

Feeling Katie's little tug on his warm emotions, Jason's eyes brighten, his smile growing wider. He loved it when she did that. Not only did it make him feel good but he knew it made her feel good too.

I love you, Hero. What would I do without you? 

Silent laughter bubbles inside.

Other than suffocate and die a horrible death.

"Can I get you anything else?"

Jason's emotions come to a halt as he glances up at the waiter, almost annoyed, but he remains polite, retreating from Katie's hand. "I think we're good, thanks."

Left alone again, he rolls his eyes. "Killjoy. So you be ready to go by tomorrow after work?"

Ryder closes his eyes as his face is met with Thirteen's soft palm. Hearing she would go, he opens his eyes again, smiling. "I think it'll be fun too. And you already know Katie and Jason and Trent. So including me, you already know four people." 

He gives her a wink. "As long as I'm the only bloke that counts, I promise not to get jealous." 

Leaning down, he kisses her lips again, but this time lets it linger, deepening the exchange to show he cared and was proud of her. His hand slides up to where his fingers could feel her hair, his other cupping her waist. She deserved to be cared for. She deserved to be loved. 

Kip looks up at Karla, his eyes widening, and for a few moments, he's able to keep a straight face as if he has no idea why she's laughing. But seeing her laugh so hard, he can't help the smile that finally breaks free, the bacon slipping from his mouth to fall back onto his plate. 

Joining in with the laughter, the goofy glint has returned to his eyes and he picks his teeth with a finger. "Hmm... I think I got it out, what do you think?"

Jade gives Dan's arm a whack as he teases her about her snowy artwork, but she laughs anyway. "Turkey. Either you have bad perception or I'm a terrible artist." 

Taking his hand, she lets him help her into the truck, a smile seeming to be permanently stuck on her face. Once Dan has joined her, she  thinks, then shrugs. "I don't really care where we go." She laughs. "Let's just go to town and stop at the first place that looks good. That way it will be a true adventure."

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