
Hit the spot

As Alec throws down his cards Ryan lets out a defeated sigh. The card game had been fun and though both had lost track Ryan still had that feel Alec had been winning. Finally throwing down her own cards she had a whole lot of nothing.

"Gah, I guess I own you some more food huh? I do think that is manageable."

Looking up at the clock herself and letting out a sigh Ryan didn't want to go she was having to much fun but she new she had to. Leo and Eli would be waiting at home for her, and if she wasn't back they would send out the whole calvery looking for her. Both not to thrilled in who she spend her pass time with.

"I guess I should probley get going."

Standing Ryan gathers the cards and slips them back in her pocket. Than taking her leather jacket from the bed she slips it on, moving her hair from under it till it falls around her shoulders.

"Take it easy Alec, and I'll see you next time."

Walking twords the door Ryan stops her one hand on the knob and turns a little to see Alec.

"I take requests on food by the way? Anything particular you want?"

Giving another big smile Libby sets the teddy bear on the empty chair on the other side of the table next to her. Giving a little laugh. It was like a family, Ty, herself and the bear.

"Ok, lets dig in. Thanks again."

Taking her spoon and grabbing a scoop of the cold treat Libby closes her eyes for a moment. The ice cream was even better than she though it was going to be. This was defiantly something she needed.

"Mine is amazing. Hows your? Hit the spot?"


Alec squints at his cards before responding to Ryan. "Three out of for." He smirks a little. "Though with hands like this, it might end up being five out of seven and..." He shuffles his cards around in his hand. "What's the fun in just asking you? At least this way I have a reason to win."

Playing cards with Ryan, the time seemed to go by much faster than it should. Both were about even and Alec had lost track of who was ahead. It just didn't seem to matter anymore.

Laying down the last hand, Alec's eyes glance up to the clock on the wall. He remembered Ryan's two hours, and it had been up ten minutes ago. He just didn't want to say anything.

A little surprised, Ty laughs but returns Libby's hug. "I didn't give it 'cause I expected anything in return, ya know." He shakes his head. "Don't look too hard for something for me."

Pulling back, he taps her on the nose with a finger. "Besides, after you try to teach me how to read, you'll realize how deserving you are of much more than just a teddy bear." He winks at her. "Now.... lets eat before it melts."


"I haven't had a good bbq in ages."

Giving a laugh and a shake of her head Ryan can't help the glint in her eye at the challenge. She was always up for a good bet and in some she though Alec new that.

"You could of just asked you know! But...you on. Three out of four or sudden death?"

Ryan sat a little straighter in her chair picking up her cards and holding them. Letting her eyes flow over the cards she looks over them at Alec for a moment before back down. Moving some of the cards around. Picking up, and than throwing down a few more ending her turn for the moment.

Getting to the ice cream shop Libby stayed close to Ty. It was cold, and she was here with him in a way she just wanted everyone to know she was proud to be his friend and had no problem showing it.

Scanning the bored over the counter Libby was leaning twords her normal but kind of wanted to be adventurous.

"Mmmm...I think I am going to be differnt and try, the Mint pecan chocolate chip today."

After giving just a little fight over Ty paying Libby finally gives in vowing next it would be her treat. Finally a seat Libby sits and waits for Ty.

With in no time the ice cream was at the table and Ty was reaching around her with the small bear. Looking to him and than to the little cute stuffed animal Libby felt speechless. Not only had it come from her friend and it was the only gift she had gotten today, this was the first time in a long time Libby had ever got a stuff animal.

Reaching out and taking the small bear a large smile forms on Libby's face as her eyes give a little glisten. Bring the bear to her face in a soft hug Libby cant help the small giggle that came forth till she pulls it away.

Turning a little and standing she reached out and pulled Ty into a hug. This meant so much to her, and it always would.

"Ty, Thank you so much. This means the world to me. I will cherish him forever. Now I am going to have to see if I cant find you something as well. I wanted to anyways but this...is just doing to drive me harder to finding something special for you too."


Alec quirks an eyebrow, mimicking something close to a wry grin, but not quite. "Me? Naw... give me a grill and I can make a pretty good steak, but otherwise..." He shakes his head. "Been a long time since I've had food this good."

