

Watching Ryder closely as he pushes the buttons on the washer and how much soap he put in so maybe one day she could try and surprise him by doing it herself. Last time she trued she shrunk most of the clothing.

Thinking about Ryder's question for a moment. Sometimes it was hard to remember the past and everything that happened with the Agency but if she thought hard enough she could. Finally giving a shake of her head she gives a small smile as a little worry laced her eyes. She'd seen planes before and the looked scary.

"Not that I can remember, but...I've read about plane crashes and stuff, its kind of scary looking."

Thirteen didn't like admitting something still bothered or scared her but it was better letting him know than for her to get upset and just shut down. She new Ryder would never make fun of her for it ether but help her get over her fear.

Seeing the look on Jade's face as she opened her gift Dan's eyes sparkled and the smile on his face grew even bigger. It felt good to know Jade liked the gift he had given her, and it made him feel good, that she felt good.

Helping her put the bracelet on Dan thought she looked amazing. The glitter of the bracelet casting little colors on her face and making her eyes stand out even more.

"Your very welcome. I am happy you like them."

Now being his turn to open his gift Dan takes the package gently. Removing the gloves and the belt Dan's eyes light up. Seeing his named engraved on the belt his fingers  run over it. That in itself was so special to him, certinly something special that no one else had given him before. Looking back in the bag and pulling out the CD and Book Dan chuckles and smile.

"I didnt think you would have remembered I wanted these."

Placing the book and CD back in the bag Dan holds the gloves and belt again for a long moment. These items had Jade's love in them, they meant the world to him. Looking up at her his eyes glisten.

"Thank you Jade so much. I love them."

Reaching out Dan push a peace of hair that had fallen out of place behind her head as his fingers linger there her thumb gently running over her ear.

"You mean the world to me Jade, and this will hold a special meaning to me. When ever I look at them I can think of you now."

Giving a knock on the door Sapphire waits for a moment before putting her key in the lock. Even though she had a key she still knocked once just to let Gage know someone was entering. 

Entering the dark apartment Sapphire shuts the door behind her a few bags in hand. Some with food to make for tonight, and a movie. The other bag help some wrapped gifts to put under Gage's tree. 

"Gage, are you home yet?"

It had been a pretty busy day at work, and not talking to Gage all day was rare but it was just to crazy to talk. Now though not hearing anything it made her worry just a little. Going to the kitchen first Sapphire puts the bags down on the counter. Than seeing the tree light on Sapphire makes her way over there. Her eyes scan the room. Seeing Gage on his bed Sapphire goes over to him and smile.

"Hey there, I was worried for a second. I brought over stuff to make some pizza and a few movies for us to watch tonight. How was your driving lesson? Did you learn a lot from that brother of mine?" 

Squatting down in front of the mattress to see Gage better she leans in and gives him a gentile kiss on the nose. Taking a closer look and now being eye level with Gage she could see something different in his eyes and it worried her just a little. Something didn't seem right. Sapphire waits to hear how Gage's day went.

One of those days

Ryder grins and shakes his head at Thirteen. "Nope. If we drove it would take us a day, but Jason said we're gonna fly. I guess he lined up an Elite jet."

Taking the basket of clothes, he mixes it in with his own laundry, adding soap and turning on the water. "Have you ever flown before?"

As Jade sees the little boxes, she looks at them curiously. They looked an awful lot like jewelry boxes, but surely he hadn't... 

Accepting the first one she opens it carefully to set her eyes on the earrings. Her mouth hangs open just a little and she blinks, realizing how expensive these must have been. Glancing up at Dan, a smile comes to her lips. "Oh Dan... they're beautiful." She looks back down again, fingering the little stones. The earrings were so pretty... and automatically her favorite already. 

Moving on to the longer box, when Jade realizes that it's a matching bracelet, her breath leaves her for a moment. Not even sure why, a little tear comes to her eye. Looking up to Dan again such an expression is on her face that one might thing something was wrong. But in reality, she was just so surprised. She'd never received a gift like this before from a man and it felt... special. 

Taking the bracelet from the box, Jade is still quiet. Reaching out, she motions for Dan to help her put it on. Once it's on her wrist, she studies it sparkling in the firelight. A smile slowly spreads on her lips and she throws her arms around Dan's neck. "Thank you.... they're so pretty and... and special." 

Kissing his cheek, she draws back, still smiling. "I didn't need gifts to make this day any more perfect but I have to admit..." She looks at the jewelry again. "...you have good taste." 

Laughing, she rubs noses with him. "Thank you, Dan." 

Getting up quickly, she goes behind the couch to bring the bag she'd had wrapped for over a week. She sits back down again, careful to keep track of her earrings and making sure she didn't lose anything. 

