

Grinning, Gage's cheeks gain a little bit of color. He'd worked hard at this, for sure. But it wasn't easy for him to take a compliment. 

Walking Sapphire to the door, he bids her goodnight and promises he'll see her tomorrow night. Closing the door, he turns and sighs deeply, just looking around his apartment. Checking the time, he finds that he's not tired, despite the hour. So instead of calling it a night, he aims for the spare room and turns on the light. Grabbing a box and emptying its contents, he sorts through paints, brushes and more, starting to set up this room as his art room. And it felt oh so good. 

Dani rises out of her chair to welcome Dalton's arms. Nuzzling into him, she sniffs again, fighting her mixed emotions. It wasn't her that Carson had left - he had his life and it wasn't her responsibility to look after him, nor was it her place to tell him how to live. But she was just so very disappointed in him and hurt that he would do such a thing. She agreed with Dalton's last statement, but it still hurt. No one would blame her for anything, but Carson's actions were still a reflection on his family, and she was his sister.  She could only hope that no one would be uneasy around her as a result of what he'd done. 

Sighing, she looks up at Dalton and manages a little smile. "Thanks... I'm sorry for bursting in here. I just didn't want to go home and do something stupid or anything. I'm just so... so..." 


Dani turns to see Scott and nods. He knew. "Yeah. Sorry for bursting in on you too. I didn't realize you were even here."

Scott shakes his head and gives her a crooked grin. "I'm only half here anyway. Besides, I mighta done the same thing if it were me." His gaze goes back to his computer for a moment. "Who did you say Carson is living with?" 

"Um... Jaz something or other." Dani wipes her eyes, now composing herself. "I think I've seen her a few times lately and there was always something I didn't like... almost like I've suspected something all along but just thought it was crazy to even think that so I decided to ignore it." 


"Why? Do you know her?" 

Scott shrugs. "I've got a whole file on her." 

Dani furrows her brow. "What do you mean?"

"Up here." Scott gestures to his head. Jaz's first name alone had triggered a flash of data. Thankfully, with so much practice with Justin, those flashes didn't usually overwhelm him anymore, and he could think about the data much more calmly now. "She's ex-Agency like Carson."

"So he did know her before."

"Yeah. They were together on a list of missions a few years back."

"Then... this isn't the first time with her." 

Scott shakes his head sadly. "No... no, it's not." 

Dani sighs deeply. "Well... this sucks." Moving away from Dalton, she rests her hand on his arm. "I want to see if Misty's here... I feel like I need to at least say something to her. We're still going to do lunch though, right?" 

Though Reese lifts his eyebrows, he really wasn't all that surprised that Jason was supporting Misty. He'd always seen that those two got along well and... in a way, Reese was glad Jason had something other than himself to focus on right now. Ever since Katie had left, Jason had been sluggish in his work and Reese had been leery of giving him too many cases. Maybe being able to think about somebody else for a while would help him get his mind back on track. 

"Well I'm glad. I can't think of anybody here who wouldn't help you if you needed it." 

It would be difficult for him to keep Carson on staff, but he knew that he couldn't fire somebody for living a lifestyle he wouldn't choose. There would be days when Carson would be here and he would be on cases and his path would cross with Misty's. If Reese had his way, he'd never hire Carson for another case again. But unless Carson did something illegal or anything worth not having him on the Elite team, Reese was bound to continue having him do work. That didn't mean though, that Reese would have to give him any special privileges, and... he wouldn't.

He gives Misty an extra little squeeze. "How about you work for a while and get your mind occupied with some other things, and we'll talk more again sometime, okay?" 

Cindy lets Kaylee toddle along beside her, walking slowly past the barns and to the dining hall. She hadn't been around the ranch much since getting back but... gradually, the days were looking a little better and she was able to socialize a little more again. After the morning rain had passed, she'd opted for a nice long walk that would tire out Kaylee enough to take a nap later... hopefully anyway. 

Passing the open barn door, Cindy spots a familiar face and is surprised but smiles. "Well hi, Katie." She approaches as Kaylee bends to pick up a piece of hay to study intently. "I didn't know you were visiting." 

Not that she needed to know, but she usually heard when she was going to come. Having not been told by her son the things that had transpired, her smile remains. "Left Jason all by his lonesome back in Nevada, huh?" she teases.

Dumb Butt

As Gage helps her hands up Sapphire just smiles. It was nice that Gage gave her the credit for helping him do everything and maybe encouragement was all he really needed but most of this he had done on his own. She'd just been there to continues having faith in him and push him in the right direction.

   "Your welcome but I can hardly take all the credit...you did this all yourself. I just gave you the encouragement to do so. I'm proud of you."

Leaning in and giving Gage another kiss Sapphire takes a few steps back. Her eyes twinkled. She really was proud of him and everything he had done. It meant a lot to her and she was happy to see him grow.

Taking in the explanation once again Dalton could feel his own heart turn heavy. For Misty, for Dani, for himself, he'd really looked up to Carson and respected him and now all that was shattered. For what? Because he wanted to be with someone besides his wife? It was a hard thing to comprehend but it sucked. Dalton didn't understand why Carson would act like he changed only to fall into bad habits again.

   "I don't blame you for quitting."

Seeing the tear that escaped Dani's eye Dalton stands and goes over to her. Bending down and wrapping his arms around her just sheltering her with comfort. There were so many things going on right now it was hard to think what one was sadder, Carson hurting his wife, his sister, his friends. He'd turned his back on everyone who had giving him another chance.

   "It's going to be ok Dani, we will figure it out. Your brother is a dumb butt and thats just all there is."

Dalton really didn't know what else to say beside comforting Dani. She looked so sad and so hurt it crushed his heart. He hated seeing the people he loved hurt, seeing them cry. He just didn't understand how Carson could do this.

Misty was thankful again for her Uncle's kindness. He'd always been like that with her even from day one. She was very thankful to have him in her life, and she couldn't think of anyone else she would want to take his place. Giving a sniff and a nod she new it was right. This wasn't her fault, and this was just...who Carson buried underneath everything. Maybe you really couldn't change a person deep down.


Hearing her Uncle talk about the baby and her being watched Misty can't help but let her smile grow a little it more. despite the rain and sadness there was good and hearing a little bit of excitement in her Uncle's voice helped with that.

   "If I need any time off I'll let you know. Right now I am ok through, I don't really do much outside the office so I should be ok. As for being watched like a Hawk....Jason kinda made mention to the same thing."