Proving his point, it's the turkey that's gone next, and sadly, the meal is gone. But Alec's stomach was full, and it was more than just food he'd received. When he was ready to admit it, he would be able to realize that it wasn't just the food that had been so good, but the thought behind it.

Sitting back a moment, he cocks his head at Ryan, the turning wheels in his mind almost visible. Whether he'd ever get out of here or not, Ryan definitely was different and she'd provided at least a few hours of sanity.

Pushing aside everything on the table, Alec reaches for the deck of cards. Shuffling them a few seconds, he starts to deal. "You win, you walk out of here free. You lose... you have to come back inside a week with food."

"Nooo problem." Ty slides out of the booth and gathers up his trash, throwing it into the nearby garbage. Making sure he's still got everything in his pockets, he nods. "Let's go raid an ice cream shop."

Getting outside, the clouds had covered up the sun, though it wasn't too cold of a day. Jackets were wanted, but otherwise it wasn't bad. It was still very quiet though, a reminder that this was indeed Christmas, whether it felt like it or not.

Hopping in the truck with Libby, Ty watches her drive while giving her directions. He seems intent on her driving itself, watching how she did everything and reminding himself that he knew well enough how to drive - it was the stupid test for his permit he couldn't get past. He doesn't say anything though... tomorrow he knew what he would bring. For today though, it was about fun.

Directing Libby to the little strip mall, Ty points out where the ice cream shop is. It wasn't the most popular strip mall in town so it usually got just enough business to stay open. Most likely the shops today were trying to gain a little extra business by being some of the only few places open at all.

Opening the door for Libby, Ty lets her go in first to order. He knew what flavors they had here - that made his own ordering easy. Gift racks were set up around the counter too. It was more than an ice cream shop, though most of his business was done through the cold treats.

Once Libby has ordered, Ty informs her he's paying and tells her to go find a booth and he'll bring the ice cream. After he's figured out what he wants, he finishes up the order, pays and carries it back to the table.

Coming up behind Libby, he slides the tray onto the table, and with his other arm, he reaches around her on the other side to deposit a cute little brown teddy bear that had a red santa hat on and was holding a candy cane. Ty has a cheesy grin as he scoots into the booth across from her. "He looked lonely. Merry Christmas."

Before Everything

Poping the mozzarella stick into her mouth and crumpling her papers up to throw on the tray Libby stands and smiles at Ty.

"My parents never know where I am, not that they care. So...it looks like we both have a free day."

Grabbing her jacket and her book Libby looks into the booth one more time to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

"Alright I am ready, your gonna have to let me know where to go. I am not to sure I know where the ice cream place is at."

Giving a small chuckle at the mention of no ring on her hand. Ryan can't help but look down using her other finger to run around it. She had to admit she never much thought about be married to anyone. Not that she was apposed to the idea it just wasn't something she thought about.

"My older brother mostly gets to enjoy what little cooking I do. However, most of the time its me who gets to enjoy his cooking. He always was the chef. He's staying with me now for a little bit."

Thinking for a moment Ryan realizes she really didn't know much about Alec other than Carson was his brother and he had worked for the Agency. Ryan couldn't help but wonder what else clouded those dark eyes of his.

"Do you ever cook? Well...before everything?"

So who...

Ty can't help the laugh that bubbles out. He had no embarrassment for the innocent flirting, but rather was enjoying it with Libby. He releases her leg and straightens in his seat, still grinning. "Well... maybe I'll have to show you sometime."

Finishing up his lunch, he offers her a mozzarella stick to help him finish them off. "Yes... it does feel like an ice cream day, actually. Nobody knows where I am, so it's my one free day."

His grin turns wry. "My folks in Texas think I'm at a dinner here, and my roommate thinks I'm in Texas." He shrugs. "So it's a free day."

Wiping his hands on his napkins, he finishes off his pop as his straw slurps at the bottom of his cup. "Ready?"

Alec's eyebrows rise just a little, seemingly surprised that Ryan had made the food herself. "Um... yeah." He clears his throat, not used to complimenting someone, or enjoying something that someone else had given him. "Yeah."

Taking a sip of water, he glances up at Ryan again. "You don't wear a ring." He holds up his own left hand, wiggling his fingers. "So who gets to enjoy your cooking?"

