

Katie can't help the laugh that comes out after the waiter leaves. It wasn't his fault he had interrupted them, but it always did seem like they had perfect timing knowing right when to bring people to a stop in there train of thought. Giving a laugh Katie just shakes her head.

I love you too J!!

Taking a sip of her water Katie waits a few moments before replying to Jason's question. A large smile slips onto her lips.
"I was born ready. My bags are packed and ready to go. I'll be standing there outside your door. I'd hate to wake you up to say..."

Stopping again Katie realizes she was singing a song and laughs.

"Yes, I am ready."
Shaking her head and still laughing Karla can't even talk for a long moment as her eyes were still watering. That had hit the spot and tickled her just right.

"Mmm...I think you got it all. I don't even know why its so funny, but it is. You must be the one in the group that keeps everyone laughing huh?"

Bringing her hand to her mouth Karla laughs a little more her eyes sparkling and dancing with the humor she felt.  Karla hadnt laughed like this in a long long time. It felt good t do it again.

Feeling Ryder's lips on her Thirteen eases her eyes closed as her heart thumps in her chest. He'd kissed her before, and let it linger but this was different. It felt deeper with more emotion, something that said, not only do I care, but I think I've fallen for you. It was a whole new sensation in itself to Thirteen and by no means did she hate it. Ryder was special to her, and he meant a lot. If anyone could give her this feeling she would want it to me him. The safety she felt in his arms, the warmth she felt wash over her, it was new, but beautiful at the same time.

Returning the kiss Thirteen wasn't sure what to do, but she just let her emotions lead the way hoping she was doing it right, and Ryder would be pleased. Deeping in her own kiss it was soft yet more than normal letting Ryder know she liked it. Bringing her fingers to the back on Ryder's neck Thirteen runs her fingers along where his hair ended and the skin kept going. Her other one finding his back gently running up and down his spine lightly. Continuing the kiss Thirteen didn't want the moment to end.

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