She hands Dan the bag, hoping that he likes the new leather gloves and the belt with his initials tooled into the leather. She'd also found a music CD she knew he wanted and a handbook with all sorts of horse facts in it. 

Gage sits in his dark apartment, the Christmas tree providing the only light. Staring into the dimness, he recalls the day. It had just been one of those days. Community service had not gone well and he'd messed up several times, then had gotten in an argument with the police officer, ending in a harsh warning that made him back off. Once that was over, he'd gone to TJY to find Scott who was back from Texas and who had left a message for him that they could go driving that afternoon. Gage had accepted and had learned a lot, but there had been a whole lot more to those two hours than just driving, and it very well may have changed everything. 

Sighing, he leans down on his mattress to curl up on his side. Sapphire would be here soon... at least he thought she would. He'd left only the deadbolt locked so she could get in with her key, but now he didn't even know if she'd show up. Not after what Scott had said to him.


As Ryder pulls away Thirteen looks up into his eyes. Just seeming to get lost in them Thirteen's lips form a small smile. She saw the glint in his eyes, and could tell she did in fact do a good job giving back to him what he had offered.

Once right is sitting up, and Thirteen is able to move she sits up as well. She would of gladly stayed on the couch but she new she couldn't there was much to do if they were going to leave town soon. Standing and stretching her arms to the sky  Thirteen gives stretch before replying to Ryder.

"Mmmm...yeah I think there might be a few things I could used washed. Let me go gather the stuff up and than I will meet you at the washer."

Heading to her room Thirteen enters and moves around picking up some of the clothing that had been thrown on the floor. She didn't like making a habit of keeping the room a mess, but the last few days she had been working late and had slipped up on putting the clothing in the hamper. Not to mention it was a pain to hang everything up since she didn't have a dresser.

Finally grabbing the last few things and throwing them in the hamper Thirteen walks back across the house and to the backroom where Ryder was waiting at the washer and dryer. 

"Ok, here are a few things. Don't need the room stinking up while we are gone. How will we get to Texas? Drive?"

The meal had been great and now heading to the department store Karla felt a little anxious. Not that she was there with Kip, and even the money didn't seem to bother her just the thought of shopping. It wasnt something she did a lot, and it felt a little over whelming.

Starting to look at the racks Karla looks up as Kip takes the scarf. Thinking he was going to ask her if she liked it Karla stepping a little closer. But seeing him put it on her eyes widen a little and twinkle as the laughter comes to her lips again and she shakes her head. Not paying any attachen to the people who were starring as they walked my Karla just continued to laugh gasping for air. Karla could already feel the anxiety start to lift as she laughed.

"Oh Kip, the color matches your eyes nicely. I think you should get it, and where it to the next band meeting."

Spotting the fuzzy hat that match Karla reaches for it and goes to Kip putting it on him than stepping back. Giving a laugh again she nod.

"There now you match."

Keeping his arms around Jade Dan just watches the fire dance in the fireplace reflecting on his day with Jade. Eating, laughing, cuddling...Jade had looked stunning today and Dan couldn't have asked for a better night. Everything had worked out perfect and he could only hope as the night started to wrap up it would continue to work out as he planned. Her words of sitting there with him forever made his lips spread as his heart gave a loud tump.

Giving a small laugh of his own he gives Jade's arms a run and a kiss to her for head as he moves around a little bit forcing Jade to move slightly anyways.

"Well it look like you moved anyways...but...I guess I can go first."

Leaning backwards a little Dan reaches over the arm of the couch and retrieves one small almost ring like box that was done up in red and green tree. Inside sat two small dangling earrings. Diamonds went down and at the bottom sat two very rare turquoise diamonds. Dan was lucky to have found them in one jewelry store after looking several places. The other box was rather long and was done up in shinny blue paper with a silver bow. Inside sat a tiny bracelet that matched the earrings. Diamonds wrapped around, and the rare turquoise diamonds were placed every fourth stop.

Holding them out to Jade he smiles. He hoped she liked them, he hadn't seen her wear jewelry often but what she did wear he had taken note to how dainty they were and thought she deserved something nice to have. Seeing the bracelet and necklace had been to perfect to pass up.

You first

Ryder hadn't started out with the intention of anything more than a nice but brief kiss. As Thirteen returns the passion though, he finds it difficult to ignore the quickening beat of his heart. She hadn't ever given back quite like this before and it sends his pulse racing. Feeling her soft fingertips on the back of his neck and her light touch to his back. It was enough to make any man weak in the knees.