Jade beams and gives Dan's hand a squeeze. "You're the one deserving the thanks. I'm so glad you're here. This is the best Christmas ever."


A rare seen glint sparkles in Libby's eyes on that offers some mischief. Not many people saw the playful look, and most that did saw it as trouble or being rebellious. But Ty was differnt and he made Libby feel good. He liked hanging out with her and just the way he looked and acted around her was so much different from most.

"Mmm...ice cream sounds good on a day like today."

Not doing anything to move his leg from her Libby leans on the table her grin growing even bigger. The gentile teasing was fun nothing like what she experienced at home.

"You know, you should be careful too...because I might not mind it all that much."

Giving a roll of her eyes Ryan ignores Alec's comment about having fun. She wasn't even going to give him the joy of seeing her squirm. But coming back to his comment about prison Ryan thinks for a long moment.

"Because I just have a feeling you wont."

Glancing down at the cards and than up at Alec again a brawd smile forming on her face.

"I did cook it. Its not ever meal I go to this extent but around special times I do. I'm just happy I could share it with you. You like it?"

Sitting at the table with Jade Dan enjoyed the meal. It was nice metting her family, and though he wasn't into to the girly moments Dan couldnt help but laugh being pulled into the middle of a group of girls. Its not every day Dan got this attachen and for Jade it was worth it.

Now thought sitting at the table the hard cold stair of Jade's grandmother could be felt more than anything and it almost felt like fire was going right through him. Trying to ignore it though Dan turns a little in his chair to Jade and smiles.

"This food is amazing. Thank you for shearing this with me."

Who's the cook?

Feeling Libby lock his ankle, Ty can't help the grin on his face, though he says nothing, just continuing with the conversation. "Yeah, I know that little strip mall with Cassy's Ice Cream... most stuff there is open today. 'Bout the only place that is." He shrugs. "Something to do."

Shifting his legs around, he wriggles his foot away from hers just to lock her leg in at her calf with both his feet. The teasing glint remained in his eye as he took another bite of his wrap. "Careful," he warns slyly. "I might have to implement some Elite moves."

Alec looks back up at Ryan, so close very close to a grin as it hid just beneath the surface behind the coy glint in his eye. "I can think of several ways to have fun until then but I highly doubt you'd play along."

Taking another bite of food, he lets any further comments slide and just enjoys the taste for a few minutes before speaking again. "Why do you think they won't put me in prison, hmm?" He looks up with one eye. "I deserve it, according to law. If you were one of the women I'd tortured, you'd think I deserved it too. Yet you try to give me hope." He shakes his head. "I don't get it."

He scrapes the final mashed potatoes from the plate, getting every last bit he could. Tomorrow it would be back to Hal's servings of tv dinners, so he wasn't about to waste any of this. The green beans were gone now too, so he finally enjoys one of the rolls with butter, switching subjects again. "You cook all this?"

Jade sits next to Dan at the long dinner table, her hand intertwined with his out of sight. It was a noisy family dinner - but with as many people who were there, it wasn't surprising. Chatter bounced off the walls, glasses and silverware clinked. There was a mountain of food and even more dessert waiting in the kitchen.

Jade's eyes sparkled more than normal as she continues to eat, every so often glancing at Dan and grinning. She knew he probably felt a little out of place, but she was happy he was here anyway, and she was glad that Ben was including Dan in on some of the conversations with some of the other guys.

Everybody had been quite shocked to learn of Jade's engagement. The reactions had been varied though. Jade's female cousins had squealed and jumped up and down with her until she'd pulled Dan right into the mix, laughing and dragging him along. Her aunts and uncles had just about fainted, though had remained polite. The only real negative reaction had been from Jade's grandmother, who had simply turned up her nose and said, "Oh, I see." Her stare could be felt at the table, but Jade ignored it, hoping Dan could too.

Till than

Looking into Gage's eyes Sapphire's mouth turn into an even bigger smile. It was hard to explain how she felt right now. It all seemed to join into one big ball of joy. Just studying Gage's face, his eyes she could see the joy that out powered the fear he had.

"Of course I will help you. Just because you free, doesn't mean your free of me, but that dosnt mean I'm stuck with your ether. Now you get to see that you really do me a lot to be, because I am choosing to be with you."

