

Jeff is glad to have Ashlee interact, and he nods with enthusiasm. "Yep, they make their own ice cream here. It's so creamy and cold... Mmm..." He smacks his lips and chuckles. "No matter how stuffed one can be here, no one can pass up the ice cream. It's a rule."

As the waiter comes and takes their order, Jeff winds up with the sirloin. In no time at all, it seemed, their food was there. The portions were generous and everything cooked just right. After Jeff gives the prayer, the table becomes quiet for a few minutes as they begin to eat.

In between bites of steak and sips of wine, Jeff resumes the conversation, keeping it light and every once in a while being just a little goofy. His eyes twinkled, proving he was enjoying himself, and he hoped Stacy and Ashlee were too.

Once the meal was over, he was true to his word, ordering them all ice cream.

Taking too big of a bite with his spoon, Jeff cringes. "Oooh... brain freeze." He stifles a laugh. "Not that there's a whole lot up there to freeze."


Giving a smile at Jeff's toast it made Stacy feel good. She wondered if everyone considered them part of the family or just Jeff. Either way it made her feel good.


Picking up her sparkling juice Ashlee gives a smile and holds up her glass to the others. It felt odd being told she was part of the family but at the same time it wad nice.

"Here here."

Taking a sip oh her juice Ashlee puts it down and goes back to the menu. Scanning everything she wasn't sure what she wanted.

Sipping the win Stacy gives a happy murmer that the wine was good. Going back to the menu Stacy looks eveything over. It all looked so good.

"I think I'll have the brewers pork chops with mashed potatoes and steamed veggies. What about you Ash?"

Looking up from the menu to her mom and than back down she had no idea. But she new she had to come up with something.

"I'll get the t-bone steak, rosemary rice and salad."

Putting the the menu down Ash does her best to smile. In a eat she felt slightly awkward. She had no idea what to talk about or do. But she had to at least try for her own sake.

"Is this the place that makes there own ice cream? I can't remember if it was the place or one of the other dinners I over hewrd someone talking about."

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Seeing Ashlee return to staring out the window, Jeff withholds a sigh. He'd thought maybe Ashlee hadn't been too enthusiastic about coming tonight... now he was sure. He didn't know why, but he hoped it wasn't because of something he'd done. At least it seemed Stacy was enjoying herself. Maybe Ashlee would too once they were at the restaurant.

It was just getting dark when they arrived at the steakhouse. Jeff leads the way inside and it only takes a couple minutes for them to be seated. The lights were dim, giving the inside a quiet, warm atmosphere. Quiet music played in the background, and the aromas were mouth-watering. It wasn't quite a full-house tonight, but there were enough filled tables to make it obvious this was a popular place.

At their own table corner, Jeff peruses a menu, considering the ribs tonight. "Now, I want you two to get whatever you want." He stares teasingly over the top of his menu. It was his treat, and he wanted them to know that. "And save room for dessert - they have great ice cream."

Once they're able to order, Jeff requests some wine for him and Stacy, and some sparkling grape juice for Ashlee. Settling back at the table, he lifts his glass. "To the two newest additions to the ranch. May you grow to love it..." He pauses and quirks a silly eyebrow. "And you're a part of the family now whether you like it or not."


Giving a laugh Stacy eyes the mini golf course. She never done had done that before. Maybe one time she would have to try.

"I'll have to remember that. Maybe I can get him on my team to help out or something."

Looking to Jeff and giving a smile Stacy really was thankful for the kindness Jeff was showing them.

Looking out the window as they drove Ashlee took everything in trying to block everything else out. It was nice knowing where different places were and where you could go to have fun.

Hearing Jeff talk to her Ashlee looks up at him in the mirror. Giving a small smile in return to him Ashlee nods.

"I am hungry. Suprised no one has said anything about the noise."

Returning to look out the window Ashlee couldn't help but wonder what Eric was up too. Her mind kept going back to the horses and everything she had learned. Her mind right now was just elsewhere.

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Mighty Mini

As Stacy and Ashlee enter the dining hall, Jeff smiles. "Boy, I don't know, but I think I might be out-classed, taking you two ladies to town."

Standing up, he goes to the door and holds it open for them. "Our chariot awaits," he teases.

