

Jason nods absentmindedly. He had a weird feeling about all this. Not because he was apposed to taking Thirteen to the ranch, but just because of Trent and how he might react. In all reality, with or without Trent, it would be good for Thirteen to get out and among trustworthy people. 

"Yeah... there's something special about that ranch." 

Jason slides his hand across the table to take Katie's, giving it a little squeeze. If it hadn't been for the ranch, they might never have met. And if they had never met, he'd still have a big hole in his heart. 

He allows the emotions tied to those thoughts move in Katie's direction so she would know what he was thinking, and he smiles a little. 

"You're right - it's in Ryder's hands. He'll make the right choice, I'm sure. Regardless of where Trent is, I think Thirteen would enjoy the ranch." 

Ryder wanders back into the living room and flops down on the couch, knocking into Thirteen so she's pushed onto her back and he's looking down at her. He rests an elbow on each side of her, his face inches from hers. A crooked grin emerges before he gives her lips a little kiss. 
Looking into her eyes, he sees the potential he'd seen the first day. She had come such a long way but there was so much more out there yet for her to discover and learn and experience. Ryder didn't want to start trouble with Trent, but she'd already met him once, and the ranch was big enough that they might not ever be forced to interact at all. Family or not, it would be beneficial to Thirteen for her to be with those people for a few days.

"How would you like to go to Texas for a few days over Christmas?" His eyes twinkle as he stays on top of her in a teasing manner. "Jason just invited us to go with him and Katie to that ranch she's told you about where her family is. I haven't been there, but I know they're good people and it could be a lot of fun. I'd be with you every step of the way." 

Kip chuckles as he retrieves the paper crane and shakes his head. "I never could get the hang of origami. This is cool." 

Switching back to her question, he nods. "Yeah, there's a Walmart about fifteen minutes from here. We can make that at least one stop. It's whatever you need... I got all day." In all honesty, he'd rather have it take a little longer today so he didn't have to go back and face Erik or anyone else. 

In a few minutes, the waitress returns to the table with their food, sliding Karla's over in front of her with a smile. "There you go, Hon. I made sure they put some extra whipped cream on there too. And Kip..." She hands him his eggs, bacon and toast. "You're regular. Did you want just your water or cherry coke?" 

Kip grins. She knew his favorite. "Why not... gimme coke. That'll wake me up."

The waitress chuckles. "Alright. I'll be right back. You two enjoy." 

Kip waits until he's alone with Karla again to pray for their meal before digging in. As they eat, he concentrates on his food, but nonchalantly takes two strips of bacon and slips them up between his upper gums and teeth so they're sticking out of his mouth like thick fangs. He doesn't look up though and just keeps looking at his food, waiting for Karla to see him.

Jade smiles back at Dan and slips from his grasp, wrapping the blanket around her as she stands. "I'll be ready." 
Following Dan to the door, she watches him leave, just staring after him with a smile on her face for several moments until she finally retreats to shower quickly and get dressed. A quick call to Becky lets her know that she would be gone most of the day, and she also gives Rosetta a ring to tell her stepmother she'd be out with Dan.

Right on time, Jade is out to Dan's truck, beating him there. She was casually dressed for breakfast, knowing that later she'd have a chance to dress up more nicely in whatever outfit she could find today. Taking small steps in the freshly fallen snow, Jade creates a heart-shaped trail around Dan's truck while she waits.

Cars and semis whiz by on the interstate, kicking up wet sludge from plowed pavement. The stranded trucker stands up on the front of his truck with the hood open as his freezing fingers try to find the engine problem. It was bad enough stalling out in the middle of a run, but it had to be in northern Illinois where they'd just had snow and it was cold.

Finally frustrated with a lack of progress, he retreats to his cap and picks up his cb, radioing the dispatch. "Yeah, I'm out on route fifteen headed south. I'm gonna need a tow."

Waiting for a response, Eric leans back in his seat and sighs deeply. He was trying to make it back to Texas for Christmas... he wanted to be there for Rosetta. But at this point, it wasn't looking good.

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