Turning his head as he kisses her, he shifts so even though he still rests on her, he's holding her warmly. A low murmur is intended to let her know that he was enjoying every part of the kiss she was giving him. Though temptation wanted to keep him there and lure him further towards a forbidden line, he knows he's not willing to risk the consequences. No, he would be satisfied with the simplicity he and Thirteen shared.

Eventually pulling back, he stares down into her eyes and a quiet chuckle surfaces. "I better get away while I still can," he teases. "Otherwise, you're liable to make me stay here forever." He knew behind her gaze there lingered questions as to whether or not she responded to his affection in the right way. And all he wanted was for her to know that she couldn't be any more perfect. Giving her a little squeeze, he hopes she knows it.

Finally Ryder sits up, dragging himself from where he could so easily get too comfortable. "Well, if we're heading to Texas tomorrow, I guess I need to do a little bit of laundry. Got anything you want me to throw in there too?"

Kip grins and shrugs. "Somebody's gotta make people laugh. Though I think Kyle could give me a run for my money. And don't let Theo fool you. Twila keeps him in check, but get him alone and he has us all in stitches." 
Laughing a little, Kip goes back to his food to actually eat it this time. It felt good to forget about the night before and make someone laugh. It was nice to see Karla smile. 

After they're both done eating, they head out again and Kip drives to Walmart. It was surprisingly quiet, and Kip wanders over to the clothing section that now had winter clothes everywhere. 

"Oooh!" He spins off to the side and grabs a hot pink scarf to wrap it around his neck, then poses for Karla. "What do you think?" 

The day had been perfect. Jade couldn't have asked for more, and she would always remember it. She had had such a good time with Dan, first at breakfast, then shopping. She'd wound up finding a turquoise dress that she loved and couldn't wait to wear to dinner that night. Laughing and talking the day away, she couldn't remember when she'd had so much fun sledding or throwing snowballs. Though the snow was quickly melting, it had provided enough fun for one day. Dinner at the nice restaurant was extra special and Jade had to admit to Dan that she'd never been taken out somewhere like it before. All dressed up, she'd felt good about being by Dan's side, loving the way he'd dressed up too.

Worries about anything else never entered Jade's mind as she just enjoyed the day for all it was worth. And once the sun fell below the horizon, she couldn't believe it was almost over.... almost. But not quite finished yet.

A warm fire in the livingroom fireplace made for a cozy atmosphere and Jade was all too glad that no one else was occupying the room tonight. Just her and Dan once more, this time on the couch to exchange presents and have their little Christmas together.

"You've given me such a wonderful day." Jade smiles, her cheeks rosy from the nearby fire and all the activities of the day. "I wish it could go on forever."

Leaning into Dan in the corner of the couch, she slips her arm around him and sighs with contentment. "Your gifts are behind the couch but I'm too comfortable to get up." She giggles. "So you go first."


Katie can't help the laugh that comes out after the waiter leaves. It wasn't his fault he had interrupted them, but it always did seem like they had perfect timing knowing right when to bring people to a stop in there train of thought. Giving a laugh Katie just shakes her head.

I love you too J!!

Taking a sip of her water Katie waits a few moments before replying to Jason's question. A large smile slips onto her lips.
"I was born ready. My bags are packed and ready to go. I'll be standing there outside your door. I'd hate to wake you up to say..."

Stopping again Katie realizes she was singing a song and laughs.

"Yes, I am ready."
Shaking her head and still laughing Karla can't even talk for a long moment as her eyes were still watering. That had hit the spot and tickled her just right.

"Mmm...I think you got it all. I don't even know why its so funny, but it is. You must be the one in the group that keeps everyone laughing huh?"

Bringing her hand to her mouth Karla laughs a little more her eyes sparkling and dancing with the humor she felt.  Karla hadnt laughed like this in a long long time. It felt good t do it again.

Feeling Ryder's lips on her Thirteen eases her eyes closed as her heart thumps in her chest. He'd kissed her before, and let it linger but this was different. It felt deeper with more emotion, something that said, not only do I care, but I think I've fallen for you. It was a whole new sensation in itself to Thirteen and by no means did she hate it. Ryder was special to her, and he meant a lot. If anyone could give her this feeling she would want it to me him. The safety she felt in his arms, the warmth she felt wash over her, it was new, but beautiful at the same time.

Returning the kiss Thirteen wasn't sure what to do, but she just let her emotions lead the way hoping she was doing it right, and Ryder would be pleased. Deeping in her own kiss it was soft yet more than normal letting Ryder know she liked it. Bringing her fingers to the back on Ryder's neck Thirteen runs her fingers along where his hair ended and the skin kept going. Her other one finding his back gently running up and down his spine lightly. Continuing the kiss Thirteen didn't want the moment to end.