Once to the pickup, he lets Ashlee have the backseat and Stacy the front passenger.

Leaning on the open barn door, Eric watches as the pickup pulls away from the ranch.


He almost jumps and turns to see Luke. "Huh?"

Luke quirks an eyebrow. "Daydreaming?"

"Nah." Eric grins a little.

Luke follows where his gaze had been and sees the pickup disappearing out of sight. "Jealous?"

Eric blinks and straightens. "Why would I be jealous? What's there to be jealous about? If they want to go have a good time that's great. What's it matter to me?"

Luke's eyes widen slightly. "I meant... about them going to the steakhouse."

"Oh." Eric's face flushes slightly. "Yeah, just a little. But I'll take Becky's cooking any night."

Luke chuckles. "Me too. Off the subject, but you wanna come help me with those yearlings?"

"Yeah sure. I'll be right with you." Alone again, Eric's eyes go back to the driveway before he shakes his head and finally turns to follow after Luke.

"...and here we have The Mighty Mini." Jeff slows the pickup as they drive past a miniature golf course. He'd just taken them around town, showing them were the mall was, the movie theater, and the main grocery store. Nothing was huge, but the town was slowly growing into a city - obvious to anyone who had been here more than a few years.

Jeff chuckles. "The one person you don't want to play miniature golf against is Mick. I never have been able to beat him." It was very rare that anybody at the ranch had a break long enough to go have fun in town, but when they did, they lived it to the fullest.

"And... the steakhouse is about five minutes away." He glances in the rearview mirror at Ashlee. "I hope you're hungry. These are the best steaks around."

Have too?

"Do I have to come?"

Ashlee sat on the bed putting on her nice boots to support her ankle more. It's not that she didn't want to go or maybe it was but she had promised Eric she would help him tonight. When she had gone to let him know she wouldn't be able too he looked disappointed."I promised Eric I'd help him."

Looking up at her daughter and cocking head Stacy could see the disappointment but this was there opertunity to get out for a little bit." Ash, I think Eric will understand and will let you help tomorrow. Jeff is being nice in offering."

Letting out a sigh and standing Ashlee looks to her mom and shakes her head. She new her mom was trying to spend more time together, but Jeff too. Ash didn't know how she felt about that. "Alright, let's get going."

Giving a smile and putting a little perfume on Stacy was happy Ashlee has given in and wanted to go. This would be fun for them both. It had been q while since she had dressed up but she was happy to still have her black blouse, and good jeans. Stepping out unto the night air Stacy puts an arm around her daughter."Thanks for coming Ash it means a lot."

Getting to the dinning hall and seeing Jeff Stacy gives a wave walking over to him. Stacy couldn't help but notice how nice he looks. Jeff cleaned up very nice and now she felt slightly under dressed."Were ready when you are."

Ashlee gives a smile before looking around the dinning hall. She was doing this for her mom but she kinda wished she could stay and help in the barn.

Cleaned Up

Jeff grins from ear to ear. "Sure I can show you around. Maybe we can go a little early while it's still light out." He really was happy that Stacy had accepted the invitation. He hoped Ashlee would like it as well...

...The night and next day seemed to go rather quickly. Right after lunch, Jeff gives his pickup a good wash under the hose, then cleans himself up as well. As the afternoon began to wear on, he prepared for going into town, still looking forward to taking Stacy and Ashlee to dinner. Nobody had really commented on it when he'd mentioned they wouldn't be at the ranch for supper, but he was just as glad.

Late afternoon and Jeff was in his good black jeans and boots, and a nice white collard shirt. Putting on just a little bit of cologne after his shower was the final touch before he sat in the dining hall to wait for Stacy and Ashlee. Once they came, they could all set out for town.


Stacy liked that idea. It sounded nice and even the little bit of wine to relax sounded good too.

"That sounds good to me. Ash loves steak too so that's always a good thing."

Going across town would be a nice too. It would be a good way to figure out where stuff was.

"Maybe you can show us around alittle too."

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"Well... you deserve it." And Jeff meant it. He did have a lot of respect for a woman who not only was raising a daughter on her own, but who also had a job like she did. It couldn't be easy, yet she did it anyway for more reasons than one.

