

As Pete pushes her head back down in the cubicle Katie swats his hand with her own to stop him from touching her. A smile was on her face as she did think it was kind of funny.

"I wasn't ease dropping, but when someone says Holy Crap in the manor you did I can't help but be no alert that something is wrong."

Turning back to her computer Katie gives a little shake of her head before looking turning to look at the opposite wall. This time she new Pete was talking to her. Standing a little and slowly letting her head pop over the wall again so only the top of hear head, and her eyes were showing Katie raises and eyebrow.

"Who's Nikkie? Do I know her? I didn't even know you liked girls."

Though her mouth couldn't be seen a person could tell by her raised cheeks she was smile big. She couldnt help it. It was boring here today and paper work just didn't seem as exciting as always.

Getting to Mom and Pop's Cassy takes the menu and scans over it for a moment to look at there toppings. This was one of the best places to get pizza, and she new the menu almost by heart, but she like looking anyways. Each day there was something new on it and she just liked seeing what it was. Looking across the table at Leo she smiles.

"I like everything except little fish, and olives."

Cassy gave a little laugh not taking her eyes off Leo till Carson came over with the water. Having it set down in front of her Cassy takes a sip as both men talk for a moment not getting in the middle of the conversation. Looking up at Carson though she takes him in a little getting an idea of what Alec might look like since this was her brother. She didn't know why he was all that, she though Leo was a lot cuter.

"Mmmm...can I have a diet Pepsi please! And we are going to order a pizza I think, but I'm not sure what we are gonna have on it. Leo you can choose if you like I'm not picky."

Waiting for Leo to choose what he wanted on the pizza and than for Carson to leave again Cassy's eyes follow him before she looks back to Leo a smile forming on her face.

"If Alec looks anything like his brother I'd defiantly say I got the better prize in this whole thing. Your much more handsome Leo."

Looking up from her desk as Alec coming in Misty was a little surprised. It had been a little while since she had seen him here, or that he has even gotten into trouble but seeing that he looked like a truck hit him she was surprised even more.

"Alec...what happened to you? Come sit down."

She new Alec only asked for pain killers but she couldn't help the Dr side of her kick in along with the sister in law side on what had happened, and making sure he was ok. Getting a few things together to clean his wounds though they were dried up and cleaned around them anyways.

Taking a few meds from the cabinet and putting them in a little paper cup along with getting some water she hands them to him before giving him a once over again. He looked like crap and she wondered where else he might be hurting from whatever happened and if there was something more serous wrong.

"Are you hurt anywhere else? Broken bones? That cut above you eye looked like it could use a few stitches so it heals right."

Poking his head out of the room and checking to make sure no one was look Trey exits seeing it was clear for the most part. Walking like he was going to the break room he takes a detour down another hall just wanting to explore.

He was tired of being locked up in the room having no one to talk to. His cell phone didn't even seem to work down here to call anyone. So though he was instructed not to explore he did anyways. He'd stay out of trouble...for the most part and if no one new, he couldn't get in trouble. No on even ever came to check on him so they probably wouldn't know he was gone.

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