

Continuing to just look at Hunter's let and than back up at Hunter BJ squints his eyes a little bit before giving a big nod. He new when people got hurt or sick they went to Angel and she always made them better. If anyone was to get hurt it was Angel BJ new to go to first and her fixing Hunter's leg just confirmed it more for him.

   "Angel is very good with fixing people. She makes everyone better."

Looking down at his truck again as it was mentioned one might be able to tell it was older. Perhaps played with a lot too. Peaces where glued back together, the pain was coming off, on of the doors was being held on with a twist tie, but there was a sense of great car to the truck as well. Giving a nod of his head BJ looking up at Hunter again.

   "Mmmmhmm....Sham gave it to me long time ago. She use to take care of me...but now she is gone. This is the only thing I have left of her."

Drawing quiet BJ goes over to his chair still holding the truck and pulls out the chair before climbing up on it and slidding the chair in a little bit the best he could. Putting the truck up on the table he pushes it twords Hunter a little bit.

   "Want to see it?"

Listing to Reese Katie paces the bunk house back and forth just taking in what Reese said. She couldn't help a slight feeling of guilt for leaving but it was something she had needed. If she had stayed who new what would of happened and she might have even got herself fired. It was because Reese gave her the time off she asked for that Katie would not mind coming back a little early.

   "Yeah Monday sounds great to me. I can definitely swing that."

Katie really was thankful for everything Reese had done for her. Even if some people might think its not fair or that personal life was getting into the way with work Katie thought her whole emotional situation was a little different than people would think and Reese understanding that really did help everything.

   "Reese, thanks a lot for everything. It's really been a good eye opening time away."


Mick grins and returns Rosetta's kiss, giving her shoulders a light rub. "Oh okay, I'll toss the salad and leave you alone." Heading to the fridge, he finds what he needs to start helping her with the rest of supper. 

Hunter grins and cocks his head, mimicking BJ. He'd figured out since coming here that the boy was extremely intelligent in some areas, while in other ways, he seemed to act younger than his eight-year age. He hadn't been able to figure it out, but hadn't asked anyone either. He didn't think the boy was slow, but something was different. "Oh, I had a little accident," he explains. "Hurt my knee, but Angel helped me so I'm gonna be okay."

Eying the toy truck, he quirks an eyebrow. "Now that is a cool truck. Is it one of your favorites?"

"Well hi, Katie." Reese was rather relieved she had called him so he wouldn't have to call her. He knew that she had been going through a pretty tough time and he hadn't wanted to put pressure on her. His recent conversation with Wyatt though, had caused him to think thinks through, perhaps more than he had before. 

Hearing what she had to say, he leans back in his chair, running a tired hand over his face. "I'm glad you called. We're, um... well, things are a little tight around here at the moment. I've held off just about as long as I can without... hiring anybody else." He didn't want Katie to think he wanted to replace her, but the truth of the matter was that the Elite was running out of options. 

"I'm not going to order you back by a certain date." Some of Wyatt's words run through Reese's mind. "Under the unique circumstances, I wouldn't feel right doing that." He really did genuinely care for Katie and what she was dealing with, and he didn't want to hinder her feeling better. "If, um.... if you need longer than a week, I understand. But we sure could use you soon. If you came back by Monday, I wouldn't have to find temporary help." That was just a few more days away - less than a week. Reese wasn't sure if Katie would agree to it or not, but it was the best he could do. 


Katie laughs again and gives a nod. She'd be texting Hunter till they saw each other again for sure. She was going to miss him to much not to after seeing him every day and spending endless hours with him at the ranch. He was right though it wouldn't be long so maybe it would go quickly. 

...The rest of the day was good and Katie enjoyed her time with Hunter like always. As time moved though she new there were a few things she had to do and calling Reese as one. Giving Hunter a small kiss before leaving him Katie heads back to her bunk. 

Dialing Reese Katie waits till he finally answers the phone. Hearing his voice Katie gives a smile. It had been a while and honestly she had missed working and she missed her boss. He was always so kind to her and helped everyone out, how could anyone not like having Reese as a boss.

   "Hey Reese it's Katie."

She pauses for a second. In a way it was kind of strange calling and seeing if it was ok to come back to work. This was much different than just coming back from vacation for all she new her spot was filled and she could be on the low end of the totem pole all over again.

   "I was just calling about coming back to work. I'm doing a bit better and was hoping to return within a week, as long as thats ok with you. If you need me to come back sooner I can as well."

Investigating who was at the door BJ peeks down the hall. Not many people came to visit at the house though he was use to people coming and going, he still liked to know who was in the house at all times. Realizing Hunter had spotted him BJ backs up a little before turning in a circle to try and get away. Realizing there was no where to go he gives a little huff before smiling and acting completely cool. 

   "Whas  up Hunter?"

Coming over to him BJ looks at Hunter's leg and cocks his head a little bit before looking at Hunter. Holding his truck BJ fiddles with the one part of it absentmindedly as he just continued to look at Hunter's leg and than back up at him again.

   "What hoppened to your leg?"

As Mick comes up behind her Rosetta can't help but smile. She was just buttering the garlic bread and about to pop it in the oven to warm while the lesgana was in there too. Feeling the poke to the ribs she can't help but jump a little before looking over her shoulder at Mick.

   "If you stop tickling me it would be done a lot faster you know."

Rosetta gives a smile before leaning in to give Mick a kiss on the lips. It was moments like this that was perfect. There family might be different but it was there family and she loved every moment of it. God had given her what she had always wanted but thought she would never get and she was so very thankful for that. 

   "Dinner should be ready in about fifteen minutes. Could you grab the salad and veggies from the fridge and toss the salad for me?"