Eating a little bit more, Jeff ponders he question. "I don't know... I'm thinking.... somewhere nice. There's a steakhouse on the south side of town - you know, nice atmosphere, quiet music, a little good wine, should anyone be so inclined." He smiles again. "I think the two of you deserve it."

He eyes her again, hoping she wouldn't mind his suggestion. It wasn't meant as anything but a kind gesture to both her and Ashley and he really did want to give them a nice treat away from the ranch for an evening, if just to see them smile.


.Stacy gives a smile. She wasn't to sure how to reply to that other than with a smile and a bit of color to her cheeks. It was nice to hear someone say that.

"Thanks Jeff. It's not often I hear that. Not that I want praise all the time or anything but once in a while is nice."

And it was the truth. She didn't always need to hear how great what she was doing was but hearing it once or twice was good and from a man well...she was like any woman underneath the hard cop, the attachen was nice.

"So, where you thinking about going for dinner tomorrow?"

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Jeff smiles a little, liking it that Stacy wasn't afraid to speak what was on her mind. She was right, too. "Yeah, I guess that's something I need to remember more often. There's always fear, but allowing it to take over... I guess that's what the Agency would like to see most. This family... it would be torn apart by now if we weren't all so bull-headed that we wouldn't give up."

He gives a quiet, sorry kind of laugh as he prods his roast with his fork. "Maybe I've gotten closer to giving up than I'd like to admit."

Lifting his eyes, his smile returns. "Then I see people like you who are willing to take the risks because you care about your job." He studies her face for a moment, as if looking beyond her eyes. "I respect you for that."


Those were all good questions Jeff had and she could understand concern. How would you keep the ones you love safe if this was happening.

"I guess just trusting in God and having faith he will keep us safe comes into play."

Thinking for a moment Stacy wonders how alike there lives were being a cop she often. Had to watch her own back sometimes too.

"Making the best of the situation is always a good option and it seems like your doing that good. Just don't let fear take over."

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Stacy's comment about living makes Jeff cock his head a little as a small smile upturns the corner of his mouth. He lets her finish though, and nods slowly. "Yeah.... yeah, the Agency has done quite a number on all of us. Granted, they haven't outright attacked us in a while, but everywhere we turn, we have to make sure one of us isn't kidnapped, shot or poisoned. And unfortunately, it's filtered down to the next generation. Look at Dylan... that kid didn't have a chance. And now that he was in a safe spot, he's run off. Do they know it?" He shrugs. "We have no way of knowing. But they do have eyes everywhere, that's for sure."

It was a depressing topic to him. To think about all that had happened in this family's lifetime already. Both the Hensons and the Pents. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. But it was their lot. And all they could do was keep plodding along, hoping no one would get hurt.

Chewing his food for a moment, he eventually nods again. His little quirked grin returns. "I guess a guy like me hasn't forgotten to live... it's just awfully hard to do when there's so much fear. How can one let go of that looming danger in the shadows? How can one allow themselves to love, when that other person will be brought into harm's way?" It was more of a rhetorical question, but he lets it linger there as he takes another sip of coffee.


Stacy gives a nod understanding what Jeff said. Sometimes just watching what was going on around you was the best option. That was one reason why Stacy liked her job. "Mmmm...sometimes just watching life is, But you've got to remember to live life too." Stacy gave a smile to Eric. She new that Eric didn't need to be told that but it was something Ash had reminded her.Taking one of her carrots and taking a bit of it Stacy is quiet again for a moment. "The Agency has really done a number on your family huh? It's really brought you all together in the long run."


"Ahh." Jeff lifts his eyebrows a little, though not surprised Eric was going to teach Ashley. His brother seemed to have taken a liking to the girl and she him for some reason or other. Maybe it helped Eric have a reason to stick around though.

Being asked about himself, Jeff can't help but laugh. "Staying out of everyone's hair is my goal most days, though I'm not sure how good at it I've gotten." His eyes twinkle with humor before he shakes his head. "Nah, I try to do my share around the barn and pull my load, but I can't do as much as I used to. The Agency saw to that."

The twinkle of humor was quickly replaced by a dimmer look... one that was maybe a little sad but resigned. "They messed me up pretty good but at least I'm still alive and walking. Now I just try to do as much as I can to help around here. And any free time... well, I guess I've discovered the beauty of just sitting quietly and observing the world around me."