
Are you sure?

"Well...did you explain to him why you look like this? I am sure if you don't say anything at all he's doing to think thats because you did something wrong. Reese is a hard person, but he's not against listing if you just talk to him and I'm not just saying that because he's my Uncle either."

Misty backs up a few steps and leans against the counter behind her. Maybe it was good Rick was out today if she could help Alec at all that made her feel good. It seemed so long ago Carson was here, and she was saying the same thing. It felt funny to think back that far.

"If he didn't like you and really though you had been doing this he would of had someone from Brown's office down here already. He's just waiting on you now, because he can't ignore the similarity two you and whatever is going on with this case but at the same time deep down he knows you didn't do it but can't say anything. The truth will set you free Alec."

Letting out a small sigh as she thinks about the other part Alec had been talking about with his girl made her a laugh a little when she though about it. Shaking her head she trys to clear the memories of her own times being made at Carson.

"Do you know how many times I was made at your brother? A lot, and despite what everyone told me I always gave him another chance. Getting mad at someone is a natural thing, and it happens to the best of us. Sometimes its a good though though because getting mad is expressing yourself and giving someone else a kick to the butt is better than holding it in, letting it fester till there is no healing the wound because its to far gone. If your girl is mad at you I'm sure its for a good reason, not its your turn to make it up to her and show her you still care, and your sorry."

Misty had no idea where all she said came from but now that it was said there was no taking it back and she only hoped it helped Alec some how. She could see he was a good kid, and he was trying to get his life together she just...needed a push in the right direction like they all did sometimes.

Leaning on the wall as Pete's voice changes Katie hangs on his every word. Listing, picturing, her mouth twitching into a smile, hanging open just a little. She can feel her own heart start to race from the scene. How romantic, how perfect...it was....

Being putting out of her thought though as Pete confirms that was not how it happened and giving her a little wack to the face Katie can feel her heart stop as she gives a blink feeling totally sillt now.

"HEyyyyyy....thats not funny...."

Pushing away from the wall and sticking her toung out at him Katie goes back to her computer. Shaking her head to clear her mind she calls over her shoulder one last time before getting back to her own work.

"It would of been perfect if it had worked like that, and its unusual for a guy to come up with a romantic scene like that. Are you sure you like girls?"

Letting her own eyes go wide totally shocked she said that Katie looks over her shoulder a little bracing herself in case something was thrown her way. Maybe he hadn't heard her.

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