Phil was... happy.

Glancing over to Rayne, he smiles. "It's not too bad of a jaunt up to the lake - some people don't like to drive it but it's never seemed too far to me."

He watches his mirrors as a car passes them. "Thanks for joining me in church today... it was fun."

Are you sure?

"Well...did you explain to him why you look like this? I am sure if you don't say anything at all he's doing to think thats because you did something wrong. Reese is a hard person, but he's not against listing if you just talk to him and I'm not just saying that because he's my Uncle either."

Misty backs up a few steps and leans against the counter behind her. Maybe it was good Rick was out today if she could help Alec at all that made her feel good. It seemed so long ago Carson was here, and she was saying the same thing. It felt funny to think back that far.

"If he didn't like you and really though you had been doing this he would of had someone from Brown's office down here already. He's just waiting on you now, because he can't ignore the similarity two you and whatever is going on with this case but at the same time deep down he knows you didn't do it but can't say anything. The truth will set you free Alec."

Letting out a small sigh as she thinks about the other part Alec had been talking about with his girl made her a laugh a little when she though about it. Shaking her head she trys to clear the memories of her own times being made at Carson.

"Do you know how many times I was made at your brother? A lot, and despite what everyone told me I always gave him another chance. Getting mad at someone is a natural thing, and it happens to the best of us. Sometimes its a good though though because getting mad is expressing yourself and giving someone else a kick to the butt is better than holding it in, letting it fester till there is no healing the wound because its to far gone. If your girl is mad at you I'm sure its for a good reason, not its your turn to make it up to her and show her you still care, and your sorry."

Misty had no idea where all she said came from but now that it was said there was no taking it back and she only hoped it helped Alec some how. She could see he was a good kid, and he was trying to get his life together she just...needed a push in the right direction like they all did sometimes.

Leaning on the wall as Pete's voice changes Katie hangs on his every word. Listing, picturing, her mouth twitching into a smile, hanging open just a little. She can feel her own heart start to race from the scene. How romantic, how perfect...it was....

Being putting out of her thought though as Pete confirms that was not how it happened and giving her a little wack to the face Katie can feel her heart stop as she gives a blink feeling totally sillt now.

"HEyyyyyy....thats not funny...."

Pushing away from the wall and sticking her toung out at him Katie goes back to her computer. Shaking her head to clear her mind she calls over her shoulder one last time before getting back to her own work.

"It would of been perfect if it had worked like that, and its unusual for a guy to come up with a romantic scene like that. Are you sure you like girls?"

Letting her own eyes go wide totally shocked she said that Katie looks over her shoulder a little bracing herself in case something was thrown her way. Maybe he hadn't heard her.

Promises of love

Alec's shoulders drop a little more. He had figured Misty would know what he meant, and sure enough, she did. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all. He shrugs lamely again. "I don't know... I feel like... like there's freedom out there just waiting for me, ready to be conquered. I could do whatever I wanted and be whoever I wanted." He throws his arms out wide, even though it hurt. "The world his huge. And here's me..."

Measuring with his first finger and thumb, he quotes the Genie from Aladdin. "Itty bitty living space."

He sighs. "Reese thinks I killed somebody and I don't even have a clue what that's about... my girl's mad at me... I just... thought I was getting somewhere. And now I'm right back here having to get patched up again."

Quirking an eyebrow, Pete smirks a little. Rolling his chair closer to the wall, he gets closer to Katie, lowering his voice. "Picture this...." He stares into some imagined scene, gesturing at the landscape.

"The lake... the sun setting, reflecting off the water in soft glows of orange and pink. I stare at Nikki... she stares at me... her face so radiant in the setting sun. She puts a hand to my face, her palm like velvet. She's trembling. I smile and take her into my arms. The breeze toys with her hair, creating little wisps across the deep pools of her eyes. Sweet nothings tumble gently from our lips as we express our long-forgotten love. I bend closer, feeling her breath on my skin. Whispered promises of love are carried off in the breeze. And just as the sunlight touches the horizon, the bliss of a sweet kiss transforms everything around us so we're completely alone, just the two of us."

Dropping his hand, Pete looks up over his shoulder at Katie, ruining the mood. "Actually it wasn't like that at all." He smirks a little and reaches up to give the side of Katie's head a teasing whack. "Get back to work."

Can't help the questions...

Listing to Pete and hearing that she might tell the whole world Katie stands up straghter and puts her hands on her hips, her voice a little louder now.

"HEY...I would not."

Realizing she was talking a little louder Katie looks both ways before bending down a little again leaning on the wall and looking at Pete.

"I would not. The only person that might know is Jason...and thats because he knows everything I know. So you kissed your friend who you haven't seen in ten years? Was it like....a Hi long time no see....or....a I missed you so much lets run away?"

Katie couldn't help the questions. She was bursting with energy and could never pass up a good romance triangle, or circle, or...whatever. Hearing about that stuff made her tingle and since she didn't have time to read any romance novels this was the next best thing.