Leaning in Sapphire gives him a gentil kiss on the lips not to though considering where they were. Pulling away again she holds her hand out to Gage. But this time it was different, no longer was she the leader, but now they walked in unison learning this new path together.

Giving a small laugh at Ty's comment and feeling him kick her back it send a little bit of color to her face. Grabbing another bit of her chicken and than dunking it in three difference sauces Libby takes a bit of it.

Bringing her foot to Ty's again this time she traps it a little lighter getting him back again for hitting her foot.

"Mmmhmmm...I got the pickup. Did you want to go somewhere else?"

If Ty wanted to go else where Libby didn't mind any. Its like she would be doing anything for the rest of the day anyways. The longer she could stay away from home the better it would be anyways.

Leaning back in her chair Ryan holds her arms across her chest just looking across the table at Alec. She'd had seen his demeanor change a great day since the day she'd given Trooper his food, and walked away without looking back. His eyes still held there cockiness, but now it seemed like the light was coming out even more. Maybe Alec was just getting use to her to the change was still good.

"Well I figure you dont need to steal my cards for me to come back. You've already seen I keep my word when I say I will."

Letting out a small sigh Ryan continues to watch Alec. She was happy he seemed to like the food. Seeing he went into a stair she wondered what he was thinking about. Had she hit another cored inside that helped him remember his past he thought was so forgotten?

Finally though as he comes to Ryan pulls the cards from her pocket and set them on the table. It was Alec's deal if he wanted to play.

"I doubt your going to prison, and if they do wouldn't you want to get in all the fun you can now, till than?"

Moment of Reflection

Gage just hugs Sapphire close, filled with an emotion he couldn't describe. He was excited, relieved, grateful and scared to death all at the same time. He felt unworthy of this gift of mercy. He felt undeserving. Yet so happy at the same time.

Pulling away, he finds Sapphire's eyes again... those eyes that captured him every time he looked into them. "You'll... you'll help me, won't you? I don't even know where to start."

"Well, I've got off tomorrow too." Ty shrugs. "So any time I guess." He gives her a wry grin. "Don't expect much. I'll let you try, but other people have tried too."

Why he was letting someone else try to help him read again, he didn't know. It had failed every other time, and he didn't like the feeling he got when trying to read - he always felt stupid no matter how many times they said he wasn't. Katie had helped him a little bit. For a while, he'd been able to decipher small bits and pieces of letters he got from his mom at least. But Ty hadn't liked bothering Katie with it. He knew she was willing, but she was also busy with the Elite and Jason, and Ty hadn't wanted to interfere any more than he already had. Wyatt had tried to help, but Ty hadn't let him very much. Hal had offered, but Ty had just shrugged off the whole thing. Why Libby? Maybe because she got that excited little gleam in her eye when she talked about helping him. If she enjoyed helping him that much, he'd let her.

Feeling her bump his foot and receiving her apology, he chuckles. "It's okay. I got another foot if you kick that one off."

Teasing her, he taps her foot back under the table. "So, did you drive your pickup in today?"

Alec fingers the bag a moment before daring to pull out the food Ryan had brought. It still smelled great, and he could feel his stomach gurgling. Finding a fork, he takes a bite of the turkey. It tasted even better than it smelled. The mashed potatoes melted in his mouth and even to someone who didn't like many vegetables, the green beans tasted good too.

Glancing back up to Ryan, his eyes narrow a little as he watches her. "Didn't think you'd trust me with your cards again," he comments.

Getting up again, he goes to the little sink to pour himself some water in a paper cup then returns to his meal. He'd forgotten how much better homemade food was than restaurant or store-bought. And for a moment, he longed to be free for a completely different set of reasons.

His chewing slows and he looks down at his plate, both elbows on the table, and his fork hanging in mid-air. Maybe being away from the Agency long enough eventually did do something to a man's mind. Poisoned by their control, perhaps over time it eventually did become deluded enough for a man to remember what it was like before being trapped within their world.

Alec didn't realize he'd lapsed into a stare for several moments before he finally snaps himself back to reality and takes another bite of potatoes.

"Once they throw me in prison, you won't be able to come play cards," he points out. "Why get in the habit?"