
Can't help the questions...

Listing to Pete and hearing that she might tell the whole world Katie stands up straghter and puts her hands on her hips, her voice a little louder now.

"HEY...I would not."

Realizing she was talking a little louder Katie looks both ways before bending down a little again leaning on the wall and looking at Pete.

"I would not. The only person that might know is Jason...and thats because he knows everything I know. So you kissed your friend who you haven't seen in ten years? Was it like....a Hi long time no see....or....a I missed you so much lets run away?"

Katie couldn't help the questions. She was bursting with energy and could never pass up a good romance triangle, or circle, or...whatever. Hearing about that stuff made her tingle and since she didn't have time to read any romance novels this was the next best thing.

As Leo takes her hand Cassy can feel the warm tingles form inside of her as her own cheeks turn yet. She would have to get use to taking complements because she had a feeling there would be a lot of them. Not that she minded she was just not use to it.

"Mmmm...I guess I am one lucky girl too than."

Curling her fingers with Leo's Cassy holds onto his hand not scared of the feeling she felt but welcome them. It was a whole new experience, and she was just soaking it up hoping it was as good for Leo as her.

Going back to the counter Misty grabs a few stairel things to take care of the cut and stitch it up for Alec so it would stop breaking open and heal. Coming back over and putting some antistatic on it Misty gives a little shake of her head as she starts to sew it up. It was strange to see Alec calm, but it was a look she had seen before in others and knows its one of defeat.

"Many people have sat right there and asked me that same question. One being your brother, another was Jason, I even sat there once and asked that question myself. The answer sadly is always the same though, there is nothing to cure that feeling in your stomach other than setting right that wrong you have done. Witch might be the biggest "

It doesn't take Misty long and the cut only takes four stitches but it was closed and should heal a little better now and leave a little less of a scar. Taking the gauze and placing it over the stitch job Misty takes it there a little before stepping back to look at Alec.

"I've got all the time in the world, and have a good ear for listing. So if you want to get whatever off your chest, your more than welcome to talk to me."

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