As Leo takes her hand Cassy can feel the warm tingles form inside of her as her own cheeks turn yet. She would have to get use to taking complements because she had a feeling there would be a lot of them. Not that she minded she was just not use to it.

"Mmmm...I guess I am one lucky girl too than."

Curling her fingers with Leo's Cassy holds onto his hand not scared of the feeling she felt but welcome them. It was a whole new experience, and she was just soaking it up hoping it was as good for Leo as her.

Going back to the counter Misty grabs a few stairel things to take care of the cut and stitch it up for Alec so it would stop breaking open and heal. Coming back over and putting some antistatic on it Misty gives a little shake of her head as she starts to sew it up. It was strange to see Alec calm, but it was a look she had seen before in others and knows its one of defeat.

"Many people have sat right there and asked me that same question. One being your brother, another was Jason, I even sat there once and asked that question myself. The answer sadly is always the same though, there is nothing to cure that feeling in your stomach other than setting right that wrong you have done. Witch might be the biggest "

It doesn't take Misty long and the cut only takes four stitches but it was closed and should heal a little better now and leave a little less of a scar. Taking the gauze and placing it over the stitch job Misty takes it there a little before stepping back to look at Alec.

"I've got all the time in the world, and have a good ear for listing. So if you want to get whatever off your chest, your more than welcome to talk to me."

Gnawing feeling

Pete ignores Katie, though out of the corner of his eye he could see her head peeking up above the wall again. Her barrage of questions makes the corner of his mouth twitch, but he just keeps on typing, focusing on his computer screen.

"Of course I like girls - what do you think I am?" He stops mid-type. "Don't answer that, and no, you probably don't know her, thank goodness, or the entire world would know by now."

Finally giving Katie a sidelong glance, he stops typing and leans back in his chair. "She's just an old friend. Until yesterday we hadn't seen each other for about ten years. So there... that's all there is to know."

After ordering a supreme pizza and being left with Cassy again, Leo can feel a little heat in his face from her comment. He chuckles, lowering his gaze, almost embarrassed. His good looks were not something he was normally complimented on. "Yeah well... you're not too bad yourself."

Looking up again, he slides his hands across the table, taking Cassy's hands. "No, I take that back. You're beautiful. And I'm one lucky guy."

Alec obeys and eases back to sit on the table. "Long story."

Taking the pills, he swallows them easily. For once, he doesn't swat Misty away, just letting her check out some of his cuts and bruises. He doesn't even flinch when it hurts.

"Nah... I don't think I've got anything broken unless it's a cracked rib or two but I've had worse." He shrugs at her suggestion to stitches for the one cut. "You want to have at it, be my guest."

Looking down again, he knows it's probably strange for him to be his dejected, but this time he doesn't care of anyone notices. He was miserable and this time there was no way out. He was confined, not trusted, beat up and Ryan was mad at him to boot.

"You don't have anything to take away the gnawing feeling in my gut, do you?"


As Pete pushes her head back down in the cubicle Katie swats his hand with her own to stop him from touching her. A smile was on her face as she did think it was kind of funny.

"I wasn't ease dropping, but when someone says Holy Crap in the manor you did I can't help but be no alert that something is wrong."

Turning back to her computer Katie gives a little shake of her head before looking turning to look at the opposite wall. This time she new Pete was talking to her. Standing a little and slowly letting her head pop over the wall again so only the top of hear head, and her eyes were showing Katie raises and eyebrow.

"Who's Nikkie? Do I know her? I didn't even know you liked girls."

Though her mouth couldn't be seen a person could tell by her raised cheeks she was smile big. She couldnt help it. It was boring here today and paper work just didn't seem as exciting as always.

Getting to Mom and Pop's Cassy takes the menu and scans over it for a moment to look at there toppings. This was one of the best places to get pizza, and she new the menu almost by heart, but she like looking anyways. Each day there was something new on it and she just liked seeing what it was. Looking across the table at Leo she smiles.

"I like everything except little fish, and olives."

Cassy gave a little laugh not taking her eyes off Leo till Carson came over with the water. Having it set down in front of her Cassy takes a sip as both men talk for a moment not getting in the middle of the conversation. Looking up at Carson though she takes him in a little getting an idea of what Alec might look like since this was her brother. She didn't know why he was all that, she though Leo was a lot cuter.

"Mmmm...can I have a diet Pepsi please! And we are going to order a pizza I think, but I'm not sure what we are gonna have on it. Leo you can choose if you like I'm not picky."

Waiting for Leo to choose what he wanted on the pizza and than for Carson to leave again Cassy's eyes follow him before she looks back to Leo a smile forming on her face.

"If Alec looks anything like his brother I'd defiantly say I got the better prize in this whole thing. Your much more handsome Leo."

Looking up from her desk as Alec coming in Misty was a little surprised. It had been a little while since she had seen him here, or that he has even gotten into trouble but seeing that he looked like a truck hit him she was surprised even more.

"Alec...what happened to you? Come sit down."

She new Alec only asked for pain killers but she couldn't help the Dr side of her kick in along with the sister in law side on what had happened, and making sure he was ok. Getting a few things together to clean his wounds though they were dried up and cleaned around them anyways.

Taking a few meds from the cabinet and putting them in a little paper cup along with getting some water she hands them to him before giving him a once over again. He looked like crap and she wondered where else he might be hurting from whatever happened and if there was something more serous wrong.

"Are you hurt anywhere else? Broken bones? That cut above you eye looked like it could use a few stitches so it heals right."

Poking his head out of the room and checking to make sure no one was look Trey exits seeing it was clear for the most part. Walking like he was going to the break room he takes a detour down another hall just wanting to explore.

He was tired of being locked up in the room having no one to talk to. His cell phone didn't even seem to work down here to call anyone. So though he was instructed not to explore he did anyways. He'd stay out of trouble...for the most part and if no one new, he couldn't get in trouble. No on even ever came to check on him so they probably wouldn't know he was gone.


You're telling me.

Jason shoots a rubber band at the far wall, watching it bounce and fall down behind some filing boxes.

Reese has me doing paperwork too... me... paperwork... we're worse enemies than me and the Agency. I'm dying to get out and go take down a badguy. Unfortunately, someone else has been doing it for us.

He sighs and turns back to his work. It was even more boring here without Trooper.

Pete's eyes widen, his head shooting up as he hears Katie. Had he really said that out loud?

Rising out of his chair, he reaches over the cubicle wall to set his hand on Katie's head. "Shut up, nosy." He pushes her back down so she disappears again. "I can't help it that I think out loud. Quit eavesdropping."

Sitting down again, a sheepish grin appears on his face. Thinking out loud got him in trouble more often than not, but it was a habit he'd had since childhood. Though his hands return to his computer's keyboard, his mind was still preoccupied.

"Her name's Nikki," he finally answers quietly so no one else but Katie would hear him. "Tell anyone and you're dead meat."

Leo starts the car, then pauses as Cassy kisses him on the cheek. A grin emerges. Not that he'd ever tell anyone but... at the time, he'd liked Ryan's rough and tumble nature, but now... Cassy's soft and light personality made him feel so good.

"Alright. Pizza it is, then."

Making it to Mom and Pop's didn't take very long, and soon Leo is sitting across from Cassy in one of the booths. "Hmm... I don't think I remember what you like on your pizza," he muses, scanning the menu.

"Hey, guys." Carson sets down some water for them, playing waiter while he waited for Dani to arrive and while Thirteen was in the kitchen. Aerith was off, and on days when any one of them was off, Carson wound up out here, but he didn't mind. He rather liked getting out from the kitchen sometimes. "What can I get for..." His voice trails off as he looks down at Leo, an eyebrow quirking. He'd seen Leo before, though didn't know him personally. Sometimes he saw him on his own or with Axel. "Who won?"

Leo smirks a little. "That's still under debate." Looking up at Carson, he suddenly sees the resemblance that he had completely overlooked before. But right now at this angle, in this light and after Carson had gotten a haircut... Leo is almost startled.

Seeing the look in his eye, Carson's eyebrow rises even higher.

Leo squints. Nah... he was just imagining things, right? This guy had an Australian accent and was nothing like Alec... right? "Your name wouldn't happen to be Banks, would it?"

Now it's Carson's turn to be surprised. "Yeah, why?" Then it dawns on him. "Alec."

"Relative of yours?"

Carson's eyes narrow. "Unfortunately, he's my brother. He did that to you, ay?"

"I threw the first punch," Leo admits, touching his jaw gingerly.

"He giving you trouble?"

"Not... anymore." Leo shrugs. "Long story. Two guys, a girl... you get the picture."

Carson wasn't sure he did, but if this guy wasn't going to be up in arms about Alec, then Carson wasn't going to stick his nose in. Whatever his brother was getting into, he could handle himself. "Fountain drinks are on the house today," he mentions, pulling out his order pad. He wouldn't tell them that no one else would be offered free drinks. "Know what you guys want to drink and eat?"

Alec carefully pushes open the infirmary door, his whole body aching with every move. He'd never want to admit that Leo had done as good a job on him as he had, but the pain in his face and his headache were getting to be too much.

"Misty?" He looks around, finding her at her desk. Rick wasn't here at the moment, and Alec didn't mind that a bit.

Wandering closer to Misty's desk, he knows she probably hadn't heard about his condition but he tries to just keep it casual. His cuts and bruises would heal on their own, though the cut above his eye seemed to be swelling a bit.

"You, uh... got any painkillers I can have?"

Without realizing it, Alec seemed more subdued today. He had a war going on inside of him, but he was pretty defeated at the moment and it was unusual for him to not be walking tall.